CIvfDocument Class Reference
[Ivf Classes]

Interface of the IVF document class. More...

#include <Ivf/IvfDocument.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 CIvfDocument ()
 ~CIvfDocument ()
void IvfSetFileHeader (LPCSTR header)
virtual BOOL IvfOnNewDocument ()
virtual BOOL IvfOnOpenDocument (LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
virtual BOOL IvfOnSaveDocument (LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
virtual BOOL IvfOnOpenDocument (UINT hFile)
virtual BOOL IvfOnSaveDocument (UINT hFile)
virtual BOOL IvfOnSaveDocument (const CFile *cFile)
virtual BOOL IvfOnOpenDocument (CArchive &rArchive)
virtual BOOL IvfOnSaveDocument (CArchive &rArchive)
BOOL IvfOnOpenDocumentMessage (LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
void IvfImportDocument (LPTSTR PathName)
void IvfInitDocument (void *pCreateArgs)
virtual void IvfDeleteContents ()
virtual LPCTSTR IvfGetUrlName (void)
virtual BOOL IvfIsEmbedded ()
virtual BOOL IvfIsTitleSet (void)
virtual void IvfUpdateTitle (void)
virtual LPCTSTR IvfGetTitleString (void)
virtual BOOL IvfIsInfoSet (void)
virtual LPCTSTR IvfGetDocInfoString (void)
virtual void OnFileViewInfo (void)
virtual void IvfSetSceneGraph (SoSeparator *pRoot)
SoSeparatorIvfGetDocSceneGraph ()
SoCameraIvfGetActiveCamera (int in_ix=-1)
int IvfGetActiveCameraIX ()
SoGroupIvfGetActiveCamParent ()
SbPListIvfGetCameraList ()
virtual void setCameraType (SoType type)
SoType getCameraType ()
SoCameraIvfReplaceCamera (SoCamera *cam, int ix)
virtual void IvfPrepareForSave ()
virtual void IvfPostSave ()
virtual void IvfFindAnchors (SoGroup *root)
BOOL IvfIsOleSrvr ()
void IvfUpdateHeadlightHint (BOOL bOn)
virtual void IvfDeleteSceneGraph ()
virtual void IvfSceneGraphChanged ()
virtual void IvfSceneGraphCompleted ()
virtual void IvfScrubInlines ()
virtual void IvfOnLocationChanged (LPCTSTR urlName)
virtual void IvfOnUpdateViewpoints (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
virtual void IvfRemoveViewpointMenu (CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
int IvfGetNumComponents ()
virtual BOOL IdleProcessInlines (void)
void IvfSetFileType (IVF_FILETYPE)
IVF_FILETYPE IvfGetFileType (void)
virtual void IvfSetBgColor (const SbColor &)
virtual SbColorIvfGetBgColor (void)
virtual BOOL IvfPreTranslateMessage (MSG *)
virtual CIvfAsyncFile * IvfCreateAsyncFile (void *data)
virtual BOOL IvfOnOpenUrl (LPCTSTR url)
void IvfRemoveAsyncFile (CIvfAsyncFile *file)
void IvfAbortAllAsyncFiles ()
BOOL IvfIsAsyncFilesPending ()
int IvfIsInlinesPending ()
virtual void IvfEnableStatAccumulation (BOOL bDoAccum)
virtual void IvfClearStatCounters (BOOL bClearAll=FALSE)
void SetBaseUrlPath (LPCTSTR b_path)
LPCTSTR GetBaseUrlPath (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static SoSeparatorIvfReadAll (SoInput *, CIvfDocument *)
static BOOL IvfSaveSceneGraph (LPCTSTR lpFname, SoSeparator *pRoot, CIvfDocument *)
static SoSeparatorIvfLoadSceneGraph (LPCTSTR lpFname, CIvfDocument *)
static BOOL IvfSaveSceneGraph (UINT hFile, SoSeparator *pRoot, CIvfDocument *)
static BOOL IvfSaveSceneGraph (SoOutput *out, SoSeparator *pRoot, CIvfDocument *)
static SoSeparatorIvfLoadSceneGraph (UINT hFile, CIvfDocument *)
static BOOL IvfSaveSceneGraph (CArchive &rArchive, SoSeparator *pRoot, CIvfDocument *)
static SoSeparatorIvfLoadSceneGraph (CArchive &rArchive, CIvfDocument *)
static BOOL IvfIsInventorFile (LPCTSTR lpszFileName)

