Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CIvfAppInterface of the IVF application class
CIvfArchiveInputInterface of the IVF archive input class
CIvfArchiveOutputInterface of the IVF archive output class
CIvfComponentInterface of the IVF component class
CIvfDocumentInterface of the IVF document class
CIvfExaminerViewerIvf wrapper for an SoWinExaminerViewer
CIvfFlyViewerIvf wrapper for an SoWinFlyViewer
CIvfMainFrameInterface of the IVF frame window class
CIvfPlaneViewerIvf wrapper for an SoWinPlaneViewer
CIvfRenderAreaIvf wrapper for an SoWinRenderArea
CIvfSceneViewerIvf wrapper for an SoSceneViewer
CIvfServerItemParallels the application CServerItem class
CIvfStdViewerIvf wrapper for standard viewers (Examiner, Fly, Plane, and Walk)
CIvfWalkViewerIvf wrapper for an SoWinWalkViewer
className MeshViz Dynamic array of valueType
RemoteViz::Rendering::Client RemoteViz
RemoteViz::Rendering::ClientSettings RemoteViz
RemoteViz::Rendering::Connection RemoteViz
RemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionParameters RemoteViz
RemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionSettings RemoteViz
MiCellExtractIj::coupleA pair of indices used to define the cells to be extracted
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoInformation about returned data when directly accessing the data rather than copying the data
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoBoxInformation about data returned for an arbitrary box (subvolume)
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoLineInformation about data returned for an arbitrary line
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPlaneInformation about data returned for an arbitrary plane
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPolyLineInformation about data returned for an arbitrary polyline
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoTraceInformation about data returned for an arbitrary trace (column of voxels)
DentalPanoramicExtractor ImageViz Class extracting a dental panoramic volume
DicomInfo VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Text node to display DICOM information on sceen
RemoteViz::Rendering::EncodedFrame RemoteViz
SoEnvironmentElement::EnvironmentParametersEnvironmentParameters packages all the different environment parameters
SoPolyLineScreenDrawer::EventArgStructure given to callback when an event is raised
SoImageVizEngine::EventArgStructure given to callback when an event is raised
ExtEventQCustomEvent no longer exists in full Qt4 so we have to subclass QEvent to provide our own custom event
SoLDMResourceParameters::FixedResolutionReportThis structure returns information to the application when using fixed resolution mode
RemoteViz::Rendering::FrameEncoders RemoteViz
SoRemoteVizClient::FrameEventArgStructure given when a received and decoded frame event is raised
Gnomon VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a medical gnomon (compass) on the screen
RemoteViz::Rendering::IFrameEncodingPolicyThis class is the base class of KeepFramesPerSecondPolicy and KeepFrameQualityPolicy
SoCADInputReaderParameters::ImportOptionSpecify how the scene graph resulting from the import should be generated
InventorMedical VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Initializes the Open Inventor Medical Edition classes
IvfResourceUsed for internationalization to access strings in resource file
IvtCommand VSG extension Abstract class for IvTune commands
IvtEditor VSG extension Base class for implementing IvTune editors
IvtExtension VSG extension Base class to implement IvTune extensions
IvtExtensionInfoStructure describing the common information of an extension
IvtPlugin VSG extension Base class for implementing IvTune plug-ins
IvtPluginInfoStructure describing the common information of a plug-in
IvtPluginsManager VSG extension Class that manages the loading of IvTune plug-ins
IvtProfile VSG extension Configuration profile
IvtProfileSetting VSG extension IvTune extension preferences
IvtServices VSG extension Class to access services provided by IvTune
IvtShell VSG extension Class to register Extension GUI in IvTune
RemoteViz::Rendering::KeepFrameQualityPolicyThis class provides a calculation policy which allows to manage the FPS (frames per second) and the quality of interactive frames sent from Remoteviz service depending on the network bandwidth allocated to the Connection
RemoteViz::Rendering::KeepFramesPerSecondPolicyThis class provides a calculation policy which allows to manage the FPS (frames per second) and the quality of interactive frames sent from Remoteviz service depending on the network bandwidth allocated to the Connection
SoRemoteVizClient::KeyboardEventArgStructure given when a keyboard event is raised
SoLDMMediator::LDMManagerAccess Large Data Management Data set LDM manager access
SoLDMTileManager::LDMSliceAccessorAllows accessing a 2D buffer for slice and volumeSkin rendering
Magnifier VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a magnified view of a region of the screen
MainFrameThis class implement the main frame
MainWindowThis class adds the events support to the interface designed using Qt designer
MbVec3< _T > MeshViz Class defining a vector or a point of 3 coordinates
MedicalHelper VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Utility class for medical applications
SoRemoteVizClient::MessageEventArgStructure given when a received message event is raised
MeWGeometryI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured mesh geometry
MeWLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured line mesh topology
MeWSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured surface mesh topology
MeWVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured volume mesh topology
MeXBoundedDataSet< _T > MeshViz Generic extracted data set interface
MeXCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted mesh
MeXDataSet< _T > MeshViz Generic extracted data set interface
MeXDataSetI< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted unstructured meshes
MeXDataSetIj< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted structured surface meshes
MeXDataSetIjk< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for extracted structured volume meshes
MeXGeometry MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes
MeXGeometryExplicit MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes with explicit coordinates
MeXGeometryI MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted unstructured meshes
MeXGeometryIj MeshViz Generic geometry interface for extracted structured surface meshes
MeXGeometryRegular MeshViz Extracted generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry
MeXLineCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted line mesh
MeXLineMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear line mesh abstract interface
MeXLineMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured line mesh abstract interface
MeXLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted line cells interface
MeXMeshIj MeshViz Extracted IJ surface mesh abstract interface
MeXMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured mesh abstract interface
MeXPointMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear point mesh abstract interface
MeXSurfaceCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted surface mesh
MeXSurfaceGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic extracted rectilinear surface geometry
MeXSurfaceMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Extracted curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface
MeXSurfaceMeshRectilinear MeshViz Extracted rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface
MeXSurfaceMeshRegular MeshViz Extracted regular surface mesh abstract interface
MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured surface mesh abstract interface
MeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted surface cells interface
MeXTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted cells interface
MeXTopologyI MeshViz List of extracted cells interface
MeXTopologyIj MeshViz List of extracted structured surface cells interface
MeXVolumeCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an extracted volume mesh
MeXVolumeMeshUnstructured MeshViz Extracted unstructured volume mesh abstract interface
MeXVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of extracted volume cells interface
MFCRenderAreaThis class implement the main application
MFCRenderAreaExaminerThis class implement the main application
MFCRenderAreaGuiIntegrationThis class implement the main application
MiAbstractMethodError MeshViz Exception handler for MeshViz XLM
MiBaseExtractor MeshViz Abstract base class for all extractor interfaces
MiBoundedDataSet< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface
MiCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a mesh
MiCellExtractIj MeshViz Cell extractor for structured surface meshes
MiCellExtractIjk MeshViz Cell extractor for structured volume meshes
MiCellExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cell extractor for unstructured meshes
MiCellExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Cell extractor for unstructured IJK meshes
MiCellFilter MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter
MiCellFilterI MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for unstructured meshes
MiCellFilterIj MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for structured surface meshes
MiCellFilterIjk MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter for structured volume meshes
MiClipLineExtractIj MeshViz Clip line extractor for structured surface meshes
MiClipLineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Clip line extractor for unstructured surface meshes
MiClipPointExtract MeshViz Clip point extractor for all line meshes
MiColorMapping< _TValue, _TColor > MeshViz Interface class defining a color mapping function
MiCylinderSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for structured volume meshes
MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes
MiDataSet MeshViz Generic data set interface
MiDataSetI< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for unstructured meshes
MiDataSetIj< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for structured surface meshes
MiDataSetIjk< _T > MeshViz Generic data set interface for structured volume meshes
MiEdgeErrorMetric< _T > MeshViz Edge error metric interface used by the tessellator
MiExtractorCallback MeshViz Abstract base class for extraction callback interfaces
MiFenceSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Fence slice extractor for structured volume meshes
MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Fence slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes
MiGeometry MeshViz Generic geometry interface
MiGeometryHexahedronIjk MeshViz Generic geometry interface for hexahedron mesh Ijk
MiGeometryI MeshViz Generic geometry interface for unstructured meshes
MiGeometryIj MeshViz Generic geometry interface for structured surface meshes
MiGeometryIjk MeshViz Generic geometry interface for structured volume meshes
MiGeometryRegular MeshViz Generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on structured volume meshes
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured volume meshes
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured IJK volume meshes
MiHexahedronTopologyExplicitIjk MeshViz List of volume cells interface
MiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtract MeshViz Interpolated logical slice extractor for structured volume meshes
MiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Interpolated logical slice extractor for unstructured IJK meshes
MiIsolineExtractIj MeshViz Isoline extractor for structured surface meshes
MiIsolineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Isoline extractor for unstructured surface meshes
MiIsosurfExtractIjk MeshViz Isosurface extractor for structured volume meshes
MiIsosurfExtractUnstructured MeshViz Isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes
MiIsosurfExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Isosurface extractor for unstructured IJK meshes
MiLineCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a line mesh
MiLineCellExtractI MeshViz Cell extractor for line meshes
MiLineCellExtractUnstructured MeshViz Cell extractor for unstructured line meshes
MiLineExtract MeshViz line mesh extractor for unstructured line mesh
MiLineMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear Line mesh abstract interface
MiLineMeshRegular MeshViz Regular line mesh abstract interface
MiLineMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured Line mesh abstract interface
MiLineTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of line cells interface
MiLogicalSliceExtractCurvilinear MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a curvilinear volume mesh
MiLogicalSliceExtractRectilinear MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a rectilinear volume mesh
MiLogicalSliceExtractRegular MeshViz Logical slice extractor for a regular volume mesh
MiLogicalSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Logical slice extractor for an unstructured IJK volume mesh
MiMesh MeshViz Abstract mesh interface
MiMeshIj MeshViz IJ surface mesh abstract interface
MiMeshIjk MeshViz IJK volume mesh abstract interface
MiMeshRegular MeshViz Regular mesh abstract interface
MiMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured mesh abstract interface
MiMeshUnstructuredI MeshViz I Unstructured mesh abstract interface
MiMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module
MiNonOverlappedCellsExtractUnstructured MeshViz Remove overlapped cells from a given unstructured surface mesh or a list of meshes
MiOutlineExtractIj MeshViz Outline extractor for a structured surface mesh
MiOutlineExtractIjk MeshViz Outline extractor for a structured volume mesh
MiOutlineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Outline extractor for an unstructured mesh
MiOutlineExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Extract the outline of an unstructured IJK mesh
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIj MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured surface mesh
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIjk MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured volume mesh
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractUnstructured MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given unstructured mesh
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured hexahedron mesh
MiPlaneSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Plane slice extractor for structured volume meshes
MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Plane slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Plane slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes
MiPointMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear point mesh abstract interface
MiPointProbeIj MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured surface mesh
MiPointProbeIjk MeshViz Probe at a given location in a structured volume mesh
MiPointProbeUnstructured MeshViz Probe at a given location in an unstructured mesh
MiPointProbeUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Probe at a given location in an unstructured IJK volume mesh
MiPolyhedralToMixVolumeExtract MeshViz Convert polyhedral 3D mesh to mixed volume mesh
MiResampledSurfaceExtractCurvilinear [PREVIEW]
MiSkinExtractIjk MeshViz Skin extractor for a structured volume mesh
MiSkinExtractUnstructured MeshViz Skin extractor for an unstructured volume mesh
MiSkinExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Extract the skin of an unstructured IJK mesh
MiSphereSliceExtractIjk MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for structured volume meshes
MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes
MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes
MiStreamlineExtractBase MeshViz Base class for all streamline extractors
MiStreamlineExtractIjk MeshViz Streamline extractor for structured volume meshes
MiStreamlineExtractUnstructured MeshViz Streamline extractor for unstructured volume meshes
MiStreamlineExtractUnstructuredIjk MeshViz Streamline extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes
MiSurfaceCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured surface mesh
MiSurfaceExtractIj MeshViz Surface mesh extractor for structured surface mesh
MiSurfaceExtractUnstructured MeshViz Surface mesh extractor for unstructured surface mesh
MiSurfaceGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic rectilinear surface geometry
MiSurfaceMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface
MiSurfaceMeshRectilinear MeshViz Rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface
MiSurfaceMeshRegular MeshViz Regular surface mesh abstract interface
MiSurfaceMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured surface mesh abstract interface
MiSurfaceTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of surface cells interface
MiTessellatedLineExtract MeshViz Tessellated line mesh extractor for unstructured non linear 1D mesh
MiTessellatedSurfaceExtract MeshViz Tessellated surface mesh extractor for unstructured and non linear 2D mesh
MiTessellator MeshViz Abstract tessellator interface
MiTopology MeshViz List of cells interface
MiTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of generic cells interface
MiTopologyI MeshViz List of cells interface
MiTopologyIj MeshViz List of structured surface cells interface
MiTopologyIjk MeshViz List of volume cells interface
MiVolumeCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured volume mesh
MiVolumeGeometryRectilinear MeshViz Generic rectilinear volume geometry
MiVolumeMeshCurvilinear MeshViz Curvilinear volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshHexahedronIjk MeshViz IJK Hexahedron volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshRectilinear MeshViz Rectilinear volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshRegular MeshViz Regular volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshUnstructured MeshViz Unstructured volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshUnstructuredIjk MeshViz IJK Unstructured volume mesh abstract interface
MiVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk MeshViz Non Indexed Hexahedron mesh IJK abstract interface
MiVolumeTopologyExplicitI MeshViz List of volume cells interface
MiVolumeTopologyExplicitIjk MeshViz List of volume cells interface
MoActionNode MeshViz Utility class that provides default action handling for MeshViz nodes
MoCellFilter MeshViz Property node that defines a cell filter
MoCellFilterElement MeshViz Stores the current cell filter
MoColorMapping MeshViz Abstract base class for color mapping nodes
MoColorMappingElement MeshViz Stores the current color mapping
MoCombineColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a combine color mapping
MoCombineColorMappingElement MeshViz Stores the current combine color mapping
MoCustomColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a custom color mapping
MoDataBinding MeshViz Property node that defines the data binding
MoDataBindingElement MeshViz Stores the current data binding
MoDrawStyle MeshViz Property node that defines the draw style of representations
MoDrawStyleElement MeshViz Stores the current draw style
MoFaceDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces
MoFaceDetailIStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes
MoFaceDetailIjStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured surface mesh
MoFaceDetailIjkStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured volume mesh
MoLegend MeshViz Rendering node that displays a legend
MoLevelColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a color mapping with constant color in each interval
MoLinearColorMapping MeshViz Property node that defines a color mapping with interpolated color in each interval
MoLineDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments
MoLineDetailIStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes
MoLineDetailIjStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured surface meshes
MoLineDetailIjkStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured volume meshes
MoLineMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a line
MoMaterial MeshViz Property node that defines the material of surface representations
MoMaterialElement MeshViz Stores the current material
MoMesh MeshViz Property node that defines a mesh
MoMeshAnnotatedIsoline MeshViz Rendering node that displays annotated isolines
MoMeshBaseRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes
MoMeshCellShape MeshViz Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh
MoMeshClipLine MeshViz Rendering node that displays a clip line of a surface mesh
MoMeshClipPoint MeshViz Rendering node that displays clip points of a line mesh
MoMeshCylinderSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a cylinder slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh
MoMeshElement MeshViz Stores the current mesh
MoMeshElevatedPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays an elevated plane slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshFenceSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a fence slice within a volume mesh
MoMeshGridPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a grid plane slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshInterpolatedLogicalSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays an interpolated logical slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshIsoline MeshViz Rendering node that displays isolines on a surface mesh
