CIvfApp | Interface of the IVF application class |
CIvfArchiveInput | Interface of the IVF archive input class |
CIvfArchiveOutput | Interface of the IVF archive output class |
CIvfComponent | Interface of the IVF component class |
CIvfDocument | Interface of the IVF document class |
CIvfExaminerViewer | Ivf wrapper for an SoWinExaminerViewer |
CIvfFlyViewer | Ivf wrapper for an SoWinFlyViewer |
CIvfMainFrame | Interface of the IVF frame window class |
CIvfPlaneViewer | Ivf wrapper for an SoWinPlaneViewer |
CIvfRenderArea | Ivf wrapper for an SoWinRenderArea |
CIvfSceneViewer | Ivf wrapper for an SoSceneViewer |
CIvfServerItem | Parallels the application CServerItem class |
CIvfStdViewer | Ivf wrapper for standard viewers (Examiner, Fly, Plane, and Walk) |
CIvfWalkViewer | Ivf wrapper for an SoWinWalkViewer |
className | Dynamic array of valueType |
RemoteViz::Rendering::Client | |
RemoteViz::Rendering::ClientSettings | |
RemoteViz::Rendering::Connection | |
RemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionParameters | |
RemoteViz::Rendering::ConnectionSettings | |
MiCellExtractIj::couple | A pair of indices used to define the cells to be extracted |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfo | Information about returned data when directly accessing the data rather than copying the data |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoBox | Information about data returned for an arbitrary box (subvolume) |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoLine | Information about data returned for an arbitrary line |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPlane | Information about data returned for an arbitrary plane |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoPolyLine | Information about data returned for an arbitrary polyline |
SoLDMDataAccess::DataInfoTrace | Information about data returned for an arbitrary trace (column of voxels) |
DentalPanoramicExtractor | Class extracting a dental panoramic volume |
DicomInfo | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Text node to display DICOM information on sceen |
RemoteViz::Rendering::EncodedFrame | |
SoEnvironmentElement::EnvironmentParameters | EnvironmentParameters packages all the different environment parameters |
SoPolyLineScreenDrawer::EventArg | Structure given to callback when an event is raised |
SoImageVizEngine::EventArg | Structure given to callback when an event is raised |
ExtEvent | QCustomEvent no longer exists in full Qt4 so we have to subclass QEvent to provide our own custom event |
SoLDMResourceParameters::FixedResolutionReport | This structure returns information to the application when using fixed resolution mode |
RemoteViz::Rendering::FrameEncoders | |
SoRemoteVizClient::FrameEventArg | Structure given when a received and decoded frame event is raised |
Gnomon | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a medical gnomon (compass) on the screen |
RemoteViz::Rendering::IFrameEncodingPolicy | This class is the base class of KeepFramesPerSecondPolicy and KeepFrameQualityPolicy |
SoCADInputReaderParameters::ImportOption | Specify how the scene graph resulting from the import should be generated |
InventorMedical | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Initializes the Open Inventor Medical Edition classes |
IvfResource | Used for internationalization to access strings in resource file |
IvtCommand | Abstract class for IvTune commands |
IvtEditor | Base class for implementing IvTune editors |
IvtExtension | Base class to implement IvTune extensions |
IvtExtensionInfo | Structure describing the common information of an extension |
IvtPlugin | Base class for implementing IvTune plug-ins |
IvtPluginInfo | Structure describing the common information of a plug-in |
IvtPluginsManager | Class that manages the loading of IvTune plug-ins |
IvtProfile | Configuration profile |
IvtProfileSetting | IvTune extension preferences |
IvtServices | Class to access services provided by IvTune |
IvtShell | Class to register Extension GUI in IvTune |
RemoteViz::Rendering::KeepFrameQualityPolicy | This class provides a calculation policy which allows to manage the FPS (frames per second) and the quality of interactive frames sent from Remoteviz service depending on the network bandwidth allocated to the Connection |
RemoteViz::Rendering::KeepFramesPerSecondPolicy | This class provides a calculation policy which allows to manage the FPS (frames per second) and the quality of interactive frames sent from Remoteviz service depending on the network bandwidth allocated to the Connection |
SoRemoteVizClient::KeyboardEventArg | Structure given when a keyboard event is raised |
SoLDMMediator::LDMManagerAccess | Data set LDM manager access |
SoLDMTileManager::LDMSliceAccessor | Allows accessing a 2D buffer for slice and volumeSkin rendering |
Magnifier | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a magnified view of a region of the screen |
MainFrame | This class implement the main frame |
MainWindow | This class adds the events support to the interface designed using Qt designer |
MbVec3< _T > | Class defining a vector or a point of 3 coordinates |
MedicalHelper | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Utility class for medical applications |
SoRemoteVizClient::MessageEventArg | Structure given when a received message event is raised |
MeWGeometryI | Abstract interface to write unstructured mesh geometry |
MeWLineTopologyExplicitI | Abstract interface to write unstructured line mesh topology |
MeWSurfaceTopologyExplicitI | Abstract interface to write unstructured surface mesh topology |
MeWVolumeTopologyExplicitI | Abstract interface to write unstructured volume mesh topology |
MeXBoundedDataSet< _T > | Generic extracted data set interface |
MeXCell | Defines an abstract cell of an extracted mesh |
MeXDataSet< _T > | Generic extracted data set interface |
MeXDataSetI< _T > | Generic data set interface for extracted unstructured meshes |
MeXDataSetIj< _T > | Generic data set interface for extracted structured surface meshes |
MeXDataSetIjk< _T > | Generic data set interface for extracted structured volume meshes |
MeXGeometry | Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes |
MeXGeometryExplicit | Generic geometry interface for extracted meshes with explicit coordinates |
MeXGeometryI | Generic geometry interface for extracted unstructured meshes |
MeXGeometryIj | Generic geometry interface for extracted structured surface meshes |
MeXGeometryRegular | Extracted generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry |
MeXLineCell | Defines an abstract cell of an extracted line mesh |
MeXLineMeshCurvilinear | Extracted curvilinear line mesh abstract interface |
MeXLineMeshUnstructured | Extracted unstructured line mesh abstract interface |
MeXLineTopologyExplicitI | List of extracted line cells interface |
MeXMeshIj | Extracted IJ surface mesh abstract interface |
MeXMeshUnstructured | Extracted unstructured mesh abstract interface |
MeXPointMeshCurvilinear | Extracted curvilinear point mesh abstract interface |
MeXSurfaceCell | Defines an abstract cell of an extracted surface mesh |
MeXSurfaceGeometryRectilinear | Generic extracted rectilinear surface geometry |
MeXSurfaceMeshCurvilinear | Extracted curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface |
MeXSurfaceMeshRectilinear | Extracted rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface |
MeXSurfaceMeshRegular | Extracted regular surface mesh abstract interface |
MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured | Extracted unstructured surface mesh abstract interface |
MeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI | List of extracted surface cells interface |
MeXTopologyExplicitI | List of extracted cells interface |
MeXTopologyI | List of extracted cells interface |
MeXTopologyIj | List of extracted structured surface cells interface |
MeXVolumeCell | Defines an abstract cell of an extracted volume mesh |
MeXVolumeMeshUnstructured | Extracted unstructured volume mesh abstract interface |
MeXVolumeTopologyExplicitI | List of extracted volume cells interface |
MFCEventToSoEvent | |
MFCRenderArea | This class implement the main application |
MFCRenderAreaExaminer | This class implement the main application |
MFCRenderAreaGuiIntegration | This class implement the main application |
MiAbstractMethodError | Exception handler for MeshViz XLM |
MiBaseExtractor | Abstract base class for all extractor interfaces |
MiBoundedDataSet< _T > | Generic data set interface |
MiCell | Defines an abstract cell of a mesh |
MiCellExtractIj | Cell extractor for structured surface meshes |
MiCellExtractIjk | Cell extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiCellExtractUnstructured | Cell extractor for unstructured meshes |
MiCellExtractUnstructuredIjk | Cell extractor for unstructured IJK meshes |
MiCellFilter | Interface class defining a cell filter |
MiCellFilterI | Interface class defining a cell filter for unstructured meshes |
MiCellFilterIj | Interface class defining a cell filter for structured surface meshes |
MiCellFilterIjk | Interface class defining a cell filter for structured volume meshes |
MiClipLineExtractIj | Clip line extractor for structured surface meshes |
MiClipLineExtractUnstructured | Clip line extractor for unstructured surface meshes |
MiClipPointExtract | Clip point extractor for all line meshes |
MiColorMapping< _TValue, _TColor > | Interface class defining a color mapping function |
MiCylinderSliceExtractIjk | Cylinder slice extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructured | Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes |
MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes |
MiDataSet | Generic data set interface |
MiDataSetI< _T > | Generic data set interface for unstructured meshes |
MiDataSetIj< _T > | Generic data set interface for structured surface meshes |
MiDataSetIjk< _T > | Generic data set interface for structured volume meshes |
MiEdgeErrorMetric< _T > | Edge error metric interface used by the tessellator |
MiExtractorCallback | Abstract base class for extraction callback interfaces |
MiFenceSliceExtractIjk | Fence slice extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructured | Fence slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes |
MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes |
MiGeometry | Generic geometry interface |
MiGeometryHexahedronIjk | Generic geometry interface for hexahedron mesh Ijk |
MiGeometryI | Generic geometry interface for unstructured meshes |
MiGeometryIj | Generic geometry interface for structured surface meshes |
MiGeometryIjk | Generic geometry interface for structured volume meshes |
MiGeometryRegular | Generic parallelepiped, rectangular or straight line geometry |
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractIjk | Grid plane slice extractor on structured volume meshes |
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured | Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured volume meshes |
MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured IJK volume meshes |
MiHexahedronTopologyExplicitIjk | List of volume cells interface |
MiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtract | Interpolated logical slice extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiInterpolatedLogicalSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Interpolated logical slice extractor for unstructured IJK meshes |
MiIsolineExtractIj | Isoline extractor for structured surface meshes |
MiIsolineExtractUnstructured | Isoline extractor for unstructured surface meshes |
MiIsosurfExtractIjk | Isosurface extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiIsosurfExtractUnstructured | Isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes |
MiIsosurfExtractUnstructuredIjk | Isosurface extractor for unstructured IJK meshes |
MiLineCell | Defines an abstract cell of a line mesh |
MiLineCellExtractI | Cell extractor for line meshes |
MiLineCellExtractUnstructured | Cell extractor for unstructured line meshes |
MiLineExtract | line mesh extractor for unstructured line mesh |
MiLineMeshCurvilinear | Curvilinear Line mesh abstract interface |
MiLineMeshRegular | Regular line mesh abstract interface |
MiLineMeshUnstructured | Unstructured Line mesh abstract interface |
MiLineTopologyExplicitI | List of line cells interface |
MiLogicalSliceExtractCurvilinear | Logical slice extractor for a curvilinear volume mesh |
MiLogicalSliceExtractRectilinear | Logical slice extractor for a rectilinear volume mesh |
MiLogicalSliceExtractRegular | Logical slice extractor for a regular volume mesh |
MiLogicalSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Logical slice extractor for an unstructured IJK volume mesh |
MiMesh | Abstract mesh interface |
MiMeshIj | IJ surface mesh abstract interface |
MiMeshIjk | IJK volume mesh abstract interface |
MiMeshRegular | Regular mesh abstract interface |
MiMeshUnstructured | Unstructured mesh abstract interface |
MiMeshUnstructuredI | I Unstructured mesh abstract interface |
MiMeshViz | Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module |
MiNonOverlappedCellsExtractUnstructured | Remove overlapped cells from a given unstructured surface mesh or a list of meshes |
MiOutlineExtractIj | Outline extractor for a structured surface mesh |
MiOutlineExtractIjk | Outline extractor for a structured volume mesh |
MiOutlineExtractUnstructured | Outline extractor for an unstructured mesh |
MiOutlineExtractUnstructuredIjk | Extract the outline of an unstructured IJK mesh |
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIj | Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured surface mesh |
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractIjk | Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured volume mesh |
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractUnstructured | Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given unstructured mesh |
MiPerCellToPerNodeExtractUnstructuredIjk | Convert data sets bound per cell into data sets bound per node on a given structured hexahedron mesh |
MiPlaneSliceExtractIjk | Plane slice extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured | Plane slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes |
MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Plane slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes |
MiPointMeshCurvilinear | Curvilinear point mesh abstract interface |
MiPointProbeIj | Probe at a given location in a structured surface mesh |
MiPointProbeIjk | Probe at a given location in a structured volume mesh |
MiPointProbeUnstructured | Probe at a given location in an unstructured mesh |
MiPointProbeUnstructuredIjk | Probe at a given location in an unstructured IJK volume mesh |
MiPolyhedralToMixVolumeExtract | Convert polyhedral 3D mesh to mixed volume mesh |
MiResampledSurfaceExtractCurvilinear | [PREVIEW] |
MiSkinExtractIjk | Skin extractor for a structured volume mesh |
MiSkinExtractUnstructured | Skin extractor for an unstructured volume mesh |
MiSkinExtractUnstructuredIjk | Extract the skin of an unstructured IJK mesh |
MiSphereSliceExtractIjk | Sphere slice extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructured | Sphere slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes |
MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk | Sphere slice extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes |
MiStreamlineExtractBase | Base class for all streamline extractors |
MiStreamlineExtractIjk | Streamline extractor for structured volume meshes |
MiStreamlineExtractUnstructured | Streamline extractor for unstructured volume meshes |
MiStreamlineExtractUnstructuredIjk | Streamline extractor for unstructured IJK volume meshes |
MiSurfaceCell | Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured surface mesh |
MiSurfaceExtractIj | Surface mesh extractor for structured surface mesh |
MiSurfaceExtractUnstructured | Surface mesh extractor for unstructured surface mesh |
MiSurfaceGeometryRectilinear | Generic rectilinear surface geometry |
MiSurfaceMeshCurvilinear | Curvilinear surface mesh abstract interface |
MiSurfaceMeshRectilinear | Rectilinear surface mesh abstract interface |
MiSurfaceMeshRegular | Regular surface mesh abstract interface |
MiSurfaceMeshUnstructured | Unstructured surface mesh abstract interface |
MiSurfaceTopologyExplicitI | List of surface cells interface |
MiTessellatedLineExtract | Tessellated line mesh extractor for unstructured non linear 1D mesh |
MiTessellatedSurfaceExtract | Tessellated surface mesh extractor for unstructured and non linear 2D mesh |
MiTessellator | Abstract tessellator interface |
MiTopology | List of cells interface |
MiTopologyExplicitI | List of generic cells interface |
MiTopologyI | List of cells interface |
MiTopologyIj | List of structured surface cells interface |
MiTopologyIjk | List of volume cells interface |
MiVolumeCell | Defines an abstract cell of an unstructured volume mesh |
MiVolumeGeometryRectilinear | Generic rectilinear volume geometry |
MiVolumeMeshCurvilinear | Curvilinear volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshHexahedronIjk | IJK Hexahedron volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshRectilinear | Rectilinear volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshRegular | Regular volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshUnstructured | Unstructured volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshUnstructuredIjk | IJK Unstructured volume mesh abstract interface |
MiVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk | Non Indexed Hexahedron mesh IJK abstract interface |
MiVolumeTopologyExplicitI | List of volume cells interface |
MiVolumeTopologyExplicitIjk | List of volume cells interface |
MoActionNode | Utility class that provides default action handling for MeshViz nodes |
MoCellFilter | Property node that defines a cell filter |
MoCellFilterElement | Stores the current cell filter |
MoColorMapping | Abstract base class for color mapping nodes |
MoColorMappingElement | Stores the current color mapping |
MoCombineColorMapping | Property node that defines a combine color mapping |
MoCombineColorMappingElement | Stores the current combine color mapping |
MoCustomColorMapping | Property node that defines a custom color mapping |
MoDataBinding | Property node that defines the data binding |
MoDataBindingElement | Stores the current data binding |
MoDrawStyle | Property node that defines the draw style of representations |
MoDrawStyleElement | Stores the current draw style |
MoFaceDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces |
MoFaceDetailI | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes |
MoFaceDetailIj | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured surface mesh |
MoFaceDetailIjk | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces from a structured volume mesh |
MoLegend | Rendering node that displays a legend |
MoLevelColorMapping | Property node that defines a color mapping with constant color in each interval |
MoLinearColorMapping | Property node that defines a color mapping with interpolated color in each interval |
MoLineDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments |
MoLineDetailI | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from unstructured meshes and structured line meshes |
MoLineDetailIj | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured surface meshes |
MoLineDetailIjk | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments from structured volume meshes |
MoLineMeshDetail | Stores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a line |
MoMaterial | Property node that defines the material of surface representations |
MoMaterialElement | Stores the current material |
MoMesh | Property node that defines a mesh |
MoMeshAnnotatedIsoline | Rendering node that displays annotated isolines |
MoMeshBaseRepresentation | Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes |
MoMeshCellShape | Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh |
MoMeshClipLine | Rendering node that displays a clip line of a surface mesh |
MoMeshClipPoint | Rendering node that displays clip points of a line mesh |
MoMeshCylinderSlice | Rendering node that displays a cylinder slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshDetail | Stores detail information about a mesh |
MoMeshElement | Stores the current mesh |
MoMeshElevatedPlaneSlice | Rendering node that displays an elevated plane slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshFenceSlice | Rendering node that displays a fence slice within a volume mesh |
MoMeshGridPlaneSlice | Rendering node that displays a grid plane slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshInterpolatedLogicalSlice | Rendering node that displays an interpolated logical slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshIsoline | Rendering node that displays isolines on a surface mesh |
MoMeshIsosurface | Rendering node that displays an isosurface of a volume mesh |
MoMeshLine | Rendering node that displays a line mesh |
MoMeshLineRepresentation | Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM line representation nodes containing an extractor |
MoMeshLogicalSlice | Rendering node that displays a logical slice of a structured volume mesh |
MoMeshOutline | Rendering node that displays the outline of a mesh |
MoMeshPlaneSlice | Rendering node that displays a plane slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshPointProbe | Action node that probes cells of a mesh |