Public Attributes

ULONG m_nTriCount
ULONG m_nNodeCount
ULONG m_nLineCount
ULONG m_nPointCount
BOOL m_bHasTouchSensors

Static Public Attributes

static BOOL m_queueingOff

Protected Member Functions

virtual void IvfRemoveCameras (SoGroup *root)
virtual void IvfRestoreCameras (SoGroup *root)
virtual void IvfDeleteCameraList ()
virtual BOOL IvfOnLoadUrlMessage (CIvfAsyncFile *pIvfASFile)
virtual void IvfSetupUrlFetchCallback ()
virtual void IvfRemoveUrlFetchCallback ()
virtual void IvfOnFetchUrl (LPCTSTR urlName)
BOOL IsPendingAsyncRequest (CIvfAsyncFile *pIvfASFile, int &status)
void OpenLocalAsyncDoc (CIvfAsyncFile *)
void OnProcessPendingInline (WPARAM, LPARAM)
void ProcessPendingTexture2 (CInlineItem *, BOOL)
void PostInlineLocation (SoNode *, LPTSTR, void *)
LPTSTR MakeFullUrlPath (LPTSTR out_url, LPCTSTR in_url)
BOOL IsOKFile (LPTSTR filename)
BOOL MakeScratchName (LPTSTR new_path, LPTSTR filename)
void CleanupScratchFile (LPTSTR filename)
void CountPrimitives ()
void AddInlineChild (CInlineItem *)
void AddInlineChild (SoNode *node, LPTSTR filename, void *cb)
void IvfScanForHints (SoNode *root)
void DetermineViewerType (const SoInfo *info)
void DetermineViewerSpeed (const SoInfo *info)
void DetermineBackgroundColor (const SoInfo *info)
void DetermineTitle (const SoInfo *info)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void IvfStaticFetchUrlCB (const SbString &url, void *userData, SoWWWAnchor *node)
static void IvfStaticFetchInlineUrlCB (const SbString &url, void *userData, SoNode *node)
static BOOL IvfStaticFetchTexture2UrlCB (const SbString &url, void *userData, void *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response InfoHintCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response NavInfoCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response WorldInfoCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response WWWInlineCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response VRMLInlineCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response CheckForLightsCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static SoCallbackAction::Response CountNodesCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoNode *node)
static void CountTrisCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *, const SoPrimitiveVertex *, const SoPrimitiveVertex *)
static void CountLinesCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *, const SoPrimitiveVertex *)
static void CountPointsCB (void *userData, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *)

Protected Attributes

SoType m_cameraType
int m_nActiveCameraIX
BOOL IVOpenError
BOOL m_nEnableUrlFetch
BOOL m_nEnableUrlDisplay
BOOL m_nEnableViewpoints
char m_fileHeader [256]
CInlineQueue * m_pInlineQueue
CAsyncFileQueue * m_pAsyncQueue
BOOL m_bSceneGraphComplete
BOOL m_bNewGraphPrepped
BOOL m_bBasePathPreset
BOOL m_bContainsInlines
TCHAR * lcl_scratch_filename [MAX_SCRATCH_FILES]
int n_scratch_files
BOOL m_bTitleHintSet
BOOL m_bDocInfoSet
BOOL m_bSaveAsBinary
BOOL m_bDefHeadlightVal
float motionSpeedHintVal
CIvfComponent::IvfViewerType viewerTypeHintSet

Static Protected Attributes

static BOOL viewerSpeedHintSet
static BOOL autoClipOffHintSet
static BOOL titleHintSet
static BOOL anyLightsSet

Detailed Description

Interface of the IVF document class.

This class provides methods for manipulation of Open Inventor documents.

Note: Although the class name is CIvfDocument, the header file name is IvfDocument.h.


CIvfApp, CIvfArchiveInput, CIvfArchiveOutput, CIvfComponent, CIvfMainFrame


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9500
The whole Ivf viewer API is no longer supported. Examples of custom viewers can be found in section MFC examples user interface of the Reference Manual.

Member Enumeration Documentation

File type.


IV type.


VRML type.


VRML2 type.


VRML3 type.

This enum guides the behavior of IvfOnOpenDocumentMessage.