MoMeshIsosurface MeshViz Rendering node that displays an isosurface of a volume mesh
MoMeshLine MeshViz Rendering node that displays a line mesh
MoMeshLineRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM line representation nodes containing an extractor
MoMeshLogicalSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a logical slice of a structured volume mesh
MoMeshOutline MeshViz Rendering node that displays the outline of a mesh
MoMeshPlaneSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a plane slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshPointProbe MeshViz Action node that probes cells of a mesh
MoMeshRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes containing an extractor
MoMeshRepresentationDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation
MoMeshSkin MeshViz Rendering node that displays the skin of a volume mesh
MoMeshSlab MeshViz Rendering node that displays a slab of a structured volume mesh
MoMeshSphereSlice MeshViz Rendering node that displays a sphere slice of a volume mesh
MoMeshStreamline MeshViz Rendering node that displays streamlines of a vector field on a volume mesh
MoMeshSurface MeshViz Rendering node that displays a surface mesh
MoMeshSurfaceRepresentation MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM surface representation nodes containing an extractor
MoMeshVector MeshViz Rendering node that displays a vector data set
MoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize all MeshViz XLM nodes
MoPredefinedColorMapping MeshViz Property node that selects a predefined color mapping
MoMeshPointProbe::MoProbeCallbackThis class specifies the interface used by this node to notify the application when the position of the probe is updated
MoScalarSet MeshViz Property node that stores any kind of scalar data set
MoScalarSetElement MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets
MoScalarSetElementI MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for unstructured meshes
MoScalarSetElementIj MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for structured surface meshes
MoScalarSetElementIjk MeshViz Stores a list of scalar sets for structured volume meshes
MoScalarSetI MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for an unstructured mesh
MoScalarSetIj MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured surface mesh
MoScalarSetIjk MeshViz Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured volume mesh
MoSurfaceMeshDetailStores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a surface
MoTessellator MeshViz Property node that defines a tessellator
MoTessellatorElement MeshViz Stores the current tessellator
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseButtonEventArgStructure given when a mouse button event is raised
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseLocationEventArgStructure given when a mouse location event is raised
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseWheelEventArgStructure given when a mouse wheel event is raised
MoVec3SetElementI MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for unstructured meshes
MoVec3SetElementIj MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured surface meshes
MoVec3SetElementIjk MeshViz Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured volume meshes
MoVec3SetI MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for an unstructured mesh
MoVec3SetIj MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured surface mesh
MoVec3SetIjk MeshViz Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured volume mesh
MxEdgeErrorMetricGeometry MeshViz Geometrical edge error metric
MxHexahedron20CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes
MxHexahedron27CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 27 nodes
MxHexahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for hexahedron cells
MxLineCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for line cells
MxPolygonCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polygon cells
MxPolyhedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for polyhedron cells
MxPyramidCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for pyramid cells
MxQuadrangle8CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 8 nodes
MxQuadrangle9CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 9 nodes
MxQuadrangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadrangle cells
MxTetrahedron10CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic tetrahedron cells with 10 nodes
MxTetrahedronCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for tetrahedron cells
MxTimeStamp MeshViz Manages an identifier that can be used as a time stamp
MxTriangle6CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic triangle cells with 6 nodes
MxTriangleCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for triangle cells
MxWedge18CellExtract MeshViz Utility class for quadratic wedge cells with 18 nodes
MxWedgeCellExtract MeshViz Utility class for wedge cells
RemoteViz::Rendering::NetworkPerformance RemoteViz
SoLDMTileVisitor::NodeStatusInformation structure for the tile to evaluate
ObliqueSliceBorder VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Oblique slice shape node with border
OivASPointStructure containing information about the the raycast intersection point
OivASRayStructure for parameter of the ray
OrthoSliceBorder VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Ortho slice shape node with border
PbArrayOfIntDTEXT Dynamic array of int
PbArrayOfLongDTEXT Dynamic array of int32_t
PbBase MeshViz Abstract class for all basic objects
PbCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a cartesian grid surface mesh
PbCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a cartesian grid volume mesh
PbCell MeshViz Defines an abstract cell of a mesh
PbDataMapping MeshViz Abstract class for data mapping
PbDateFormatMapping MeshViz Defines the date format and mapping
PbDefinedValue MeshViz Class used to manage "defined" and "undefined" values
PbDomain MeshViz Class to define a domain
PbGrid2D MeshViz Defines an abstract grid surface mesh
PbGrid3D MeshViz Defines an abstract grid volume mesh
PbHexahedronCell MeshViz Defines an hexahedron cell of a volume mesh
PbHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Defines a mesh of hexahedrons
PbIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of polygons
PbIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Defines a volume mesh of polyhedrons
PbIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Defines a irregular mono-dimensional mesh
PbIsovaluesList MeshViz Class to define a list of isovalues
PbLinearDataMapping MeshViz Class to define linear data mapping
PbMesh MeshViz Defines an abstract mesh
PbMesh1D MeshViz Defines an abstract mono-dimensional mesh
PbMesh2D MeshViz Defines an abstract surface mesh
PbMesh3D MeshViz Defines an abstract volume mesh
PbMiscTextAttr MeshViz Class to define a numeric display format
PbNonLinearDataMapping MeshViz Class to define non linear data mapping
PbNonLinearDataMapping2 MeshViz Class to define non linear data mapping
PbNumericDisplayFormat MeshViz Class to define a numeric display format
PbParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh
PbParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid volume mesh
PbPixelCell MeshViz Defines a pixel cell of a surface mesh
PbPolarGrid2D MeshViz Defines a polar grid surface mesh
PbPyramidCell MeshViz Defines a pyramid cell of a volume mesh
PbQuadrangleCell MeshViz Defines a quadrangle cell of a surface mesh
PbQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of quadrangles
PbRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Defines a regular cartesian grid surface mesh
PbRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Defines a regular cartesian grid volume mesh
PbRegularMesh1D MeshViz Defines a regular mono-dimensional mesh
PbTetrahedronCell MeshViz Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh
PbTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Defines a mesh of tetrahedrons
PbTriangleCell MeshViz Defines a triangle cell of a surface mesh
PbTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Defines a surface mesh of triangles
PbVoxelCell MeshViz Defines a voxel cell of a volume mesh
PbWedgeCell MeshViz Defines a wedge cell of a volume mesh
PlaneBoxIntersection VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node that draws the intersection of a plane and a box
PlaneGeometryIntersection VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Class for computing the intersection of geometry with a plane
Po3DdataMaster MeshViz Base class for all 3DdataMaster objects
PoAngularAxis MeshViz Class to build an angular axis
PoArrow MeshViz Class to build a 2D arrow
PoArrow3 MeshViz Class to build a 3D arrow
PoAutoCubeAxis MeshViz Class to build a set of axes on a parallelepiped relating to the view
PoAutoValueLegend MeshViz Abstract class for automatic value legend
PoAxis MeshViz Abstract class for axis representations
PoBar MeshViz Abstract base class for bar representations
PoBase MeshViz Abstract base class for all Graph Master & 3D Data Master classes
PoBaseAxis MeshViz Base class for all axis objects
PoBaseStreamLine MeshViz Base class of all streamline representations on a mesh
PoBaseView VSG extension Abstract base class for views
PoBevelEdge MeshViz Node to define the beveled edge values
PoBiErrorPointField MeshViz Builds a bi-error point field
PoCartesianAxis MeshViz Abstract class for cartesian axes
PoCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D
PoCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D
PoCellEdges MeshViz Builds egdes of a cell of a mesh
PoCellFacets MeshViz Builds facets of a cell of a mesh
PoCellFilter MeshViz Interface class defining a filter of cells
PoCellIndices MeshViz Builds text indices of a cell of a mesh
PoCellShape MeshViz Abstract representation of a cell of a mesh
PoChart MeshViz Abstract base class for all charting representations
PoCircle MeshViz Abstract class for 2D circle representation
PoCircle3 MeshViz Abstract class for 3D circle representation
PoCircle3CenterRadius MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle
PoCircle3ThreePoints MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle
PoCircleArc MeshViz Abstract class for 2D circle arc representation
PoCircleArc3 MeshViz Abstract class for 3D circle arc representation
PoCircleArc3CtrPtAngle MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
PoCircleArc3CtrTwoPts MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
PoCircleArc3ThreePts MeshViz Class to build a 3D circle arc
PoCircleArcCtrPtAngle MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
PoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
PoCircleArcCtrTwoPts MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
PoCircleArcThreePts MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle arc
PoCircleCenterRadius MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle
PoCircleThreePoints MeshViz Class to build a 2D circle
PoCircularProfile MeshViz Node that defines a circular profile
PoConicBar MeshViz Class to build conic bars
PoCoordinateListFilter MeshViz Node to define a coordinate list filter
PoCoordinateSystemAxis MeshViz Class for a 3D axes system
PoCurve MeshViz Builds a 2D curve
PoCurve3 MeshViz Builds a 3D curve
PoCurveFilling MeshViz Class to build 3D filled curve
PoCurveLine MeshViz Class to build a 2D line curve
PoCylindricalBar MeshViz Class to build cylindrical bars
PoDataMapping MeshViz Abstract base class for all data mapping nodes
PoDateFormatMapping MeshViz Node to define date format and mapping
PoDomain MeshViz Node to define a domain
PoEllipticProfile MeshViz Node that defines an elliptic profile
PoErrorCurve MeshViz Class to build an error curve represention
PoErrorPointField MeshViz Builds points field with X and Y margin error
PoGenAxis MeshViz Class to build a generalized axis
PoGeneralizedBar MeshViz Class to build generalized bars
PoGeneralizedScatter MeshViz Class to build a 2D generalized scatter
PoGraphMaster MeshViz Abstract base class for all Graph Master classes
PoGroup2Axis MeshViz Class to build a group of two axes
PoGroup3Axis3 MeshViz Class to build a group of three axes
PoGroup4Axis MeshViz Class to build a group of four axes
PoGroup6Axis3 MeshViz Class to build a group of six axes
PoHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D
PoHighLowClose MeshViz Class to build a high low close representation
PoHistogram MeshViz Abstract class for histogram representations
PoIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D
PoIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D
PoIndexListFilter MeshViz Node to define a index list filter
PoIntervalCellFilter MeshViz Node class to define a filter of cells
PoIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D
PoIsovaluesList MeshViz Node to define a list of isovalues
PoItemLegend MeshViz Class to build an items legend
PoLabel MeshViz Class to build a label field
PoLabelField MeshViz Class to build a label field
PoLabelHints MeshViz Node to define common label hints
PoLegend MeshViz Abstract class for legend representations
PoLinearAxis MeshViz Class to build a linear axis
PoLinearBar MeshViz Class to build line bars
PoLinearDataMapping MeshViz Node class to define a linear data mapping
PoLinearValueLegend MeshViz Class to build a linear auto value legend
PoLogAxis MeshViz Class to build a logarithmic axis
PoMesh MeshViz Base class for all mesh representations
PoMesh1DFilter MeshViz Abstract base class for all filter nodes
PoMesh1DHints MeshViz Node that provides hints about the mesh 1D
PoMesh2D MeshViz Base class for all surface mesh representations
PoMesh2DVec MeshViz Representation of vectors data of a surface mesh
PoMesh3D MeshViz Base class for all volume mesh representations
PoMesh3DVec MeshViz Representation of vectors data of a volume mesh
PoMesh3DVecCrossSection MeshViz Representation of vectors on a cross section
PoMesh3DVecGridCrossSection MeshViz Representation of vectors on a grid of a cross section
PoMeshContouring MeshViz Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh
PoMeshCrossContour MeshViz Representation of cross-contour of a volume mesh
PoMeshCrossSection MeshViz Representation of cross section of a volume mesh
PoMeshFilled MeshViz Filled representation of surface mesh
PoMeshLevelSurf MeshViz Representation of level surface of volume mesh
PoMeshLimit MeshViz Representation of the limits of a surface mesh
PoMeshLines MeshViz Representation of the edges of surface mesh
PoMeshProbePoint MeshViz Probing in a mesh
PoMeshProperty MeshViz Abstract Inventor node defining a mesh
PoMeshSides MeshViz Class to build the sides of the current surface mesh
PoMeshSkeleton MeshViz Representation of the skeleton of a volume mesh
PoMeshSkin MeshViz Representation of the mesh skin
PoMeshViz MeshViz Class to initialize MeshViz
PoMiscTextAttr MeshViz Node to define miscellaneous text attributes (font name, line length,
PoMultipleHistogram MeshViz Class to build a multiple histogram
PoNode MeshViz Abstract base class for all MeshViz nodes
PoNonLinearDataMapping MeshViz Node class to define a non linear data mapping
PoNonLinearDataMapping2 MeshViz Node class to define a non linear data mapping
PoNonLinearValueLegend1 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (first representation)
PoNonLinearValueLegend2 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (second representation)
PoNonLinearValueLegend3 MeshViz Class to build a non linear legend (third representation)
PoNumericDisplayFormat MeshViz Node to define the numeric display format
PoParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D
PoParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D
PoParallelogram MeshViz Class for a 2D parallelogram
PoParallelogram3 MeshViz Class for a 3D parallelogram
PoPeriodFilter MeshViz Node to define a period filter
PoPeriodIndexFilter MeshViz Node to define a period index filter
PoPieChart MeshViz Abstract class for pie chart representation
PoPieChart2D MeshViz Class for 2D pie chart representation
PoPieChart3D MeshViz Class for 3D pie chart representation
PoPieChartRep MeshViz Class to build a 3D pie chart
PoPointsFieldBars MeshViz Class to build a points field bars
PoPolarAxis MeshViz Abstract class for polar axis
PoPolarGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D
PoPolarLinAxis MeshViz Class to build a polar linear axis
PoPolarLogAxis MeshViz Class to build a logarithmic polar axis
PoPrintCGMMonitor HardCopy Class to create a print CGM format dialog box
PoPrintHPGLMonitor HardCopy Class to create a print HPGL format dialog box
PoPrintMonitor HardCopy Abstract base class for print dialog box
PoPrintPSMonitor HardCopy Class to create a dialog box for PostScript printing
PoProfile MeshViz Abstract base class for all profile nodes
PoProfileBar MeshViz Class to build profile bars
PoProfileCoordinate2 MeshViz Node that defines a 2D polygon profile
PoQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D
PoRectangle MeshViz Class for a 2D rectangle
PoRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D
PoRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D
PoRegularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D
PoRibbon MeshViz Class to build a 2D ribbon curve
PoScatter MeshViz Class to build a 2D scatter
PoSceneView VSG extension Class to define a view which contains a scene
PoSFCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D
PoSFCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D
PoSFHexahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D
PoSFIndexedMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D
PoSFIndexedMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D
PoSFIrregularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D
PoSFMesh MeshViz Abstract Inventor field defining a mesh
PoSFParalCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D
PoSFParalCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D
PoSFPolarGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D
PoSFQuadrangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D
PoSFRegularCartesianGrid2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D
PoSFRegularCartesianGrid3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D
PoSFRegularMesh1D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D
PoSFTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D
PoSFTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D
PoSingleHistogram MeshViz Class to build a single histogram
PoSquareProfile MeshViz Node that defines a square profile
PoStreamLine MeshViz Representation of streamlines on a mesh
PoStreamLineMotion MeshViz Representation of streamlines with motion of colors
PoStreamParticleMotion MeshViz Animation of particles along streamlines on a mesh
PoStreamPointMotion MeshViz Animation of point particles along streamline
PoStreamSphereMotion MeshViz Animation of sphere particles along streamline
PoStreamSurface MeshViz Representation of a surface connecting several streamlines
PoStreamTadpoleMotion MeshViz Animation of tadpole particles along streamline
PoTetrahedronMesh3D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D
PoTimeAxis MeshViz Class to build a time axis
PoToVRML2Action VSG extension Extends SoToVRML2Action for PoViews
PoTriangleMesh2D MeshViz Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D
PoTube MeshViz Class to build a 2D tube curve
PoValuedMarkerField MeshViz Class for a valued markers field
PoValueLegend MeshViz Abstract class for values legend
PoView VSG extension Class to define a view
PoXtAngularAxisEditor MeshViz Class for angular axis editor
PoXtAutoValueLegendEditor MeshViz Abstract class for auto value legend editors
PoXtAxisEditor MeshViz Abstract class for axes editors
PoXtCartesianAxisEditor MeshViz Abstract class for cartesian axis editors
PoXtChoiceButtonData VSG extension Class to define a choice button
PoXtDialog VSG extension Class to build a generalized dialog box
PoXtDialog::PoXtDialogDataCBDialog callback data structure
PoXtEditTextData VSG extension Class to define an editable text
PoXtElementData VSG extension Abstract class to define an Xt element
PoXtGenAxisEditor MeshViz Class for generalized axis editor
PoXtIntSliderData VSG extension Class to define an integer slider
PoXtItemLegendEditor MeshViz Class for items legend editors
PoXtLabelData VSG extension Class to define a label
PoXtLegendEditor MeshViz Abstract class for all legend editors
PoXtLinearAxisEditor MeshViz Class for linear axis editor
PoXtLinearValueLegendEditor MeshViz Class for linear auto value legend editors
PoXtLogAxisEditor MeshViz Class for logarithmic axis editor
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend1Editor MeshViz Class for non linear auto value legend (first representation) editors
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend2Editor MeshViz Class for non linear auto value legend (second representation) editors
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend3Editor MeshViz Class for non linear auto value legend (third representation) editors
PoXtPolarAxisEditor MeshViz Abstract class for polar axis editor
PoXtPolarLinAxisEditor MeshViz Class for polar linear axis editor
PoXtPolarLogAxisEditor MeshViz Class for polar logarithmic axis editor
PoXtRealSliderData VSG extension Class to define an real slider
PoXtSliderData VSG extension Abstract class for a slider
PoXtTimeAxisEditor MeshViz Class for time axis editor
PoXtToggleButtonData VSG extension Class to define a toggle button
PoXtTriggerButtonData VSG extension Class to define a trigger button
PoXtValueLegendEditor MeshViz Abstract class for values legend editors
SoExtSelection::PreFilterEventArgStructure given to callback when a PreFilter event is raised