MoMeshRepresentation | Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM representation nodes containing an extractor |
MoMeshRepresentationDetail | Stores detail information about a mesh representation |
MoMeshSkin | Rendering node that displays the skin of a volume mesh |
MoMeshSlab | Rendering node that displays a slab of a structured volume mesh |
MoMeshSphereSlice | Rendering node that displays a sphere slice of a volume mesh |
MoMeshStreamline | Rendering node that displays streamlines of a vector field on a volume mesh |
MoMeshSurface | Rendering node that displays a surface mesh |
MoMeshSurfaceRepresentation | Abstract base class for all MeshViz XLM surface representation nodes containing an extractor |
MoMeshVector | Rendering node that displays a vector data set |
MoMeshViz | Class to initialize all MeshViz XLM nodes |
MoPredefinedColorMapping | Property node that selects a predefined color mapping |
MoMeshPointProbe::MoProbeCallback | This class specifies the interface used by this node to notify the application when the position of the probe is updated |
MoScalarSet | Property node that stores any kind of scalar data set |
MoScalarSetElement | Stores a list of scalar sets |
MoScalarSetElementI | Stores a list of scalar sets for unstructured meshes |
MoScalarSetElementIj | Stores a list of scalar sets for structured surface meshes |
MoScalarSetElementIjk | Stores a list of scalar sets for structured volume meshes |
MoScalarSetI | Property node that stores a scalar data set for an unstructured mesh |
MoScalarSetIj | Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured surface mesh |
MoScalarSetIjk | Property node that stores a scalar data set for a structured volume mesh |
MoSurfaceMeshDetail | Stores detail information about a mesh representation defined by a surface |
MoTessellator | Property node that defines a tessellator |
MoTessellatorElement | Stores the current tessellator |
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseButtonEventArg | Structure given when a mouse button event is raised |
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseLocationEventArg | Structure given when a mouse location event is raised |
SoRemoteVizClient::MouseWheelEventArg | Structure given when a mouse wheel event is raised |
MoVec3SetElementI | Stores a list of vector3 sets for unstructured meshes |
MoVec3SetElementIj | Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured surface meshes |
MoVec3SetElementIjk | Stores a list of vector3 sets for structured volume meshes |
MoVec3SetI | Property node that stores a vector data set for an unstructured mesh |
MoVec3SetIj | Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured surface mesh |
MoVec3SetIjk | Property node that stores a vector data set for a structured volume mesh |
MxEdgeErrorMetricGeometry | Geometrical edge error metric |
MxHexahedron20CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes |
MxHexahedron27CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 27 nodes |
MxHexahedronCellExtract | Utility class for hexahedron cells |
MxLineCellExtract | Utility class for line cells |
MxPolygonCellExtract | Utility class for polygon cells |
MxPolyhedronCellExtract | Utility class for polyhedron cells |
MxPyramidCellExtract | Utility class for pyramid cells |
MxQuadrangle8CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 8 nodes |
MxQuadrangle9CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic quadrangle cells with 9 nodes |
MxQuadrangleCellExtract | Utility class for quadrangle cells |
MxTetrahedron10CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic tetrahedron cells with 10 nodes |
MxTetrahedronCellExtract | Utility class for tetrahedron cells |
MxTimeStamp | Manages an identifier that can be used as a time stamp |
MxTriangle6CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic triangle cells with 6 nodes |
MxTriangleCellExtract | Utility class for triangle cells |
MxWedge18CellExtract | Utility class for quadratic wedge cells with 18 nodes |
MxWedgeCellExtract | Utility class for wedge cells |
RemoteViz::Rendering::NetworkPerformance | |
SoLDMTileVisitor::NodeStatus | Information structure for the tile to evaluate |
ObliqueSliceBorder | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Oblique slice shape node with border |
OivASPoint | Structure containing information about the the raycast intersection point |
OivASRay | Structure for parameter of the ray |
OrthoSliceBorder | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Ortho slice shape node with border |
PbArrayOfInt | DTEXT Dynamic array of int |
PbArrayOfLong | DTEXT Dynamic array of int32_t |
PbBase | Abstract class for all basic objects |
PbCartesianGrid2D | Defines a cartesian grid surface mesh |
PbCartesianGrid3D | Defines a cartesian grid volume mesh |
PbCell | Defines an abstract cell of a mesh |
PbDataMapping | Abstract class for data mapping |
PbDateFormatMapping | Defines the date format and mapping |
PbDefinedValue | Class used to manage "defined" and "undefined" values |
PbDomain | Class to define a domain |
PbGrid2D | Defines an abstract grid surface mesh |
PbGrid3D | Defines an abstract grid volume mesh |
PbHexahedronCell | Defines an hexahedron cell of a volume mesh |
PbHexahedronMesh3D | Defines a mesh of hexahedrons |
PbIndexedMesh2D | Defines a surface mesh of polygons |
PbIndexedMesh3D | Defines a volume mesh of polyhedrons |
PbIrregularMesh1D | Defines a irregular mono-dimensional mesh |
PbIsovaluesList | Class to define a list of isovalues |
PbLinearDataMapping | Class to define linear data mapping |
PbMesh | Defines an abstract mesh |
PbMesh1D | Defines an abstract mono-dimensional mesh |
PbMesh2D | Defines an abstract surface mesh |
PbMesh3D | Defines an abstract volume mesh |
PbMiscTextAttr | Class to define a numeric display format |
PbNonLinearDataMapping | Class to define non linear data mapping |
PbNonLinearDataMapping2 | Class to define non linear data mapping |
PbNumericDisplayFormat | Class to define a numeric display format |
PbParalCartesianGrid2D | Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh |
PbParalCartesianGrid3D | Defines a parallel cartesian grid volume mesh |
PbPixelCell | Defines a pixel cell of a surface mesh |
PbPolarGrid2D | Defines a polar grid surface mesh |
PbPyramidCell | Defines a pyramid cell of a volume mesh |
PbQuadrangleCell | Defines a quadrangle cell of a surface mesh |
PbQuadrangleMesh2D | Defines a surface mesh of quadrangles |
PbRegularCartesianGrid2D | Defines a regular cartesian grid surface mesh |
PbRegularCartesianGrid3D | Defines a regular cartesian grid volume mesh |
PbRegularMesh1D | Defines a regular mono-dimensional mesh |
PbTetrahedronCell | Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh |
PbTetrahedronMesh3D | Defines a mesh of tetrahedrons |
PbTriangleCell | Defines a triangle cell of a surface mesh |
PbTriangleMesh2D | Defines a surface mesh of triangles |
PbVoxelCell | Defines a voxel cell of a volume mesh |
PbWedgeCell | Defines a wedge cell of a volume mesh |
PlaneBoxIntersection | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node that draws the intersection of a plane and a box |
PlaneGeometryIntersection | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Class for computing the intersection of geometry with a plane |
Po3DdataMaster | Base class for all 3DdataMaster objects |
PoAngularAxis | Class to build an angular axis |
PoArrow | Class to build a 2D arrow |
PoArrow3 | Class to build a 3D arrow |
PoAutoCubeAxis | Class to build a set of axes on a parallelepiped relating to the view |
PoAutoValueLegend | Abstract class for automatic value legend |
PoAxis | Abstract class for axis representations |
PoBar | Abstract base class for bar representations |
PoBase | Abstract base class for all Graph Master & 3D Data Master classes |
PoBaseAxis | Base class for all axis objects |
PoBaseStreamLine | Base class of all streamline representations on a mesh |
PoBaseView | Abstract base class for views |
PoBevelEdge | Node to define the beveled edge values |
PoBevelEdgeElement | |
PoBiErrorPointField | Builds a bi-error point field |
PoCartesianAxis | Abstract class for cartesian axes |
PoCartesianGrid2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D |
PoCartesianGrid3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D |
PoCellEdges | Builds egdes of a cell of a mesh |
PoCellFacets | Builds facets of a cell of a mesh |
PoCellFilter | Interface class defining a filter of cells |
PoCellFilterElement | |
PoCellIndices | Builds text indices of a cell of a mesh |
PoCellShape | Abstract representation of a cell of a mesh |
PoChart | Abstract base class for all charting representations |
PoCircle | Abstract class for 2D circle representation |
PoCircle3 | Abstract class for 3D circle representation |
PoCircle3CenterRadius | Class to build a 3D circle |
PoCircle3ThreePoints | Class to build a 3D circle |
PoCircleArc | Abstract class for 2D circle arc representation |
PoCircleArc3 | Abstract class for 3D circle arc representation |
PoCircleArc3CtrPtAngle | Class to build a 3D circle arc |
PoCircleArc3CtrTwoPts | Class to build a 3D circle arc |
PoCircleArc3ThreePts | Class to build a 3D circle arc |
PoCircleArcCtrPtAngle | Class to build a 2D circle arc |
PoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle | Class to build a 2D circle arc |
PoCircleArcCtrTwoPts | Class to build a 2D circle arc |
PoCircleArcThreePts | Class to build a 2D circle arc |
PoCircleCenterRadius | Class to build a 2D circle |
PoCircleThreePoints | Class to build a 2D circle |
PoCircularProfile | Node that defines a circular profile |
PoConicBar | Class to build conic bars |
PoCoordinateListFilter | Node to define a coordinate list filter |
PoCoordinateSystemAxis | Class for a 3D axes system |
PoCurve | Builds a 2D curve |
PoCurve3 | Builds a 3D curve |
PoCurveFilling | Class to build 3D filled curve |
PoCurveLine | Class to build a 2D line curve |
PoCylindricalBar | Class to build cylindrical bars |
PoDataMapping | Abstract base class for all data mapping nodes |
PoDataMappingElement | |
PoDateFormatMapping | Node to define date format and mapping |
PoDateFormatMappingElement | |
PoDomain | Node to define a domain |
PoDomainElement | |
PoEllipticProfile | Node that defines an elliptic profile |
PoErrorCurve | Class to build an error curve represention |
PoErrorPointField | Builds points field with X and Y margin error |
PoGenAxis | Class to build a generalized axis |
PoGeneralizedBar | Class to build generalized bars |
PoGeneralizedScatter | Class to build a 2D generalized scatter |
PoGraphMaster | Abstract base class for all Graph Master classes |
PoGroup2Axis | Class to build a group of two axes |
PoGroup3Axis3 | Class to build a group of three axes |
PoGroup4Axis | Class to build a group of four axes |
PoGroup6Axis3 | Class to build a group of six axes |
PoHexahedronMesh3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D |
PoHighLowClose | Class to build a high low close representation |
PoHistogram | Abstract class for histogram representations |
PoIndexedMesh2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D |
PoIndexedMesh3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D |
PoIndexListFilter | Node to define a index list filter |
PoIntervalCellFilter | Node class to define a filter of cells |
PoIrregularMesh1D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D |
PoIsovaluesList | Node to define a list of isovalues |
PoIsovaluesListElement | |
PoItemLegend | Class to build an items legend |
PoLabel | Class to build a label field |
PoLabelField | Class to build a label field |
PoLabelHints | Node to define common label hints |
PoLabelHintsElement | |
PoLegend | Abstract class for legend representations |
PoLinearAxis | Class to build a linear axis |
PoLinearBar | Class to build line bars |
PoLinearDataMapping | Node class to define a linear data mapping |
PoLinearValueLegend | Class to build a linear auto value legend |
PoLogAxis | Class to build a logarithmic axis |
PoMesh | Base class for all mesh representations |
PoMesh1DFilter | Abstract base class for all filter nodes |
PoMesh1DFilterElement | |
PoMesh1DHints | Node that provides hints about the mesh 1D |
PoMesh1DHintsElement | |
PoMesh2D | Base class for all surface mesh representations |
PoMesh2DVec | Representation of vectors data of a surface mesh |
PoMesh3D | Base class for all volume mesh representations |
PoMesh3DVec | Representation of vectors data of a volume mesh |
PoMesh3DVecCrossSection | Representation of vectors on a cross section |
PoMesh3DVecGridCrossSection | Representation of vectors on a grid of a cross section |
PoMeshContouring | Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh |
PoMeshCrossContour | Representation of cross-contour of a volume mesh |
PoMeshCrossSection | Representation of cross section of a volume mesh |
PoMeshElement | |
PoMeshFilled | Filled representation of surface mesh |
PoMeshLevelSurf | Representation of level surface of volume mesh |
PoMeshLimit | Representation of the limits of a surface mesh |
PoMeshLines | Representation of the edges of surface mesh |
PoMeshProbePoint | Probing in a mesh |
PoMeshProperty | Abstract Inventor node defining a mesh |
PoMeshSides | Class to build the sides of the current surface mesh |
PoMeshSkeleton | Representation of the skeleton of a volume mesh |
PoMeshSkin | Representation of the mesh skin |
PoMeshViz | Class to initialize MeshViz |
PoMiscTextAttr | Node to define miscellaneous text attributes (font name, line length, |
PoMiscTextAttrElement | |
PoMultipleHistogram | Class to build a multiple histogram |
PoNode | Abstract base class for all MeshViz nodes |
PoNonLinearDataMapping | Node class to define a non linear data mapping |
PoNonLinearDataMapping2 | Node class to define a non linear data mapping |
PoNonLinearValueLegend1 | Class to build a non linear legend (first representation) |
PoNonLinearValueLegend2 | Class to build a non linear legend (second representation) |
PoNonLinearValueLegend3 | Class to build a non linear legend (third representation) |
PoNumericDisplayFormat | Node to define the numeric display format |
PoNumericDisplayFormatElement | |
PoParalCartesianGrid2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D |
PoParalCartesianGrid3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D |
PoParallelogram | Class for a 2D parallelogram |
PoParallelogram3 | Class for a 3D parallelogram |
PoPeriodFilter | Node to define a period filter |
PoPeriodIndexFilter | Node to define a period index filter |
PoPieChart | Abstract class for pie chart representation |
PoPieChart2D | Class for 2D pie chart representation |
PoPieChart3D | Class for 3D pie chart representation |
PoPieChartRep | Class to build a 3D pie chart |
PoPointsFieldBars | Class to build a points field bars |
PoPolarAxis | Abstract class for polar axis |
PoPolarGrid2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D |
PoPolarLinAxis | Class to build a polar linear axis |
PoPolarLogAxis | Class to build a logarithmic polar axis |
PoPrintCGMMonitor | Class to create a print CGM format dialog box |
PoPrintHPGLMonitor | Class to create a print HPGL format dialog box |
PoPrintMonitor | Abstract base class for print dialog box |
PoPrintPSMonitor | Class to create a dialog box for PostScript printing |
PoProfile | Abstract base class for all profile nodes |
PoProfileBar | Class to build profile bars |
PoProfileCoordinate2 | Node that defines a 2D polygon profile |
PoProfileElement | |
PoQuadrangleMesh2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D |
PoRectangle | Class for a 2D rectangle |
PoRegularCartesianGrid2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D |
PoRegularCartesianGrid3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D |
PoRegularMesh1D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D |
PoRibbon | Class to build a 2D ribbon curve |
PoScatter | Class to build a 2D scatter |
PoSceneView | Class to define a view which contains a scene |
PoSFCartesianGrid2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid2D |
PoSFCartesianGrid3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbCartesianGrid3D |
PoSFHexahedronMesh3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbHexahedronMesh3D |
PoSFIndexedMesh2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh2D |
PoSFIndexedMesh3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIndexedMesh3D |
PoSFIrregularMesh1D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbIrregularMesh1D |
PoSFMesh | Abstract Inventor field defining a mesh |
PoSFParalCartesianGrid2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid2D |
PoSFParalCartesianGrid3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbParalCartesianGrid3D |
PoSFPolarGrid2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbPolarGrid2D |
PoSFQuadrangleMesh2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbQuadrangleMesh2D |
PoSFRegularCartesianGrid2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid2D |
PoSFRegularCartesianGrid3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularCartesianGrid3D |
PoSFRegularMesh1D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbRegularMesh1D |
PoSFTetrahedronMesh3D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D |
PoSFTriangleMesh2D | Inventor field containing a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D |
PoSingleHistogram | Class to build a single histogram |
PoSquareProfile | Node that defines a square profile |
PoStreamLine | Representation of streamlines on a mesh |
PoStreamLineMotion | Representation of streamlines with motion of colors |
PoStreamParticleMotion | Animation of particles along streamlines on a mesh |
PoStreamPointMotion | Animation of point particles along streamline |
PoStreamSphereMotion | Animation of sphere particles along streamline |
PoStreamSurface | Representation of a surface connecting several streamlines |
PoStreamTadpoleMotion | Animation of tadpole particles along streamline |
PoTetrahedronMesh3D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTetrahedronMesh3D |
PoTimeAxis | Class to build a time axis |
PoToVRML2Action | Extends SoToVRML2Action for PoViews |
PoTriangleMesh2D | Inventor node defining a mesh of type PbTriangleMesh2D |
PoTube | Class to build a 2D tube curve |
PoValuedMarkerField | Class for a valued markers field |
PoValueLegend | Abstract class for values legend |
PoView | Class to define a view |
PoXtAngularAxisEditor | Class for angular axis editor |
PoXtAutoValueLegendEditor | Abstract class for auto value legend editors |
PoXtAxisEditor | Abstract class for axes editors |
PoXtCartesianAxisEditor | Abstract class for cartesian axis editors |
PoXtChoiceButtonData | Class to define a choice button |
PoXtDialog | Class to build a generalized dialog box |
PoXtDialog::PoXtDialogDataCB | Dialog callback data structure |
PoXtEditTextData | Class to define an editable text |
PoXtElementData | Abstract class to define an Xt element |
PoXtGenAxisEditor | Class for generalized axis editor |
PoXtIntSliderData | Class to define an integer slider |
PoXtItemLegendEditor | Class for items legend editors |
PoXtLabelData | Class to define a label |
PoXtLegendEditor | Abstract class for all legend editors |
PoXtLinearAxisEditor | Class for linear axis editor |
PoXtLinearValueLegendEditor | Class for linear auto value legend editors |
PoXtLogAxisEditor | Class for logarithmic axis editor |
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend1Editor | Class for non linear auto value legend (first representation) editors |
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend2Editor | Class for non linear auto value legend (second representation) editors |
PoXtNonLinearValueLegend3Editor | Class for non linear auto value legend (third representation) editors |
PoXtPolarAxisEditor | Abstract class for polar axis editor |
PoXtPolarLinAxisEditor | Class for polar linear axis editor |
PoXtPolarLogAxisEditor | Class for polar logarithmic axis editor |
PoXtRealSliderData | Class to define an real slider |
PoXtSliderData | Abstract class for a slider |
PoXtTimeAxisEditor | Class for time axis editor |
PoXtToggleButtonData | Class to define a toggle button |
PoXtTriggerButtonData | Class to define a trigger button |
PoXtValueLegendEditor | Abstract class for values legend editors |
SoExtSelection::PreFilterEventArg | Structure given to callback when a PreFilter event is raised |
QEventToSoEvent | |
QtTimer | |
SbImageDataAccessor::Region | A region must be an ordered set with a first voxel and for each voxel a next voxel, else we cannot associate a buffer to this region |
SoImageRegistrationTransform3d::RegistrationEvent | This event describes the evolution of the registration process |
SoImageRegistrationTransform::RegistrationEvent | This event describes the evolution of the registration process |
RemoteVizClient | Initializes the RemoteVizClient module database |
RemoteVizRenderArea | HTML5 client API Documentation |
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderArea | |
RenderArea | Class to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window |
RenderAreaExaminer | Class to render an OpenInventor scene graph in a Qt OpenGL window |
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaHardware | |
RenderAreaInteractive | Class to render an OpenInventor scene in a Qt OpenGL window |
RemoteViz::Rendering::RenderAreaListener | |
SoRemoteVizClient::RenderAreaSizeEventArg | Structure given when a renderArea resize event is raised |
SiRenderArea::RenderEventArg | Structure given when a start render event is raised |
