SoDeviceContextSharedGroup Class Reference
[GL device]

VSG extension Shared context management class. More...

#include <Inventor/devices/SoDeviceContextSharedGroup.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoDeviceContextSharedGroup:

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::set
< SoDeviceContext * > 

Public Member Functions

 SoDeviceContextSharedGroup ()
 SoDeviceContextSharedGroup (int id)
void add (SoDeviceContext *ctx)
void remove (SoDeviceContext *ctx)
void setId (int id)
int getId () const
const SoDeviceContextSetgetContexts () const
SoDeviceContextgetPrimaryContext () const
bool contains (const SoDeviceContext *ctx) const
void ref (SoBaseContextCache *object=NULL)
void unref (SoBaseContextCache *object=NULL)
bool contains (SoBaseContextCache *object) const
virtual void dispose ()

Detailed Description

VSG extension Shared context management class.

This class provides functions to manage a shared group of device contexts.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type definition for SoDeviceContext set management.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::SoDeviceContextSharedGroup (  ) 

Creates a new SharedGroup.

SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::SoDeviceContextSharedGroup ( int  id  ) 

Creates a new SharedGroup with specific id.

Member Function Documentation

void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::add ( SoDeviceContext ctx  ) 

Adds a device context to the group.

bool SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::contains ( SoBaseContextCache *  object  )  const

Returns TRUE if the specified object is already in the list of notified objects.

To add or remove an object, from this list, the ref(object) and unref(object) methods can be used.

bool SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::contains ( const SoDeviceContext ctx  )  const

Returns TRUE if the passed context is part of the shared group.

virtual void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::dispose (  )  [virtual]

Force all attached objects to release the context, by calling their respective release function, and force deletion of the contained context.

const SoDeviceContextSet& SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::getContexts (  )  const

Gets the list of contexts managed by this shared group.

int SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::getId (  )  const

Gets the id of this shared group.

SoDeviceContext* SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::getPrimaryContext (  )  const

Returns the first context found in the shared group.

void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::ref ( SoBaseContextCache *  object = NULL  ) 

Increment reference count.

Object is the ContextObject that should be triggered when this context is deleted.

void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::remove ( SoDeviceContext ctx  ) 

Removes a device context from the group.

void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::setId ( int  id  ) 

Sets a specific id for this shared group.

void SoDeviceContextSharedGroup::unref ( SoBaseContextCache *  object = NULL  ) 

Decrement reference count.

Object is the ContextObject that was referenced originally.

If this call causes the reference count to go from 1 to 0 then the context is automatically deleted and all ContextObject that previously called ref(SoContextObject*) will be triggered for deletion (potentially asynchronously).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.