SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d Class Reference
[Distance Maps]

ImageViz SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d image filter More...

#include <ImageViz/Engines/MathematicalMorphology/DistanceMaps/SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d:
SoImageVizEngine SoEngine SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  MappingMode {
  INSIDE = 0,
enum  BorderCondition {
  ZERO = 0,
  MIRROR = 1

Public Member Functions

 SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d ()

Public Attributes

SoSFEnum mappingMode
SoSFEnum borderCondition
SoSFImageDataAdapter inBinaryImage
< SoSFImageDataAdapter,
SoImageDataAdapter * > 

Detailed Description

ImageViz SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d image filter

This algorithm computes a 3D distance map for a 3D object. Each voxel will be assigned a value depending on the distance to the nearest object boundary. The boundary voxels of the object are assigned a value of zero whereas the assigned value increases as the distance increases. This algorithm computes distances using the Euclidean metric.


SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d SoChessboardDistanceMapProcessing


Library references: dist_euclidean3d

Member Enumeration Documentation

This enumeration defines the border condition.


Outside pixels are extrapolated to 0.


Outside pixels are extrapolated using a mirror border condition.

This enumeration defines all regions in which the distance map is computed.


Inside the object (outside will be set to zero).


Outside the object (inside will be set to zero).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d::SoEuclideanDistanceMapProcessing3d (  ) 


Member Data Documentation

This field defines the border condition.

Use enum BorderCondition. Default is ZERO

The input binary image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary image.

This field defines the region where the distance map is computed.

Use enum MappingMode. Default is INSIDE

Distance map of the input binary image.

Distance map of the shape represented by the input image. Each voxel is assigned to a value depending on the distance to the nearest object boundary. The output image will be a 32-bit floating image. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary image.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.