Ruler | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Interactive distance measuring tool for SoOrthoSlice |
SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification::SbAnisotropyDegreeDetail | Results details of degree of anisotropy global measure |
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d::SbApplyMorphLutDetail | Results details of morphological Lut processing |
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d::SbApplyMorphLutDetail | Results details of morphological Lut processing |
SoAreaQuantification2d::SbArea2DDetail | Results details of 2d Area measurement |
SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing::SbAutoSegmentation3PhasesDetail | Results details of threshold by automatic segmentation |
SoAutoThresholdingProcessing::SbAutoThresholdingDetail | Results details of threshold by automatic segmentation |
SoAutoThresholdingQuantification::SbAutoThresholdingDetail | Results details of threshold by automatic segmentation |
SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectAreaPerSliceDetail | Results details of average object area per slice global measure |
SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectNumberPerSliceDetail | Results details of average object number per slice global measure |
SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d::SbAverageObjectThicknessDetail | Results details of average object thickness global measure |
SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d::SbAverageSpaceThicknessDetail | Results details of average space thickness global measure |
SbBox2d | 2D box class |
SbBox2f | 2D box class |
SbBox2i32 | 2D box class |
SbBox2s | 2D box class |
SbBox3d | 3D box class |
SbBox3f | 3D box class |
SbBox3i32 | 3D box class |
SbBox3s | 3D box class |
SbBox4i32 | 4D box class |
SoCannyEdgeProcessing::SbCannyEdgeDetectionDetail | Results details of canny edge detection workflow |
SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d::SbCentroidTortuosity3dDetail | Results details of centroid path tortuosity global measure |
SbChannelList | List of channel to extract |
SbColor | Color vector class |
SbColorRGBA | ColorRGBA vector class |
SoCompareImageQuantification::SbCompareDetail | Results details of comparison between two images |
SoCompareValueQuantification::SbCompareDetail | Results details of comparison between two images |
SbConfig | Stores the configuration of the display system and the MultiPipe extension |
SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d::SbCoocurrrenceDetail | Results details of cooccurrence global measure |
SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d::SbCorrelationDetail | Results details of image correlation |
SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d::SbCorrelationDetail | Results details of image correlation |
SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d::SbCurvatureIntegralsDetail | Results details of curvature integrals |
SbCylinder | Class for representing a cylinder |
SbCylinderPlaneProjector | Cylinder-plane projector |
SbCylinderProjector | Cylinder projector |
SbCylinderSectionProjector | Cylinder-section projector |
SbCylinderSheetProjector | Cylinder-sheet projector |
SbCylindricalProjection | Cylindrical coordinate projection |
SbDataType | Class encoding a data type |
SbDiscreteLineProfile | Profile line extractor |
SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d::SbDistanceMeanDetail | Results details of mean distance between objects global measure |
SbElapsedTime | Class for measuring elapsed time with high resolution |
SbEventArg | Base class for all event arguments |
SbEventHandler< ArgType > | Class representing an event |
SoIntensityExtremaQuantification::SbExtremaDetail | Results details of extrema global measure |
SbExtrusionGenerator | Factory that generates an extruded mesh from a polyline |
SbFileHelper | Utilities class for file management |
SoFractalDimensionQuantification::SbFractalDetail | Results details of fractal dimension |
SoFragmentationIndexQuantification::SbFragmentationDetail | Results details of fragmentation global measure |
SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification::SbGaussianNoiseDetail | Results details of gaussian noise estimation |
SbGLShareContext | Class encapsulating information about an OpenGL context: a handle on an OpenGL context and its id |
SbGPUCapabilities | List of common graphics capabilities of the device used by a SoGLContext |
SbGraphicsCapabilities | List of common graphics capabilities set by Open Inventor |
SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification::SbImageBoundaryAreaDetail | Results details of object boundary area global measure |
SbImageDataAccessor | Class used to retrieve data from an SoImageDataAdapter |
SbImageDataAdapterHelper | Helper class for SoImageDataAdapter |
SbImageDataType | Basic class representing multi channel DataType |
SbImageDataVoxel | Utility class used to safely access channels of a buffer |
SoImageVolumeQuantification::SbImageVolumeDetail | Results details of total volume global measure |
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d::SbIntegralIntensityDetail | Results details of integral intensity global measure |
SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification::SbIntensityBinHistogramDetail | Results details of SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification |
SoIntensityHistogramQuantification::SbIntensityHistogramDetail | Results details of SoIntensityHistogramQuantification |
SbKernel2i32 | Integer 2D-Kernel for morphological operations |
SbKernel3i32 | Integer 3D-Kernel for morphological operations |
SoLicensedProduct::SbLicenseInfo | |
SbLine | Directed line in 3D |
SbLined | Directed line in 3D (double precision) |
SbLineProjector | Line projector |
SoLocalMaximaQuantification::SbLocalMaximaDetail | Results details of SoLocalMaximaQuantification |
SbMatrix | 4x4 matrix class |
SbMatrix3 | 3x3 matrix class |
SbMatrixd | 4x4 matrix class (double precision) |
SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d::SbMeanInertiaMomentDetail | Results details of mean inertia moment global measure |
SbName | Character string stored in a hash table |
SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification::SbObjectBoundaryAreaDetail | Results details of object boundary area global measure |
SoObjectCountQuantification::SbObjectCountDetail | Results details of objects count global measure |
SoObjectImageRatioQuantification::SbObjectImageRatioDetail | Results details of object image ratio global measure |
SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d::SbObjectLinearDensityDetail | Results details of object linear density global measure |
SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification::SbObjectSpecificSurface | Results details of object specific surface global measure |
SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification::SbObjectSurfaceDensityDetail | Results details of object surface density global measure |
SoObjectVolumeQuantification::SbObjectVolumeDetail | Results details of object volume global measure |
SbPipe | Stores the graphics info and resources for a MultiPipe window |
SbPlane | Oriented plane in 3D |
SbPlaneProjector | Plane projector |
SbPList | List of generic (void *) pointers |
SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d::SbPorosityPercentageDetail | Results details of porosity percentage global measure |
SbProj4Projection | Cartographic (PROJ4) projection class |
SbProjection | Base class for coordinate projection classes |
SbProjectionCoordinates | Cache projected coordinates |
SbProjector | Base class for representing projectors |
SbQtHelper | Utilities class for Qt management |
SbRasterImage | Class encapsulating a raster image and its attributes |
SbRotation | Class for representing a rotation |
SbRotationd | Class for representing a rotation (double precision) |
SbSphere | Class for representing a sphere |
SbSpherePlaneProjector | Sphere-plane projector |
SbSphereProjector | Sphere projector |
SbSphereSectionProjector | Sphere-section projector |
SbSphereSheetProjector | Sphere-sheet projector |
SbSphericalProjection | Spherical coordinate projection |
SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification::SbStatisticsDetail | Results details of statistics global measure |
SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification::SbStatisticsDetail | Results details of statistics global measure |
SbString | Class for smart character strings |
SbStringList | Maintains a list of pointers to SbString instances |
SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh | Structured quadrilateral mesh |
SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d::SbStructureModelIndexDetail | Results details of structure model index global measure |
SbThread | Portable thread class |
SbThreadAutoLock | Provides reliable unlocking of a mutex |
SbThreadAutoReadLock | Provides reliable unlocking of a read-only mutex |
SbThreadAutoSpinlock | Provides reliable unlocking of a spinlock |
SbThreadAutoWriteLock | Provides reliable unlocking of a write-only mutex |
SbThreadBarrier | Portable "barrier" class for synchronizing threads |
SbThreadLocalStorage | Thread Local Storage (TLS) class |
SbThreadMutex | Portable mutex class |
SbThreadRWMutex | Portable readers/writer lock class |
SbThreadSemaphore | Semaphore management |
SbThreadSignal | Portable signal class |
SbThreadSpinlock | Portable spinlock class |
SbThreadStorage< T > | Template class for per instance thread Local Storage |
SbThreadStorage< bool > | Template class specialization for bool type instance thread Local Storage |
SbThreadStorageBase | |
SbTime | Class for representation of a time |
SbTrackerInfo | Class for representing 3D tracker information |
SbTransformProjection | Scale/recenter projection class |
SbTVizColorScale | Class to manage colorscales |
SbTVizData | Abstract base class for elevation data |
SbTVizRegularGridData | Regular grid data class |
SbTVizTexture | Texture class |
SbTVizTextureList | Handles the quadtree of textures |
SbVec2d | 2D vector class (double precision) |
SbVec2f | 2D vector class |
SbVec2i32 | 2D vector class |
SbVec2s | 2D vector class |
SbVec2String | 2D SbString vector class |
SbVec3d | 3D vector class (double precision) |
SbVec3f | 3D vector class |
SbVec3i32 | 3D vector class |
SbVec3s | 3D vector class |
SbVec4b | 4D vector class |
SbVec4d | 4D vector class (double precision) |
SbVec4f | 4D vector class |
SbVec4i32 | 4D vector class |
SbVec4s | 4D vector class |
SbVec4ub | 4D vector class |
SbVec4ui32 | 4D vector class |
SbVec4us | 4D vector class |
SbViewportRegion | Class for representing a viewport |
SbViewVolume | 3D viewing volume class |
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d::SbVolumeDetail | Results details of volume global measure |
SbXfBox3d | 3D box with an associated transformation matrix |
SbXfBox3f | 3D box with an associated transformation matrix |
SbXmlTag | XML tag from LDM filer |
SceneExaminer | Tool class for easily building a basic interactive OpenInventor application without using existing viewer classes |
SceneInteractor | Tool class for easily building a basic OpenInventor application without using existing viewer classes |
SceneView | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Defines a view for use with ViewManager |
ScGetBoundingBoxAction | Defines a distributed bounding box action |
ScGetPrimitiveCountAction | Defines a distributed primitive count action |
ScRayPickAction | Defines a distributed ray pick action |
RemoteViz::Rendering::Service | |
RemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceListener | |
SoRemoteVizClient::ServiceMessageEventArg | Structure given when a ServiceMessage event is raised |
RemoteViz::Rendering::ServiceSettings | |
SiAntialiasingEventListener | Antialiasing change event listener interface |
SiDicomDataSet | DICOM data |
SiDicomElement | DICOM data |
SiDicomSequence | DICOM data |
SiDicomValue | DICOM data |
SiInteractionModeListener | This interface provides the list of interaction methods that subclasses must define |
SiRenderArea | RenderArea interface |
SiRenderAreaAntialiasing | RenderArea antialiasing interface |
SiRenderAreaInteractive | RenderArea interactive interface |
SiRenderAreaStereo | RenderArea stereo interface |
SiRenderAreaStillSuperSampling | RenderArea still supersampling interface |
SiRenderAreaTransparency | RenderArea transparency interface |
SliceAxis | Slice axis enum used to define the logical slice |
MoMeshInterpolatedLogicalSlice::SliceAxis | |
MoMeshLogicalSlice::SliceAxis | |
SliceOrientationMarkers | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display slice orientation markers in window coordinates |
SliceScaleBar | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a dynamic scale bar in window coordinates |
SoAbsoluteValueProcessing | SoAbsoluteValueProcessing engine |
SoAccumulatedElement | Abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set |
SoAccumulationAntialiasingParameters | Antialiasing parameters class for the accumulation buffer algorithm |
SoAction | Abstract base class for all actions |
SoAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessing | SoAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationProcessing engine performs a local histogram equalization |
SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing | SoAdaptiveThresholdingProcessing engine |
SoAddObjectToLabelProcessing | SoAddObjectToLabelProcessing engine |
SoAlarmSensor | Triggers a delegate once sometime in the future |
SoAlgebraicCone | Algebraic cone shape node |
SoAlgebraicCylinder | Algebraic cylinder shape node |
SoAlgebraicShape | Abstract base class for algebraic shapes |
SoAlgebraicSphere | Algebraic sphere shape node |
SoAlgorithms | Utility functions for loading algorithm modules |
SoAmbientColorElement | Stores ambient color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoAnaglyphStereo | Class for anaglyph stereo support |
SoAnalysisResult | Abstract base class for ImageViz analysis results |
SoAnnotation | Annotation group node |
SoAnnoText3 | Annotation text node |
SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement | Stores the current character orientation flag of an SoAnnoText3Property node |
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement | Stores the current font size hint of an SoAnnoText3Property node |
SoAnnoText3Property | Annotation text property node |
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement | Stores the current render print type of an SoAnnoText3Property node |
SoAntialiasingParameters | Antialiasing parameters interface base class |
SoAntiSquish | Transformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales |
SoAppearanceKit | Appearance nodekit class |
SoAppearancePreserver | Encapsulates an appearance preserving simplification algorithm |
SoApplyGrayscaleLutProcessing | SoApplyGrayscaleLutProcessing engine allows to apply a grayscale look up table |
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d | SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing2d engine allows to apply a morphological look up table on a 2D image |
SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d | SoApplyMorphologicalLutProcessing3d engine allows to apply a morphological look up table on a 3D image |
SoAreaQuantification2d | SoAreaQuantification2d engine SoAreaQuantification2d computes the area of the pixels object |
SoArithmetic | Arithmetic functions for buffers |
SoArithmeticImageProcessing | SoArithmeticImageProcessing engine performs an arithmetic operation between two images |
SoArithmeticValueProcessing | SoArithmeticValueProcessing engine performs an arithmetic operation between an image and a value |
SoArray | Group node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children |
SoAsciiText | Simple 3D text shape node |
SoAssignLabelProcessing | SoAssignLabelProcessing engine |
SoAuditor | Base class for all auditors |
SoAutoCorrelationProcessing2d | SoAutoCorrelationProcessing2d engine computes the cross correlation of an image by itself |
SoAutoIntensityClassificationProcessing | SoAutoIntensityClassificationProcessing classifies all pixels/voxels of an image using the k-means method |
SoAutoMap< T > | buffer object mapping helper class |
SoAutoRef | Implements smart pointers to SoRefCounter objects |
SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing | SoAutoSegmentation3PhasesProcessing image filter |
SoAutoThresholdingProcessing | SoAutoThresholdingProcessing engine |
SoAutoThresholdingQuantification | SoAutoThresholdingQuantification engine |
SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d | SoAverageObjectAreaPerSliceQuantification3d engine |
SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d | SoAverageObjectNumberPerSliceQuantification3d engine |
SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d | SoAverageObjectThicknessQuantification3d engine |
SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d | SoAverageSpaceThicknessQuantification3d engine |
SoBackground | Abstract base class for background nodes |
SoBackgroundImageProcessing2d | SoBackgroundImageProcessing2d engine |
SoBase | Base class for all nodes, paths, and engines |
SoBaseColor | Node that defines an object's base color |
SoBaseContextObject | Context dependent object management class |
SoBaseExtrusion | Abstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes |
SoBaseInitializer | |
SoBaseKit | Base class for all node kits |
SoBaseLDMConverter | Base class for converting data sets into the LDM format |
SoBaseList | Maintains a list of pointers to instances of the SoBase classes |
SoBaseScreen | Abstract base class for all screen classes used in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoBaseStereo | Class for stereo management |
SoBBox | Bounding box node |
SoBBoxModelMatrixElement | Stores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction |
SoBBoxTypeElement | Stores the current BBox type |
SoBevelAction | Creates a scene graph containing beveled shapes |
SoBevelProperty | Node to define beveling properties |
SoBevelPropertyElement | Stores various beveling attributes |
SoBigImageRenderer | Renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures |
SoBilateralFilterProcessing | SoBilateralFilterProcessing engine |
SoBillboard | Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer |
SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d | SoBinaryCorrelationProcessing2d engine |
SoBitShiftProcessing | SoBitShiftProcessing engine |
SoBlendWithImageProcessing | SoBlendWithImageProcessing engine produces a linear combination between two images |
SoBlendWithValueProcessing | SoBlendWithValueProcessing engine |
SoBlinker | Animated cycling switch node |
SoBMPImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a BMP raster image |
SoBoolOperation | Performs Boolean operations |
SoBorderKillProcessing | SoBorderKillProcessing engine |
SoBoxFilterProcessing | SoBoxFilterProcessing engine |
SoBoxHighlightRenderAction | A selection highlight style |
SoBufferAsyncInterface | LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles |
SoBufferAsyncNotifierInterface | LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles |
SoBufferedShape | Node to render geometry stored in SoBufferObject objects |
SoBufferObject | Abstract base class for buffer object management |
SoBufferPropertiesInterface | LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles |
SoBumpMappingProperty | Bump mapping property node |
SoBumpMappingPropertyElement | Stores bump mapping properties |
SoButtonEvent | Base class for all button events |
SoByteStream | Converts scene graph objects to character byte streams |
SoCacheElement | Stores the most recently opened cache |
SoCADFileFormat | Module class to initialize CAD file format support |
SoCADInputReader | Class for importing a scene graph from a CAD file |
SoCADInputReaderParameters | CAD Input reader Parameters when importing CAD file type |
SoCalculator | A general-purpose calculator |
SoCallback | Provides custom behavior during actions |
SoCallbackAction | Performs a generic traversal of a scene graph or path |
SoCallbackList | Manages a list of callbacks and associated data |
SoCamera | Abstract base class for camera nodes |
SoCameraInteractor | Utility class to manipulate a camera |
SoCameraKit | Camera nodekit class |
SoCameraManager | |
SoCannyEdgeProcessing | SoCannyEdgeProcessing |
SoCartesianToPolarProcessing2d | SoCartesianToPolarProcessing2d engine |
SoCenterballDragger | Striped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse |
SoCenterballManip | Transform node with 3D interface for editing rotation and center |
SoCenterLineApproximation3d | SoCenterLineApproximation3d engine |
SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d | SoCentroidPathTortuosityQuantification3d engine the tortuosity of a path formed by centroids of each plan of a binary 3D image along z-axis |
SoCentroidProcessing2d | SoCentroidProcessing2d engine |
SoCGMVectorOutput | Class used to write vector formatted CGM files |
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing2d | SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing2d engine |
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d | SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d engine |
SoChessboardDistanceMapProcessing | SoChessboardDistanceMapProcessing engine |
SoCircularExtrusion | Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine |
