PoMeshContouring Class Reference

MeshViz Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh. More...

#include <MeshViz/3Ddata/PoMeshContouring.h>

Inheritance diagram for PoMeshContouring:
PoMesh2D PoMesh Po3DdataMaster PoBase SoBaseKit SoNode SoGetView SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.


struct  Parallelogram3
struct  StoreAnnotSpace

Public Types

enum  AnnotPath {
enum  AnnotCrossStatus {

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId () const
virtual const SoNodekitCataloggetNodekitCatalog () const
 PoMeshContouring ()
virtual void rebuild ()
void setFormat (PbNumericDisplayFormat *format)
const PbNumericDisplayFormatgetFormat () const
void setMiscTextAttr (PbMiscTextAttr *textAttr)
const PbMiscTextAttrgetMiscTextAttr () const

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()
static const SoNodekitCataloggetClassNodekitCatalog ()

Public Attributes

SoSFUShort majorPeriod
SoSFUShort firstMajor
SoSFBool annotIsVisible
SoSFEnum annotPath
SoSFEnum annotCrossStatus
SoSFBool annotIsBackground
SoSFBool annotIsContourClip
SoSFFloat annotGap
SoMFVec2f annotClippingPolygon
SoSFFloat annotFontSize
SoSFFloat annotFontFactor

Detailed Description

MeshViz Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh.

Builds contour lines on a 2D mesh. These contour lines are computed from a level values list and the nodes scalar values of the mesh. The level value list is defined by the PoMesh::setIsovaluesList() method or by the current PoIsovaluesList node during the traversal.

All contour lines can have the same color (PoMesh::coloringType = COLOR_INHERITED) or can have a color depending on the values of the contouring lines (PoMesh::coloringType != COLOR_INHERITED).

Contour lines are separated into 2 groups: major contour lines which can be annotated by their value, and minor contour lines which cannot be annotated. Major contour line are defined by the value of fields majorPeriod and firstMajor. They are annotated only if the field annotIsVisible is TRUE. The way of putting annotations along contour lines is defined by the value of the fields annotPath, annotCrossStatus, annotGap and annotClippingPolygon.

When the annotation are visible, the way of drawing the text of the level values depends on the current numeric display format and also on the current miscellaneous text attributes. If the method setFormat(format) is called, the current numerical display format is "format". Otherwise the current numerical display format is specified in the current inherited state (cf property node PoNumericDisplayFormat). If the method setMiscTextAttr(textAttr) is called, the current miscellaneous text attributes are defined by "textAttr". Otherwise the current miscellaneous text attributes are specified in the current inherited state (cf property node PoMiscTextAttr).

Note: Contour line annotations are not displayed if the mesh is not defined in the XY plane. For example, if a 2D mesh is defined as follows: X coordinates are constant, Y coordinates vary, and Z coordinates vary, (and zValuesIndex set with a value different from -1), the contour lines will be not annotated. In order to annotate contour lines for a mesh not defined in the XY plane, define it in the XY plane and apply a rotation.


Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.