It is set by the loading calls OnFileImport and OnFileLoad.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CIvfDocument::CIvfDocument (  ) 
CIvfDocument::~CIvfDocument (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void CIvfDocument::AddInlineChild ( SoNode node,
LPTSTR  filename,
void *  cb 
) [protected]
void CIvfDocument::AddInlineChild ( CInlineItem *   )  [protected]

following is for inline support rickb

static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::CheckForLightsCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]
void CIvfDocument::CleanupScratchFile ( LPTSTR  filename  )  [protected]
static void CIvfDocument::CountLinesCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoPrimitiveVertex ,
const SoPrimitiveVertex  
) [static, protected]
static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::CountNodesCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]
static void CIvfDocument::CountPointsCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoPrimitiveVertex  
) [static, protected]
void CIvfDocument::CountPrimitives (  )  [protected]

Counts nodes, triangles, lines, and points in the Doc scene graph (m_pSceneRoot).

static void CIvfDocument::CountTrisCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoPrimitiveVertex ,
const SoPrimitiveVertex ,
const SoPrimitiveVertex  
) [static, protected]
void CIvfDocument::DetermineBackgroundColor ( const SoInfo info  )  [protected]
void CIvfDocument::DetermineTitle ( const SoInfo info  )  [protected]
void CIvfDocument::DetermineViewerSpeed ( const SoInfo info  )  [protected]
void CIvfDocument::DetermineViewerType ( const SoInfo info  )  [protected]
LPCTSTR CIvfDocument::GetBaseUrlPath ( void   )  [inline]
SoType CIvfDocument::getCameraType (  )  [inline]

Gets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IdleProcessInlines ( void   )  [virtual]

Called by application OnIdle to process the inline queue.

static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::InfoHintCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]

Callbacks used when searching for hints.

BOOL CIvfDocument::IsOKFile ( LPTSTR  filename  )  [protected]

scratch file management

BOOL CIvfDocument::IsPendingAsyncRequest ( CIvfAsyncFile *  pIvfASFile,
int &  status 
) [protected]

This method is called by the file retrieval layer to check if retrieved file is an inline or not.

Processes if in the queue. Returns: TRUE if file was processed as an inline: nothing more should be done with the file. status indicates success/error: 0 = success

void CIvfDocument::IvfAbortAllAsyncFiles (  ) 
virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfClearStatCounters ( BOOL  bClearAll = FALSE  )  [virtual]

Clear the counters.

If ClearAll==FALSE, will not clear node counter (that's usually static per scene).

virtual CIvfAsyncFile* CIvfDocument::IvfCreateAsyncFile ( void *  data  )  [virtual]

Override this to create an async file object derived from CIvfAsyncFile.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfDeleteCameraList (  )  [protected, virtual]

This method destroys the camera list pointed to by m_pCamList.

All of the cameras contained in the list are unreferenced.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfDeleteContents (  )  [virtual]

This method unrefs the scene graph pointed to by m_pSceneRoot.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfDeleteSceneGraph (  )  [virtual]

This method deletes the scene graph pointed to by m_pSceneRoot.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfEnableStatAccumulation ( BOOL  bDoAccum  )  [virtual]

Enable or disable counter accumulations.

Called by frame on new graph. Override if you want to alter behavior.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfFindAnchors ( SoGroup root  )  [virtual]

This method locates all of the SoWWWAnchor nodes in the document object's scene graph and places the path to each node in a list pointed to by m_pAnchorList.

SoCamera* CIvfDocument::IvfGetActiveCamera ( int  in_ix = -1  ) 

This method gets the currently active camera.

int CIvfDocument::IvfGetActiveCameraIX (  ) 
SoGroup* CIvfDocument::IvfGetActiveCamParent (  ) 
virtual SbColor& CIvfDocument::IvfGetBgColor ( void   )  [virtual]
SbPList* CIvfDocument::IvfGetCameraList (  ) 
virtual LPCTSTR CIvfDocument::IvfGetDocInfoString ( void   )  [virtual]
SoSeparator* CIvfDocument::IvfGetDocSceneGraph (  ) 
IVF_FILETYPE CIvfDocument::IvfGetFileType ( void   ) 
int CIvfDocument::IvfGetNumComponents (  ) 

return the number of components attached to this document

virtual LPCTSTR CIvfDocument::IvfGetTitleString ( void   )  [virtual]
virtual LPCTSTR CIvfDocument::IvfGetUrlName ( void   )  [virtual]

This method retrieves the Url name for this Document.

void CIvfDocument::IvfImportDocument ( LPTSTR  PathName  ) 

Opens document and adds it to the current document scene graph.

void CIvfDocument::IvfInitDocument ( void *  pCreateArgs  ) 

use this to pass create args to the document

BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsAsyncFilesPending (  ) 

Call to determine if there are any async files in the queue.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsEmbedded (  )  [virtual]

returns whether the document is embedded or not.

if you have access to the IsEmbedded() member from the C(Ole)Document class, use that.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsInfoSet ( void   )  [virtual]

This retrieves the DocInfo string if it was set.

int CIvfDocument::IvfIsInlinesPending (  ) 

Call to determine if there are any inlines in the queue.

