MiCellFilter Class Reference

MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter. More...

#include <MeshVizXLM/mesh/cell/MiCellFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for MiCellFilter:
MiCellFilterI MiCellFilterIj MiCellFilterIjk

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~MiCellFilter ()
virtual size_t getTimeStamp () const =0

Detailed Description

MeshViz Interface class defining a cell filter.

This abstract class specifies the interface used for filtering cells.

Filtering cells is a way to specify which cells are used and which cells are ignored during the mesh extraction.

Each class implementing MiCellFilter must implement an acceptCell() method with either 1, 2 or 3 indices as arguments.

When the acceptCell() method returns false, the cell identified by these indices is not taken into account by the extraction. It is as if the mesh does not contain this cell.

In order to define a custom cell filter, create a class derived from one of the following classes.

See also:
See related examples:

PEBIMeshViz, QuadraticWheelHexa27, Turbine, QuadraticHexa20, QuadraticHexa27, QuadraticTetra10, QuadraticTube, QuadraticWedge18, QuadraticWheelHexa20, QuadraticWheelTetra10, QuadraticWheelWedge18, WheelHexa8

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual MiCellFilter::~MiCellFilter (  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual size_t MiCellFilter::getTimeStamp (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns for this filter a unique time stamp across all filters in the application.

When the content of the filter changes, the time stamp must increase. The time stamp allows extractors to identify this filter and to be aware about any changes to it.

MxTimeStamp can be used to generate a valid time stamp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.