SoAlarmSensor Class Reference

Triggers a delegate once sometime in the future. More...

#include <Inventor/sensors/SoAlarmSensor.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoAlarmSensor:
SoTimerQueueSensor SoSensor

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoAlarmSensor ()
 SoAlarmSensor (SoSensorCB *func, void *data)
virtual ~SoAlarmSensor ()
void setTime (const SbTime &absTime)
void setTimeFromNow (const SbTime &relTime)
const SbTimegetTime () const
virtual void schedule ()

Detailed Description

Triggers a delegate once sometime in the future.

This type of sensor can be used to schedule a one-time delegate for some time in the future. The sensor is not guaranteed to be called at exactly that time, but will be called sometime after the specified time.


SoOneShotSensor, SoTimerSensor, SoTimerQueueSensor, SbTime

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoAlarmSensor::SoAlarmSensor (  ) 


SoAlarmSensor::SoAlarmSensor ( SoSensorCB func,
void *  data 

This constructor takes the callback function and data to be called when the sensor is triggered.

virtual SoAlarmSensor::~SoAlarmSensor (  )  [virtual]

Destroys the sensor, freeing up any memory associated with it after unscheduling it.

Member Function Documentation

const SbTime& SoAlarmSensor::getTime (  )  const [inline]

Returns the time at which the sensor is set to be triggered.

This is similar to the getTriggerTime method, but returns the time even if the sensor has not yet been scheduled.

virtual void SoAlarmSensor::schedule (  )  [virtual]

Adds this sensor to the timer queue.

Subclasses provide methods for setting when the sensor will be triggered.

Reimplemented from SoTimerQueueSensor.

void SoAlarmSensor::setTime ( const SbTime absTime  ) 

Sets the sensor to go off at the specified time.

You must also call schedule() for the sensor to be triggered. If the sensor is already scheduled, it must be unscheduled and then rescheduled for the change in the trigger time to take effect.

void SoAlarmSensor::setTimeFromNow ( const SbTime relTime  ) 

Sets the sensor to go off the given amount of time from now.

You must also call schedule() for the sensor to be triggered. If the sensor is already scheduled, it must be unscheduled and then rescheduled for the change in the trigger time to take effect.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.