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsInventorFile ( LPCTSTR  lpszFileName  )  [static]

This method returns TRUE if the named file is a valid Open Inventor file.

BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsOleSrvr (  ) 

This method returns TRUE if this application is an OLE server, FALSE otherwise.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfIsTitleSet ( void   )  [virtual]

This method checks the titleHintFound flag and sets the title if it is set.

static SoSeparator* CIvfDocument::IvfLoadSceneGraph ( CArchive &  rArchive,
) [static]

This method loads from the archive specified by lpFname, and returns a pointer to the scene graph.

The ref count for the returned scene graph is zero. Null is returned if the load fails.

static SoSeparator* CIvfDocument::IvfLoadSceneGraph ( UINT  hFile,
) [static]

This method loads the file specified by lpFname, and returns a pointer to the scene graph.

The ref count for the returned scene graph is zero. Null is returned if the load fails.

static SoSeparator* CIvfDocument::IvfLoadSceneGraph ( LPCTSTR  lpFname,
) [static]

This method loads the file specified by lpFname, and returns a pointer to the scene graph.

The ref count for the returned scene graph is zero. Null is returned if the load fails.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfOnFetchUrl ( LPCTSTR  urlName  )  [protected, virtual]

If m_nEnableUrlFetch is TRUE and m_nEnableSelection is FALSE, this method is invoked when a user clicks the mouse button while the cursor is placed over an SoWWWAnchorNode (or one of its children).

When invoked, this method posts the WMIVF_LOADURL registered message to the application frame window. wparam is set to 0, and lparam contains a pointer to a null terminated string containing the URL name.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnLoadUrlMessage ( CIvfAsyncFile *  pIvfASFile  )  [protected, virtual]

This method is invoked when it receives the WMIVF_LOADURL registered message.

If urlName points to a local file, The default implementation replaces the document's scene graph with the contents of the file. If urlName does not refer to a local file, the url is referred to a Url retrieval mechanism (currently none).

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfOnLocationChanged ( LPCTSTR  urlName  )  [virtual]

This method is invoked by IvfOnLoadUrlMessage to indicate that the location has changed.

An VRML viewer application can use this method to update the location display. The default implementation of this method does nothing.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnNewDocument (  )  [virtual]

This method invokes IvfDeleteContents and unrefs the current scene graph.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnOpenDocument ( CArchive &  rArchive  )  [virtual]

This method loads a file given an archive object.

The pointer for the scene graph that is produced is stored in m_pSceneRoot.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnOpenDocument ( UINT  hFile  )  [virtual]

This method loads a file given file handle.

The pointer for the scene graph that is produced is stored in m_pSceneRoot.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnOpenDocument ( LPCTSTR  lpszPathName  )  [virtual]

This method loads a file given a path name.

The pointer for the scene graph that is produced is stored in m_pSceneRoot.

BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnOpenDocumentMessage ( LPCTSTR  lpszPathName  ) 

Pushthrough message handler from CDocument class Note this is NOT a virtual (You already have control from CDocument derived class).

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnOpenUrl ( LPCTSTR  url  )  [virtual]

Use this to open a new URL.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnSaveDocument ( CArchive &  rArchive  )  [virtual]

This method stores the scene graph pointed to by m_pSceneRoot in the file specified by the argument.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnSaveDocument ( const CFile *  cFile  )  [virtual]

This version uses a CFile object.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnSaveDocument ( UINT  hFile  )  [virtual]

This method stores the scene graph pointed to by m_pSceneRoot in the file specified by the argument.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfOnSaveDocument ( LPCTSTR  lpszPathName  )  [virtual]

This method stores the scene graph pointed to by m_pSceneRoot in the file specified by the argument.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfOnUpdateViewpoints ( CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [virtual]

This method is invoked by IvfOnCmdMsg to handle update of the viewpoint menu.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfPostSave (  )  [virtual]

This method is invoked by the document object to notify the component that the scene graph save operation has completed.

The component is then free to re-institute any scene graph modifications it has made (i.e. remove all cameras).

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfPrepareForSave (  )  [virtual]

This method is invoked by the document object prior to saving the scene graph.