SoClipPlane | Clipping plane node |
SoClipPlaneElement | Stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes |
SoClipPlaneManip | Manipulator to transform a clipping plane |
SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing2d | SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing2d engine |
SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing3d | SoClosestBoundaryPointsProcessing3d engine |
SoClosingBallByReconstructionProcessing3d | SoClosingBallByReconstructionProcessing3d engine |
SoClosingBallProcessing3d | SoClosingBallProcessing3d engine |
SoClosingByReconstructionProcessing | SoClosingByReconstructionProcessing image filter |
SoClosingCubeProcessing | SoClosingCubeProcessing engine performs a closing using a structuring element matching with a square or a cube |
SoClosingDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d | SoClosingDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine |
SoClosingDiskProcessing2d | SoClosingDiskProcessing2d engine |
SoClosingDiskProcessing3d | SoClosingDiskProcessing3d engine |
SoClosingLineMinimumProcessing | SoClosingLineMinimumProcessing engine |
SoClosingLineProcessing2d | SoClosingLineProcessing2d engine |
SoClosingLineProcessing3d | SoClosingLineProcessing3d engine |
SoClosingSquareColorProcessing2d | SoClosingSquareColorProcessing2d engine |
SoClusterGateway | Specifies parameters for the cluster gateway machine |
SoCollidingPrimitive | |
SoCollisionManager | Class to manage collisions |
SoColorAntialiasingProcessing2d | SoColorAntialiasingProcessing2d engine |
SoColorGetPlaneProcessing2d | SoColorGetPlaneProcessing2d engine |
SoColorIndex | Surface color index node |
SoColorMap | Class for indexed texture color map |
SoColorMapElement | Stores the current color map |
SoColorPacker | |
SoColorSpaceConversionProcessing | SoColorSpaceConversionProcessing engine |
SoColorThresholdingProcessing | SoColorThresholdingProcessing engine |
SoColorToGrayscaleProcessing | SoColorToGrayscaleProcessing engine |
SoColorToLightnessProcessing | SoColorToLightnessProcessing engine |
SoColumnDialog | Dialog column node |
SoCombineByMaskProcessing | SoCombineByMaskProcessing engine |
SoCompareImageQuantification | SoCompareImageQuantification engine applies a comparison test between two images |
SoCompareValueQuantification | SoCompareValueQuantification engine applies a comparison test between an image and a constant value |
SoComplexCenteredFFTInverseProcessing | SoComplexCenteredFFTInverseProcessing engine |
SoComplexCenteredFFTProcessing | SoComplexCenteredFFTProcessing engine |
SoComplexFFTInverseProcessing | SoComplexFFTInverseProcessing engine |
SoComplexFFTProcessing | SoComplexFFTProcessing engine |
SoComplexity | Shape complexity node |
SoComplexityElement | Stores the current shape complexity |
SoComplexityTypeElement | Stores the current complexity type |
SoComposeMatrix | Composes a transformation matrix |
SoComposeRotation | Composes a rotation from axis and angle values |
SoComposeRotationFromTo | Composes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another |
SoComposeVec2f | Default Constructor |
SoComposeVec2i32 | Composes 2D vectors from int values |
SoComposeVec2s | Composes 2D vectors from short values |
SoComposeVec3f | Composes 3D vectors from floating-point values |
SoComposeVec4f | Composes 4D vectors from floating-point values |
SoComputeBoundingBox | Computes the bounding box and center of a scene graph |
SoConcatenate | Joins separate fields into a single multiple-value field |
SoCone | Cone shape node |
SoConeDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCone node |
SoConsole | Creates a Win32 console for printing messages |
SoControllerButtonEvent | Controller button press and release event |
SoControllerReader | Interface to trackdAPI (buttons, valuators) |
SoConversion | Type conversion functions for buffers |
SoConverter | Abstract base class for converting data sets into LDM format |
SoConverterParameters | Container class for LDM converter parameters |
SoConvertImageProcessing | SoConvertImageProcessing engine changes the format of an image |
SoConvexHullProcessing2d | SoConvexHullProcessing2d engine fills the concavities of particles in an image |
SoConvolution | Convolution functions for buffers |
SoConvolutionWithImageProcessing2d | SoConvolutionWithImageProcessing2d engine |
SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d | SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d engine provides texture indicators based on the co-occurrence matrix computation |
SoCoordinate3 | Coordinate point node |
SoCoordinate4 | Rational coordinate point node |
SoCoordinateElement | Stores the current coordinates |
SoCopyImageProcessing | SoCopyImageProcessing engine copies an image into another image |
SoCounter | Triggered integer counter |
SoCpuBufferAsyncBasicProperty | LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information and implementing asynchronous buffer interface |
SoCpuBufferBasicProperty | LDM buffer object handling basic LDM tile information |
SoCpuBufferBitSet | LDM buffer object optimized for bitset tile data |
SoCpuBufferCompressed | LDM buffer object optimized for compressed tile data |
SoCpuBufferFromVolumeReader | LDM buffer object optimized for in memory reader tile data |
SoCpuBufferObject | CPU buffer object class |
SoCpuBufferObjectCache | CPUBufferObject cache management class |
SoCpuBufferUniform | LDM buffer object optimized for uniform (single value) tile data |
SoCpuContext | CPU device context managment class |
SoCpuDevice | CPU device management class |
SoCreaseAngleElement | Stores the current crease angle |
SoCropImageProcessing | SoCropImageProcessing engine extract a rectangular region from an image |
SoCSGAction | CSGAction class |
SoCSGGroup | Group node for Constructive Solid Geometry rendering |
SoCSGOperation | Class which computes a CSG operation (OR, AND, SUB, etc) from 2 solid objects |
SoCSGShape | Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs |
SoCube | Cube shape node |
SoCubeDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCube node |
SoCuda | Cuda module class |
SoCudaApi | CUDA access API |
SoCudaArithmetic | Arithmetic functions for CUDA buffers |
SoCudaBufferObject | CUDA buffer object managment class |
SoCudaContext | CUDA context management class |
SoCudaConversion | Type conversion functions for CUDA buffers |
SoCudaConvolution | Convolution functions for CUDA buffers |
SoCudaDataExtract | Data extraction algorithms for CUDA buffers |
SoCudaDevice | CUDA device management class |
SoCudaSeismic | Seismic attribute functions for CUDA buffers |
SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing | SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing engine |
SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d | SoCurvatureIntegralsQuantification3d engine computes the integral of mean curvature and integral of total curvature |
SoCylinder | Cylinder shape node |
SoCylinderDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCylinder node |
SoDataCompositor | Data set compositor node |
SoDataCompositorElement | |
SoDataCompressor | Data compression |
SoDataExtract | Data extraction algorithms for buffers |
SoDataMeasure | Abstract base class for all ImageViz image data measures |
SoDataMeasureAttributes | Class for all ImageViz data measure attributes |
SoDataMeasureCustom | class to define a custom measure |
SoDataMeasurePredefined | class that define the list of predefined measure that can be used on image data input |
SoDataRange | Range of data values to be mapped to the color map |
SoDataRangeElement | |
SoDataSensor | Abstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene |
SoDataSet | Data set node |
SoDataSetElement | |
SoDataSetId | Property node that sets the current dataset id |
SoDataSetIdElement | Stores the current dataset id |
SoDB | Scene graph database class |
SoDDSImageRW | Class for decoding a DDS raster image |
SoDeblurProcessing2d | SoDeblurProcessing2d engine |
SoDebugError | Debug error handling |
SoDecimationPercentageElement | Stores the current shape decimation percentage |
SoDecimationTypeElement | Stores the current decimation type |
SoDecimator | Encapsulates an algorithm for simplifying shapes through mesh decimation |
SoDecomposeMatrix | Decomposes transformation matrices into values for translation, rotation, and scale |
SoDecomposeRotation | Decomposes rotation values |
SoDecomposeVec2f | Decomposes 2D vectors into floating-point values |
SoDecomposeVec2i32 | Decomposes 2D vectors into int values |
SoDecomposeVec2s | Decomposes 2D vectors into short values |
SoDecomposeVec3f | Decomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values |
SoDecomposeVec4f | Decomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values |
SoDecorrelationStretchProcessing2d | SoDecorrelationStretchProcessing2d engine |
SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification | SoDegreeOfAnisotropyQuantification engine |
SoDeinterlaceFramesProcessing2d | SoDeinterlaceFramesProcessing2d engine |
SoDelayQueueSensor | Abstract base class for sensors not dependent on time |
SoDelineateProcessing | SoDelineateProcessing engine |
SoDepthBuffer | Depth buffer parameters node |
SoDepthBufferElement | Stores the current depth buffer parameters |
SoDepthComposer | Defines a simple depth composer in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoDepthComposerParams | Abstract base class for global depth compositing parameter setup |
SoDepthOffset | Property node that applies a depth offset |
SoDepthOffsetElement | Manage SoDepthOffset nodes accumulation in state |
SoDespeckleProcessing | SoDespeckleProcessing engine |
SoDetail | Base class for describing detail information about a shape node |
SoDetailList | Maintains a list of instances of details |
SoDevice | Abstract device management class |
SoDeviceContext | Abstract base class for device context managment |
SoDeviceContextSharedGroup | Shared context management class |
SoDialogAuditor | Dialog auditor |
SoDialogCheckBox | Dialog CheckBox node |
SoDialogCheckBoxAuditor | Dialog CheckBox auditor |
SoDialogCheckBoxLauncher | Dialog CheckBoxLauncher node |
SoDialogChoice | Abstract class for a multiple choice node |
SoDialogChoiceAuditor | Dialog Choice auditor |
SoDialogComboBox | Dialog ComboBox node |
SoDialogComponent | Abstract base class for all basic dialog components |
SoDialogCustom | Dialog Custom node |
SoDialogEditText | Dialog EditText node |
SoDialogEditTextAuditor | Dialog EditText auditor |
SoDialogGroup | Abstract base class for container dialog components |
SoDialogIntegerSlider | Dialog integer slider node |
SoDialogIntegerSliderAuditor | Dialog IntegerSlider auditor |
SoDialogLabel | Class that creates an SoDialogLabel node |
SoDialogPushButton | Dialog push button node |
SoDialogPushButtonAuditor | Dialog PushButton auditor |
SoDialogPushButtonLauncher | Dialog push button launcher node |
SoDialogRadioButtons | Dialog radio buttons node |
SoDialogRealSlider | Dialog real slider node |
SoDialogRealSliderAuditor | Dialog RealSlider auditor |
SoDialogSeparator | Class to create a separator line |
SoDialogSlider | Abstract class for the slider nodes |
SoDialogSpreadSheet | |
SoDialogViz | Abstract base class for DialogViz components |
SoDialogWidgetList | |
SoDicomTag | DICOM data |
SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d | SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d engine |
SoDilationBallProcessing3d | SoDilationBallProcessing3d engine |
SoDilationCubeProcessing | SoDilationCubeProcessing engine |
SoDilationDiskProcessing2d | SoDilationDiskProcessing2d engine |
SoDilationDiskProcessing3d | SoDilationDiskProcessing3d engine |
SoDilationLineProcessing2d | SoDilationLineProcessing2d engine |
SoDilationLineProcessing3d | SoDilationLineProcessing3d engine |
SoDilationSquareColorProcessing2d | SoDilationSquareColorProcessing2d engine |
SoDirectionalBlendProcessing2d | SoDirectionalBlendProcessing2d engine |
SoDirectionalLight | Node representing a directional light source |
SoDirectionalLightDragger | Directional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse |
SoDirectionalLightManip | Directional light node with 3D interface for editing direction |
SoDirectVizCameraShader | DirectViz Camera shader. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoDirectVizEnvironmentShader | DirectViz Environment shader |
SoDirectVizGeneralShader | DirectViz general surface shader class |
SoDirectVizManager | Manages ray-traced rendering |
SoDirectVizShader | DirectViz shader node base class |
SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d | SoDistanceMeanQuantification2d engine gives the mean distance, edge to edge, between objects |
SoDistributeAction | Computes a distribution of the scene graph for use in depth compositing in ScaleViz |
SoDoBFilterProcessing | SoDoBFilterProcessing engine |
SoDoubleTapGestureEvent | Class for double-tap gesture events |
SoDoubleTapGestureRecognizer | Double tap gesture recognizer |
SoDragger | Base class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events |
SoDragPointDragger | Object you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
SoDrawBufferElement | Stores the current draw buffer parameters |
SoDrawStyle | Node that defines the style to use when rendering |
SoDrawStyleElement | Stores the current draw style |
SoDualSceneCollider | Class to check for collisions between two scenes |
SoDynamicLibManager | Class for managing dynamic libraries |
SoEdgeFlag | Class to mark/unmark edges for beveling |
SoEdgeFlagElement | Stores the edge flag values |
SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d | The SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d engine computes the local eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a 2D matrix image |
SoEigenDecompositionProcessing3d | The SoEigenDecompositionProcessing3d engine computes the local eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a 3D matrix image |
SoElapsedTime | Basic controllable time source |
SoElement | Abstract base class for all state elements |
SoEllipseScreenDrawer | Interactively draw an ellipse in normalized screen space |
SoEllipsoidDragger | Ellipsoid you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse |
SoEmissiveColorElement | Stores emissive color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoEndPointsProcessing2d | SoEndPointsProcessing2d engine |
SoEndPointsProcessing3d | SoEndPointsProcessing3d image filter |
SoEngine | Base class for all engines |
SoEngineDialogViewer | |
SoEngineList | Maintains a list of pointers to engines |
SoEngineOutput | Class for all engine outputs |
SoEngineOutputList | Maintains a list of pointers to engine outputs |
SoEnvironment | Global environment node |
SoEnvironmentElement | Stores the current environment |
SoErosionBallProcessing3d | SoErosionBallProcessing3d engine |
SoErosionCubeProcessing | SoErosionCubeProcessing engine |
SoErosionDiskProcessing2d | SoErosionDiskProcessing2d engine |
SoErosionDiskProcessing3d | SoErosionDiskProcessing3d engine |
SoErosionLineProcessing2d | SoErosionLineProcessing2d engine |
SoErosionLineProcessing3d | SoErosionLineProcessing3d engine |
SoErosionSquareColorProcessing2d | SoErosionSquareColorProcessing2d engine |
SoError | Error handling base class |
SoErrorStack | Stack debugging handler |
SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d | SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d image filter |
SoEvent | Base class for all events |
SoEventBuilder | Utility class that generates Open Inventor events |
SoEventCallback | Node which invokes callbacks for events |
SoExpandLabelsProcessing | SoExpandLabelsProcessing engine |
SoExtremaImpositionProcessing | SoExtremaImpositionProcessing engine |
SoExtrusion | Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine |
SoExtSelection | Selection node that supports lasso selection |
SoExtTexture2 | Extended texture mapping node |
SoFaceDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces |
SoFaceSet | Polygonal face shape node |
SoFenceSlice | Fence slice shape node |
SoFenceSliceDetail | Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume |
SoField | Base class for all fields |
SoFieldContainer | Abstract base class for objects that contain fields |
SoFieldList | Maintains a list of pointers to fields |
SoFieldSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor fields |
SoFile | Node that reads children from a named file |
SoFileDataAdapter | Image data adapter for data in a file |
SoFileSensor | Sensor that triggers a callback each time a file is changed |
SoFillHolesProcessing2d | SoFillHolesProcessing2d engine |
SoFillHolesProcessing3d | SoFillHolesProcessing3d engine |
SoFillImageBorderProcessing3d | SoFillImageBorderProcessing3d engine |
SoFilterAnalysisQuantification | SoFilterAnalysisQuantification engine removes from the input label analysis labels whose measure does not fulfill a filter formula |
SoFilterByMeasureProcessing | SoFilterByMeasureProcessing engine allows filtering objects given a target measure and a filter criterion |
SoFirstOrderStatisticsProcessing | SoFirstOrderStatisticsProcessing image filter |
SoFlatScreen | Defines a simple flat screen in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoFlipAxisProcessing2d | SoFlipAxisProcessing2d image filter |
SoFlipAxisProcessing3d | SoFlipAxisProcessing3d image filter |
SoFloatElement | Element's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value |
SoFloodFillThresholdProcessing | SoFloodFillThresholdProcessing engine |
SoFlowInpaintingProcessing | SoFlowInpaintingProcessing engine |
SoFocalDistanceElement | Stores the current focal distance of the camera |
SoFont | Node that defines font name, size, and type for text |
SoFontNameElement | Stores the current font name |
SoFontRenderStyleElement | Stores the current font render style |
SoFontSizeElement | Stores the current font size |
SoFontStyle | Defines font family and style for text |
SoFractalDimensionQuantification | SoFractalDimensionQuantification engine |
SoFragmentationIndexQuantification | SoFragmentationIndexQuantification engine |
SoFragmentShader | Node that defines a fragment shader |
SoFrameBufferObject | Create an OpenGL FrameBuffer |
SoFrontBufferGroup | Delayed rendering group node |
SoFullPath | Path that allows access to hidden children |
SoFullSceneAntialiasing | Node that controls full-scene antialiasing |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement | Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state |
SoFullSceneAntialiasingParameters | Antialiasing parameters class for the FSAA algorithm |
SoFXAAParameters | Antialiasing parameters class for the FXAA algorithm |
SoFXViz | Class to initialize FXViz |
SoGaborFilteringProcessing2d | SoGaborFilteringProcessing2d image filter |
SoGate | Selectively copies its input to its output |
SoGaussianBlurFilterProcessing | SoGaussianBlurFilterProcessing engine |
SoGaussianDerivativeProcessing | SoGaussianDerivativeProcessing image filter |
SoGaussianFilterProcessing | SoGaussianFilterProcessing engine |
SoGDIVectorOutput | Manage vector output to GDI devices. [Windows only] This class is not implemented on UNIX systems. |
SoGeoCoordinate | Geographic coordinates node |
SoGeodesicDistanceMapProcessing | SoGeodesicDistanceMapProcessing engine |
SoGeodesicPropagationProcessing2d | SoGeodesicPropagationProcessing2d engine |
SoGeoElevationGrid | Specifies a uniform grid of elevation values within some spatial reference frame |
SoGeoLocation | Used to georeference models |
SoGeoLOD | Level-of-detail management for multi-resolution terrains |
SoGeometryPriority | Priority property of a rendering node |
SoGeometryPriorityElement | |
SoGeometryShader | Node that defines a geometry shader |
SoGeoOrigin | Specifies a local geospatial coordinate system |
SoGeoOriginElement | Stores the current geoOrigin |
SoGeoProjection | Geospatial projection node |
SoGeoRender | Defines rendering projection |
SoGeoRenderElement | Stores the current render projection |
SoGestureEvent | Base class for gesture events |
SoGestureRecognizer | Base class for all gesture recognizers |
SoGetBoundingBoxAction | Computes bounding box of a scene |
SoGetMatrixAction | Computes transformation matrix for a subgraph |
SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d | SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d engine |
SoGetPlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d | SoGetPlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d engine |
SoGetPrimitiveCountAction | Counts number of primitives in scene |
SoGetView | Class to access a MeshViz view |
SoGIFImageRW | Class for decoding a GIF raster image |
SoGLBufferObject | OpenGL buffer object class |
SoGLClipPlaneElement | Adds a clipping plane to the set currently in GL |
SoGLColorIndexElement | Stores color index of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoGLColorMapElement | Stores color map attributes |
SoGLContext | OpenGL context management class |
SoGLCoordinateElement | Stores the current coordinates |
SoGLDepthBufferElement | Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters |
SoGLDevice | OpenGL device management class |
SoGLDeviceSettings | Device settings management class |
SoGLDisplayList | OpenGL display list management class |
SoGLDrawBufferElement | Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters |
SoGLDrawStyleElement | Changes the current draw style in GL |
SoGLEnvironmentElement | Stores the current environment in GL |