SbImageDataAccessor::RegionA region must be an ordered set with a first voxel and for each voxel a next voxel, else we cannot associate a buffer to this region
SoImageRegistrationTransform3d::RegistrationEventThis event describes the evolution of the registration process
SoImageRegistrationTransform::RegistrationEventThis event describes the evolution of the registration process
RemoteVizClient RemoteViz Initializes the RemoteVizClient module database
RemoteVizRenderArea RemoteViz HTML5 client API Documentation
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderArea RemoteViz
RenderAreaClass to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window
RenderAreaExaminerClass to render an OpenInventor scene graph in a Qt OpenGL window
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaHardware RemoteViz
RenderAreaInteractiveClass to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaListener RemoteViz
SoRemoteVizClient::RenderAreaSizeEventArgStructure given when a renderArea resize event is raised
SiRenderArea::RenderEventArgStructure given when a start render event is raised
Ruler VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Interactive distance measuring tool for SoOrthoSlice
SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification::SbAnisotropyDegreeDetailResults details of degree of anisotropy global measure
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d::SbApplyMorphLutDetailResults details of morphological Lut processing
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d::SbApplyMorphLutDetailResults details of morphological Lut processing
SoAreaQuantification2d::SbArea2DDetailResults details of 2d Area measurement
SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing::SbAutoSegmentation3PhasesDetailResults details of threshold by automatic segmentation
SoAutoThresholdingProcessing::SbAutoThresholdingDetailResults details of threshold by automatic segmentation
SoAutoThresholdingQuantification::SbAutoThresholdingDetailResults details of threshold by automatic segmentation
SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectAreaPerSliceDetailResults details of average object area per slice global measure
SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectNumberPerSliceDetailResults details of average object number per slice global measure
SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectThicknessDetailResults details of average object thickness global measure
SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d::SbAverageSpaceThicknessDetailResults details of average space thickness global measure
SbBox2d VSG extension 2D box class
SbBox2f2D box class
SbBox2i322D box class
SbBox2s2D box class
SbBox3d VSG extension 3D box class
SbBox3f3D box class
SbBox3i32 VSG extension 3D box class
SbBox3s VSG extension 3D box class
SbBox4i32 VSG extension 4D box class
SoCannyEdgeProcessing::SbCannyEdgeDetectionDetailResults details of canny edge detection workflow
SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d::SbCentroidTortuosity3dDetailResults details of centroid path tortuosity global measure
SbChannelList ImageViz List of channel to extract
SbColorColor vector class
SbColorRGBAColorRGBA vector class
SoCompareImageQuantification::SbCompareDetailResults details of comparison between two images
SoCompareValueQuantification::SbCompareDetailResults details of comparison between two images
SbConfig ScaleViz Stores the configuration of the display system and the MultiPipe extension
SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d::SbCoocurrrenceDetailResults details of cooccurrence global measure
SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d::SbCorrelationDetailResults details of image correlation
SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d::SbCorrelationDetailResults details of image correlation
SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d::SbCurvatureIntegralsDetailResults details of curvature integrals
SbCylinderClass for representing a cylinder
SbCylinderPlaneProjectorCylinder-plane projector
SbCylinderProjectorCylinder projector
SbCylinderSectionProjectorCylinder-section projector
SbCylinderSheetProjectorCylinder-sheet projector
SbCylindricalProjectionCylindrical coordinate projection
SbDataTypeClass encoding a data type
SbDiscreteLineProfile ImageViz Profile line extractor
SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d::SbDistanceMeanDetailResults details of mean distance between objects global measure
SbElapsedTime VSG extension Class for measuring elapsed time with high resolution
SbEventArgBase class for all event arguments
SbEventHandler< ArgType >Class representing an event
SoIntensityExtremaQuantification::SbExtremaDetailResults details of extrema global measure
SbExtrusionGeneratorFactory that generates an extruded mesh from a polyline
SbFileHelper VSG extension Utilities class for file management
SoFractalDimensionQuantification::SbFractalDetailResults details of fractal dimension
SoFragmentationIndexQuantification::SbFragmentationDetailResults details of fragmentation global measure
SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification::SbGaussianNoiseDetailResults details of gaussian noise estimation
SbGLShareContextClass encapsulating information about an OpenGL context: a handle on an OpenGL context and its id
SbGPUCapabilitiesList of common graphics capabilities of the device used by a SoGLContext
SbGraphicsCapabilitiesList of common graphics capabilities set by Open Inventor
SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification::SbImageBoundaryAreaDetailResults details of object boundary area global measure
SbImageDataAccessor ImageViz Class used to retrieve data from an SoImageDataAdapter
SbImageDataAdapterHelper ImageViz Helper class for SoImageDataAdapter
SbImageDataType ImageViz Basic class representing multi channel DataType
SbImageDataVoxel ImageViz Utility class used to safely access channels of a buffer
SoImageVolumeQuantification::SbImageVolumeDetailResults details of total volume global measure
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d::SbIntegralIntensityDetailResults details of integral intensity global measure
SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification::SbIntensityBinHistogramDetailResults details of SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification
SoIntensityHistogramQuantification::SbIntensityHistogramDetailResults details of SoIntensityHistogramQuantification
SbKernel2i32 ImageViz Integer 2D-Kernel for morphological operations
SbKernel3i32 ImageViz Integer 3D-Kernel for morphological operations
SbLineDirected line in 3D
SbLinedDirected line in 3D (double precision)
SbLineProjectorLine projector
SoLocalMaximaQuantification::SbLocalMaximaDetailResults details of SoLocalMaximaQuantification
SbMatrix4x4 matrix class
SbMatrix33x3 matrix class
SbMatrixd VSG extension 4x4 matrix class (double precision)
SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d::SbMeanInertiaMomentDetailResults details of mean inertia moment global measure
SbNameCharacter string stored in a hash table
SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification::SbObjectBoundaryAreaDetailResults details of object boundary area global measure
SoObjectCountQuantification::SbObjectCountDetailResults details of objects count global measure
SoObjectImageRatioQuantification::SbObjectImageRatioDetailResults details of object image ratio global measure
SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d::SbObjectLinearDensityDetailResults details of object linear density global measure
SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification::SbObjectSpecificSurfaceResults details of object specific surface global measure
SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification::SbObjectSurfaceDensityDetailResults details of object surface density global measure
SoObjectVolumeQuantification::SbObjectVolumeDetailResults details of object volume global measure
SbPipe ScaleViz Stores the graphics info and resources for a MultiPipe window
SbPlaneOriented plane in 3D
SbPlaneProjectorPlane projector
SbPListList of generic (void *) pointers
SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d::SbPorosityPercentageDetailResults details of porosity percentage global measure
SbProj4ProjectionCartographic (PROJ4) projection class
SbProjectionBase class for coordinate projection classes
SbProjectionCoordinatesCache projected coordinates
SbProjectorBase class for representing projectors
SbQtHelper VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management
SbRasterImage VSG extension Class encapsulating a raster image and its attributes
SbRotationClass for representing a rotation
SbRotationd VSG extension Class for representing a rotation (double precision)
SbSphereClass for representing a sphere
SbSpherePlaneProjectorSphere-plane projector
SbSphereProjectorSphere projector
SbSphereSectionProjectorSphere-section projector
SbSphereSheetProjectorSphere-sheet projector
SbSphericalProjectionSpherical coordinate projection
SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification::SbStatisticsDetailResults details of statistics global measure
SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification::SbStatisticsDetailResults details of statistics global measure
SbStringClass for smart character strings
SbStringListMaintains a list of pointers to SbString instances
SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh ImageViz Structured quadrilateral mesh
SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d::SbStructureModelIndexDetailResults details of structure model index global measure
SbThread VSG extension Portable thread class
SbThreadAutoLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a mutex
SbThreadAutoReadLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a read-only mutex
SbThreadAutoSpinlock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a spinlock
SbThreadAutoWriteLock VSG extension Provides reliable unlocking of a write-only mutex
SbThreadBarrier VSG extension Portable "barrier" class for synchronizing threads
SbThreadLocalStorage VSG extension Thread Local Storage (TLS) class
SbThreadMutex VSG extension Portable mutex class
SbThreadRWMutex VSG extension Portable readers/writer lock class
SbThreadSemaphoreSemaphore management
SbThreadSignal VSG extension Portable signal class
SbThreadSpinlock VSG extension Portable spinlock class
SbThreadStorage< T > VSG extension Template class for per instance thread Local Storage
SbThreadStorage< bool > VSG extension Template class specialization for bool type instance thread Local Storage
SbTimeClass for representation of a time
SbTrackerInfo VSG extension Class for representing 3D tracker information
SbTransformProjection VSG extension Scale/recenter projection class
SbTVizColorScale TerrainViz Class to manage colorscales
SbTVizData TerrainViz Abstract base class for elevation data
SbTVizRegularGridData TerrainViz Regular grid data class
SbTVizTexture TerrainViz Texture class
SbTVizTextureList TerrainViz Handles the quadtree of textures
SbVec2d VSG extension 2D vector class (double precision)
SbVec2f2D vector class
SbVec2i322D vector class
SbVec2s2D vector class
SbVec2String2D SbString vector class
SbVec3d VSG extension 3D vector class (double precision)
SbVec3f3D vector class
SbVec3i323D vector class
SbVec3s VSG extension 3D vector class
SbVec4b VSG extension 4D vector class
SbVec4d VSG extension 4D vector class (double precision)
SbVec4f4D vector class
SbVec4i324D vector class
SbVec4s VSG extension 4D vector class
SbVec4ub VSG extension 4D vector class
SbVec4ui32 VSG extension 4D vector class
SbVec4us VSG extension 4D vector class
SbViewportRegionClass for representing a viewport
SbViewVolume3D viewing volume class
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d::SbVolumeDetailResults details of volume global measure
SbXfBox3d VSG extension 3D box with an associated transformation matrix
SbXfBox3f3D box with an associated transformation matrix
SbXmlTag Large Data Management XML tag from LDM filer
SceneExaminerTool class for easily building a basic interactive OpenInventor application without using existing viewer classes
SceneInteractorTool class for easily building a basic OpenInventor application without using existing viewer classes
SceneView VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Defines a view for use with ViewManager
ScGetBoundingBoxAction ScaleViz Defines a distributed bounding box action
ScGetPrimitiveCountAction ScaleViz Defines a distributed primitive count action
ScRayPickAction ScaleViz Defines a distributed ray pick action
RemoteViz::Rendering::Service RemoteViz
RemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceListener RemoteViz
SoRemoteVizClient::ServiceMessageEventArgStructure given when a ServiceMessage event is raised
RemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceSettings RemoteViz
SiAntialiasingEventListener VSG extension Antialiasing change event listener interface
SiDicomDataSet VolumeViz DICOM data
SiDicomElement VolumeViz DICOM data
SiDicomSequence VolumeViz DICOM data
SiDicomValue VolumeViz DICOM data
SiInteractionModeListenerThis interface provides the list of interaction methods that subclasses must define
SiRenderArea VSG extension RenderArea interface
SiRenderAreaAntialiasing VSG extension RenderArea antialiasing interface
SiRenderAreaInteractive VSG extension RenderArea interactive interface
SiRenderAreaStereo VSG extension RenderArea stereo interface
SiRenderAreaStillSuperSampling VSG extension RenderArea still supersampling interface
SiRenderAreaTransparency VSG extension RenderArea transparency interface
SliceAxisSlice axis enum used to define the logical slice
SliceOrientationMarkers VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display slice orientation markers in window coordinates
SliceScaleBar VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a dynamic scale bar in window coordinates
SoAbsoluteValueProcessing ImageViz SoAbsoluteValueProcessing engine
SoAccumulatedElementAbstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set
SoAccumulationAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the accumulation buffer algorithm
SoActionAbstract base class for all actions
SoAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessing ImageViz SoAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessing engine performs a local histogram equalization
SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing ImageViz SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing engine
SoAddObjectToLabelProcessing ImageViz SoAddObjectToLabelProcessing engine
SoAlarmSensorTriggers a delegate once sometime in the future
SoAlgebraicCone VSG extension Algebraic cone shape node
SoAlgebraicCylinder VSG extension Algebraic cylinder shape node
SoAlgebraicShape VSG extension Abstract base class for algebraic shapes
SoAlgebraicSphere VSG extension Algebraic sphere shape node
SoAlgorithms VSG extension Utility functions for loading algorithm modules
SoAmbientColorElementStores ambient color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoAnaglyphStereo VSG extension Class for anaglyph stereo support
SoAnalysisResult ImageViz Abstract base class for ImageViz analysis results
SoAnnotationAnnotation group node
SoAnnoText3 VSG extension Annotation text node
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement VSG extension Stores the current character orientation flag of an SoAnnoText3Property node
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement VSG extension Stores the current font size hint of an SoAnnoText3Property node
SoAnnoText3Property VSG extension Annotation text property node
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement VSG extension Stores the current render print type of an SoAnnoText3Property node
SoAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters interface base class
SoAntiSquishTransformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales
SoAppearanceKitAppearance nodekit class
SoAppearancePreserver FXViz Encapsulates an appearance preserving simplification algorithm
SoApplyGrayscaleLutProcessing ImageViz SoApplyGrayscaleLutProcessing engine allows to apply a grayscale look up table
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d ImageViz SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d engine allows to apply a morphological look up table on a 2D image
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d ImageViz SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d engine allows to apply a morphological look up table on a 3D image
SoAreaQuantification2d ImageViz SoAreaQuantification2d engine SoAreaQuantification2d computes the area of the pixels object
SoArithmetic VSG extension Arithmetic functions for buffers
SoArithmeticImageProcessing ImageViz SoArithmeticImageProcessing engine performs an arithmetic operation between two images
SoArithmeticValueProcessing ImageViz SoArithmeticValueProcessing engine performs an arithmetic operation between an image and a value
SoArrayGroup node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children
SoAsciiText VSG extension Simple 3D text shape node
SoAssignLabelProcessing ImageViz SoAssignLabelProcessing engine
SoAuditor VSG extension Base class for all auditors
SoAutoCorrelationProcessing2d ImageViz SoAutoCorrelationProcessing2d engine computes the cross correlation of an image by itself
SoAutoIntensityClassificationProcessing ImageViz SoAutoIntensityClassificationProcessing classifies all pixels/voxels of an image using the k-means method
SoAutoMap< T > VSG extension buffer object mapping helper class
SoAutoRefImplements smart pointers to SoRefCounter objects
SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing ImageViz SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing image filter
SoAutoThresholdingProcessing ImageViz SoAutoThresholdingProcessing engine
SoAutoThresholdingQuantification ImageViz SoAutoThresholdingQuantification engine
SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d ImageViz SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d engine
SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d ImageViz SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d engine
SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d ImageViz SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d engine
SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d ImageViz SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d engine
SoBackgroundAbstract base class for background nodes
SoBackgroundImageProcessing2d ImageViz SoBackgroundImageProcessing2d engine
SoBaseBase class for all nodes, paths, and engines
SoBaseColorNode that defines an object's base color
SoBaseContextObject VSG extension Context dependent object management class
SoBaseExtrusionAbstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes
SoBaseKitBase class for all node kits
SoBaseLDMConverter Large Data Management Base class for converting data sets into the LDM format
SoBaseListMaintains a list of pointers to instances of the SoBase classes
SoBaseScreen ScaleViz Abstract base class for all screen classes used in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoBaseStereo VSG extension Class for stereo management
SoBBox VSG extension Bounding box node
SoBBoxModelMatrixElementStores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction
SoBBoxTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current BBox type
SoBevelAction VSG extension Creates a scene graph containing beveled shapes
SoBevelProperty VSG extension Node to define beveling properties
SoBevelPropertyElement VSG extension Stores various beveling attributes
SoBigImageRenderer VSG extension Renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures
SoBilateralFilterProcessing ImageViz SoBilateralFilterProcessing engine
SoBillboard VSG extension Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer
SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d ImageViz SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d engine
SoBitShiftProcessing ImageViz SoBitShiftProcessing engine
SoBlendWithImageProcessing ImageViz SoBlendWithImageProcessing engine produces a linear combination between two images
SoBlendWithValueProcessing ImageViz SoBlendWithValueProcessing engine
SoBlinkerAnimated cycling switch node
SoBMPImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a BMP raster image
SoBoolOperationPerforms Boolean operations
SoBorderKillProcessing ImageViz SoBorderKillProcessing engine
SoBoxFilterProcessing ImageViz SoBoxFilterProcessing engine
SoBoxHighlightRenderActionA selection highlight style
SoBufferAsyncInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
SoBufferAsyncNotifierInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
SoBufferedShape VSG extension Node to render geometry stored in SoBufferObject objects
SoBufferObject VSG extension Abstract base class for buffer object management
SoBufferPropertiesInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
SoBumpMappingProperty FXViz Bump mapping property node
SoBumpMappingPropertyElement VSG extension Stores bump mapping properties
SoButtonEventBase class for all button events
SoByteStreamConverts scene graph objects to character byte streams
SoCacheElementStores the most recently opened cache
SoCADFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize CAD file format support
SoCADInputReader VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a CAD file
SoCADInputReaderParameters VSG extension CAD Input reader Parameters when importing CAD file type
SoCalculatorA general-purpose calculator
SoCallbackProvides custom behavior during actions
SoCallbackActionPerforms a generic traversal of a scene graph or path
