CIvfMainFrame Class Reference
[Ivf Classes]

Interface of the IVF frame window class. More...

#include <Ivf/IvfMainFrm.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void IvfOnCreate (CWnd *pWnd)
virtual BOOL IvfOnCommand (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
virtual BOOL IvfOnQueryNewPalette ()
virtual void IvfOnPaletteChanged (CWnd *pFocusWnd)
virtual BOOL IvfPreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs, UINT cx, UINT cy)
virtual BOOL IvfOnUpdateFrameTitle (BOOL bAddToTitle, CString &strTitle)
virtual void IvfSetStatusText (LPCTSTR)=0
virtual void IvfSetViewerText (CString &)

Protected Member Functions

 CIvfMainFrame ()
virtual ~CIvfMainFrame ()

Detailed Description

Interface of the IVF frame window class.

This class provides methods to process messages directed to the frame window.

Note: Although the class name is CIvfMainFrame, the header file name is IvfMainFrame.h.


CIvfApp, CIvfArchiveInput, CIvfArchiveOutput, CIvfComponent, CIvfDocument


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9500
The whole Ivf viewer API is no longer supported. Examples of custom viewers can be found in section MFC examples user interface of the Reference Manual.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CIvfMainFrame::CIvfMainFrame (  )  [protected]


virtual CIvfMainFrame::~CIvfMainFrame (  )  [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual BOOL CIvfMainFrame::IvfOnCommand ( WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [virtual]

This method routes command messages to the IVF viewer class.

If the command is processed, TRUE is returned FALSE otherwise.

virtual void CIvfMainFrame::IvfOnCreate ( CWnd *  pWnd  )  [virtual]

This method is called when the application frame window or dialog is created.

This is where initialization of the SoWin component library occurs.

virtual void CIvfMainFrame::IvfOnPaletteChanged ( CWnd *  pFocusWnd  )  [virtual]

This method passes palette changed messages to the SoWin component library.

virtual BOOL CIvfMainFrame::IvfOnQueryNewPalette (  )  [virtual]

This method passes query palette messages to the SoWin component library.

virtual BOOL CIvfMainFrame::IvfOnUpdateFrameTitle ( BOOL  bAddToTitle,
CString &  strTitle 
) [virtual]

This method sets the window text for the application frame window.

If the window text is set, this method returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE is returned.

virtual BOOL CIvfMainFrame::IvfPreCreateWindow ( CREATESTRUCT &  cs,
UINT  cx,
UINT  cy 
) [virtual]

This method sets the initial size of the application frame window.

OBSOLETE: you should do whatever you need to do with cs in your app PreCreateWindow function. All this does is set = cx and = cy

virtual void CIvfMainFrame::IvfSetStatusText ( LPCTSTR   )  [pure virtual]

Set the status line text.

virtual void CIvfMainFrame::IvfSetViewerText ( CString &   )  [virtual]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.