SoGLError | OpenGL rendering error handling |
SoGLExtension | Contains methods to query and disable OpenGL extensions |
SoGLExtTextureImageElement | Stores the current texture image in GL |
SoGLFormat | OpenGL pixel format management class |
SoGLFullSceneAntialiasingElement | Stores full-scene antialiasing properties |
SoGLGraphicConfig | Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration |
SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate | Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration template |
SoGLGraphicDevice | Represents an OpenGL graphics device |
SoGLLazyElement | Manages the GL state for the SoLazyElement |
SoGLLightIdElement | Stores the id of the current light |
SoGLLinePatternElement | Stores the current line pattern in GL |
SoGLLineWidthElement | Stores the current line width in GL |
SoGLModelMatrixElement | Stores the current model matrix in GL |
SoGLNormalElement | Stores the current surface normals |
SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification | SoGlobalAnalysisQuantification computes all the measurements of a measure list |
SoGlobalSimplifyAction | Traverses the scene graph and collects all the triangles in a single list |
SoGLPatternElement | Stores the current pattern in GL |
SoGLPointSizeElement | Stores the current point size in GL |
SoGLPolygonOffsetElement | Stores the current polygon offset in GL |
SoGLProjectionMatrixElement | Stores the current projection matrix in GL |
SoGLRenderAction | Renders a scene graph using OpenGL |
SoGLRenderPassElement | Stores the current rendering pass |
SoGLRenderToBuffer | Render to buffer |
SoGLScreenDevice | GL Screen device class |
SoGLShaderProgramElement | Stores the current shader program |
SoGLShadowStyleElement | Stores the current shadow style |
SoGLShapeHintsElement | Stores current shape hints and sends commands to GL based on them |
SoGLTexCacheEntry | Stores info about a tex cache |
SoGLTexture3EnabledElement | Enables/disables 3D textures |
SoGLTextureCombinerElement | Stores the current texture combiner attributes |
SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element | Stores the current gltexture coordinates |
SoGLTextureCoordinateElement | Stores the current gltexture coordinates |
SoGLTextureCubeMapEnabledElement | Enables/disables textureCubeMap |
SoGLTextureEnabledElement | Enables/disables textures |
SoGLTextureImage3Element | Stores the current 3D texture image in GL |
SoGLTextureImageElement | Stores the current texture image in GL |
SoGLTextureMatrixElement | Stores the current texture matrix in GL |
SoGLTextureUnitElement | Stores the current texture unit in GL |
SoGLTransparencyTypeElement | Stores the current transparency type in GL |
SoGLUniformShaderParameterElement | Stores uniform shader parameter values |
SoGLUpdateAreaElement | Stores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering |
SoGLViewingMatrixElement | Stores the current viewing matrix in GL |
SoGLViewportRegionElement | Stores the current viewport region in GL |
SoGLWinWidget | OIV custom QWidget which will handle Open GL |
SoGradientBackground | Gradient background node |
SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d | SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d engine |
SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing3d | SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing3d engine |
SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing2d | SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing2d engine |
SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing3d | SoGradientMagnitudeProcessing3d engine |
SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d | SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d engine provides different algorithms to extract the edges of a 2D image |
SoGradientOperatorProcessing3d | SoGradientOperatorProcessing3d engine provides different operators to extract the edges from a 3D image |
SoGraphicConfig | Abstract base class for graphics configuration classes |
SoGraphicConfigTemplate | Abstract base class for graphics configuration template classes |
SoGraphicDevice | Abstract base class for graphics device classes |
SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d | SoGrayscaleCorrelationProcessing2d engine |
SoGrayscaleResconstructionProcessing | SoGrayscaleResconstructionProcessing engine |
SoGrayscaleToColorProcessing | SoGrayscaleToColorProcessing engine |
SoGroup | Base class for all group nodes |
SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d | SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d engine |
SoGui | |
SoGuiAlgoViewers | Common algorithms for all viewers |
SoGuiComponent | |
SoGuiConstrainedViewer | |
SoGuiDevice | |
SoGuiExaminerViewer | |
SoGuiFlyViewer | |
SoGuiFullViewer | |
SoGuiGLWidget | |
SoGuiPlaneViewer | |
SoGuiRenderArea | |
SoGuiSpaceball | |
SoGuiViewer | |
SoGuiWalkViewer | |
SoGzipDataCompressor | Gzip data compression |
SoHalfScreenStereo | Class for half-screen stereo support |
SoHandleBoxDragger | Box you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse |
SoHandleBoxManip | Transform node with 3D Interface for editing ScaleFactor and Translation |
SoHandleEventAction | Allows nodes in a graph to receive input events |
SoHardCopy | Class to initialize HardCopy |
SoHardwareQuery | |
SoHDRImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding an HDR raster image |
SoHeightFieldDetail | Stores detail information about a picked cell in a heightfield |
SoHeightFieldGeometry | Height field data node |
SoHeightFieldProperty | Height field property node |
SoHeightFieldPropertyMask | Height field mask node |
SoHeightFieldRender | Heightfield rendering node |
SoHessianMatrixProcessing2d | SoHessianMatrixProcessing2d engine computes the local Hessian matrix |
SoHessianMatrixProcessing3d | SoHessianMatrixProcessing3d engine computes the local Hessian matrix |
SoHExtremaProcessing | SoHExtremaProcessing engine |
SoHExtremaWatershedProcessing | SoHExtremaWatershedProcessing engine computes the watershed lines of a grayscale image |
SoHistogramEqualizationProcessing | SoHistogramEqualizationProcessing engine |
SoHPGLVectorOutput | Class used to write vector formatted files in HPGL/2 format |
SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing | SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing image filter |
SoIdleSensor | Sensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle |
SoImage | Displays an image that always faces the camera |
SoImageAnalysisResult | class to handle image analysis |
SoImageBackground | Image background node |
SoImageCurvatureProcessing2d | SoImageCurvatureProcessing2d engine |
SoImageCurvatureProcessing3d | SoImageCurvatureProcessing3d engine |
SoImageDataAdapter | Abstract base class for all ImageViz image data adapter classes |
SoImageFormulaProcessing | SoImageFormulaProcessing engine computes a new image combining one, two or three images using a given arithmetic formula |
SoImagePreAlignmentTransform3d | SoImagePreAlignmentTransform3d image filter |
SoImageRegistrationTransform | SoImageRegistrationTransform image filter |
SoImageRegistrationTransform3d | SoImageRegistrationTransform3d image filter |
SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d | SoImageStackProjectionProcessing3d engine |
SoImageViz | Module class use to register/unregister ImageViz module |
SoImageVizEngine | Abstract base class for all ImageViz engines |
SoImageVizEngineAnalysisOutput< AnalysisResultType > | Image Processing output class to convert SoImageAnalysisResult to result details |
SoImageVizEngineMFieldOutput< OutputFieldType, OutputType > | Image Processing output class |
SoImageVizEngineOutput< OutputFieldType, OutputType > | Image Processing output class |
SoImageVolumeQuantification | SoImageVolumeQuantification image filter |
SoIndexedFaceSet | Indexed polygonal face shape node |
SoIndexedLineSet | Indexed polyline shape node |
SoIndexedMarkerSet | Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location |
SoIndexedNurbsCurve | Indexed NURBS curve shape node |
SoIndexedNurbsSurface | Indexed NURBS surface shape node |
SoIndexedPointSet | Indexed point set shape node |
SoIndexedQuadMesh | Indexed quadrilateral mesh shape node |
SoIndexedShape | Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes |
SoIndexedTexture2 | Class for 2D indexed texture |
SoIndexedTriangleFanSet | Indexed triangle fan set shape node |
SoIndexedTriangleSet | Indexed triangle shape node |
SoIndexedTriangleStripSet | Indexed triangle strip set shape node |
SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d | SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d measures the resistance of an object to changes in its motion around a given axis of rotation |
SoInfluenceZonesProcessing | SoInfluenceZonesProcessing engine |
SoInfo | Node containing information text string |
SoInput | Used to read Open Inventor data files |
SoInputParameters | Base class for file reader parameters |
SoInputReader | Base class for custom readers that create an Open Inventor scene graph |
SoInstanceParameter | Per-instance parameter node storing a buffer object |
SoInt32Element | Stores a single int32_t, int, or enum value |
SoInt32ListElement | Stores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values |
SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification | SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification engine |
SoIntensityExtremaQuantification | SoIntensityExtremaQuantification engine computes basic statistics of an image |
SoIntensityHistogramQuantification | SoIntensityHistogramQuantification engine |
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d | SoIntensityIntegralQuantification2d engine computes pixel intensity integral |
SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d | SoIntensityIntegralQuantification3d engine computes intensity integral of voxel values |
SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification | SoIntensityStatisticsQuantification engine advanced basic statistics of an image |
SoInteraction | Initializes Open Inventor interaction classes |
SoInteractionElement | Stores the current interaction state |
SoInteractionKit | Base class for all interaction nodekit classes |
SoInteractiveComplexity | Field interactive complexity node |
SoInteractiveComplexityElement | Stores the current interactive complexity |
SoInteractiveSwitch | Group node that traverses one chosen child depending on scene interaction |
SoInteractiveSwitchElement | Stores the current interactive switch index |
SoInteriorPointsProcessing2d | SoInteriorPointsProcessing2d engine |
SoInterlacedStereo | Class for interlaced stereo support |
SoInterlaceFramesProcessing2d | SoInterlaceFramesProcessing2d engine |
SoInterpolate | Base class for all interpolator engines |
SoInterpolateFloat | Interpolates floating-point values |
SoInterpolateRotation | Interpolates rotation values |
SoInterpolateVec2f | Interpolates 2D floating-point vectors |
SoInterpolateVec3f | Interpolates 3D floating-point vectors |
SoInterpolateVec4f | Interpolates 4D floating-point vectors |
SoIntersectingPrimitive | |
SoIntersectionDetectionAction | Class to detect intersections |
SoInvertImageProcessing | SoInvertImageProcessing engine calculates the reverse of an image |
SoIsolatedPointsProcessing2d | SoIsolatedPointsProcessing2d engine |
SoIsolatedPointsProcessing3d | SoIsolatedPointsProcessing3d engine |
SoIterativeMorphoLutProcessing2d | |
SoIterativeMorphoLutProcessing3d | |
SoIvTune | Opens an IvTune window |
SoJackDragger | Jack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse |
SoJackManip | Transform node with 3D interface for rotating, scaling, and translating |
SoJP2ImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG2000 raster image |
SoJp3dDataCompressor | JP3D data compression |
SoJpegDataCompressor | Jpeg data compression |
SoJPEGImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a JPEG raster image |
SoKeyboardEvent | Keyboard key press and release events |
SoLabel | Node containing label text string |
SoLabelAnalysisQuantification | SoLabelAnalysisQuantification engine performs measurements on objects from a label image |
SoLabelAnalysisResult | class to handle label analysis |
SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification | SoLabelFilteringAnalysisQuantification engine computes measurements on objects from a label image and filters the result according to a given formula |
SoLabelFilteringProcessing | SoLabelFilteringProcessing engine filters objects from a label image according to a given formula |
SoLabelingProcessing | SoLabelingProcessing engine |
SoLabelInterfacesProcessing | SoLabelInterfacesProcessing engine |
SoLassoScreenDrawer | Interactively draw a lasso in normalized screen space |
SoLazyElement | Manages several properties that need to be lazily tracked for OpenGL |
SoLDMBufferObjectInterface | LDM interface to optimize memory management of tiles |
SoLDMDataAccess | Volume data access methods |
SoLDMDataTransform | LDM data transform object |
SoLDMGeomElement | Geometry element |
SoLDMGeometry | VVizGeometry |
SoLDMGlobalResourceParameters | Global resource parameters for LDM |
SoLDMLargeDataManagement | Large Data Management |
SoLDMMediator | Large Data Management |
SoLDMNodeFrontManager | LDM Node Front Manager abstract base class |
SoLDMProximityVisitor | Proximity Visitor |
SoLDMReader | Base class for LDM data set readers |
SoLDMResourceManager | Resource Manager |
SoLDMResourceParameters | Describes resource parameters constraints for a specific LDM data set |
SoLdmShape | Abstract base class for LDM shape nodes |
SoLDMTileID | Tile ID |
SoLDMTileManager | LDM Tile Manager |
SoLDMTileVisitor | Tile Visitor |
SoLDMTopoOctree | Octree topology queries |
SoLdmValuationAction | LDM valuation action |
SoLDMWriter | Write data to disk in LDM format |
SoLevelOfDetail | Level-of-detail switching group node |
SoLevelOfSimplification | Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape |
SoLicensedProduct | Class managing a licensed product |
SoLicenseRequestStatus | |
SoLicensesInfo | Class managing every licensed product |
SoLight | Abstract base class for all light source nodes |
SoLightAttenuationElement | Stores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment |
SoLightElement | Stores information on lights |
SoLightKit | Light nodekit class |
SoLightModel | Node that defines the lighting model to use when rendering |
SoLightModelElement | Stores the current lighting model (superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoLinearProfile | Piecewise-linear profile curve |
SoLineDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments |
SoLineHighlightRenderAction | Selection highlight style |
SoLinePatternElement | Stores the current line stipple pattern |
SoLineSet | Polyline shape node |
SoLineWidthElement | Stores the current line width |
SoListSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor base lists |
SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing | SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing engine |
SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement | Stores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction |
SoLocalMaximaQuantification | SoLocalMaximaQuantification engine |
SoLocalStatisticsProcessing | SoLocalStatisticsProcessing engine |
SoLocalThicknessMapProcessing3d | SoLocalThicknessMapProcessing3d engine |
SoLocateHighlight | Special separator that performs locate highlighting |
SoLocation2Event | 2D location events |
SoLockManager | Sets the unlock string |
SoLOD | Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node |
SoLogicalImageProcessing | SoLogicalImageProcessing engine performs logical operations between two image |
SoLogicalNotProcessing | SoLogicalNotProcessing engine |
SoLogicalValueProcessing | SoLogicalValueProcessing engine |
SoLogicalViewportElement | Stores the logical viewport region |
SoLongTapGestureEvent | Class for long tap gesture events |
SoLongTapGestureRecognizer | Long tap gesture recognizer |
SoMajorityFilterProcessing | SoMajorityFilterProcessing engine |
SoMarker | Defines a custom bitmap for SoMarkerSet and SoIndexedMarkerSet |
SoMarkerBasedWatershedProcessing | SoMarkerBasedWatershedProcessing engine performs a fast determination of the watershed lines |
SoMarkerSet | Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location |
SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification | SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification engine advanced basic statistics of an image within a mask |
SoMaskImageProcessing | SoMaskImageProcessing engine provides masking of image |
SoMasterConfig | Specifies the master machine properties (for a render cluster) in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoMatchContrastProcessing | SoMatchContrastProcessing engine |
SoMaterial | Surface material definition node |
SoMaterialBinding | Node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes |
SoMaterialBindingElement | Stores the current material binding |
SoMathematicalFunctionProcessing | SoMathematicalFunctionProcessing engine |
SoMatrixTransform | Node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix |
SoMaxAbsoluteValueProcessing2d | SoMaxAbsoluteValueProcessing2d engine |
SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification | SoMeasureGaussianNoiseQuantification engine computes an estimation of a gaussian noise standard deviation |
SoMeasureImageProcessing | SoMeasureImageProcessing engine allows to replace all labels of the input image by the result of an individual measure |
SoMedianFilterProcessing | SoMedianFilterProcessing engine |
SoMemoryBuffer | |
SoMemoryBuffer2D | |
SoMemoryDataAdapter | Image data adapter for in memory data |
SoMemoryError | Memory error handling |
SoMemoryObject | Handle memory buffer with reference counter |
SoMenuBar | Menu bar node |
SoMenuCheckBox | Menu pushbutton node |
SoMenuCheckBoxAuditor | Menu CheckBox auditor |
SoMenuCheckBoxLauncher | Menu checkBoxLauncher node |
SoMenuFileSelection | Menu file selection button node |
SoMenuFileSelectionAuditor | Menu FileSelection auditor |
SoMenuItem | Abstract class for all menu item nodes |
SoMenuPopup | Menu Popup node |
SoMenuPushButton | Menu pushbutton node |
SoMenuPushButtonAuditor | Menu PushButton auditor |
SoMenuPushButtonLauncher | Menu pushButtonLauncher node |
SoMenuRadioButtons | Dialog RadioButtons node |
SoMenuRadioButtonsAuditor | Menu RadioButtons auditor |
SoMenuSeparator | Menu separator node |
SoMessageDialog | Message Dialog node |
SoMFBitMask | Multiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags |
SoMFBool | Multiple-value field containing any number of Boolean values |
SoMFBufferObject | Multiple-value field containing any number of buffer objects |
SoMFColor | Multiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats |
SoMFColorRGBA | Multiple-value field containing any number of RGBA colors stored as four floats |
SoMFDataMeasure | Multiple-value field containing any number of SoDataMeasure |
SoMFDouble | Multiple-value field containing any number of double precision values |
SoMFEngine | Multiple-value field containing any number of engines |
SoMFEnum | Multiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values |
SoMFFieldContainer | Multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to fieldContainers |
SoMFFilePathString | Multiple-value field containing any number of file path strings |
SoMFFloat | Multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values |
SoMField | Base class for all multiple-valued fields |
SoMFImage | Field containing multiple 2D images |
SoMFInstanceParameter | Multiple-value field containing any number of SoInstanceParameter nodes |
SoMFInt32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers |
SoMFInt64 | Multiple-value field containing any number of int64_t integers |
SoMFKernel2i32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbKernel2i32 objects |
SoMFKernel3i32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbKernel3i32 objects |
SoMFMatrix | Multiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices |
SoMFName | Multiple-value field containing any number of names |
SoMFNode | Multiple-value field containing any number of nodes |
SoMFPath | Multiple-value field containing any number of paths |
SoMFPlane | Field containing several plane equations |
SoMFRotation | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations |
SoMFShort | Multiple-value field containing any number of short integers |
SoMFString | Multiple-value field containing any number of strings |
SoMFTime | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values |
SoMFUByte | Multiple-value field containing any number of uint8_t integers |
SoMFUInt32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_t integers |
SoMFUniformShaderParameter | Multiple-value field containing any number of SoUniformShaderParameter nodes |
SoMFUShort | Multiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers |
SoMFVec2d | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec2f | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec2FilePathString | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional filePath string vectors |
SoMFVec2i32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec2s | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec2String | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional string vectors |