SoCallbackListManages a list of callbacks and associated data
SoCameraAbstract base class for camera nodes
SoCameraInteractor VSG extension Utility class to manipulate a camera
SoCameraKitCamera nodekit class
SoCannyEdgeProcessing ImageViz SoCannyEdgeProcessing
SoCartesianToPolarProcessing2d ImageViz SoCartesianToPolarProcessing2d engine
SoCenterballDraggerStriped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse
SoCenterballManipTransform node with 3D interface for editing rotation and center
SoCenterLineApproximation3d ImageViz SoCenterLineApproximation3d engine
SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d ImageViz SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d engine the tortuosity of a path formed by centroids of each plan of a binary 3D image along z-axis
SoCentroidProcessing2d ImageViz SoCentroidProcessing2d engine
SoCGMVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted CGM files
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing2d ImageViz SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing2d engine
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d ImageViz SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d engine
SoChessboardDistanceMapProcessing ImageViz SoChessboardDistanceMapProcessing engine
SoCircularExtrusion VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine
SoClipPlaneClipping plane node
SoClipPlaneElementStores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes
SoClipPlaneManip VSG extension Manipulator to transform a clipping plane
SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing2d ImageViz SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing2d engine
SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing3d ImageViz SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing3d engine
SoClosingBallByReconstructionProcessing3d ImageViz SoClosingBallByReconstructionProcessing3d engine
SoClosingBallProcessing3d ImageViz SoClosingBallProcessing3d engine
SoClosingByReconstructionProcessing ImageViz SoClosingByReconstructionProcessing image filter
SoClosingCubeProcessing ImageViz SoClosingCubeProcessing engine performs a closing using a structuring element matching with a square or a cube
SoClosingDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d ImageViz SoClosingDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine
SoClosingDiskProcessing2d ImageViz SoClosingDiskProcessing2d engine
SoClosingDiskProcessing3d ImageViz SoClosingDiskProcessing3d engine
SoClosingLineMinimumProcessing ImageViz SoClosingLineMinimumProcessing engine
SoClosingLineProcessing2d ImageViz SoClosingLineProcessing2d engine
SoClosingLineProcessing3d ImageViz SoClosingLineProcessing3d engine
SoClosingSquareColorProcessing2d ImageViz SoClosingSquareColorProcessing2d engine
SoClusterGateway ScaleViz Specifies parameters for the cluster gateway machine
SoCollisionManager VSG extension Class to manage collisions
SoColorAntialiasingProcessing2d ImageViz SoColorAntialiasingProcessing2d engine
SoColorGetPlaneProcessing2d ImageViz SoColorGetPlaneProcessing2d engine
SoColorIndexSurface color index node
SoColorMap VSG extension Class for indexed texture color map
SoColorMapElement VSG extension Stores the current color map
SoColorSpaceConversionProcessing ImageViz SoColorSpaceConversionProcessing engine
SoColorThresholdingProcessing ImageViz SoColorThresholdingProcessing engine
SoColorToGrayscaleProcessing ImageViz SoColorToGrayscaleProcessing engine
SoColorToLightnessProcessing ImageViz SoColorToLightnessProcessing engine
SoColumnDialog VSG extension Dialog column node
SoCombineByMaskProcessing ImageViz SoCombineByMaskProcessing engine
SoCompareImageQuantification ImageViz SoCompareImageQuantification engine applies a comparison test between two images
SoCompareValueQuantification ImageViz SoCompareValueQuantification engine applies a comparison test between an image and a constant value
SoComplexCenteredFFTInverseProcessing ImageViz SoComplexCenteredFFTInverseProcessing engine
SoComplexCenteredFFTProcessing ImageViz SoComplexCenteredFFTProcessing engine
SoComplexFFTInverseProcessing ImageViz SoComplexFFTInverseProcessing engine
SoComplexFFTProcessing ImageViz SoComplexFFTProcessing engine
SoComplexityShape complexity node
SoComplexityElementStores the current shape complexity
SoComplexityTypeElementStores the current complexity type
SoComposeMatrixComposes a transformation matrix
SoComposeRotationComposes a rotation from axis and angle values
SoComposeRotationFromToComposes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another
SoComposeVec2fDefault Constructor
SoComposeVec2i32Composes 2D vectors from int values
SoComposeVec2sComposes 2D vectors from short values
SoComposeVec3fComposes 3D vectors from floating-point values
SoComposeVec4fComposes 4D vectors from floating-point values
SoComputeBoundingBoxComputes the bounding box and center of a scene graph
SoConcatenateJoins separate fields into a single multiple-value field
SoConeCone shape node
SoConeDetailStores detail information about the SoCone node
SoConsole VSG extension Creates a Win32 console for printing messages
SoControllerButtonEvent VSG extension Controller button press and release event
SoControllerReader ScaleViz Interface to trackdAPI (buttons, valuators)
SoConversion VSG extension Type conversion functions for buffers
SoConverter Large Data Management Abstract base class for converting data sets into LDM format
SoConverterParameters Large Data Management Container class for LDM converter parameters
SoConvertImageProcessing ImageViz SoConvertImageProcessing engine changes the format of an image
SoConvexHullProcessing2d ImageViz SoConvexHullProcessing2d engine fills the concavities of particles in an image
SoConvolution VSG extension Convolution functions for buffers
SoConvolutionWithImageProcessing2d ImageViz SoConvolutionWithImageProcessing2d engine
SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d ImageViz SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d engine provides texture indicators based on the co-occurrence matrix computation
SoCoordinate3Coordinate point node
SoCoordinate4Rational coordinate point node
SoCoordinateElementStores the current coordinates
SoCopyImageProcessing ImageViz SoCopyImageProcessing engine copies an image into another image
SoCounterTriggered integer counter
SoCpuBufferAsyncBasicProperty Large Data Management LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information and implementing asynchronous buffer interface
SoCpuBufferBasicProperty Large Data Management LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information
SoCpuBufferBitSet Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for bitset tile data
SoCpuBufferCompressed Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for compressed tile data
SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for in memory reader tile data
SoCpuBufferObject VSG extension CPU buffer object class
SoCpuBufferObjectCache VSG extension CPUBufferObject cache management class
SoCpuBufferUniform Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for uniform (single value) tile data
SoCpuContext VSG extension CPU device context managment class
SoCpuDevice VSG extension CPU device management class
SoCreaseAngleElementStores the current crease angle
SoCropImageProcessing ImageViz SoCropImageProcessing engine extract a rectangular region from an image
SoCSGAction SolidViz CSGAction class
SoCSGGroup SolidViz Group node for Constructive Solid Geometry rendering
SoCSGOperation SolidViz Class which computes a CSG operation (OR, AND, SUB, etc) from 2 solid objects
SoCSGShape VSG extension Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs
SoCubeCube shape node
SoCubeDetailStores detail information about the SoCube node
SoCuda VSG extension Cuda module class
SoCudaApi VSG extension CUDA access API
SoCudaArithmetic VSG extension Arithmetic functions for CUDA buffers
SoCudaBufferObject VSG extension CUDA buffer object managment class
SoCudaContext VSG extension CUDA context management class
SoCudaConversion VSG extension Type conversion functions for CUDA buffers
SoCudaConvolution VSG extension Convolution functions for CUDA buffers
SoCudaDataExtract VSG extension Data extraction algorithms for CUDA buffers
SoCudaDevice VSG extension CUDA device management class
SoCudaSeismic VSG extension Seismic attribute functions for CUDA buffers
SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing ImageViz SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing engine
SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d ImageViz SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d engine computes the integral of mean curvature and integral of total curvature
SoCylinderCylinder shape node
SoCylinderDetailStores detail information about the SoCylinder node
SoDataCompositor Large Data Management Data set compositor node
SoDataCompressor Large Data Management Data compression
SoDataExtract VSG extension Data extraction algorithms for buffers
SoDataMeasure ImageViz Abstract base class for all ImageViz image data measures
SoDataMeasureAttributes ImageViz Class for all ImageViz data measure attributes
SoDataMeasureCustom ImageViz class to define a custom measure
SoDataMeasurePredefined ImageViz class that define the list of predefined measure that can be used on image data input
SoDataRange Large Data Management Range of data values to be mapped to the color map
SoDataSensorAbstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene
SoDataSet Large Data Management Data set node
SoDataSetId Large Data Management Property node that sets the current dataset id
SoDataSetIdElementStores the current dataset id
SoDBScene graph database class
SoDDSImageRW VSG extension Class for decoding a DDS raster image
SoDeblurProcessing2d ImageViz SoDeblurProcessing2d engine
SoDebugErrorDebug error handling
SoDecimationPercentageElement VSG extension Stores the current shape decimation percentage
SoDecimationTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current decimation type
SoDecimator VSG extension Encapsulates an algorithm for simplifying shapes through mesh decimation
SoDecomposeMatrixDecomposes transformation matrices into values for translation, rotation, and scale
SoDecomposeRotationDecomposes rotation values
SoDecomposeVec2fDecomposes 2D vectors into floating-point values
SoDecomposeVec2i32Decomposes 2D vectors into int values
SoDecomposeVec2sDecomposes 2D vectors into short values
SoDecomposeVec3fDecomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values
SoDecomposeVec4fDecomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values
SoDecorrelationStretchProcessing2d ImageViz SoDecorrelationStretchProcessing2d engine
SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification ImageViz SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification engine
SoDeinterlaceFramesProcessing2d ImageViz SoDeinterlaceFramesProcessing2d engine
SoDelayQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors not dependent on time
SoDelineateProcessing ImageViz SoDelineateProcessing engine
SoDepthBuffer VSG extension Depth buffer parameters node
SoDepthBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current depth buffer parameters
SoDepthComposer ScaleViz Defines a simple depth composer in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoDepthComposerParams ScaleViz Abstract base class for global depth compositing parameter setup
SoDepthOffset VSG extension Property node that applies a depth offset
SoDepthOffsetElement VSG extension Manage SoDepthOffset nodes accumulation in state
SoDespeckleProcessing ImageViz SoDespeckleProcessing engine
SoDetailBase class for describing detail information about a shape node
SoDetailListMaintains a list of instances of details
SoDevice VSG extension Abstract device management class
SoDeviceContext VSG extension Abstract base class for device context managment
SoDeviceContextSharedGroup VSG extension Shared context management class
SoDialogAuditor VSG extension Dialog auditor
SoDialogCheckBox VSG extension Dialog CheckBox node
SoDialogCheckBoxAuditor VSG extension Dialog CheckBox auditor
SoDialogCheckBoxLauncher VSG extension Dialog CheckBoxLauncher node
SoDialogChoice VSG extension Abstract class for a multiple choice node
SoDialogChoiceAuditor VSG extension Dialog Choice auditor
SoDialogComboBox VSG extension Dialog ComboBox node
SoDialogComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all basic dialog components
SoDialogCustom VSG extension Dialog Custom node
SoDialogEditText VSG extension Dialog EditText node
SoDialogEditTextAuditor VSG extension Dialog EditText auditor
SoDialogGroup VSG extension Abstract base class for container dialog components
SoDialogIntegerSlider VSG extension Dialog integer slider node
SoDialogIntegerSliderAuditor VSG extension Dialog IntegerSlider auditor
SoDialogLabel VSG extension Class that creates an SoDialogLabel node
SoDialogPushButton VSG extension Dialog push button node
SoDialogPushButtonAuditor VSG extension Dialog PushButton auditor
SoDialogPushButtonLauncher VSG extension Dialog push button launcher node
SoDialogRadioButtons VSG extension Dialog radio buttons node
SoDialogRealSlider VSG extension Dialog real slider node
SoDialogRealSliderAuditor VSG extension Dialog RealSlider auditor
SoDialogSeparator VSG extension Class to create a separator line
SoDialogSlider VSG extension Abstract class for the slider nodes
SoDialogViz VSG extension Abstract base class for DialogViz components
SoDicomTag VolumeViz DICOM data
SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d ImageViz SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d engine
SoDilationBallProcessing3d ImageViz SoDilationBallProcessing3d engine
SoDilationCubeProcessing ImageViz SoDilationCubeProcessing engine
SoDilationDiskProcessing2d ImageViz SoDilationDiskProcessing2d engine
SoDilationDiskProcessing3d ImageViz SoDilationDiskProcessing3d engine
SoDilationLineProcessing2d ImageViz SoDilationLineProcessing2d engine
SoDilationLineProcessing3d ImageViz SoDilationLineProcessing3d engine
SoDilationSquareColorProcessing2d ImageViz SoDilationSquareColorProcessing2d engine
SoDirectionalBlendProcessing2d ImageViz SoDirectionalBlendProcessing2d engine
SoDirectionalLightNode representing a directional light source
SoDirectionalLightDraggerDirectional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse
SoDirectionalLightManipDirectional light node with 3D interface for editing direction
SoDirectVizCameraShader DirectViz DirectViz Camera shader.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoDirectVizEnvironmentShader DirectViz DirectViz Environment shader
SoDirectVizGeneralShader DirectViz DirectViz general surface shader class
SoDirectVizManager DirectViz Manages ray-traced rendering
SoDirectVizShader DirectViz DirectViz shader node base class
SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d ImageViz SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d engine gives the mean distance, edge to edge, between objects
SoDistributeAction VSG extension Computes a distribution of the scene graph for use in depth compositing in ScaleViz
SoDoBFilterProcessing ImageViz SoDoBFilterProcessing engine
SoDoubleTapGestureEventClass for double-tap gesture events
SoDoubleTapGestureRecognizerDouble tap gesture recognizer
SoDraggerBase class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events
SoDragPointDraggerObject you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
SoDrawBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current draw buffer parameters
SoDrawStyleNode that defines the style to use when rendering
SoDrawStyleElementStores the current draw style
SoDualSceneCollider VSG extension Class to check for collisions between two scenes
SoDynamicLibManager VSG extension Class for managing dynamic libraries
SoEdgeFlag VSG extension Class to mark/unmark edges for beveling
SoEdgeFlagElement VSG extension Stores the edge flag values
SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d ImageViz The SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d engine computes the local eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a 2D matrix image
SoEigenDecompositionProcessing3d ImageViz The SoEigenDecompositionProcessing3d engine computes the local eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a 3D matrix image
SoElapsedTimeBasic controllable time source
SoElementAbstract base class for all state elements
SoEllipseScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw an ellipse in normalized screen space
SoEllipsoidDraggerEllipsoid you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse
SoEmissiveColorElementStores emissive color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoEndPointsProcessing2d ImageViz SoEndPointsProcessing2d engine
SoEndPointsProcessing3d ImageViz SoEndPointsProcessing3d image filter
SoEngineBase class for all engines
SoEngineListMaintains a list of pointers to engines
SoEngineOutputClass for all engine outputs
SoEngineOutputListMaintains a list of pointers to engine outputs
SoEnvironmentGlobal environment node
SoEnvironmentElement VSG extension Stores the current environment
SoErosionBallProcessing3d ImageViz SoErosionBallProcessing3d engine
SoErosionCubeProcessing ImageViz SoErosionCubeProcessing engine
SoErosionDiskProcessing2d ImageViz SoErosionDiskProcessing2d engine
SoErosionDiskProcessing3d ImageViz SoErosionDiskProcessing3d engine
SoErosionLineProcessing2d ImageViz SoErosionLineProcessing2d engine
SoErosionLineProcessing3d ImageViz SoErosionLineProcessing3d engine
SoErosionSquareColorProcessing2d ImageViz SoErosionSquareColorProcessing2d engine
SoErrorError handling base class
SoErrorStack VSG extension Stack debugging handler
SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d ImageViz SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d image filter
SoEventBase class for all events
SoEventBuilder VSG extension Utility class that generates Open Inventor events
SoEventCallbackNode which invokes callbacks for events
SoExpandLabelsProcessing ImageViz SoExpandLabelsProcessing engine
SoExtremaImpositionProcessing ImageViz SoExtremaImpositionProcessing engine
SoExtrusion VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine
SoExtSelection VSG extension Selection node that supports lasso selection
SoExtTexture2 VSG extension Extended texture mapping node
SoFaceDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces
SoFaceSetPolygonal face shape node
SoFenceSlice VolumeViz Fence slice shape node
SoFenceSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
SoFieldBase class for all fields
SoFieldContainerAbstract base class for objects that contain fields
SoFieldListMaintains a list of pointers to fields
SoFieldSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor fields
SoFileNode that reads children from a named file
SoFileDataAdapter ImageViz Image data adapter for data in a file
SoFileSensorSensor that triggers a callback each time a file is changed
SoFillHolesProcessing2d ImageViz SoFillHolesProcessing2d engine
SoFillHolesProcessing3d ImageViz SoFillHolesProcessing3d engine
SoFillImageBorderProcessing3d ImageViz SoFillImageBorderProcessing3d engine
SoFilterAnalysisQuantification ImageViz SoFilterAnalysisQuantification engine removes from the input label analysis labels whose measure does not fulfill a filter formula
SoFilterByMeasureProcessing ImageViz SoFilterByMeasureProcessing engine allows filtering objects given a target measure and a filter criterion
SoFirstOrderStatisticsProcessing ImageViz SoFirstOrderStatisticsProcessing image filter
SoFlatScreen ScaleViz Defines a simple flat screen in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoFlipAxisProcessing2d ImageViz SoFlipAxisProcessing2d image filter
SoFlipAxisProcessing3d ImageViz SoFlipAxisProcessing3d image filter
SoFloatElementElement's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value
SoFloodFillThresholdProcessing ImageViz SoFloodFillThresholdProcessing engine
SoFlowInpaintingProcessing ImageViz SoFlowInpaintingProcessing engine
SoFocalDistanceElementStores the current focal distance of the camera
SoFontNode that defines font name, size, and type for text
SoFontNameElementStores the current font name
SoFontRenderStyleElement VSG extension Stores the current font render style
SoFontSizeElementStores the current font size
SoFontStyle VSG extension Defines font family and style for text
SoFractalDimensionQuantification ImageViz SoFractalDimensionQuantification engine
SoFragmentationIndexQuantification ImageViz SoFragmentationIndexQuantification engine
SoFragmentShader VSG extension Node that defines a fragment shader
SoFrameBufferObject VSG extension Create an OpenGL FrameBuffer
SoFrontBufferGroup VSG extension Delayed rendering group node
SoFullPathPath that allows access to hidden children
SoFullSceneAntialiasing VSG extension Node that controls full-scene antialiasing
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement VSG extension Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state
SoFullSceneAntialiasingParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the FSAA algorithm
SoFXAAParameters VSG extension Antialiasing parameters class for the FXAA algorithm
SoFXViz FXViz Class to initialize FXViz
SoGaborFilteringProcessing2d ImageViz SoGaborFilteringProcessing2d image filter
SoGateSelectively copies its input to its output
SoGaussianBlurFilterProcessing ImageViz SoGaussianBlurFilterProcessing engine
SoGaussianDerivativeProcessing ImageViz SoGaussianDerivativeProcessing image filter
SoGaussianFilterProcessing ImageViz SoGaussianFilterProcessing engine
SoGDIVectorOutput HardCopy Manage vector output to GDI devices.
[Windows only] This class is not implemented on UNIX systems.
