

class  SoGLGraphicConfig
  VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration. More...
class  SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate
  VSG extension Defines an OpenGL graphics configuration template. More...
class  SoGLGraphicDevice
  VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics device. More...
class  SoGraphicConfig
  VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration classes. More...
class  SoGraphicConfigTemplate
  VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics configuration template classes. More...
class  SoGraphicDevice
  VSG extension Abstract base class for graphics device classes. More...
class  SoWinGLGraphicConfig
  VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for Microsoft Windows systems. More...
class  SoXtGLGraphicConfig
  VSG extension Represents an OpenGL graphics configuration for UNIX/Linux (Xt-based) systems. More...
class  SbStringList
 Maintains a list of pointers to SbString instances. More...
class  SoBaseList
 Maintains a list of pointers to instances of the SoBase classes. More...
class  SoCallbackList
 Manages a list of callbacks and associated data. More...
class  SoPathList
 Maintains a list of pointers to paths. More...
class  SoPickedPointList
 Maintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances. More...
class  SoSensorList
 Maintains a list of SoSensor. More...
class  SoTypeList
 Maintains a list of SoTypes. More...
class  SoAutoRef
 Implements smart pointers to SoRefCounter objects. More...
class  SoBase
 Base class for all nodes, paths, and engines. More...
class  SoByteStream
 Converts scene graph objects to character byte streams. More...
class  SoMemoryObject
  VSG extension Handle memory buffer with reference counter. More...
class  SoRef< T >
 Smart pointer for any class inheriting SoRefCounter. More...
class  SoRefCounter
 Base class for ref-counted objects. More...
class  SoState
 Traversal state. More...
class  SoTranSender
 Sends database changes for transcription. More...
class  SoTranReceiver
 Interprets database changes for transcription. More...
class  SoRenderToTextureProperty
  VSG extension Class for creating a texture by rendering a scene graph More...
class  SoBigImageRenderer
  VSG extension Renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures. More...
class  SoDB
 Scene graph database class. More...
class  SoFrameBufferObject
  VSG extension Create an OpenGL FrameBuffer More...
class  SoGLRenderToBuffer
  VSG extension Render to buffer. More...
class  SoInput
 Used to read Open Inventor data files. More...
class  SoInputParameters
  VSG extension Base class for file reader parameters. More...
class  SoInteraction
 Initializes Open Inventor interaction classes. More...
class  SoModuleCheck
 Class used to check and report library and application consistency. More...
class  SoOffscreenRenderer
 Renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures. More...
class  SoOffscreenTileProperty
  VSG extension Class encapsulating offscreen tile properties More...
class  SoOffscreenTileObserver
  VSG extension Abstract class for monitoring the rendering of tiles (sub-images). More...
class  SoOutput
 Used to write Open Inventor data files. More...
class  SoPath
 Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodes. More...
class  SoFullPath
 Path that allows access to hidden children. More...
class  SoPBuffer
  VSG extension Creates an OpenGL Pbuffer. More...
class  SoPickedPoint
 Represents point on surface of picked object. More...
class  SoPreferences
  VSG extension Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters. More...
class  SoPrimitiveVertex
 Represents a vertex of a generated primitive. More...
class  SoSceneManager
 Manages scene graph rendering and event handling. More...
class  SoType
 Stores runtime type information. More...
class  SoTypedObject
 Base class for object storing runtime type information. More...
class  SoDynamicLibManager
  VSG extension Class for managing dynamic libraries. More...


namespace  SbExtIntListNamespace


SoMacGLGraphicDevice __pad0__
SbIntList __pad0__
SbVec3fList __pad0__

Variable Documentation

SbVec3fList __pad0__

Maintains a list of pointers to SbVec3f instances.

This subclass of SbPList holds lists of SbVec3f.



SbIntList __pad0__

Maintains a list of integer (int) values.

This subclass of SbPList holds lists of integer values (int).

SoMacGLGraphicDevice __pad0__

VSG extension Represents the internal part of an OpenGL graphics device on Mac OS X systems.

This class represents a Mac OS X device handle. It is used as internal part of a graphics device for OpenGL. This class declares or implements all required methods used in the SoGLGraphicDevice class. This class is inherited from SoGLGraphicDevicePeer which is viewed and used as a peer in the OpenGL graphics device class.


SoGraphicConfigTemplate, SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate, SoGraphicConfigCompare, SoGLGraphicConfigCompare, SoGraphicConfig, SoGraphicDevice, SoGLGraphicDevice.

SoMacGLGraphicDevice SoGLGraphicDevice::DeviceType dt

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.