SoMFVec3d | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec3f | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec3i32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec3s | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4b | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4f | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4i32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4s | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4ub | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4ui32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoMFVec4us | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
SoModelMatrixElement | Stores the current model matrix |
SoModifyLogicalViewportElement | Stores a logical viewport region subset |
SoModifyViewVolumeElement | Stores a view volume subset |
SoModuleCheck | Class used to check and report library and application consistency |
SoMorphologicalGradientProcessing | SoMorphologicalGradientProcessing engine |
SoMorphologicalLaplacianProcessing | SoMorphologicalLaplacianProcessing engine |
SoMorphoLut2D | Class that represents a morphological look-up table (LUT) |
SoMorphoLut3D | class that represents a morphological look-up table (LUT) |
SoMotion3Event | 3D motion events |
SoMouseButtonEvent | Mouse button press and release events |
SoMouseWheelEvent | Mouse wheel events |
SoMPConfig | Specifies the behavior of the MultiPipe viewer |
SoMPEGFrameRenderer | Generates MPEG output, frame by frame |
SoMPEGNavRenderer | Generates MPEG output that tracks camera motion |
SoMPEGRenderer | Base class for generating MPEG output from a scene graph |
SoMultiDataSeparator | Separator for combining multiple data sets |
SoMultiPathSwitch | Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path |
SoMultipleCopy | Group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices |
SoMultipleInstance | Group node that renders multiple instances of its children |
SoMultipleInstanceBase | Abstract group node that traverses its children multiple times |
SoMultipleInstanceElement | Stores current MultiInstance info |
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d | SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d engine |
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing3d | SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d engine |
SoMultiSwitch | Group node that traverses a set of chosen children |
SoMultiSwitchElement | Stores the current multi-switch indices |
SoNagaoFilterProcessing2d | SoNagaoFilterProcessing2d engine |
SoNagaoFilterProcessing3d | SoNagaoFilterProcessing3d engine |
SoNeighborToleranceElement | Stores the current neighbor tolerance factor |
SoNode | Abstract base class for all database nodes |
SoNodeDependencies | This class is a cache handler that can be used to monitor the modifications made to elements or fields |
SoNodeKit | Initializes nodekit classes |
SoNodekitCatalog | Nodekit catalog class |
SoNodeKitDetail | Stores detail information about a nodekit |
SoNodeKitListPart | Group node with restricted children |
SoNodeKitPath | Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits |
SoNodeList | Maintains a list of pointers to nodes |
SoNodeSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor nodes |
SoNonIndexedShape | Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes |
SoNonLocalMeansFilterProcessing | SoNonLocalMeansFilterProcessing engine |
SoNormal | Node that defines surface normals for shapes |
SoNormalBinding | Node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes |
SoNormalBindingElement | Stores current normal binding |
SoNormalElement | Allows read-only access to the top element in the state |
SoNoStereoView | Makes a stereo viewer behave like a monoscopic (non-stereo) viewer |
SoNurbsBoundary | Node that defines a boundary shared by several NURBS profile |
SoNurbsBREPAction | |
SoNurbsCurve | NURBS curve shape node |
SoNurbsGroup | Group that encapsulates NURBS surfaces to be joined |
SoNurbsProfile | NURBS profile curve |
SoNurbsProperty | Node that defines additional properties for rendering a NURBS surface |
SoNurbsPropertyElement | Stores current NURBS properties |
SoNurbsSurface | NURBS surface shape node |
SoObjectBoundariesProcessing | SoObjectBoundariesProcessing engine |
SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification | SoObjectBoundaryAreaQuantification engine |
SoObjectCountQuantification | SoObjectCountQuantification engine computes the number of objects in an image |
SoObjectImageRatioQuantification | SoObjectImageRatioQuantification engine |
SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d | SoObjectLinearDensityQuantification3d engine |
SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification | SoObjectSpecificSurfaceQuantification engine |
SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification | SoObjectSurfaceDensityQuantification engine |
SoObjectToRegionProcessing2d | SoObjectToRegionProcessing2d engine |
SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d | SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d engine |
SoObjectVolumeQuantification | SoObjectVolumeQuantification engine |
SoObliqueSlice | Oblique slice shape node |
SoObliqueSliceDetail | Stores detail information about a picked voxel on an oblique slice |
SoOcclusionCulling | Group node derived from SoRenderList that performs an OpenGL-based occlusion culling test on its list of render objects |
SoOctreeOrdering | Group node derived from SoRenderList that maintains a transparent octree organization of the shapes below it |
SoOffscreenRenderer | Renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures |
SoOffscreenTileObserver | Abstract class for monitoring the rendering of tiles (sub-images) |
SoOffscreenTileProperty | Class encapsulating offscreen tile properties |
SoOffscreenVolumeRender | Extract data from an SoVolumeRender |
SoOneShot | Timer that runs for a pre-set amount of time |
SoOneShotSensor | Sensor for one-time only callbacks |
SoOnOff | Engine that functions as an on/off switch |
SoOpenCL | OpenCL module API |
SoOpenCLApi | OpenCL access API |
SoOpenCLArithmetic | Arithmetic functions for OpenCL buffers |
SoOpenCLBufferObject | OpenCL buffer object managment class |
SoOpenCLContext | OpenCL device context API |
SoOpenCLConversion | Type conversion functions for OpenCL buffers |
SoOpenCLConvolution | Convolution functions for OpenCL buffers |
SoOpenCLDataExtract | Data extraction algorithms for OpenCL buffers |
SoOpenCLDevice | OpenCL device management class |
SoOpenCLSeismic | Seismic attribute functions for OPENCL buffers |
SoOpeningBallByReconstructionProcessing3d | SoOpeningBallByReconstructionProcessing3d engine |
SoOpeningBallProcessing3d | SoOpeningBallProcessing3d engine |
SoOpeningByReconstructionProcessing | SoOpeningByReconstructionProcessing image filter |
SoOpeningCubeProcessing | SoOpeningCubeProcessing engine performs an opening using a structuring element matching with a square or a cube |
SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d | SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine |
SoOpeningDiskProcessing2d | SoOpeningDiskProcessing2d engine |
SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d | SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d engine |
SoOpeningLineMaximumProcessing | SoOpeningLineMaximumProcessing engine |
SoOpeningLineProcessing2d | SoOpeningLineProcessing2d engine |
SoOpeningLineProcessing3d | SoOpeningLineProcessing3d engine |
SoOpeningSquareColorProcessing2d | SoOpeningSquareColorProcessing2d engine |
SoOrthographicCamera | Orthographic camera node |
SoOrthoSlice | Ortho slice shape node |
SoOrthoSliceDetail | Stores detail information about an ortho slice |
SoOrthoSliceDragger | Object that moves an SoOrthoSlice by dragging with the mouse |
SoOutput | Used to write Open Inventor data files |
SoOverrideElement | Stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden |
SoPackedColor | Node that defines base colors using packed representation |
SoParticleAnimation | Particle system animation node |
SoParticleChemicalFlame | Particle system node for generating a chemical flame effect |
SoParticleExplosion | Explosion particle system node |
SoParticleFlame | Particle system node for generating a flame effect |
SoParticleLightRay | Particle system node for generating a light ray effect |
SoParticleSmoke | Particle system node for generating a smoke effect |
SoParticleSnow | Particle system node for generating a snow effect |
SoPassiveStereo | |
SoPath | Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodes |
SoPathList | Maintains a list of pointers to paths |
SoPathSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor paths |
SoPathSwitch | Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path |
SoPattern | Node that defines the pattern to use when rendering shapes |
SoPatternElement | Stores current pattern value |
SoPBuffer | Creates an OpenGL Pbuffer |
SoPendulum | Animated oscillating rotation node |
SoPerfAccumCounter | Performance Accumulation Counter |
SoPerfCounter | Abstract base class for Performance Counter |
SoPerfCounterManager | Performance Counter Manager |
SoPerfStateCounter | Performance State Counter |
SoPerspectiveCamera | Perspective camera node |
SoPGXImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a PGX raster image |
SoPickAction | Abstract base class for picking objects in a scene |
SoPickedPoint | Represents point on surface of picked object |
SoPickedPointList | Maintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances |
SoPickMethodElement | Stores the current pick method |
SoPickRayElement | Stores the current ray to use for picking |
SoPickStyle | Picking style node |
SoPickStyleElement | Stores the current pick style |
SoPNGImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a PNG raster image |
SoPNMImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a PNM raster image |
SoPointDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of points |
SoPointLight | Node representing a point light source |
SoPointLightDragger | Sun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
SoPointLightManip | Point light node with 3D interface for editing location |
SoPointSet | Point set shape node |
SoPointSizeElement | Stores the current point size |
SoPolarToCartesianProcessing2d | SoPolarToCartesianProcessing2d engine |
SoPolygonOffset | Property node that sets the polygon offset |
SoPolygonOffsetElement | Stores current polygon offset state |
SoPolygonScreenDrawer | Interactively draws a polygon in normalized screen space |
SoPolylineExtrusionApproximation3d | SoPolylineExtrusionApproximation3d polyline approximation |
SoPolylineResamplerApproximation2d | SoPolylineResamplerApproximation2d polyline approximation |
SoPolylineResamplerApproximation3d | SoPolylineResamplerApproximation3d polyline approximation |
SoPolyLineScreenDrawer | Interactively draw a polyline in normalized screen space |
SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d | SoPorosityPercentageQuantification3d engine |
SoPreferences | Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters |
SoPrimitiveVertex | Represents a vertex of a generated primitive |
SoProfile | Abstract base class for all profile nodes |
SoProfileCoordinate2 | Profile coordinate node |
SoProfileCoordinate3 | Rational profile coordinate node |
SoProfileCoordinateElement | Stores the current profile coordinates |
SoProfileElement | Stores 2D profiles for NURBS and 3D text |
SoProgressIndicator | Class for reporting progress of a task |
SoProjection | Coordinate projection node |
SoProjectionMatrixElement | Stores the current projection matrix |
SoProxyDataAdapter | Proxy image data adapter for in memory data |
SoPruneProcessing2d | SoPruneProcessing2d engine |
SoPruningProcessing3d | SoPruneProcessing3d engine |
SoPSImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a PostScript raster image |
SoPSVectorOutput | Class used to write vector formatted files in PostScript format |
SoQt | Routines for Open Inventor/Qt compatibility |
SoQtCollisionViewer | Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene |
SoQtColorEditor | Component that lets you edit a color interactively |
SoQtComponent | Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components |
SoQtConstrainedViewer | Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction |
SoQtDevice | Abstract base class for input devices |
SoQtDirectionalLightEditor | Component for editing directional lights |
SoQtExaminerViewer | Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoQtExtEventApplication | Overload the QApplication to be able to get devices events like SpaceMouse |
SoQtFlyViewer | Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up |
SoQtFullViewer | Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoQtGLWidget | Component for OpenGL rendering |
SoQtKeyboard | Translates and reports events for the keyboard device |
SoQtMaterialEditor | Component which lets you edit a material interactively |
SoQtMouse | Translates and reports events for the mouse device |
SoQtPlaneViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoQtRenderArea | Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoQtSpaceball | Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device |
SoQtTouchScreen | Translates and reports Qt events for the touch screen device |
SoQtViewer | Viewer component lowest base class |
SoQtWalkViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoQtWrapper | Creates a QWidget that encapsulates an Open Inventor viewer |
SoQuadMesh | Quadrilateral mesh shape node |
SoQuadrilateralMeshSlicerApproximation3d | SoQuadrilateralMeshSlicerApproximation3d engine |
SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing2d | SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing2d engine |
SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing3d | SoRadialGradientCenteredProcessing3d engine |
SoRadialGradientContourProcessing2d | SoRadialGradientContourProcessing2d engine |
SoRadialGradientContourProcessing3d | SoRadialGradientContourProcessing3d engine |
SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing2d | SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing2d engine |
SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing3d | SoRadialGradientLabelProcessing3d engine |
SoRandomImageGeneration | SoRandomImageGeneration engine creates a new image with random values |
SoRandomSphereGeneration3d | SoRandomSphereGeneration3d engine allow to create synthetic spheres in a binary image |
SoRasterImageFile | Class for raster image file input and output |
SoRasterImageIO | Abstract base class for raster image input and output |
SoRasterImageRW | Abstract base class for encoding and decoding raster images |
SoRasterReaderSet | Class referencing all raster reading classes |
SoRawStereo | Class for OpenGL stereo support |
SoRawStereoParameters | Raw stereo parameters class |
SoRayPickAction | Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene |
SoReadError | Read error handling |
SoReconstructionFromMarkersProcessing | SoReconstructionFromMarkersProcessing engine |
SoRectangleScreenDrawer | Interactively draws a rectangle in normalized screen space |
SoRecursiveExponentialFilterProcessing | SoRecursiveExponentialFilterProcessing engine |
SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing | SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing engine applies a recursive algorithm for the determination of the laplacian |
SoRef< T > | Smart pointer for any class inheriting SoRefCounter |
SoRefCounter | Base class for ref-counted objects |
SoRegionalExtremaProcessing | SoRegionalExtremaProcessing engine |
SoRegionToObjectProcessing2d | SoRegionToObjectProcessing2d image filter |
SoRegistrationResult | Class that stores registration results |
SoRemoteParams | Abstract base class for remote parameter setup |
SoRemoteVizClient | Client node enables to integrate RemoteViz into Open Inventor applications |
SoRemoveSmallHolesProcessing | SoRemoveSmallHolesProcessing engine |
SoRemoveSmallSpotsProcessing | SoRemoveSmallSpotsProcessing engine |
SoRenderAreaCore | [PREVIEW] Utility class to render a scene with an OpenGl context |
SoRenderList | Abstract group node that changes traversal from the scene graph to a list of render objects |
SoRenderObjectListElement | Stores the recent render object list |
SoRenderToTarget | Group node that renders its children to one or more "targets" |
SoRenderToTextureProperty | Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph |
SoReorderLabelsProcessing | SoReorderLabelsProcessing image filter |
SoReorganizeAction | Reorganizes the scene graph by grouping shapes with common properties, then groups these shapes in a single shape and runs the simplifier on it |
SoReplacedElement | Abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set |
SoReplacedTextureElement | Abstract base class for each texture state element |
SoResampleImageProcessing3d | SoResampleImageProcessing3d filter |
SoRescaleIntensityProcessing | SoRescaleIntensityProcessing engine |
SoResetImageProcessing | SoResetImageProcessing engine sets all pixels/voxels values of the input image to a constant value |
SoResetTransform | Node that resets the current transformation to identity |
SoRidgeDetectionProcessing | SoRidgeDetectionProcessing engine |
SoROI | Region of Interest (subvolume) node |
SoROIElement | |
SoROIManip | Manipulator to transform an ROI (Region of Interest) |
SoRotateAroundZProcessing2d | SoRotateAroundZProcessing2d image filter |
SoRotateCylindricalDragger | Object you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse |
SoRotateDiscDragger | Object you can rotate like a knob by dragging with the mouse |
SoRotateGestureEvent | Class for rotate gesture events |
SoRotateGestureRecognizer | Rotate gesture recognizer |
SoRotateProcessing2d | SoRotateProcessing2d image filter |
SoRotateProcessing3d | SoRotateProcessing3d image filter |
SoRotateSphericalDragger | Object you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse |
SoRotation | Node representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis |
SoRotationXYZ | Node representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis |
SoRotor | Animated rotation node |
SoRowDialog | Class that creates the dialog row container |
SoSampleImageProcessing | SoSampleImageProcessing engine extracts a sub-sample of an image |
SoScale | Node representing a 3D geometric scaling |
SoScale1Dragger | Object you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse |
SoScale2Dragger | Object you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse |
SoScale2UniformDragger | Object you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse |
SoScaleByFactorProcessing | SoScaleByFactorProcessing image filter |
SoScaleGestureEvent | Class for scale (pinch) gesture events |
SoScaleGestureRecognizer | Scale (pinch) gesture recognizer |
SoScaleImageToSizeProcessing | SoScaleImageToSizeProcessing engine |
SoScaleUniformDragger | Object you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
SoScaleViz | ScaleViz initialization |
SoScaleVizART | ScaleViz based Automatic Replay Tool |
SoScaleVizConfig | Defines a ScaleViz configuration |
SoScaleVizParameters | Abstract base class for global ScaleViz parameter setup |
SoSceneKit | Scene nodekit class |
SoSceneManager | Manages scene graph rendering and event handling |
SoScreen | Defines a general screen in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoScreenDrawer | Base class to draw a scene graph in screen space |
SoSearchAction | Searches for nodes in a scene graph |
SoSearchPathAction | Searches for a node in a scene graph using a sequence of search criteria |
SoSearchStepAction | Searches for nodes in the scene graph step by step |
SoSegmentChain | class that reprensents a chain of segments |
SoSeismic | Seismic attribute functions for buffers |
SoSelection | Manages a list of selected objects |
SoSelectOne | Selects one value from a multiple-value field |
SoSensor | Abstract base class for Open Inventor sensors |
SoSensorList | Maintains a list of SoSensor |
SoSeparateObjectsProcessing | SoSeparateObjectsProcessing engine separates objects in a binary image |
SoSeparator | Group node that saves and restores traversal state |
SoSeparatorKit | Separator nodekit class |
SoSetPlaneToVolumeProcessing3d | SoSetPlaneToVolumeProcessing3d engine |
SoSFAnalysisResult | Field containing an SoAnalysisResult object |
SoSFArray | Abstract Field containing an array of values |
SoSFArray2D | Field containing a 2D array value |
SoSFArray3D | Field containing a 3D array value |
SoSFBitMask | Single-value field containing a set of bit flags |
SoSFBool | Field containing a single Boolean value |
SoSFBox2f | Field containing a two-dimensional box |
SoSFBox3f | Field containing a three-dimensional box |
SoSFBox3i32 | Field containing a three-dimensional box |
SoSFBox3s | Field containing a three-dimensional box |
SoSFBox4i32 | Field containing a four-dimensional box (spacial three-dimension + time dimension) |
SoSFBufferObject | |
SoSFColor | Field containing an RGB color |
SoSFColorRGBA | Field containing an RGBA color |
SoSFDataMeasure | Field containing an SoDataMeasure object |
SoSFDataMeasureAttributes | Field containing an SoDataMeasureAttributes object |
SoSFDouble | Field containing a floating-point value |
SoSFEngine | Field containing an engine instance |
SoSFEnum | Field containing an enumerated value |
SoSFFieldContainer | |
SoSFFilePathString | Field containing a file path string |
SoSFFloat | Field containing a floating-point value |