SoGeoCoordinate VSG extension Geographic coordinates node
SoGeodesicDistanceMapProcessing ImageViz SoGeodesicDistanceMapProcessing engine
SoGeodesicPropagationProcessing2d ImageViz SoGeodesicPropagationProcessing2d engine
SoGeoElevationGrid VSG extension Specifies a uniform grid of elevation values within some spatial reference frame
SoGeoLocation VSG extension Used to georeference models
SoGeoLOD VSG extension Level-of-detail management for multi-resolution terrains
SoGeometryPriority Large Data Management Priority property of a rendering node
SoGeometryShader VSG extension Node that defines a geometry shader
SoGeoOrigin VSG extension Specifies a local geospatial coordinate system
SoGeoOriginElement VSG extension Stores the current geoOrigin
SoGeoProjection VSG extension Geospatial projection node
SoGeoRender VSG extension Defines rendering projection
SoGeoRenderElement VSG extension Stores the current render projection
SoGestureEventBase class for gesture events
SoGestureRecognizerBase class for all gesture recognizers
SoGetBoundingBoxActionComputes bounding box of a scene
SoGetMatrixActionComputes transformation matrix for a subgraph
SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d ImageViz SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d engine
SoGetPlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d ImageViz SoGetPlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d engine
SoGetPrimitiveCountAction VSG extension Counts number of primitives in scene
SoGetViewClass to access a MeshViz view
SoGIFImageRW VSG extension Class for decoding a GIF raster image
SoGLBufferObject VSG extension OpenGL buffer object class
SoGLClipPlaneElementAdds a clipping plane to the set currently in GL
SoGLColorIndexElementStores color index of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoGLColorMapElement VSG extension Stores color map attributes
SoGLContext VSG extension OpenGL context management class
SoGLCoordinateElementStores the current coordinates
SoGLDepthBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters
SoGLDevice VSG extension OpenGL device management class
SoGLDeviceSettings VSG extension Device settings management class
SoGLDisplayList VSG extension OpenGL display list management class
SoGLDrawBufferElement VSG extension Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters
SoGLDrawStyleElementChanges the current draw style in GL
SoGLEnvironmentElement VSG extension Stores the current environment in GL
SoGLErrorOpenGL rendering error handling
SoGLExtension VSG extension Contains methods to query and disable OpenGL extensions
SoGLExtTextureImageElement VSG extension Stores the current texture image in GL
SoGLFormat VSG extension OpenGL pixel format management class
SoGLFullSceneAntialiasingElement VSG extension Stores full-scene antialiasing properties
SoGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration
SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration template
SoGLGraphicDevice VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics device
SoGLLazyElementManages the GL state for the SoLazyElement
SoGLLightIdElementStores the id of the current light
SoGLLinePatternElementStores the current line pattern in GL
SoGLLineWidthElementStores the current line width in GL
SoGLModelMatrixElementStores the current model matrix in GL
SoGLNormalElementStores the current surface normals
SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification ImageViz SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification computes all the measurements of a measure list
SoGlobalSimplifyAction VSG extension Traverses the scene graph and collects all the triangles in a single list
SoGLPatternElement VSG extension Stores the current pattern in GL
SoGLPointSizeElementStores the current point size in GL
SoGLPolygonOffsetElement VSG extension Stores the current polygon offset in GL
SoGLProjectionMatrixElementStores the current projection matrix in GL
SoGLRenderActionRenders a scene graph using OpenGL
SoGLRenderPassElementStores the current rendering pass
SoGLRenderToBuffer VSG extension Render to buffer
SoGLScreenDevice VSG extension GL Screen device class
SoGLShaderProgramElement VSG extension Stores the current shader program
SoGLShadowStyleElement VSG extension Stores the current shadow style
SoGLShapeHintsElementStores current shape hints and sends commands to GL based on them
SoGLTexCacheEntryStores info about a tex cache
SoGLTexture3EnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables 3D textures
SoGLTextureCombinerElement VSG extension Stores the current texture combiner attributes
SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element VSG extension Stores the current gltexture coordinates
SoGLTextureCoordinateElementStores the current gltexture coordinates
SoGLTextureCubeMapEnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables textureCubeMap
SoGLTextureEnabledElementEnables/disables textures
SoGLTextureImage3Element VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture image in GL
SoGLTextureImageElementStores the current texture image in GL
SoGLTextureMatrixElementStores the current texture matrix in GL
SoGLTextureUnitElement VSG extension Stores the current texture unit in GL
SoGLTransparencyTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current transparency type in GL
SoGLUniformShaderParameterElement VSG extension Stores uniform shader parameter values
SoGLUpdateAreaElementStores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering
SoGLViewingMatrixElementStores the current viewing matrix in GL
SoGLViewportRegionElementStores the current viewport region in GL
SoGLWinWidgetOIV custom QWidget which will handle Open GL
SoGradientBackgroundGradient background node
SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d ImageViz SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d engine
SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing3d ImageViz SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing3d engine
SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing2d ImageViz SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing2d engine
SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing3d ImageViz SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing3d engine
SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d ImageViz SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d engine provides different algorithms to extract the edges of a 2D image
SoGradientOperatorProcessing3d ImageViz SoGradientOperatorProcessing3d engine provides different operators to extract the edges from a 3D image
SoGraphicConfig VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration classes
SoGraphicConfigTemplate VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration template classes
SoGraphicDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics device classes
SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d ImageViz SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d engine
SoGrayscaleResconstructionProcessing ImageViz SoGrayscaleResconstructionProcessing engine
SoGrayscaleToColorProcessing ImageViz SoGrayscaleToColorProcessing engine
SoGroupBase class for all group nodes
SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d ImageViz SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d engine
SoGuiAlgoViewers VSG extension Common algorithms for all viewers
SoGzipDataCompressor Large Data Management Gzip data compression
SoHalfScreenStereo VSG extension Class for half-screen stereo support
SoHandleBoxDraggerBox you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse
SoHandleBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for editing ScaleFactor and Translation
SoHandleEventActionAllows nodes in a graph to receive input events
SoHardCopy HardCopy Class to initialize HardCopy
SoHDRImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding an HDR raster image
SoHeightFieldDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked cell in a heightfield
SoHeightFieldGeometry VolumeViz Height field data node
SoHeightFieldProperty VolumeViz Height field property node
SoHeightFieldPropertyMask VolumeViz Height field mask node
SoHeightFieldRender VolumeViz Heightfield rendering node
SoHessianMatrixProcessing2d ImageViz SoHessianMatrixProcessing2d engine computes the local Hessian matrix
SoHessianMatrixProcessing3d ImageViz SoHessianMatrixProcessing3d engine computes the local Hessian matrix
SoHExtremaProcessing ImageViz SoHExtremaProcessing engine
SoHExtremaWatershedProcessing ImageViz SoHExtremaWatershedProcessing engine computes the watershed lines of a grayscale image
SoHistogramEqualizationProcessing ImageViz SoHistogramEqualizationProcessing engine
SoHPGLVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted files in HPGL/2 format
SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing ImageViz SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing image filter
SoIdleSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle
SoImage VSG extension Displays an image that always faces the camera
SoImageAnalysisResult ImageViz class to handle image analysis
SoImageBackgroundImage background node
SoImageCurvatureProcessing2d ImageViz SoImageCurvatureProcessing2d engine
SoImageCurvatureProcessing3d ImageViz SoImageCurvatureProcessing3d engine
SoImageDataAdapter ImageViz Abstract base class for all ImageViz image data adapter classes
SoImageFormulaProcessing ImageViz SoImageFormulaProcessing engine computes a new image combining one, two or three images using a given arithmetic formula
SoImagePreAlignmentTransform3d ImageViz SoImagePreAlignmentTransform3d image filter
SoImageRegistrationTransform ImageViz SoImageRegistrationTransform image filter
SoImageRegistrationTransform3d ImageViz SoImageRegistrationTransform3d image filter
SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d ImageViz SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d engine
SoImageViz ImageViz Module class use to register/unregister ImageViz module
SoImageVizEngine ImageViz Abstract base class for all ImageViz engines
SoImageVizEngineAnalysisOutput< AnalysisResultType > ImageViz Image Processing output class to convert SoImageAnalysisResult to result details
SoImageVizEngineMFieldOutput< OutputFieldType, OutputType > ImageViz Image Processing output class
SoImageVizEngineOutput< OutputFieldType, OutputType > ImageViz Image Processing output class
SoImageVolumeQuantification ImageViz SoImageVolumeQuantification image filter
SoIndexedFaceSetIndexed polygonal face shape node
SoIndexedLineSetIndexed polyline shape node
SoIndexedMarkerSet VSG extension Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location
SoIndexedNurbsCurveIndexed NURBS curve shape node
SoIndexedNurbsSurfaceIndexed NURBS surface shape node
SoIndexedPointSetIndexed point set shape node
SoIndexedQuadMeshIndexed quadrilateral mesh shape node
SoIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes
SoIndexedTexture2 VSG extension Class for 2D indexed texture
SoIndexedTriangleFanSetIndexed triangle fan set shape node
SoIndexedTriangleSetIndexed triangle shape node
SoIndexedTriangleStripSetIndexed triangle strip set shape node
SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d ImageViz SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d measures the resistance of an object to changes in its motion around a given axis of rotation
SoInfluenceZonesProcessing ImageViz SoInfluenceZonesProcessing engine
SoInfoNode containing information text string
SoInputUsed to read Open Inventor data files
SoInputParameters VSG extension Base class for file reader parameters
SoInputReaderBase class for custom readers that create an Open Inventor scene graph
SoInstanceParameter VSG extension Per-instance parameter node storing a buffer object
SoInt32ElementStores a single int32_t, int, or enum value
SoInt32ListElementStores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values
SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification ImageViz SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification engine
SoIntensityExtremaQuantification ImageViz SoIntensityExtremaQuantification engine computes basic statistics of an image
SoIntensityHistogramQuantification ImageViz SoIntensityHistogramQuantification engine
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d ImageViz SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d engine computes pixel intensity integral
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d ImageViz SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d engine computes intensity integral of voxel values
SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification ImageViz SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification engine advanced basic statistics of an image
SoInteractionInitializes Open Inventor interaction classes
SoInteractionElement VSG extension Stores the current interaction state
SoInteractionKitBase class for all interaction nodekit classes
SoInteractiveComplexityField interactive complexity node
SoInteractiveComplexityElement VSG extension Stores the current interactive complexity
SoInteractiveSwitchGroup node that traverses one chosen child depending on scene interaction
SoInteractiveSwitchElementStores the current interactive switch index
SoInteriorPointsProcessing2d ImageViz SoInteriorPointsProcessing2d engine
SoInterlacedStereo VSG extension Class for interlaced stereo support
SoInterlaceFramesProcessing2d ImageViz SoInterlaceFramesProcessing2d engine
SoInterpolateBase class for all interpolator engines
SoInterpolateFloatInterpolates floating-point values
SoInterpolateRotationInterpolates rotation values
SoInterpolateVec2fInterpolates 2D floating-point vectors
SoInterpolateVec3fInterpolates 3D floating-point vectors
SoInterpolateVec4fInterpolates 4D floating-point vectors
SoIntersectionDetectionAction VSG extension Class to detect intersections
SoInvertImageProcessing ImageViz SoInvertImageProcessing engine calculates the reverse of an image
SoIsolatedPointsProcessing2d ImageViz SoIsolatedPointsProcessing2d engine
SoIsolatedPointsProcessing3d ImageViz SoIsolatedPointsProcessing3d engine
SoIvTune VSG extension Opens an IvTune window
SoJackDraggerJack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse
SoJackManipTransform node with 3D interface for rotating, scaling, and translating
SoJP2ImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG2000 raster image
SoJp3dDataCompressor Large Data Management JP3D data compression
SoJpegDataCompressor Large Data Management Jpeg data compression
SoJPEGImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG raster image
SoKeyboardEventKeyboard key press and release events
SoLabelNode containing label text string
SoLabelAnalysisQuantification ImageViz SoLabelAnalysisQuantification engine performs measurements on objects from a label image
SoLabelAnalysisResult ImageViz class to handle label analysis
SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification ImageViz SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification engine computes measurements on objects from a label image and filters the result according to a given formula
SoLabelFilteringProcessing ImageViz SoLabelFilteringProcessing engine filters objects from a label image according to a given formula
SoLabelingProcessing ImageViz SoLabelingProcessing engine
SoLabelInterfacesProcessing ImageViz SoLabelInterfacesProcessing engine
SoLassoScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw a lasso in normalized screen space
SoLazyElementManages several properties that need to be lazily tracked for OpenGL
SoLDMBufferObjectInterface Large Data Management LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles
SoLDMDataAccess Large Data Management Volume data access methods
SoLDMDataTransform Large Data Management LDM data transform object
SoLDMGeomElement Large Data Management Geometry element
SoLDMGeometry Large Data Management VVizGeometry
SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters Large Data Management Global resource parameters for LDM
SoLDMLargeDataManagement Large Data Management Large Data Management
SoLDMMediator Large Data Management Large Data Management
SoLDMNodeFrontManager Large Data Management LDM Node Front Manager abstract base class
SoLDMProximityVisitor Large Data Management Proximity Visitor
SoLDMReader Large Data Management Base class for LDM data set readers
SoLDMResourceManager Large Data Management Resource Manager
SoLDMResourceParameters Large Data Management Describes resource parameters constraints for a specific LDM data set
SoLdmShape Large Data Management Abstract base class for LDM shape nodes
SoLDMTileID Large Data Management Tile ID
SoLDMTileManager Large Data Management LDM Tile Manager
SoLDMTileVisitor Large Data Management Tile Visitor
SoLDMTopoOctree Large Data Management Octree topology queries
SoLdmValuationAction Large Data Management LDM valuation action
SoLDMWriter Large Data Management Write data to disk in LDM format
SoLevelOfDetailLevel-of-detail switching group node
SoLevelOfSimplification VSG extension Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape
SoLicensedProduct VSG extension Class managing a licensed product
SoLicensesInfo VSG extension Class managing every licensed product
SoLightAbstract base class for all light source nodes
SoLightAttenuationElementStores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment
SoLightElement VSG extension Stores information on lights
SoLightKitLight nodekit class
SoLightModelNode that defines the lighting model to use when rendering
SoLightModelElementStores the current lighting model (superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoLinearProfilePiecewise-linear profile curve
SoLineDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments
SoLineHighlightRenderActionSelection highlight style
SoLinePatternElementStores the current line stipple pattern
SoLineSetPolyline shape node
SoLineWidthElementStores the current line width
SoListSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor base lists
SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing ImageViz SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing engine
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElementStores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction
SoLocalMaximaQuantification ImageViz SoLocalMaximaQuantification engine
SoLocalStatisticsProcessing ImageViz SoLocalStatisticsProcessing engine
SoLocalThicknessMapProcessing3d ImageViz SoLocalThicknessMapProcessing3d engine
SoLocateHighlight VSG extension Special separator that performs locate highlighting
SoLocation2Event2D location events
SoLockManager VSG extension Sets the unlock string
SoLOD VSG extension Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node
SoLogicalImageProcessing ImageViz SoLogicalImageProcessing engine performs logical operations between two image
SoLogicalNotProcessing ImageViz SoLogicalNotProcessing engine
SoLogicalValueProcessing ImageViz SoLogicalValueProcessing engine
SoLogicalViewportElement VSG extension Stores the logical viewport region
SoLongTapGestureEventClass for long tap gesture events
SoLongTapGestureRecognizerLong tap gesture recognizer
SoMajorityFilterProcessing ImageViz SoMajorityFilterProcessing engine
SoMarker VSG extension Defines a custom bitmap for SoMarkerSet and SoIndexedMarkerSet
SoMarkerBasedWatershedProcessing ImageViz SoMarkerBasedWatershedProcessing engine performs a fast determination of the watershed lines
SoMarkerSet VSG extension Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location
SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification ImageViz SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification engine advanced basic statistics of an image within a mask
SoMaskImageProcessing ImageViz SoMaskImageProcessing engine provides masking of image
SoMasterConfig ScaleViz Specifies the master machine properties (for a render cluster) in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoMatchContrastProcessing ImageViz SoMatchContrastProcessing engine
SoMaterialSurface material definition node
SoMaterialBindingNode that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes
SoMaterialBindingElementStores the current material binding
SoMathematicalFunctionProcessing ImageViz SoMathematicalFunctionProcessing engine
SoMatrixTransformNode that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix
SoMaxAbsoluteValueProcessing2d ImageViz SoMaxAbsoluteValueProcessing2d engine
SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification ImageViz SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification engine computes an estimation of a gaussian noise standard deviation
SoMeasureImageProcessing ImageViz SoMeasureImageProcessing engine allows to replace all labels of the input image by the result of an individual measure
SoMedianFilterProcessing ImageViz SoMedianFilterProcessing engine
SoMemoryDataAdapter ImageViz Image data adapter for in memory data
SoMemoryErrorMemory error handling
SoMemoryObject VSG extension Handle memory buffer with reference counter
SoMenuBar VSG extension Menu bar node
SoMenuCheckBox VSG extension Menu pushbutton node
SoMenuCheckBoxAuditor VSG extension Menu CheckBox auditor
SoMenuCheckBoxLauncher VSG extension Menu checkBoxLauncher node
SoMenuFileSelection VSG extension Menu file selection button node
SoMenuFileSelectionAuditor VSG extension Menu FileSelection auditor
SoMenuItem VSG extension Abstract class for all menu item nodes
SoMenuPopup VSG extension Menu Popup node
SoMenuPushButton VSG extension Menu pushbutton node
SoMenuPushButtonAuditor VSG extension Menu PushButton auditor
SoMenuPushButtonLauncher VSG extension Menu pushButtonLauncher node
SoMenuRadioButtons VSG extension Dialog RadioButtons node
SoMenuRadioButtonsAuditor VSG extension Menu RadioButtons auditor
SoMenuSeparator VSG extension Menu separator node
SoMessageDialog VSG extension Message Dialog node
SoMFBitMaskMultiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags
SoMFBoolMultiple-value field containing any number of Boolean values
SoMFBufferObjectMultiple-value field containing any number of buffer objects
SoMFColorMultiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats
SoMFColorRGBAMultiple-value field containing any number of RGBA colors stored as four floats
SoMFDataMeasure ImageViz Multiple-value field containing any number of SoDataMeasure
SoMFDoubleMultiple-value field containing any number of double precision values
SoMFEngineMultiple-value field containing any number of engines
SoMFEnumMultiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values
SoMFFieldContainerMultiple-value field containing any number of pointers to fieldContainers
SoMFFilePathString VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of file path strings
SoMFFloatMultiple-value field containing any number of floating point values
SoMFieldBase class for all multiple-valued fields
SoMFImageField containing multiple 2D images
SoMFInstanceParameter VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of SoInstanceParameter nodes
SoMFInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers
SoMFInt64Multiple-value field containing any number of int64_t integers
SoMFKernel2i32 ImageViz Multiple-value field containing any number of SbKernel2i32 objects
SoMFKernel3i32 ImageViz Multiple-value field containing any number of SbKernel3i32 objects
SoMFMatrixMultiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices
SoMFNameMultiple-value field containing any number of names
SoMFNodeMultiple-value field containing any number of nodes
SoMFPathMultiple-value field containing any number of paths
SoMFPlaneField containing several plane equations
SoMFRotationMultiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations
SoMFShortMultiple-value field containing any number of short integers
SoMFStringMultiple-value field containing any number of strings
SoMFTimeMultiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values
SoMFUByteMultiple-value field containing any number of uint8_t integers
SoMFUInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_t integers
SoMFUniformShaderParameter VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of SoUniformShaderParameter nodes
SoMFUShortMultiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers
SoMFVec2dMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec2fMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec2FilePathStringMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional filePath string vectors
