SoXtGLGraphicConfig Class Reference

VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems. More...

#include <Inventor/components/SoXtGLGraphicConfig.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoXtGLGraphicConfig:
SoGLGraphicConfig SoGraphicConfig

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual SbBool isDoubleBuffer () const
virtual SbBool isStereoBuffer () const
virtual SbBool isAccelerated () const
virtual void getDepth (int &bits) const
virtual void getRGBAColor (int &redBits, int &greenBits, int &blueBits, int &alphaBits) const
virtual void getFloatRGBAColor (int &redBits, int &greenBits, int &blueBits, int &alphaBits) const
virtual void getAccum (int &redBits, int &greenBits, int &blueBits, int &alphaBits) const
virtual void getStencil (int &bits) const
virtual SbBool getFullSceneAntialiasing (int &bits) const
SbGlContextHelper::VisualInfo getXVisualInfo ()
GLXFBConfiggetFBConfig ()


SoDEPRECATED SbBool hasOverlays () const
SoDEPRECATED void getIndexedColor (int &bits) const

Detailed Description

VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems.

This class is a representation of an XVisualInfo struct or a GLXFBConfig. Compared to its parent class, this class adds a method to query the system-dependent XVisualInfo or GLXFBConfig struct.


SoGraphicConfigTemplate, SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate, SoGraphicConfig, SoGraphicDevice, SoGLGraphicDevice.

See related examples:


Member Function Documentation

virtual void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getAccum ( int &  redBits,
int &  greenBits,
int &  blueBits,
int &  alphaBits 
) const [virtual]

Returns the accumulation buffer depth (red, green, blue, and alpha).

If (red/green/blue/alpha)Bits are equal to 0, then the OpenGL graphics configuration has no accumulation buffer.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getDepth ( int &  bits  )  const [virtual]

Returns the Z-buffer depth.

If 0 is returned, then there is no Z-buffer.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

GLXFBConfig* SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getFBConfig (  ) 

Returns the Frame Buffer Configuration.

virtual void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getFloatRGBAColor ( int &  redBits,
int &  greenBits,
int &  blueBits,
int &  alphaBits 
) const [virtual]

Returns the floating point color depth (red, green, blue, and alpha).

If (red/green/blue/alpha)Bits are equal to 0, then the OpenGL graphics configuration does not support floating point RGBA mode.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual SbBool SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getFullSceneAntialiasing ( int &  bits  )  const [virtual]

Returns the availability of the hardware full-scene antialiasing feature.

bits returns the number of samples used in the antialiasing algorithm.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

SoDEPRECATED void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getIndexedColor ( int &  bits  )  const [virtual]

Returns the indexed color depth.

If 0 is returned, then the Oepng graphics configuration does not support indexed color.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
IndexedColor feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getRGBAColor ( int &  redBits,
int &  greenBits,
int &  blueBits,
int &  alphaBits 
) const [virtual]

Returns the color depth (red, green, blue, and alpha).

If (red/green/blue/alpha)Bits are equal to 0, then the OpenGL graphics configuration does not support RGBA mode.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual void SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getStencil ( int &  bits  )  const [virtual]

Returns the stencil buffer depth.

If 0 is returned, then the OpenGL graphics configuration has no stencil buffer.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

SbGlContextHelper::VisualInfo SoXtGLGraphicConfig::getXVisualInfo (  ) 

Returns the X visual information.

SoDEPRECATED SbBool SoXtGLGraphicConfig::hasOverlays (  )  const [virtual]

Returns TRUE if the OpenGL graphics configuration has overlays supported by Open Inventor.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
Overlay feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual SbBool SoXtGLGraphicConfig::isAccelerated (  )  const [virtual]

Returns TRUE if the OpenGL graphics configuration is accelerated.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual SbBool SoXtGLGraphicConfig::isDoubleBuffer (  )  const [virtual]

Returns TRUE if double buffer mode is enabled, else FALSE (single buffer mode).

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

virtual SbBool SoXtGLGraphicConfig::isStereoBuffer (  )  const [virtual]

Returns TRUE if stereo buffer mode is supported.

Implements SoGLGraphicConfig.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.