SoSField | Abstract base class for all single-value fields |
SoSFImage | Field containing a 2D image |
SoSFImage3 | Field containing a 3D image |
SoSFImageAnalysisResult | Field containing an SoImageAnalysisResult object |
SoSFImageDataAdapter | Field containing an SoImageDataAdapter object |
SoSFInt32 | Field containing a int32_t integer |
SoSFInt64 | Field containing a int64_t integer |
SoSFKernel2i32 | Field containing an SbKernel2i32 object |
SoSFKernel3i32 | Field containing an SbKernel3i32 object |
SoSFLabelAnalysisResult | Field containing an SoLabelAnalysisResult object |
SoSFLDMDataTransform | Field containing an SoLDMDataTransform object |
SoSFLDMResourceParameters | Field containing an SoLDMResourceParameters object |
SoSFMaterial | Field containing an SoMaterial node |
SoSFMatrix | Field containing a 4x4 matrix |
SoSFMemObj | Field containing a reference to a memory object |
SoSFMorphoLut2D | Field containing an SoMorphoLut2D object |
SoSFMorphoLut3D | Field containing an SoMorphoLut3D object |
SoSFName | Field containing a name |
SoSFNode | Field containing a a node |
SoSFPath | Field containing an SoPath |
SoSFPlane | Field containing a plane equation |
SoSFRotation | Field containing a rotation |
SoSFSegmentChain | Field containing an SoSegmentChain object |
SoSFShort | Field containing a short integer |
SoSFString | Field containing a string |
SoSFStructuredQuadrilateralMesh | Field containing a SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh object |
SoSFTime | Field containing an SbTime |
SoSFTrigger | Field used to trigger engines or connection networks |
SoSFUByte | Field containing a uint8_t integer |
SoSFUInt32 | Field containing an unsigned int32_t integer |
SoSFUShort | Field containing an unsigned short integer |
SoSFVec2d | Field containing a two-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec2f | Field containing a two-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec2i32 | Field containing a two-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec2s | Field containing a two-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec3d | Field containing a three-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec3f | Field containing a three-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec3i32 | Field containing a three-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec4f | Field containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector |
SoSFVec4i32 | Field containing a homogeneous four-dimensional vector |
SoSGIRGBImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding an SGI raster image |
SoShadeProcessing2d | SoShadeProcessing2d engine |
SoShaderObject | Abstract node class which defines a shader object |
SoShaderParameter | Abstract base class for all shader parameter nodes |
SoShaderParameter1f | Uniform shader parameter node storing a float value |
SoShaderParameter1i | Uniform shader parameter node storing an integer |
SoShaderParameter2f | Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector |
SoShaderParameter2i | Uniform shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (integer) vector |
SoShaderParameter3f | Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector |
SoShaderParameter3i | Uniform shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (integer) vector |
SoShaderParameter4f | Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector |
SoShaderParameter4i | Uniform shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector |
SoShaderParameterArray1f | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of float values |
SoShaderParameterArray1i | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of integers |
SoShaderParameterArray2f | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (float) vectors |
SoShaderParameterArray2i | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of two-dimensional (integer) vectors |
SoShaderParameterArray3f | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (float) vectors |
SoShaderParameterArray3i | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of three-dimensional (integer) vectors |
SoShaderParameterArray4f | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (float) vectors |
SoShaderParameterArray4i | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of four-dimensional (integer) vectors |
SoShaderParameterBufferObject | Shader parameter node storing a buffer object |
SoShaderParameterMatrix | Uniform shader parameter node storing a 4x4 matrix |
SoShaderParameterMatrixArray | Uniform shader parameter node storing an array of 4x4 matrices |
SoShaderParameterStruct | Uniform shader parameter node storing a user-defined structure |
SoShaderProgram | Shader program property node |
SoShaderProgramElement | Stores the current shader program |
SoShaderStateMatrixParameter | Uniform shader parameter node storing an OpenGL state matrix |
SoShadingCorrectionProcessing | SoShadingCorrectionProcessing engine |
SoShadowGroup | Shadow casting group node |
SoShadowStyle | Shadow style property node |
SoShape | Abstract base class for all shape nodes |
SoShapeHints | Node that provides hints about shapes |
SoShapeHintsElement | Stores the current shape hints |
SoShapeKit | Shape nodekit class |
SoShapeSimplifyAction | Simplify action that replaces shapes within a scene graph with versions that contain fewer triangles |
SoShapeStyleElement | Stores some information used by shapes |
SoShininessElement | Stores shininess of current material (mostly superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoShuttle | Animated oscillating translation node |
SoSieveLabelingProcessing | SoSieveLabelingProcessing engine produces a new label image by grouping labels of the input label image |
SoSigmaFilterProcessing | SoSigmaFilterProcessing engine |
SoSimplifier | Abstract base class for objects that encapsulate simplification algorithms |
SoSimplifyAction | Abstract base class for simplifying scene graphs |
SoSkeletonProcessing2d | SoSkeletonProcessing2d engine computes the morphological skeleton of objects |
SoSlice | Abstract base class for slice shape nodes |
SoSliceDetail | Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume |
SoSNNFilterProcessing | SoSNNFilterProcessing engine |
SoSolidViz | Class to initialize SolidViz |
SoSpaceballButtonEvent | Spaceball button press and release events |
SoSpecularColorElement | Stores specular color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement) |
SoSphere | Sphere shape node |
SoSplitGeometryAction | Split large geometry into smaller objects to improve culling for multi-pipe rendering |
SoSpotLight | Node representing a spotlight source |
SoSpotLightDragger | Spotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam |
SoSpotLightManip | Spotlight node with 3D interface for editing location, direction, and beam width |
SoState | Traversal state |
SoStereoCamera | Stereo camera node |
SoStereoDialog | Component that lets you modify stereo attributes interactively |
SoStereoElement | Stores the current stereo attributes |
SoStereoParameters | Stereo parameters base class |
SoStereoViewer | Pure virtual class for stereo support |
SoSTLFileFormat | Module class to initialize STL file format support |
SoSTLInputReader | Class for importing a scene graph from a STL file |
SoSTLWriteAction | Class for exporting a scene graph to an STL file |
SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d | SoStructureModelIndexQuantification3d engine |
SoSUNImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a SUN raster image |
SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d | SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d surface approximation |
SoSurfaceUnfoldingProcessing3d | SoSurfaceUnfoldingProcessing3d engine |
SoSurroundScale | Transformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects |
SoSwapAxisProcessing2d | SoSwapAxisProcessing2d image filter |
SoSwapAxisProcessing3d | SoSwapAxisProcessing3d engine performs a transposition of the image |
SoSwapQuadrantsProcessing | SoSwapQuadrantsProcessing engine |
SoSwitch | Group node that traverses one chosen child |
SoSwitchElement | Stores the current switch index |
SoSystemTimer | Common interface to expose system dependent timers |
SoSystemTimerTask | Interface used by SoSystemTimer to execute a task |
SoTabBoxDragger | Cubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse |
SoTabBoxManip | Transform node with 3D Interface for editing scale and translation |
SoTabDialog | Class that creates the dialog tab container |
SoTabDialogAuditor | Tab Dialog auditor |
SoTabPlaneDragger | Object you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse |
SoTessellationControlShader | Node that defines a tessellation control shader |
SoTessellationEvaluationShader | Node that defines a tessellation evaluation shader |
SoText2 | Screen-aligned 2D text shape node |
SoText3 | 3D text shape node |
SoTextAliasingFactorElement | Stores the current textured text anti-aliasing factor |
SoTextAlignmentHElement | Stores the current horizontal text alignment |
SoTextAlignmentVElement | Stores the current vertical text alignment |
SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement | Stores the current text backFrame line width |
SoTextDetail | Stores detail information about a text node |
SoTextKerningElement | Stores the current kerning value |
SoTextMarginElement | Stores the current text margin |
SoTextOrientationElement | Stores the current text orientation attributes |
SoTextOutlineEnabledElement | Stores the current 3D text outline flag |
SoTextProperty | Text property node |
SoTextStyleColorsElement | Stores the current textured text quality range |
SoTextStyleElement | Stores the current text effect settings |
SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement | Stores the current textured text quality range |
SoTexture | Abstract base class for texture mapping nodes |
SoTexture2 | 2D texture mapping node |
SoTexture2Transform | 2D texture transformation node |
SoTexture3 | 3D texture mapping node |
SoTexture3EnabledElement | Enables/disables 3D textures |
SoTexture3Transform | 3D texture transformation node |
SoTextureCombiner | Texture combiner node |
SoTextureCombinerElement | Stores the current texture combiner parameters |
SoTextureCoordinate2 | 2D texture coordinate node |
SoTextureCoordinate3 | 3D texture coordinate node |
SoTextureCoordinate3Element | Stores the current 3D texture coordinates |
SoTextureCoordinateBinding | Node that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes |
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement | Stores the current 3D texture coordinates |
SoTextureCoordinateDefault | Node that removes texture coordinates from state |
SoTextureCoordinateElement | Stores the current texture coordinates |
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment | Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from an environment |
SoTextureCoordinateFunction | Abstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes |
SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap | Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's transformed eye-space normal |
SoTextureCoordinateObject | Node that specifies texture coordinates which are a linear combination of the object coordinates of the vertex |
SoTextureCoordinatePlane | Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane |
SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap | Node that specifies texture coordinates matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector |
SoTextureCubeMap | Cube texture mapping node |
SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement | Enables/disables textureCubeMap |
SoTextureEnabledElement | Enables/disables textures |
SoTextureImage3Element | Stores the current 3D texture image |
SoTextureImageElement | Stores the current texture image |
SoTextureImageElementBase | Stores the current texture image |
SoTextureMatrix | Texture matrix node |
SoTextureMatrixElement | Stores the current texture matrix |
SoTextureNameElement | Stores the current texture name |
SoTextureOverrideElement | Stores the current texture override |
SoTextureQualityElement | Stores the current texture quality |
SoTextureSendingEnabledElement | Stores the information that indicates if texture calls must be sent |
SoTextureTransformElement | Stores the current texture transform |
SoTextureUnit | Node that specifies the current texture unit and the associated mapping method |
SoTextureUnitElement | Stores the current texture unit identifier |
SoThresholdingByCriterionProcessing | SoThresholdingByCriterionProcessing engine |
SoThresholdingProcessing | SoThresholdingProcessing engine |
SoTIFFImageRW | Class for encoding and decoding a TIFF raster image |
SoTileComposer | Defines a simple tile composer in a ScaleViz configuration file |
SoTileComposerParams | Abstract base class for global tile compositing parameter setup |
SoTimeCounter | Timed integer counter |
SoTimeHints | Time series LDM hints |
SoTimeHintsElement | |
SoTimeMapProcessing | SoTimeMapProcessing engine |
SoTimerQueueSensor | Abstract base class for sensors dependent on time |
SoTimerSensor | Sensor that triggers repeatedly at regular intervals |
SoToHTMLAction | Generates an HTML image map and an image from a scene graph |
SoTopComponent | Abstract Class for DialogViz visual components |
SoToPDFAction | Class for exporting a scene graph to a PDF file |
SoTopHatProcessing | SoTopHatProcessing image filter |
SoTopLevelDialog | Top Level Dialog node |
SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification | SoTotalImageBoundaryAreaQuantification engine |
SoToU3DAction | Export a scene graph to a U3D file |
SoTouchEvent | Base class for touch events |
SoTouchManager | Class for managing events from touch screen input devices |
SoToVRML2Action | Converts an Open Inventor scene graph into a VRML 2.0-style scene graph |
SoToVRMLAction | Converts an Open Inventor scene graph into a VRML 1.0-style scene graph |
SoTrackballDragger | Striped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse |
SoTrackballManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing rotation and scaling |
SoTracker | Defines immersive viewing parameters in a MultiPipe configuration file |
SoTrackerEvent | 3D tracker event |
SoTrackerReader | Interface to trackdAPI (position, matrix, Euler angles) |
SoTrackFollower | Animates an object or camera along a track |
SoTranReceiver | Interprets database changes for transcription |
SoTranSender | Sends database changes for transcription |
SoTransferFunction | Describes the association between data set values and colors |
SoTransferFunctionElement | |
SoTransform | General 3D geometric transformation node |
SoTransformation | Abstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes |
SoTransformBoxDragger | Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse |
SoTransformBoxManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation |
SoTransformerDragger | Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse |
SoTransformerManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation |
SoTransformManip | Base class for all transform nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces |
SoTransformProjection | Scale/recenter projection node |
SoTransformSeparator | Group node that saves and restores transformation state |
SoTransformVec3f | Transforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix |
SoTranslate1Dragger | Object you can translate along a line by dragging with the mouse |
SoTranslate2Dragger | Object you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse |
SoTranslateProcessing | SoTranslateProcessing engine |
SoTranslation | Node representing a 3D translation |
SoTransparencyType | Node that specifies the transparency algorithm to use for shapes |
SoTransparencyTypeElement | Stores the current transparency type |
SoTriangleSet | Set of triangles shape node |
SoTriangleStripSet | Triangle strip set shape node |
SoTriggerAny | Provides fan-in for triggers |
SoTriplePointsProcessing2d | SoTriplePointsProcessing2d engine |
SoTViz | Static class used to initialize the TerrainViz extension |
SoTVizAltimeterSpeedometer | Class for displaying motion information |
SoTVizCameraManager | Abstract class for managing the SoTVizViewer camera |
SoTVizCompass | Class for displaying an orientation compass |
SoTVizControls | Class for managing the SoTVizViewer control dialog |
SoTVizControlsMenu | Class displaying a toggle button in SoTVizViewer control interface |
SoTVizDataPreprocessor | Class used for elevation preprocessing |
SoTVizNavigationToolBase | Base class for SoTVizViewer navigation tools |
SoTVizNavigationTools | Class for SoTVizViewer navigation tools management |
SoTVizPreprocessor | Abstract class used for elevation and texture preprocessing |
SoTVizRender | Renders the terrain |
SoTVizTexturePreprocessor | Class used for texture preprocessing |
SoTVizViewer | Abstract base class for SoTVizViewer |
SoType | Stores runtime type information |
SoTypedObject | Base class for object storing runtime type information |
SoTypeList | Maintains a list of SoTypes |
SoUltimateErosionProcessing | SoUltimateErosionProcessing engine |
SoUniformGridClipping | Clips a volume using a 2D surface |
SoUniformGridClippingElement | |
SoUniformGridProjectionClipping | Clips a volume with the depth map projection of a shape |
SoUniformShaderParameter | Abstract base class for all uniform shader parameter nodes |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement | Stores the current uniform shader parameter |
SoUnits | Node that scales to convert units of length |
SoUnitsElement | Stores the current units type |
SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing | SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing engine |
SoValueOrdering | Group node derived from SoRenderList that alters the decimation of shapes below it depending on their rendering value as approximated by their size on the screen |
SoVectorizeAction | Abstract class for vectorizing a scene graph to a file |
SoVectorizeCGMAction | Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in CGM format |
SoVectorizeGDIAction | Vectorize a scene graph to MS-Windows GDI formats |
SoVectorizeHPGLAction | Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in HPGL/2 format |
SoVectorizePSAction | Realizes the vectorization of a scene graph to a file in PostScript format |
SoVectorOutput | Abstract class used to write vector formatted files |
SoVertexAttribFeedback | Node to record vertex attributes from shaders into buffer objects |
SoVertexFlag | Class to mark/unmark vertices for beveling |
SoVertexFlagElement | Stores the current vertex flag |
SoVertexProperty | Vertex property node |
SoVertexShader | Node that defines a vertex shader |
SoVertexShaderParameter | Abstract base class for all vertex shader parameter nodes |
SoVertexShaderParameter1f | Vertex shader parameter node storing a float value |
SoVertexShaderParameter1s | Vertex shader parameter node storing a short integer value |
SoVertexShaderParameter2f | Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (float) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter2s | Vertex shader parameter node storing a two-dimensional (short integers) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter3f | Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (float) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter3s | Vertex shader parameter node storing a three-dimensional (short integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4b | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (8-bit integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4f | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (float) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4i | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4s | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (short integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4ub | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned 8-bit integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4ui | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameter4us | Vertex shader parameter node storing a four-dimensional (unsigned short integer) vector |
SoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject | Vertex shader parameter node storing a buffer object |
SoVertexShaderParameterElement | Stores SoVertexShaderParameter nodes encountered during traversal |
SoVertexShaderParameterMatrix | Vertex shader parameter node storing a matrix |
SoVertexShape | Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingDolly | Viewing Function: Dolly (move forward and backward) to get closer to or further away from the point of interest |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingEmpty | Viewing Function: Does nothing |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingFunction | Viewing Function: Abstract base class for viewing function classes |