SoMFVec2i32Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec2sMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec2StringMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional string vectors
SoMFVec3dMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec3fMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec3i32 VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec3sMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4bMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4fMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4i32 VSG extension Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4sMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4ubMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4ui32Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoMFVec4usMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
SoModelMatrixElementStores the current model matrix
SoModifyLogicalViewportElement VSG extension Stores a logical viewport region subset
SoModifyViewVolumeElement VSG extension Stores a view volume subset
SoModuleCheckClass used to check and report library and application consistency
SoMorphologicalGradientProcessing ImageViz SoMorphologicalGradientProcessing engine
SoMorphologicalLaplacianProcessing ImageViz SoMorphologicalLaplacianProcessing engine
SoMorphoLut2D ImageViz Class that represents a morphological look-up table (LUT)
SoMorphoLut3D ImageViz class that represents a morphological look-up table (LUT)
SoMotion3Event3D motion events
SoMouseButtonEventMouse button press and release events
SoMouseWheelEventMouse wheel events
SoMPConfig ScaleViz Specifies the behavior of the MultiPipe viewer
SoMPEGFrameRenderer VSG extension Generates MPEG output, frame by frame
SoMPEGNavRenderer VSG extension Generates MPEG output that tracks camera motion
SoMPEGRenderer VSG extension Base class for generating MPEG output from a scene graph
SoMultiDataSeparator Large Data Management Separator for combining multiple data sets
SoMultiPathSwitchGroup node that traverses only when traversed along a given path
SoMultipleCopyGroup node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices
SoMultipleInstanceGroup node that renders multiple instances of its children
SoMultipleInstanceBaseAbstract group node that traverses its children multiple times
SoMultipleInstanceElementStores current MultiInstance info
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d ImageViz SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d engine
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing3d ImageViz SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d engine
SoMultiSwitchGroup node that traverses a set of chosen children
SoMultiSwitchElementStores the current multi-switch indices
SoNagaoFilterProcessing2d ImageViz SoNagaoFilterProcessing2d engine
SoNagaoFilterProcessing3d ImageViz SoNagaoFilterProcessing3d engine
SoNeighborToleranceElement VSG extension Stores the current neighbor tolerance factor
SoNodeAbstract base class for all database nodes
SoNodeDependenciesThis class is a cache handler that can be used to monitor the modifications made to elements or fields
SoNodeKitInitializes nodekit classes
SoNodekitCatalogNodekit catalog class
SoNodeKitDetailStores detail information about a nodekit
SoNodeKitListPartGroup node with restricted children
SoNodeKitPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits
SoNodeListMaintains a list of pointers to nodes
SoNodeSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor nodes
SoNonIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes
SoNonLocalMeansFilterProcessing ImageViz SoNonLocalMeansFilterProcessing engine
SoNormalNode that defines surface normals for shapes
SoNormalBindingNode that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes
SoNormalBindingElementStores current normal binding
SoNormalElementAllows read-only access to the top element in the state
SoNoStereoView VSG extension Makes a stereo viewer behave like a monoscopic (non-stereo) viewer
SoNurbsBoundary VSG extension Node that defines a boundary shared by several NURBS profile
SoNurbsCurveNURBS curve shape node
SoNurbsGroup VSG extension Group that encapsulates NURBS surfaces to be joined
SoNurbsProfileNURBS profile curve
SoNurbsPropertyNode that defines additional properties for rendering a NURBS surface
SoNurbsPropertyElement VSG extension Stores current NURBS properties
SoNurbsSurfaceNURBS surface shape node
SoObjectBoundariesProcessing ImageViz SoObjectBoundariesProcessing engine
SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification ImageViz SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification engine
SoObjectCountQuantification ImageViz SoObjectCountQuantification engine computes the number of objects in an image
SoObjectImageRatioQuantification ImageViz SoObjectImageRatioQuantification engine
SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d ImageViz SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d engine
SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification ImageViz SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification engine
SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification ImageViz SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification engine
SoObjectToRegionProcessing2d ImageViz SoObjectToRegionProcessing2d engine
SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d ImageViz SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d engine
SoObjectVolumeQuantification ImageViz SoObjectVolumeQuantification engine
SoObliqueSlice VolumeViz Oblique slice shape node
SoObliqueSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel on an oblique slice
SoOcclusionCulling VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that performs an OpenGL-based occlusion culling test on its list of render objects
SoOctreeOrdering VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that maintains a transparent octree organization of the shapes below it
SoOffscreenRendererRenders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures
SoOffscreenTileObserver VSG extension Abstract class for monitoring the rendering of tiles (sub-images)
SoOffscreenTileProperty VSG extension Class encapsulating offscreen tile properties
SoOffscreenVolumeRender VolumeViz Extract data from an SoVolumeRender
SoOneShotTimer that runs for a pre-set amount of time
SoOneShotSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks
SoOnOffEngine that functions as an on/off switch
SoOpenCL VSG extension OpenCL module API
SoOpenCLApi VSG extension OpenCL access API
SoOpenCLArithmetic VSG extension Arithmetic functions for OpenCL buffers
SoOpenCLBufferObject VSG extension OpenCL buffer object managment class
SoOpenCLContext VSG extension OpenCL device context API
SoOpenCLConversion VSG extension Type conversion functions for OpenCL buffers
SoOpenCLConvolution VSG extension Convolution functions for OpenCL buffers
SoOpenCLDataExtract VSG extension Data extraction algorithms for OpenCL buffers
SoOpenCLDevice VSG extension OpenCL device management class
SoOpenCLSeismic VSG extension Seismic attribute functions for OPENCL buffers
SoOpeningBallByReconstructionProcessing3d ImageViz SoOpeningBallByReconstructionProcessing3d engine
SoOpeningBallProcessing3d ImageViz SoOpeningBallProcessing3d engine
SoOpeningByReconstructionProcessing ImageViz SoOpeningByReconstructionProcessing image filter
SoOpeningCubeProcessing ImageViz SoOpeningCubeProcessing engine performs an opening using a structuring element matching with a square or a cube
SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d ImageViz SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine
SoOpeningDiskProcessing2d ImageViz SoOpeningDiskProcessing2d engine
SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d ImageViz SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d engine
SoOpeningLineMaximumProcessing ImageViz SoOpeningLineMaximumProcessing engine
SoOpeningLineProcessing2d ImageViz SoOpeningLineProcessing2d engine
SoOpeningLineProcessing3d ImageViz SoOpeningLineProcessing3d engine
SoOpeningSquareColorProcessing2d ImageViz SoOpeningSquareColorProcessing2d engine
SoOrthographicCameraOrthographic camera node
SoOrthoSlice VolumeViz Ortho slice shape node
SoOrthoSliceDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about an ortho slice
SoOrthoSliceDragger VolumeViz Object that moves an SoOrthoSlice by dragging with the mouse
SoOutputUsed to write Open Inventor data files
SoOverrideElementStores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden
SoPackedColorNode that defines base colors using packed representation
SoParticleAnimation FXViz Particle system animation node
SoParticleChemicalFlame FXViz Particle system node for generating a chemical flame effect
SoParticleExplosion FXViz Explosion particle system node
SoParticleFlame FXViz Particle system node for generating a flame effect
SoParticleLightRay FXViz Particle system node for generating a light ray effect
SoParticleSmoke FXViz Particle system node for generating a smoke effect
SoParticleSnow FXViz Particle system node for generating a snow effect
SoPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodes
SoPathListMaintains a list of pointers to paths
SoPathSensorSensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor paths
SoPathSwitchGroup node that traverses only when traversed along a given path
SoPattern VSG extension Node that defines the pattern to use when rendering shapes
SoPatternElement VSG extension Stores current pattern value
SoPBuffer VSG extension Creates an OpenGL Pbuffer
SoPendulumAnimated oscillating rotation node
SoPerfAccumCounterPerformance Accumulation Counter
SoPerfCounterAbstract base class for Performance Counter
SoPerfCounterManagerPerformance Counter Manager
SoPerfStateCounterPerformance State Counter
SoPerspectiveCameraPerspective camera node
SoPGXImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PGX raster image
SoPickActionAbstract base class for picking objects in a scene
SoPickedPointRepresents point on surface of picked object
SoPickedPointListMaintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances
SoPickMethodElementStores the current pick method
SoPickRayElementStores the current ray to use for picking
SoPickStylePicking style node
SoPickStyleElementStores the current pick style
SoPNGImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PNG raster image
SoPNMImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PNM raster image
SoPointDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of points
SoPointLightNode representing a point light source
SoPointLightDraggerSun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
SoPointLightManipPoint light node with 3D interface for editing location
SoPointSetPoint set shape node
SoPointSizeElementStores the current point size
SoPolarToCartesianProcessing2d ImageViz SoPolarToCartesianProcessing2d engine
SoPolygonOffset VSG extension Property node that sets the polygon offset
SoPolygonOffsetElement VSG extension Stores current polygon offset state
SoPolygonScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draws a polygon in normalized screen space
SoPolylineExtrusionApproximation3d ImageViz SoPolylineExtrusionApproximation3d polyline approximation
SoPolylineResamplerApproximation2d ImageViz SoPolylineResamplerApproximation2d polyline approximation
SoPolylineResamplerApproximation3d ImageViz SoPolylineResamplerApproximation3d polyline approximation
SoPolyLineScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draw a polyline in normalized screen space
SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d ImageViz SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d engine
SoPreferences VSG extension Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters
SoPrimitiveVertexRepresents a vertex of a generated primitive
SoProfileAbstract base class for all profile nodes
SoProfileCoordinate2Profile coordinate node
SoProfileCoordinate3Rational profile coordinate node
SoProfileCoordinateElementStores the current profile coordinates
SoProfileElementStores 2D profiles for NURBS and 3D text
SoProgressIndicator VSG extension Class for reporting progress of a task
SoProjection VSG extension Coordinate projection node
SoProjectionMatrixElementStores the current projection matrix
SoProxyDataAdapter ImageViz Proxy image data adapter for in memory data
SoPruneProcessing2d ImageViz SoPruneProcessing2d engine
SoPruningProcessing3d ImageViz SoPruneProcessing3d engine
SoPSImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a PostScript raster image
SoPSVectorOutput HardCopy Class used to write vector formatted files in PostScript format
SoQt VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Qt compatibility
SoQtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
SoQtColorEditor VSG extension Component that lets you edit a color interactively
SoQtComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components
SoQtConstrainedViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
SoQtDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
SoQtDirectionalLightEditor VSG extension Component for editing directional lights
SoQtExaminerViewer VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoQtExtEventApplicationOverload the QApplication to be able to get devices events like SpaceMouse
SoQtFlyViewer VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
SoQtFullViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoQtGLWidget VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering
SoQtKeyboard VSG extension Translates and reports events for the keyboard device
SoQtMaterialEditor VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively
SoQtMouse VSG extension Translates and reports events for the mouse device
SoQtPlaneViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoQtRenderArea VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoQtSpaceballTranslates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
SoQtTouchScreenTranslates and reports Qt events for the touch screen device
SoQtViewer VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class
SoQtWalkViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoQtWrapper VSG extension Creates a QWidget that encapsulates an Open Inventor viewer
SoQuadMeshQuadrilateral mesh shape node
SoQuadrilateralMeshSlicerApproximation3d ImageViz SoQuadrilateralMeshSlicerApproximation3d engine
SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing2d ImageViz SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing2d engine
SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing3d ImageViz SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing3d engine
SoRadialGradientContourProcessing2d ImageViz SoRadialGradientContourProcessing2d engine
SoRadialGradientContourProcessing3d ImageViz SoRadialGradientContourProcessing3d engine
SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing2d ImageViz SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing2d engine
SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing3d ImageViz SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing3d engine
SoRandomImageGeneration ImageViz SoRandomImageGeneration engine creates a new image with random values
SoRandomSphereGeneration3d ImageViz SoRandomSphereGeneration3d engine allow to create synthetic spheres in a binary image
SoRasterImageFile VSG extension Class for raster image file input and output
SoRasterImageIO VSG extension Abstract base class for raster image input and output
SoRasterImageRW VSG extension Abstract base class for encoding and decoding raster images
SoRasterReaderSet VSG extension Class referencing all raster reading classes
SoRawStereo VSG extension Class for OpenGL stereo support
SoRawStereoParameters VSG extension Raw stereo parameters class
SoRayPickActionIntersects objects with a ray cast into scene
SoReadErrorRead error handling
SoReconstructionFromMarkersProcessing ImageViz SoReconstructionFromMarkersProcessing engine
SoRectangleScreenDrawer VSG extension Interactively draws a rectangle in normalized screen space
SoRecursiveExponentialFilterProcessing ImageViz SoRecursiveExponentialFilterProcessing engine
SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing ImageViz SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing engine applies a recursive algorithm for the determination of the laplacian
SoRef< T >Smart pointer for any class inheriting SoRefCounter
SoRefCounterBase class for ref-counted objects
SoRegionalExtremaProcessing ImageViz SoRegionalExtremaProcessing engine
SoRegionToObjectProcessing2d ImageViz SoRegionToObjectProcessing2d image filter
SoRegistrationResult ImageViz Class that stores registration results
SoRemoteParams ScaleViz Abstract base class for remote parameter setup
SoRemoteVizClient RemoteViz Client node enables to integrate RemoteViz into Open Inventor applications
SoRemoveSmallHolesProcessing ImageViz SoRemoveSmallHolesProcessing engine
SoRemoveSmallSpotsProcessing ImageViz SoRemoveSmallSpotsProcessing engine
SoRenderAreaCore VSG extension [PREVIEW] Utility class to render a scene with an OpenGl context
SoRenderList VSG extension Abstract group node that changes traversal from the scene graph to a list of render objects
SoRenderObjectListElement VSG extension Stores the recent render object list
SoRenderToTarget VSG extension Group node that renders its children to one or more "targets"
SoRenderToTextureProperty VSG extension Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph
SoReorderLabelsProcessing ImageViz SoReorderLabelsProcessing image filter
SoReorganizeAction VSG extension Reorganizes the scene graph by grouping shapes with common properties, then groups these shapes in a single shape and runs the simplifier on it
SoReplacedElementAbstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set
SoReplacedTextureElement VSG extension Abstract base class for each texture state element
SoResampleImageProcessing3d ImageViz SoResampleImageProcessing3d filter
SoRescaleIntensityProcessing ImageViz SoRescaleIntensityProcessing engine
SoResetImageProcessing ImageViz SoResetImageProcessing engine sets all pixels/voxels values of the input image to a constant value
SoResetTransformNode that resets the current transformation to identity
SoRidgeDetectionProcessing ImageViz SoRidgeDetectionProcessing engine
SoROI Large Data Management Region of Interest (subvolume) node
SoROIManip Large Data Management Manipulator to transform an ROI (Region of Interest)
SoRotateAroundZProcessing2d ImageViz SoRotateAroundZProcessing2d image filter
SoRotateCylindricalDraggerObject you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse
SoRotateDiscDraggerObject you can rotate like a knob by dragging with the mouse
SoRotateGestureEventClass for rotate gesture events
SoRotateGestureRecognizerRotate gesture recognizer
SoRotateProcessing2d ImageViz SoRotateProcessing2d image filter
SoRotateProcessing3d ImageViz SoRotateProcessing3d image filter
SoRotateSphericalDraggerObject you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse
SoRotationNode representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis
SoRotationXYZNode representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis
SoRotorAnimated rotation node
SoRowDialog VSG extension Class that creates the dialog row container
SoSampleImageProcessing ImageViz SoSampleImageProcessing engine extracts a sub-sample of an image
SoScaleNode representing a 3D geometric scaling
SoScale1DraggerObject you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse
SoScale2DraggerObject you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
SoScale2UniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
SoScaleByFactorProcessing ImageViz SoScaleByFactorProcessing image filter
SoScaleGestureEventClass for scale (pinch) gesture events
SoScaleGestureRecognizerScale (pinch) gesture recognizer
SoScaleImageToSizeProcessing ImageViz SoScaleImageToSizeProcessing engine
SoScaleUniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse
SoScaleViz ScaleViz ScaleViz initialization
SoScaleVizART ScaleViz ScaleViz based Automatic Replay Tool
SoScaleVizConfig ScaleViz Defines a ScaleViz configuration
SoScaleVizParameters ScaleViz Abstract base class for global ScaleViz parameter setup
SoSceneKitScene nodekit class
SoSceneManagerManages scene graph rendering and event handling
SoScreen ScaleViz Defines a general screen in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoScreenDrawer VSG extension Base class to draw a scene graph in screen space
SoSearchActionSearches for nodes in a scene graph
SoSearchPathAction VSG extension Searches for a node in a scene graph using a sequence of search criteria
SoSearchStepAction VSG extension Searches for nodes in the scene graph step by step
SoSegmentChain ImageViz class that reprensents a chain of segments
SoSeismic VSG extension Seismic attribute functions for buffers
SoSelectionManages a list of selected objects
SoSelectOneSelects one value from a multiple-value field
SoSensorAbstract base class for Open Inventor sensors
SoSensorListMaintains a list of SoSensor
SoSeparateObjectsProcessing ImageViz SoSeparateObjectsProcessing engine separates objects in a binary image
SoSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores traversal state
SoSeparatorKitSeparator nodekit class
SoSetPlaneToVolumeProcessing3d ImageViz SoSetPlaneToVolumeProcessing3d engine
SoSFAnalysisResult ImageViz Field containing an SoAnalysisResult object
SoSFArrayAbstract Field containing an array of values
SoSFArray2DField containing a 2D array value
SoSFArray3DField containing a 3D array value
SoSFBitMaskSingle-value field containing a set of bit flags
SoSFBoolField containing a single Boolean value
SoSFBox2f VSG extension Field containing a two-dimensional box
SoSFBox3f VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
SoSFBox3i32 VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
SoSFBox3s VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional box
SoSFBox4i32 VSG extension Field containing a four-dimensional box (spacial three-dimension + time dimension)
SoSFColorField containing an RGB color
SoSFColorRGBAField containing an RGBA color
SoSFDataMeasure ImageViz Field containing an SoDataMeasure object
SoSFDataMeasureAttributes ImageViz Field containing an SoDataMeasureAttributes object
SoSFDoubleField containing a floating-point value
SoSFEngineField containing an engine instance
SoSFEnumField containing an enumerated value
SoSFFilePathString VSG extension Field containing a file path string
SoSFFloatField containing a floating-point value
SoSFieldAbstract base class for all single-value fields
SoSFImageField containing a 2D image
SoSFImage3 VSG extension Field containing a 3D image
SoSFImageAnalysisResult ImageViz Field containing an SoImageAnalysisResult object
SoSFImageDataAdapter ImageViz Field containing an SoImageDataAdapter object
SoSFInt32Field containing a int32_t integer
SoSFInt64Field containing a int64_t integer
SoSFKernel2i32 ImageViz Field containing an SbKernel2i32 object
SoSFKernel3i32 ImageViz Field containing an SbKernel3i32 object
SoSFLabelAnalysisResult ImageViz Field containing an SoLabelAnalysisResult object
SoSFLDMDataTransformField containing an SoLDMDataTransform object
SoSFLDMResourceParametersField containing an SoLDMResourceParameters object
SoSFMaterialField containing an SoMaterial node
SoSFMatrixField containing a 4x4 matrix
SoSFMemObjField containing a reference to a memory object
SoSFMorphoLut2D ImageViz Field containing an SoMorphoLut2D object
SoSFMorphoLut3D ImageViz Field containing an SoMorphoLut3D object
SoSFNameField containing a name
SoSFNodeField containing a a node
SoSFPathField containing an SoPath
SoSFPlaneField containing a plane equation
SoSFRotationField containing a rotation
SoSFSegmentChain ImageViz Field containing an SoSegmentChain object
SoSFShortField containing a short integer
SoSFStringField containing a string
SoSFStructuredQuadrilateralMesh ImageViz Field containing a SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh object
SoSFTimeField containing an SbTime
SoSFTriggerField used to trigger engines or connection networks
SoSFUByteField containing a uint8_t integer
SoSFUInt32Field containing an unsigned int32_t integer
SoSFUShortField containing an unsigned short integer
SoSFVec2dField containing a two-dimensional vector
SoSFVec2fField containing a two-dimensional vector
SoSFVec2i32Field containing a two-dimensional vector
SoSFVec2sField containing a two-dimensional vector
SoSFVec3dField containing a three-dimensional vector
SoSFVec3fField containing a three-dimensional vector
SoSFVec3i32 VSG extension Field containing a three-dimensional vector
SoSFVec4fField containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector
SoSFVec4i32 VSG extension Field containing a homogeneous four-dimensional vector
SoSGIRGBImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding an SGI raster image
SoShadeProcessing2d ImageViz SoShadeProcessing2d engine
SoShaderObject VSG extension Abstract node class which defines a shader object
SoShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all shader parameter nodes
SoShaderParameter1f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a float value
SoShaderParameter1i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an integer
SoShaderParameter2f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector
SoShaderParameter2i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (integer) vector
SoShaderParameter3f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector
SoShaderParameter3i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (integer) vector
SoShaderParameter4f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector
SoShaderParameter4i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector
SoShaderParameterArray1f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of float values
SoShaderParameterArray1i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of integers
SoShaderParameterArray2f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (float) vectors
SoShaderParameterArray2i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (integer) vectors
SoShaderParameterArray3f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (float) vectors
SoShaderParameterArray3i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (integer) vectors
SoShaderParameterArray4f VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (float) vectors
SoShaderParameterArray4i VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (integer) vectors
SoShaderParameterBufferObject VSG extension Shader parameter node storing a buffer object
SoShaderParameterMatrix VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a 4x4 matrix
SoShaderParameterMatrixArray VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of 4x4 matrices
SoShaderParameterStruct VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing a user-defined structure
SoShaderProgram VSG extension Shader program property node
SoShaderProgramElement VSG extension Stores the current shader program
SoShaderStateMatrixParameter VSG extension Uniform shader parameter node storing an OpenGL state matrix
SoShadingCorrectionProcessing ImageViz SoShadingCorrectionProcessing engine
SoShadowGroup VSG extension Shadow casting group node
SoShadowStyle VSG extension Shadow style property node
SoShapeAbstract base class for all shape nodes
SoShapeHintsNode that provides hints about shapes
SoShapeHintsElementStores the current shape hints
SoShapeKitShape nodekit class
SoShapeSimplifyAction VSG extension Simplify action that replaces shapes within a scene graph with versions that contain fewer triangles
SoShapeStyleElementStores some information used by shapes
SoShininessElementStores shininess of current material (mostly superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoShuttleAnimated oscillating translation node
SoSieveLabelingProcessing ImageViz SoSieveLabelingProcessing engine produces a new label image by grouping labels of the input label image
SoSigmaFilterProcessing ImageViz SoSigmaFilterProcessing engine
SoSimplifier VSG extension Abstract base class for objects that encapsulate simplification algorithms
SoSimplifyAction VSG extension Abstract base class for simplifying scene graphs
SoSkeletonProcessing2d ImageViz SoSkeletonProcessing2d engine computes the morphological skeleton of objects
SoSlice VolumeViz Abstract base class for slice shape nodes
SoSliceDetail VolumeViz Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume
SoSNNFilterProcessing ImageViz SoSNNFilterProcessing engine
SoSolidViz SolidViz Class to initialize SolidViz
SoSpaceballButtonEvent VSG extension Spaceball button press and release events
SoSpecularColorElementStores specular color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement)
SoSphereSphere shape node
SoSplitGeometryAction VSG extension Split large geometry into smaller objects to improve culling for multi-pipe rendering
SoSpotLightNode representing a spotlight source
SoSpotLightDraggerSpotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam
SoSpotLightManipSpotlight node with 3D interface for editing location, direction, and beam width
SoStateTraversal state
SoStereoCameraStereo camera node
SoStereoDialog VSG extension Component that lets you modify stereo attributes interactively
SoStereoElement VSG extension Stores the current stereo attributes
SoStereoParameters VSG extension Stereo parameters base class
SoStereoViewer VSG extension Pure virtual class for stereo support
SoSTLFileFormat VSG extension Module class to initialize STL file format support
SoSTLInputReader VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a STL file
SoSTLWriteAction VSG extension Class for exporting a scene graph to an STL file
SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d ImageViz SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d engine
SoSUNImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a SUN raster image
SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d ImageViz SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d surface approximation
SoSurfaceUnfoldingProcessing3d ImageViz SoSurfaceUnfoldingProcessing3d engine
SoSurroundScaleTransformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects
SoSwapAxisProcessing2d ImageViz SoSwapAxisProcessing2d image filter
SoSwapAxisProcessing3d ImageViz SoSwapAxisProcessing3d engine performs a transposition of the image
SoSwapQuadrantsProcessing ImageViz SoSwapQuadrantsProcessing engine
SoSwitchGroup node that traverses one chosen child
SoSwitchElementStores the current switch index
SoSystemTimer VSG extension Common interface to expose system dependent timers
SoSystemTimerTask VSG extension Interface used by SoSystemTimer to execute a task
SoTabBoxDraggerCubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse
SoTabBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for editing scale and translation
SoTabDialog VSG extension Class that creates the dialog tab container
SoTabDialogAuditor VSG extension Tab Dialog auditor
SoTabPlaneDraggerObject you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse
SoTessellationControlShader VSG extension Node that defines a tessellation control shader
SoTessellationEvaluationShader VSG extension Node that defines a tessellation evaluation shader
SoText2Screen-aligned 2D text shape node
SoText33D text shape node
SoTextAliasingFactorElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text anti-aliasing factor
SoTextAlignmentHElement VSG extension Stores the current horizontal text alignment
SoTextAlignmentVElement VSG extension Stores the current vertical text alignment
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement VSG extension Stores the current text backFrame line width
SoTextDetailStores detail information about a text node
SoTextKerningElement VSG extension Stores the current kerning value
SoTextMarginElement VSG extension Stores the current text margin
SoTextOrientationElement VSG extension Stores the current text orientation attributes
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement VSG extension Stores the current 3D text outline flag
SoTextProperty VSG extension Text property node
SoTextStyleColorsElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range
SoTextStyleElement VSG extension Stores the current text effect settings
SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range
SoTextureAbstract base class for texture mapping nodes
SoTexture22D texture mapping node
SoTexture2Transform2D texture transformation node
SoTexture3 VSG extension 3D texture mapping node
SoTexture3EnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables 3D textures
SoTexture3Transform VSG extension 3D texture transformation node
SoTextureCombiner VSG extension Texture combiner node
SoTextureCombinerElement VSG extension Stores the current texture combiner parameters
SoTextureCoordinate22D texture coordinate node
SoTextureCoordinate3 VSG extension 3D texture coordinate node
SoTextureCoordinate3Element VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture coordinates
SoTextureCoordinateBindingNode that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElementStores the current 3D texture coordinates
SoTextureCoordinateDefaultNode that removes texture coordinates from state
SoTextureCoordinateElementStores the current texture coordinates
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironmentNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from an environment
SoTextureCoordinateFunctionAbstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMapNode that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's transformed eye-space normal
SoTextureCoordinateObject VSG extension Node that specifies texture coordinates which are a linear combination of the object coordinates of the vertex
SoTextureCoordinatePlaneNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMapNode that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector
SoTextureCubeMap VSG extension Cube texture mapping node
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement VSG extension Enables/disables textureCubeMap
SoTextureEnabledElementEnables/disables textures
SoTextureImage3Element VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture image
SoTextureImageElementStores the current texture image
SoTextureImageElementBaseStores the current texture image
SoTextureMatrix VSG extension Texture matrix node
SoTextureMatrixElementStores the current texture matrix
SoTextureNameElement VSG extension Stores the current texture name
SoTextureOverrideElementStores the current texture override
SoTextureQualityElementStores the current texture quality
SoTextureSendingEnabledElement VSG extension Stores the information that indicates if texture calls must be sent
SoTextureTransformElement VSG extension Stores the current texture transform
SoTextureUnit VSG extension Node that specifies the current texture unit and the associated mapping method
SoTextureUnitElement VSG extension Stores the current texture unit identifier
SoThresholdingByCriterionProcessing ImageViz SoThresholdingByCriterionProcessing engine
SoThresholdingProcessing ImageViz SoThresholdingProcessing engine
SoTIFFImageRW VSG extension Class for encoding and decoding a TIFF raster image
SoTileComposer ScaleViz Defines a simple tile composer in a ScaleViz configuration file
SoTileComposerParams ScaleViz Abstract base class for global tile compositing parameter setup
SoTimeCounterTimed integer counter
SoTimeHints Large Data Management Time series LDM hints
SoTimeMapProcessing ImageViz SoTimeMapProcessing engine
SoTimerQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors dependent on time
SoTimerSensorSensor that triggers repeatedly at regular intervals
SoToHTMLAction VSG extension Generates an HTML image map and an image from a scene graph
SoTopComponent VSG extension Abstract Class for DialogViz visual components
SoToPDFAction HardCopy Class for exporting a scene graph to a PDF file
SoTopHatProcessing ImageViz SoTopHatProcessing image filter
SoTopLevelDialog VSG extension Top Level Dialog node
SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification ImageViz SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification engine
SoToU3DAction HardCopy Export a scene graph to a U3D file
SoTouchEventBase class for touch events
SoTouchManagerClass for managing events from touch screen input devices
SoToVRML2Action VSG extension Converts an Open Inventor scene graph into a VRML 2.0-style scene graph
SoToVRMLAction VSG extension Converts an Open Inventor scene graph into a VRML 1.0-style scene graph
SoTrackballDraggerStriped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse
SoTrackballManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing rotation and scaling
SoTracker ScaleViz Defines immersive viewing parameters in a MultiPipe configuration file
SoTrackerEvent VSG extension 3D tracker event
SoTrackerReader ScaleViz Interface to trackdAPI (position, matrix, Euler angles)
SoTrackFollower VSG extension Animates an object or camera along a track
SoTranReceiverInterprets database changes for transcription
SoTranSenderSends database changes for transcription
SoTransferFunction Large Data Management Describes the association between data set values and colors
SoTransformGeneral 3D geometric transformation node
SoTransformationAbstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes
SoTransformBoxDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
SoTransformBoxManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
SoTransformerDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
SoTransformerManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
SoTransformManipBase class for all transform nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces
SoTransformProjection VSG extension Scale/recenter projection node
SoTransformSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores transformation state
SoTransformVec3fTransforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix
SoTranslate1DraggerObject you can translate along a line by dragging with the mouse
SoTranslate2DraggerObject you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse
SoTranslateProcessing ImageViz SoTranslateProcessing engine
SoTranslationNode representing a 3D translation
SoTransparencyType VSG extension Node that specifies the transparency algorithm to use for shapes
SoTransparencyTypeElement VSG extension Stores the current transparency type
SoTriangleSetSet of triangles shape node
SoTriangleStripSetTriangle strip set shape node
SoTriggerAnyProvides fan-in for triggers
SoTriplePointsProcessing2d ImageViz SoTriplePointsProcessing2d engine
SoTViz TerrainViz Static class used to initialize the TerrainViz extension
SoTVizAltimeterSpeedometer TerrainViz Class for displaying motion information
SoTVizCameraManager TerrainViz Abstract class for managing the SoTVizViewer camera
SoTVizCompass TerrainViz Class for displaying an orientation compass
SoTVizControls TerrainViz Class for managing the SoTVizViewer control dialog
SoTVizControlsMenu TerrainViz Class displaying a toggle button in SoTVizViewer control interface
SoTVizDataPreprocessor TerrainViz Class used for elevation preprocessing
SoTVizNavigationToolBase TerrainViz Base class for SoTVizViewer navigation tools
SoTVizNavigationTools TerrainViz Class for SoTVizViewer navigation tools management
SoTVizPreprocessor TerrainViz Abstract class used for elevation and texture preprocessing
SoTVizRender TerrainViz Renders the terrain
SoTVizTexturePreprocessor TerrainViz Class used for texture preprocessing
SoTVizViewer TerrainViz Abstract base class for SoTVizViewer
SoTypeStores runtime type information
SoTypedObjectBase class for object storing runtime type information
SoTypeListMaintains a list of SoTypes
SoUltimateErosionProcessing ImageViz SoUltimateErosionProcessing engine
SoUniformGridClipping VolumeViz Clips a volume using a 2D surface
SoUniformGridProjectionClipping VolumeViz Clips a volume with the depth map projection of a shape
SoUniformShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all uniform shader parameter nodes
SoUniformShaderParameterElement VSG extension Stores the current uniform shader parameter
SoUnitsNode that scales to convert units of length
SoUnitsElementStores the current units type
SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing ImageViz SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing engine
SoValueOrdering VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that alters the decimation of shapes below it depending on their rendering value as approximated by their size on the screen
SoVectorizeAction HardCopy Abstract class for vectorizing a scene graph to a file
SoVectorizeCGMAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in CGM format
SoVectorizeGDIAction HardCopy Vectorize a scene graph to MS-Windows GDI formats
SoVectorizeHPGLAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in HPGL/2 format
SoVectorizePSAction HardCopy Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in PostScript format
SoVectorOutput HardCopy Abstract class used to write vector formatted files
SoVertexAttribFeedback VSG extension Node to record vertex attributes from shaders into buffer objects
SoVertexFlag VSG extension Class to mark/unmark vertices for beveling
SoVertexFlagElement VSG extension Stores the current vertex flag
SoVertexPropertyVertex property node
SoVertexShader VSG extension Node that defines a vertex shader
SoVertexShaderParameter VSG extension Abstract base class for all vertex shader parameter nodes
SoVertexShaderParameter1f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a float value
SoVertexShaderParameter1s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a short integer value
SoVertexShaderParameter2f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter2s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (short integers) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter3f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter3s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (short integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4b VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (8-bit integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4f VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4i VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4s VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (short integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4ub VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned 8-bit integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4ui VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameter4us VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned short integer) vector
SoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a buffer object
SoVertexShaderParameterElement VSG extension Stores SoVertexShaderParameter nodes encountered during traversal
SoVertexShaderParameterMatrix VSG extension Vertex shader parameter node storing a matrix
SoVertexShapeAbstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingDolly VSG extension Viewing Function: Dolly (move forward and backward) to get closer to or further away from the point of interest
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingEmpty VSG extension Viewing Function: Does nothing
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingFunction VSG extension Viewing Function: Abstract base class for viewing function classes
SoViewingMatrixElementStores the current viewing matrix
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingReverseDolly VSG extension Viewing Function: Reverse Dolly (move backward and forward) to get further to or closer away from the point of interest
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationX VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the X axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationXViewer VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen X axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationY VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Y axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationYViewer VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Y axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZ VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Z axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZViewer VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Z axis
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSeek VSG extension Viewing Function: Seek (to quickly move the camera to a desired object or point)
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSphericalRotation VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the view around a point of interest using a virtual trackball
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingTranslation VSG extension Viewing Function: Translates the camera in the viewer plane
SoViewport VSG extension Viewport parameters node
SoViewportClippingViewport clipping node
SoViewportRegionElementStores the current viewport region
SoViewVolumeElementStores the current view volume
SoVolumeBufferedShape VolumeViz Buffered shape node for volume data
SoVolumeClippingGroup VolumeViz Clipping a volume with a 3D object
SoVolumeConverter VolumeViz Class for converting volume data sets into the LDM format
SoVolumeData VolumeViz Volume data property node
SoVolumeDataDrawStyle VolumeViz Volume draw style
SoVolumeDetail VolumeViz Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume
SoVolumeFaceSet VolumeViz Polygonal face shape node for volume data
SoVolumeGeometry VolumeViz LDM valuation interface for volume geometry nodes
SoVolumeGroup VolumeViz Groups multiple volumes to be volume rendered in the same scene
SoVolumeHistogramVolume Data Histogram
SoVolumeIndexedFaceSet VolumeViz Indexed polygonal face shape node for volume data
SoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet VolumeViz Indexed triangle strip set shape node for volume data
SoVolumeIsosurface VolumeViz Isosurface property node
SoVolumeMask VolumeViz Volume mask
SoVolumeMaskGroup VolumeViz Volume mask group
SoVolumeReader Large Data Management Abstract base class for volume data set readers
SoVolumeReaderAdapter ImageViz Image data adapter for an SoVolumeReader
SoVolumeRender VolumeViz Renders a data volume using direct volume rendering
SoVolumeRenderDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
SoVolumeRendering VolumeViz Initializes the VolumeViz module database
SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality VolumeViz Volume rendering physical quality property node
SoVolumeRenderingQuality VolumeViz Volume rendering quality property mode
SoVolumeShader VolumeViz Shader node for volume rendering
SoVolumeShape VolumeViz Abstract base class for slices, SoVolumeSkin, SoHeightFieldRender, and SoVolumeRender nodes
SoVolumeSkin VolumeViz Draws a data volume skin
SoVolumeSkinDetail VolumeViz Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume
SoVolumeTransform VolumeViz Transform data before texture creation
SoVolumeTransformElementStores the current volume transform(s)
SoVolumeTriangleStripSet VolumeViz Triangle strip set shape node for volume data
SoVolumeWriter Large Data Management Abstract base class for volume data writer
SoVRAmFileReader VolumeViz Am file reader
SoVRAvsFileReader VolumeViz AVS field file reader
SoVRDicomData VolumeViz DICOM data
SoVRDicomFileReader VolumeViz DICOM file reader
SoVRGenericFileReader VolumeViz Generic file reader
SoVRImageDataReader ImageViz Reads volume from an SoImageDataAdapter
SoVRLdmFileBorderReader Large Data Management LDM file reader with borders
SoVRLdmFileReader Large Data Management LDM file reader
SoVRLdmFileWriter Large Data Management Write data to disk in LDM format
SoVRMemoryReader VolumeViz Reads volume data stored in memory
SoVRMemoryWriter Large Data Management Write data in memory
SoVRMLAnchor VSG extension Group node with URL hyperlink
SoVRMLAppearance VSG extension Specifies the material, texture, textureTransform fillProperties, and lineProperties nodes
SoVRMLArc2D VSG extension 2D arc node
SoVRMLArcClose2D VSG extension 2D closed arc node
SoVRMLAudioClip VSG extension Audio data node [Windows only]
SoVRMLBackground VSG extension Color backdrop node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLBillboard VSG extension Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer
SoVRMLBooleanFilter VSG extension Filters boolean events
SoVRMLBooleanSequencer VSG extension Generates sequential SoSFBool events when driven from a VRMLTimeSensor clock
SoVRMLBooleanToggle VSG extension Stores a boolean value for toggling on/off
SoVRMLBooleanTrigger VSG extension Generates boolean events upon receiving time events
SoVRMLBox VSG extension Box shape node
SoVRMLCircle2D VSG extension 2D circle node
SoVRMLCollision VSG extension Grouping node that controls collision detection.