SoViewingMatrixElement | Stores the current viewing matrix |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingReverseDolly | Viewing Function: Reverse Dolly (move backward and forward) to get further to or closer away from the point of interest |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationX | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the X axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationXViewer | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen X axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationY | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Y axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationYViewer | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Y axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZ | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Z axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZViewer | Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Z axis |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSeek | Viewing Function: Seek (to quickly move the camera to a desired object or point) |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSphericalRotation | Viewing Function: Rotates the view around a point of interest using a virtual trackball |
SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingTranslation | Viewing Function: Translates the camera in the viewer plane |
SoViewport | Viewport parameters node |
SoViewportClipping | Viewport clipping node |
SoViewportRegionElement | Stores the current viewport region |
SoViewVolumeElement | Stores the current view volume |
SoVolumeBufferedShape | Buffered shape node for volume data |
SoVolumeClippingGroup | Clipping a volume with a 3D object |
SoVolumeClippingGroupElement | |
SoVolumeConverter | Class for converting volume data sets into the LDM format |
SoVolumeData | Volume data property node |
SoVolumeDataDrawStyle | Volume draw style |
SoVolumeDataElement | |
SoVolumeDetail | Base class for detail information about picking in a data volume |
SoVolumeFaceSet | Polygonal face shape node for volume data |
SoVolumeGeometry | LDM valuation interface for volume geometry nodes |
SoVolumeGroup | Groups multiple volumes to be volume rendered in the same scene |
SoVolumeGroupElement | |
SoVolumeHistogram | Volume Data Histogram |
SoVolumeIndexedFaceSet | Indexed polygonal face shape node for volume data |
SoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet | Indexed triangle strip set shape node for volume data |
SoVolumeIsosurface | Isosurface property node |
SoVolumeMask | Volume mask |
SoVolumeMaskGroup | Volume mask group |
SoVolumeReader | Abstract base class for volume data set readers |
SoVolumeReaderAdapter | Image data adapter for an SoVolumeReader |
SoVolumeRender | Renders a data volume using direct volume rendering |
SoVolumeRenderDetail | Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume |
SoVolumeRendering | Initializes the VolumeViz module database |
SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality | Volume rendering physical quality property node |
SoVolumeRenderingQuality | Volume rendering quality property mode |
SoVolumeRenderingQualityElement | |
SoVolumeShader | Shader node for volume rendering |
SoVolumeShape | Abstract base class for slices, SoVolumeSkin, SoHeightFieldRender, and SoVolumeRender nodes |
SoVolumeSkin | Draws a data volume skin |
SoVolumeSkinDetail | Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume |
SoVolumeTransform | Transform data before texture creation |
SoVolumeTransformElement | Stores the current volume transform(s) |
SoVolumeTriangleStripSet | Triangle strip set shape node for volume data |
SoVolumeWriter | Abstract base class for volume data writer |
SoVRAmFileReader | Am file reader |
SoVRAvsFileReader | AVS field file reader |
SoVRDicomData | DICOM data |
SoVRDicomFileReader | DICOM file reader |
SoVRGenericFileReader | Generic file reader |
SoVRImageDataReader | Reads volume from an SoImageDataAdapter |
SoVRLdmFileBorderReader | LDM file reader with borders |
SoVRLdmFileReader | LDM file reader |
SoVRLdmFileWriter | Write data to disk in LDM format |
SoVRMemoryReader | Reads volume data stored in memory |
SoVRMemoryWriter | Write data in memory |
SoVRMLAnchor | Group node with URL hyperlink |
SoVRMLAppearance | Specifies the material, texture, textureTransform fillProperties, and lineProperties nodes |
SoVRMLArc2D | 2D arc node |
SoVRMLArcClose2D | 2D closed arc node |
SoVRMLAudioClip | Audio data node [Windows only] |
SoVRMLBackground | Color backdrop node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLBillboard | Grouping node that modifies its coordinate system so that its local Z-axis always points at the viewer |
SoVRMLBooleanFilter | Filters boolean events |
SoVRMLBooleanSequencer | Generates sequential SoSFBool events when driven from a VRMLTimeSensor clock |
SoVRMLBooleanToggle | Stores a boolean value for toggling on/off |
SoVRMLBooleanTrigger | Generates boolean events upon receiving time events |
SoVRMLBox | Box shape node |
SoVRMLCircle2D | 2D circle node |
SoVRMLCollision | Grouping node that controls collision detection. Action partially implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLColor | Specifies RGB colors to be used in the fields of another node |
SoVRMLColorInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of color values |
SoVRMLColorRGBA | Specifies RGBA colors to be used in the fields of another node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLCone | Cone shape node |
SoVRMLCoordinate | Coordinate node |
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of coordinate values |
SoVRMLCoordinateInterpolator2D | Interpolates among a set of 2D coordinate values |
SoVRMLCylinder | Cylinder shape node |
SoVRMLCylinderSensor | Maps pointing device motion onto a cylinder. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLDirectionalLight | Node representing a directional light source |
SoVRMLDisk2D | 2D disk node |
SoVRMLElevationGrid | Specifies a uniform rectangular grid of varying height in the XZ plane |
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTODef | Contains the internal definition of an externprototype |
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOField | Contains the internal definition for one of an externprototype's fields, exposedFields, eventIns or eventOuts |
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOFieldList | Maintains a list of pointers to the field definitions of an externprototype |
SoVRMLEXTERNPROTOInstance | Instance of an externprototype |
SoVRMLExtrusion | Specifies geometric shapes based on a 2D cross section along a 3D spine |
SoVRMLFillProperties | Specifies additional properties to be applied to all polygonal areas on top of whatever appearance is specified. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLFog | Simulates fog. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLFontStyle | Specifies font size, family, style, etc |
SoVRMLGeoCoordinate | Geographic coordinates node |
SoVRMLGeoElevationGrid | Specifies a uniform grid of elevation values within some spatial reference frame |
SoVRMLGeoLocation | Used to georeference models |
SoVRMLGeoLOD | Level-of-detail management for multi-resolution terrains |
SoVRMLGeometry | Abstract base class for all VRML97 and X3D geometry nodes |
SoVRMLGeoOrigin | Specifies a local coordinate system |
SoVRMLGeoTouchSensor | Detects when the user has pointed at a specific piece of geometry |
SoVRMLGeoViewpoint | Specifies position from which the user might view the scene. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLGridShape | Abstract base class for the SoVRMLElevationGrid node |
SoVRMLGroup | Group node |
SoVRMLImageTexture | Texture map node |
SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet | Indexed polygonal face shape node |
SoVRMLIndexedLine | Abstract base class for the SoVRMLIndexedLineSet node |
SoVRMLIndexedLineSet | Indexed polyline shape node |
SoVRMLIndexedShape | Abstract base class for SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet |
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleFanSet | Indexed triangle fan set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleSet | Indexed triangle set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLIndexedTriangleStripSet | Indexed triangle strip set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLInline | Grouping node that refers to children through a URL |
SoVRMLIntegerSequencer | Interpolates among a set of float values |
SoVRMLIntegerTrigger | Sets an integer value for the output event |
SoVRMLInterpList | Maintains a list of pointers to VRML interpolators |
SoVRMLInterpolator | Abstract base class for VRML interpolators |
SoVRMLInterpOutput | Class for all VRML interpolator outputs |
SoVRMLInterpOutputList | Maintains a list of pointers to VRML interpolator outputs |
SoVRMLKeySensor | Maps pointing device motion onto a plane. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLLight | Abstract base class for all VRML97 light nodes |
SoVRMLLineProperties | Specifies additional properties to be applied to all line geometry |
SoVRMLLineSet | Indexed polyline shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLLoadSensor | Monitors the progress and success of downloading URL elements over a network. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLLOD | Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node |
SoVRMLMaterial | Surface material definition node |
SoVRMLMetadataDouble | Provides Metadata in double precision |
SoVRMLMetadataFloat | Provides Metadata in single precision |
SoVRMLMetadataInteger | Provides Metadata in 32-bit integer precision |
SoVRMLMetadataObject | Abstract base class for all X3D MetadataObject nodes |
SoVRMLMetadataSet | Provides Metadata nodes |
SoVRMLMetadataString | Provides Metadata in strings |
SoVRMLMovieTexture | Texture and sound node |
SoVRMLMultiTexture | MultiTexture node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLMultiTextureCoordinate | MultiTexture coordinate node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLMultiTextureTransform | MultiTexture transform node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLNavigationInfo | Describes physical characteristics of viewer and viewing model. Action partially implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLNode | Abstract base class for all VRML nodes |
SoVRMLNormal | Node that defines surface normals for shapes |
SoVRMLNormalInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of normals |
SoVRMLOrientationInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of rotation values |
SoVRMLParent | Abstract base class for all VRML grouping nodes that have children |
SoVRMLPixelTexture | Texture node |
SoVRMLPlaneSensor | Maps pointing device motion onto a plane |
SoVRMLPointLight | Node representing a point light source |
SoVRMLPointSet | Point set shape node |
SoVRMLPolyline2D | 2D polyline node |
SoVRMLPolypoint2D | 2D polypoint node |
SoVRMLPositionInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of position values |
SoVRMLPositionInterpolator2D | Interpolates among a set of position values |
SoVRMLPROTODef | Contains the internal definition of a prototype |
SoVRMLPROTOField | Contains the internal definition for one of a prototype's fields, exposedFields, eventIns or eventOuts |
SoVRMLPROTOFieldList | Maintains a list of pointers to the field definitions of a prototype |
SoVRMLPROTOInstance | Instance of a prototype |
SoVRMLProximitySensor | Generates events when the user moves into, out of, or within a specified region of space |
SoVRMLRectangle2D | Rectangle shape node |
SoVRMLScalarInterpolator | Interpolates among a set of float values |
SoVRMLScript | Used to program behavior in a scene. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLShape | Defines a shape by specifying its appearance and geometry |
SoVRMLSound | Specifies position and spatial representation of a sound [Windows only] |
SoVRMLSphere | Sphere shape node |
SoVRMLSphereSensor | Maps pointing device motion onto a sphere. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLSpotLight | Node representing a spotlight source |
SoVRMLStaticGroup | Group node. Action partially implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLStringSensor | Maps pointing device motion onto a plane. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLSwitch | Group node that traverses one chosen child |
SoVRMLText | Text shape node |
SoVRMLTexture | Abstract base class for all VRML texture nodes |
SoVRMLTextureBackground | Color backdrop node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLTextureCoordinate | Texture coordinate node |
SoVRMLTextureCoordinateGenerator | Texture coordinate generator node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLTextureTransform | Defines a 2D transformation |
SoVRMLTimeSensor | Generates events as time passes |
SoVRMLTimeTrigger | Generates time events upon receiving boolean events |
SoVRMLTouchSensor | Detects when the user has pointed at a specific piece of geometry |
SoVRMLTransform | Grouping node that defines a coordinate system for its children |
SoVRMLTriangle | Abstract base class for the three VRMLIndexedTriangle nodes. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLTriangleFanSet | Triangle fan set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLTriangleSet | Triangle set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLTriangleSet2D | 2D triangle set shape node |
SoVRMLTriangleStripSet | Triangle strip set shape node. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLVertexLine | Abstract base class for SoVRMLIndexedLineSet |
SoVRMLVertexPoint | Abstract base class for the SoVRMLPointSet node |
SoVRMLVertexShape | Abstract base class for various geometry nodes |
SoVRMLViewpoint | Specifies position from which the user might view the scene |
SoVRMLVisibilitySensor | Detects visibility changes of a rectangular box. Action not implemented for this node. |
SoVRMLWorldInfo | Contains information about the world |
SoVRRasterStackReader | Raster stack reader |
SoVRSegyFileHeader | SEGY file header |
SoVRSegyFileReader | SEGY file format reader |
SoVRSegyTraceHeaderBytePosition | SEGY file trace header field description |
SoVRSegyTraceIdHeader | SEGY trace identification header |
SoVRTiffFileReader | TIFF file reader |
SoVRVolFileReader | VOL file reader |
SoVRVoxFileReader | VOX file reader |
SoVRXtFileReader | XT file reader |
SoWin | Routines for Open Inventor/Windows compatibility |
SoWinClipboard | Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Windows clipboard |
SoWinCollisionViewer | Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene |
SoWinColorEditor | Component that lets you edit a color interactively |
SoWinComponent | Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components |
SoWinConstrainedViewer | Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction |
SoWinDevice | Abstract base class for input devices |
SoWinDirectionalLightEditor | Component for editing directional lights |
SoWindowElement | Stores the current window attributes |
SoWinExaminerViewer | Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoWinFlyViewer | Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up |
SoWinFullViewer | Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoWinGLGraphicConfig | Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for Microsoft Windows systems |
SoWinGLWidget | Component for OpenGL rendering |
SoWinKeyboard | Translates and reports messages for the keyboard device |
SoWinMaterialEditor | Component which lets you edit a material interactively |
SoWinMouse | Translates and reports messages for the mouse device |
SoWinMPExaminerViewer | Multi-Pipe viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoWinMPFullViewer | Multi-Pipe base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoWinMPGLWidget | MultiPipe component for OpenGL rendering |
SoWinMPRenderArea | MultiPipe component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoWinMPViewer | Multi-Pipe viewer component lowest base class |
SoWinPlaneViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoWinRenderArea | Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoWinSpaceball | Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device |
SoWinTouchScreen | Translates and reports windows messages for the touch screen device |
SoWinViewer | Viewer component lowest base class |
SoWinWalkViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoWrapperKit | Wrapper nodekit class |
SoWriteAction | Writes a scene graph to a file |
SoWWWAnchor | Separator group node with a URL hyperlink |
SoWWWInline | Node that refers to children through a URL |
SoWx | Routines for Open Inventor/Wx compatibility |
SoWxBitmapToggleButton | |
SoWxComponent | Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Wx components |
SoWxDevice | Abstract base class for input devices |
SoWxExaminerViewer | Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoWxFullViewer | Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoWxGLWidget | |
SoWxGLX | |
SoWxKeyboard | Translates and reports events for the keyboard device |
SoWxMouse | Translates and reports events for the mouse device |
SoWxPlaneViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoWxRenderArea | Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoWxSensorHandler | This class ties Inventor sensors into the Wx event queue |
SoWxViewer | Viewer component lowest base class |
SoXt | Routines for Open Inventor/Xt compatibility |
SoXtBitmapButton | |
SoXtClipboard | Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Xt clipboard |
SoXtCollisionViewer | Class to manage collisions between the camera and the scene |
SoXtColorEditor | Component that lets you edit a color interactively |
SoXtComponent | Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components |
SoXtConstrainedViewer | Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction |
SoXtCursor | Encapsulates the construction and definition of an X Windows cursor |
SoXtDevice | Abstract base class for input devices |
SoXtDirectionalLightEditor | Component for editing directional lights |
SoXtExaminerViewer | Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoXtFileSelectionDialog | Cross-platform file selection box |
SoXtFlyViewer | Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up |
SoXtFullViewer | Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoXtGLGraphicConfig | Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems |
SoXtGLWidget | Component for OpenGL rendering |
SoXtInputFocus | Reports input focus change events |
SoXtKeyboard | Translates and reports events for the keyboard device |
SoXtLightSliderSet | Component with Motif sliders for editing SoLight nodes |
SoXtMaterialEditor | Component which lets you edit a material interactively |
SoXtMaterialList | Component which lets you edit a material interactively |
SoXtMaterialSliderSet | Component with Motif sliders for editing SoMaterial nodes |
SoXtMouse | Translates and reports events for the mouse device |
SoXtMPConstrainedViewer | Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction |
SoXtMPExaminerViewer | Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data |
SoXtMPFlyViewer | Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up |
SoXtMPFullViewer | Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area |
SoXtMPGLWidget | Component for OpenGL rendering |
SoXtMPPlaneViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoXtMPRenderArea | Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoXtMPViewer | Viewer component lowest base class |
SoXtMPWalkViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoXtPlaneViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoXtPrintDialog | Dialog box for controlling printing |
SoXtRenderArea | Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs |
SoXtResource | Used to retrieve X resources for SoXt components and widgets |
SoXtSliderSet | Base class for Motif-only slider components |
SoXtSliderSetBase | Abstract base class for Motif-only slider components |
SoXtSpaceball | Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device |
SoXtTransformSliderSet | Component with Motif sliders for editing SoTransform nodes |
SoXtViewer | Viewer component lowest base class |
SoXtWalkViewer | Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane |
SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d | SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d engine |
SoErrorStack::StackFrame | This struture contains the description of a stack frame |
SoProgressIndicator::StepEventArg | Class given to callback when an onEndStep is raised |
SoProgressIndicator::SubTaskEventArg | Class given to callback when onBeginSubTask/onEndSubTask are raised |
SbImageDataAccessor::SubVolumeRegion | Region representing a 3D box |
SoProgressIndicator::TaskEventArg | Class given to callback when onBeginTask/onEndTask are raised |
SoCADInputReaderParameters::TessellationOption | Parameters used to tessellate the model during import |
TextBox | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Shape node to display a text box in window coordinates |
SoDataCompressor::TileInfo | This structure contains the dimension and the type of the tile being processed |
SoRemoteVizClient::TouchEventArg | Structure given when a touch event is raised |
MiCellExtractIjk::triplet | A triplet of indices used to define the cells to be extracted |
Vec2TextEditAuditor | |
ViewerExaminer | Base class to have a MFC viewer with the OpenInventor OpenGL rendering |
ViewManager | [PREVIEW] [Medical] View manager for use with viewer components |
VolumeMarchingCubes | [PREVIEW] [Medical] Class for computing an isosurface from a VolumeViz data set |
VVizNeighborsGeneral | 3D 8 Neighbors storage: values[0] is (0, 0, 0) values[1] is (1, 0, 0) values[2] is (0, 1, 0) values[3] is (1, 1, 0) values[4-7] same but z=1 |
VVizVoxelInfo | Defines voxel state info used with the VolumeViz Shader Library API |
WinEventToSoEvent | |
WinTimer | Class to integrate Windows timer into OpenInventor |