Action partially implemented for this node.
SoVRMLColor VSG extension Specifies RGB colors to be used in the fields of another node
SoVRMLColorInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of color values
SoVRMLColorRGBA VSG extension Specifies RGBA colors to be used in the fields of another node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLCone VSG extension Cone shape node
SoVRMLCoordinate VSG extension Coordinate node
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of coordinate values
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator2D VSG extension Interpolates among a set of 2D coordinate values
SoVRMLCylinder VSG extension Cylinder shape node
SoVRMLCylinderSensor VSG extension Maps pointing device motion onto a cylinder.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLDirectionalLight VSG extension Node representing a directional light source
SoVRMLDisk2D VSG extension 2D disk node
SoVRMLElevationGrid VSG extension Specifies a uniform rectangular grid of varying height in the XZ plane
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTODef VSG extension Contains the internal definition of an externprototype
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOField VSG extension Contains the internal definition for one of an externprototype's fields, exposedFields, eventIns or eventOuts
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOFieldListMaintains a list of pointers to the field definitions of an externprototype
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOInstance VSG extension Instance of an externprototype
SoVRMLExtrusion VSG extension Specifies geometric shapes based on a 2D cross section along a 3D spine
SoVRMLFillProperties VSG extension Specifies additional properties to be applied to all polygonal areas on top of whatever appearance is specified.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLFog VSG extension Simulates fog.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLFontStyle VSG extension Specifies font size, family, style, etc
SoVRMLGeoCoordinate VSG extension Geographic coordinates node
SoVRMLGeoElevationGrid VSG extension Specifies a uniform grid of elevation values within some spatial reference frame
SoVRMLGeoLocation VSG extension Used to georeference models
SoVRMLGeoLOD VSG extension Level-of-detail management for multi-resolution terrains
SoVRMLGeometry VSG extension Abstract base class for all VRML97 and X3D geometry nodes
SoVRMLGeoOrigin VSG extension Specifies a local coordinate system
SoVRMLGeoTouchSensor VSG extension Detects when the user has pointed at a specific piece of geometry
SoVRMLGeoViewpoint VSG extension Specifies position from which the user might view the scene.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLGridShape VSG extension Abstract base class for the SoVRMLElevationGrid node
SoVRMLGroup VSG extension Group node
SoVRMLImageTexture VSG extension Texture map node
SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet VSG extension Indexed polygonal face shape node
SoVRMLIndexedLine VSG extension Abstract base class for the SoVRMLIndexedLineSet node
SoVRMLIndexedLineSet VSG extension Indexed polyline shape node
SoVRMLIndexedShape VSG extension Abstract base class for SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleFanSetIndexed triangle fan set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleSetIndexed triangle set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleStripSetIndexed triangle strip set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLInline VSG extension Grouping node that refers to children through a URL
SoVRMLIntegerSequencer VSG extension Interpolates among a set of float values
SoVRMLIntegerTrigger VSG extension Sets an integer value for the output event
SoVRMLInterpListMaintains a list of pointers to VRML interpolators
SoVRMLInterpolator VSG extension Abstract base class for VRML interpolators
SoVRMLInterpOutput VSG extension Class for all VRML interpolator outputs
SoVRMLInterpOutputListMaintains a list of pointers to VRML interpolator outputs
SoVRMLKeySensor VSG extension Maps pointing device motion onto a plane.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLLight VSG extension Abstract base class for all VRML97 light nodes
SoVRMLLineProperties VSG extension Specifies additional properties to be applied to all line geometry
SoVRMLLineSet VSG extension Indexed polyline shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLLoadSensor VSG extension Monitors the progress and success of downloading URL elements over a network.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLLOD VSG extension Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node
SoVRMLMaterial VSG extension Surface material definition node
SoVRMLMetadataDouble VSG extension Provides Metadata in double precision
SoVRMLMetadataFloat VSG extension Provides Metadata in single precision
SoVRMLMetadataInteger VSG extension Provides Metadata in 32-bit integer precision
SoVRMLMetadataObject VSG extension Abstract base class for all X3D MetadataObject nodes
SoVRMLMetadataSet VSG extension Provides Metadata nodes
SoVRMLMetadataString VSG extension Provides Metadata in strings
SoVRMLMovieTexture VSG extension Texture and sound node
SoVRMLMultiTexture VSG extension MultiTexture node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLMultiTextureCoordinate VSG extension MultiTexture coordinate node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLMultiTextureTransform VSG extension MultiTexture transform node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLNavigationInfo VSG extension Describes physical characteristics of viewer and viewing model.
Action partially implemented for this node.
SoVRMLNode VSG extension Abstract base class for all VRML nodes
SoVRMLNormal VSG extension Node that defines surface normals for shapes
SoVRMLNormalInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of normals
SoVRMLOrientationInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of rotation values
SoVRMLParent VSG extension Abstract base class for all VRML grouping nodes that have children
SoVRMLPixelTexture VSG extension Texture node
SoVRMLPlaneSensor VSG extension Maps pointing device motion onto a plane
SoVRMLPointLight VSG extension Node representing a point light source
SoVRMLPointSet VSG extension Point set shape node
SoVRMLPolyline2D VSG extension 2D polyline node
SoVRMLPolypoint2D VSG extension 2D polypoint node
SoVRMLPositionInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of position values
SoVRMLPositionInterpolator2D VSG extension Interpolates among a set of position values
SoVRMLPROTODef VSG extension Contains the internal definition of a prototype
SoVRMLPROTOField VSG extension Contains the internal definition for one of a prototype's fields, exposedFields, eventIns or eventOuts
SoVRMLPROTOFieldListMaintains a list of pointers to the field definitions of a prototype
SoVRMLPROTOInstance VSG extension Instance of a prototype
SoVRMLProximitySensor VSG extension Generates events when the user moves into, out of, or within a specified region of space
SoVRMLRectangle2D VSG extension Rectangle shape node
SoVRMLScalarInterpolator VSG extension Interpolates among a set of float values
SoVRMLScript VSG extension Used to program behavior in a scene.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLShape VSG extension Defines a shape by specifying its appearance and geometry
SoVRMLSound VSG extension Specifies position and spatial representation of a sound [Windows only]
SoVRMLSphere VSG extension Sphere shape node
SoVRMLSphereSensor VSG extension Maps pointing device motion onto a sphere.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLSpotLight VSG extension Node representing a spotlight source
SoVRMLStaticGroup VSG extension Group node.
Action partially implemented for this node.
SoVRMLStringSensor VSG extension Maps pointing device motion onto a plane.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLSwitch VSG extension Group node that traverses one chosen child
SoVRMLText VSG extension Text shape node
SoVRMLTexture VSG extension Abstract base class for all VRML texture nodes
SoVRMLTextureBackground VSG extension Color backdrop node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate VSG extension Texture coordinate node
SoVRMLTextureCoordinateGenerator VSG extension Texture coordinate generator node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLTextureTransform VSG extension Defines a 2D transformation
SoVRMLTimeSensor VSG extension Generates events as time passes
SoVRMLTimeTrigger VSG extension Generates time events upon receiving boolean events
SoVRMLTouchSensor VSG extension Detects when the user has pointed at a specific piece of geometry
SoVRMLTransform VSG extension Grouping node that defines a coordinate system for its children
SoVRMLTriangle VSG extension Abstract base class for the three VRMLIndexedTriangle nodes.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLTriangleFanSetTriangle fan set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLTriangleSetTriangle set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLTriangleSet2D VSG extension 2D triangle set shape node
SoVRMLTriangleStripSetTriangle strip set shape node.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLVertexLine VSG extension Abstract base class for SoVRMLIndexedLineSet
SoVRMLVertexPoint VSG extension Abstract base class for the SoVRMLPointSet node
SoVRMLVertexShape VSG extension Abstract base class for various geometry nodes
SoVRMLViewpoint VSG extension Specifies position from which the user might view the scene
SoVRMLVisibilitySensor VSG extension Detects visibility changes of a rectangular box.
Action not implemented for this node.
SoVRMLWorldInfo VSG extension Contains information about the world
SoVRRasterStackReader VolumeViz Raster stack reader
SoVRSegyFileHeader VolumeViz SEGY file header
SoVRSegyFileReader VolumeViz SEGY file format reader
SoVRSegyTraceHeaderBytePosition VolumeViz SEGY file trace header field description
SoVRSegyTraceIdHeader VolumeViz SEGY trace identification header
SoVRTiffFileReader VolumeViz TIFF file reader
SoVRVolFileReader VolumeViz VOL file reader
SoVRVoxFileReader VolumeViz VOX file reader
SoVRXtFileReader VolumeViz XT file reader
SoWin VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Windows compatibility
SoWinClipboard VSG extension Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Windows clipboard
SoWinCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
SoWinColorEditor VSG extension Component that lets you edit a color interactively
SoWinComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components
SoWinConstrainedViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
SoWinDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
SoWinDirectionalLightEditor VSG extension Component for editing directional lights
SoWindowElementStores the current window attributes
SoWinExaminerViewer VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoWinFlyViewer VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
SoWinFullViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoWinGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for Microsoft Windows systems
SoWinGLWidget VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering
SoWinKeyboard VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the keyboard device
SoWinMaterialEditor VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively
SoWinMouse VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the mouse device
SoWinMPExaminerViewer ScaleViz Multi-Pipe viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoWinMPFullViewer ScaleViz Multi-Pipe base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoWinMPGLWidget ScaleViz MultiPipe component for OpenGL rendering
SoWinMPRenderArea ScaleViz MultiPipe component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoWinMPViewer ScaleViz Multi-Pipe viewer component lowest base class
SoWinPlaneViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoWinRenderArea VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoWinSpaceball VSG extension Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
SoWinTouchScreenTranslates and reports windows messages for the touch screen device
SoWinViewer VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class
SoWinWalkViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoWrapperKitWrapper nodekit class
SoWriteActionWrites a scene graph to a file
SoWWWAnchor VSG extension Separator group node with a URL hyperlink
SoWWWInline VSG extension Node that refers to children through a URL
SoWx VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Wx compatibility
SoWxComponent VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Wx components
SoWxDevice VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices
SoWxExaminerViewer VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoWxFullViewer VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoWxKeyboard VSG extension Translates and reports events for the keyboard device
SoWxMouse VSG extension Translates and reports events for the mouse device
SoWxPlaneViewer VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoWxRenderArea VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoWxSensorHandlerThis class ties Inventor sensors into the Wx event queue
SoWxViewer VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class
SoXtRoutines for Open Inventor/Xt compatibility
SoXtClipboardSupports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Xt clipboard
SoXtCollisionViewer VSG extension Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene
SoXtColorEditorComponent that lets you edit a color interactively
SoXtComponentAbstract base class for all Open Inventor components
SoXtConstrainedViewerBase viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
SoXtCursor ScaleViz Encapsulates the construction and definition of an X Windows cursor
SoXtDeviceAbstract base class for input devices
SoXtDirectionalLightEditorComponent for editing directional lights
SoXtExaminerViewerViewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoXtFileSelectionDialogCross-platform file selection box
SoXtFlyViewerViewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
SoXtFullViewerBase viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoXtGLGraphicConfig VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems
SoXtGLWidgetComponent for OpenGL rendering
SoXtInputFocusReports input focus change events
SoXtKeyboardTranslates and reports events for the keyboard device
SoXtLightSliderSetComponent with Motif sliders for editing SoLight nodes
SoXtMaterialEditorComponent which lets you edit a material interactively
SoXtMaterialListComponent which lets you edit a material interactively
SoXtMaterialSliderSetComponent with Motif sliders for editing SoMaterial nodes
SoXtMouseTranslates and reports events for the mouse device
SoXtMPConstrainedViewerBase viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction
SoXtMPExaminerViewerViewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data
SoXtMPFlyViewerViewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up
SoXtMPFullViewerBase viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area
SoXtMPGLWidgetComponent for OpenGL rendering
SoXtMPPlaneViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoXtMPRenderAreaComponent for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoXtMPViewerViewer component lowest base class
SoXtMPWalkViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoXtPlaneViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoXtPrintDialogDialog box for controlling printing
SoXtRenderAreaComponent for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs
SoXtResourceUsed to retrieve X resources for SoXt components and widgets
SoXtSliderSetBase class for Motif-only slider components
SoXtSliderSetBaseAbstract base class for Motif-only slider components
SoXtSpaceballTranslates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device
SoXtTransformSliderSetComponent with Motif sliders for editing SoTransform nodes
SoXtViewerViewer component lowest base class
SoXtWalkViewerViewer component which moves the camera in a plane
SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d ImageViz SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d engine
SoErrorStack::StackFrameThis struture contains the description of a stack frame
SoProgressIndicator::StepEventArgClass given to callback when an onEndStep is raised
SoProgressIndicator::SubTaskEventArgClass given to callback when onBeginSubTask/onEndSubTask are raised
SbImageDataAccessor::SubVolumeRegionRegion representing a 3D box
SoProgressIndicator::TaskEventArgClass given to callback when onBeginTask/onEndTask are raised
SoCADInputReaderParameters::TessellationOptionParameters used to tessellate the model during import
TextBox VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a text box in window coordinates
SoDataCompressor::TileInfoThis structure contains the dimension and the type of the tile being processed
SoRemoteVizClient::TouchEventArgStructure given when a touch event is raised
MiCellExtractIjk::tripletA triplet of indices used to define the cells to be extracted
ViewerExaminerBase class to have a MFC viewer with the OpenInventor OpenGL rendering
ViewManager VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] View manager for use with viewer components
VolumeMarchingCubes VSG extension [PREVIEW] [Medical] Class for computing an isosurface from a VolumeViz data set
VVizNeighborsGeneral3D 8 Neighbors storage: values[0] is (0, 0, 0) values[1] is (1, 0, 0) values[2] is (0, 1, 0) values[3] is (1, 1, 0) values[4-7] same but z=1
VVizVoxelInfoDefines voxel state info used with the VolumeViz Shader Library API
WinTimerClass to integrate Windows timer into OpenInventor

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.