It allows the component to undo any changes it has done to the scene graph.

virtual BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfPreTranslateMessage ( MSG *   )  [virtual]

This message processes thread specific messages.

InlineQueue messages (WMIVF_PROCPENDINGINLINE) LoadUrl messages (WMIVF_LOADURL)

static SoSeparator* CIvfDocument::IvfReadAll ( SoInput ,
) [static]

This method loads the contents of an Open Inventor file.

A pointer to the scene graph is returned. The ref count for the returned scene graph is zero.

void CIvfDocument::IvfRemoveAsyncFile ( CIvfAsyncFile *  file  ) 

Use this when done with an async file - removes it from the queue.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfRemoveCameras ( SoGroup root  )  [protected, virtual]

This method is invoked from IvfSceneGraphChanged.

It removes all of the cameras contained in the document object's scene graph. The cameras are placed in a list pointed to by m_pCamList. Each of the cameras in the list are referenced.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfRemoveUrlFetchCallback (  )  [protected, virtual]

This method disables IVF's URL fetch callback mechanism.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfRemoveViewpointMenu ( CCmdUI *  pCmdUI  )  [virtual]
SoCamera* CIvfDocument::IvfReplaceCamera ( SoCamera cam,
int  ix 

Replace the camera specified by the index.

returns the camera that was there, disposition is up to the caller.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfRestoreCameras ( SoGroup root  )  [protected, virtual]

This method restores the cameras removed from the document object's scene graph.

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfSaveSceneGraph ( CArchive &  rArchive,
SoSeparator pRoot,
) [static]

This method saves the scene graph pointed to by pRoot in the archive specified by rArchive.

If successful, TRUE is returned.

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfSaveSceneGraph ( SoOutput out,
SoSeparator pRoot,
) [static]

This method saves the scene graph pointed to by pRoot in the file stored in the SoOutput.

If successful, TRUE is returned.

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfSaveSceneGraph ( UINT  hFile,
SoSeparator pRoot,
) [static]

This method saves the scene graph pointed to by pRoot in the file specified by hFile.

If successful, TRUE is returned.

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfSaveSceneGraph ( LPCTSTR  lpFname,
SoSeparator pRoot,
) [static]

This method saves the scene graph pointed to by pRoot in the file specified by lpFname.

If successful, TRUE is returned.

void CIvfDocument::IvfScanForHints ( SoNode root  )  [protected]
virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfSceneGraphChanged (  )  [virtual]

This method notifies the view object that the scene graph has changed (but is not necessarily complete - see next).

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfSceneGraphCompleted (  )  [virtual]

Called to indicate all the inlines/textures have been retrieved.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfScrubInlines (  )  [virtual]

Forces resolution of inlines and replaces them with separators.

Used in embedded situation.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfSetBgColor ( const SbColor  )  [virtual]
void CIvfDocument::IvfSetFileHeader ( LPCSTR  header  )  [inline]

Set the fileHeader.

This is needed for 3SpaceAssistant's reading of a dxf file so that there is a valid fileHeader.

void CIvfDocument::IvfSetFileType ( IVF_FILETYPE   ) 
virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfSetSceneGraph ( SoSeparator pRoot  )  [virtual]

This method sets m_pSceneRoot to pRoot.

The scene graph previously pointed to by m_pSceneRoot (if any) is unrefed.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfSetupUrlFetchCallback (  )  [protected, virtual]

This method sets up the mechanism to trigger IvfOnFetchUrl each time the user clicks the left mouse button while the cursor is placed over an SoWWWAnchor node.

This mechanism is put in place only if m_nEnableUrlFetch is TRUE. This method calls SoWWWAnchor::setFetchURLCallBack to set the URL fetch callback to IvfStaticFetchUrlCB. An application should overload this method if a different URL fetch mechanism is desired.

static void CIvfDocument::IvfStaticFetchInlineUrlCB ( const SbString url,
void *  userData,
SoNode node 
) [static, protected]

Same as above, except for SoWWWInline (when inline is traversed).

static BOOL CIvfDocument::IvfStaticFetchTexture2UrlCB ( const SbString url,
void *  userData,
void *  node 
) [static, protected]
static void CIvfDocument::IvfStaticFetchUrlCB ( const SbString url,
void *  userData,
SoWWWAnchor node 
) [static, protected]

This method is invoked by SoWWWAnchor when the user clicks on a URL.

If m_nEnableUrlFetch is TRUE and m_nEnableSelection is FALSE, this method invokes IvfOnFetchUrl.

void CIvfDocument::IvfUpdateHeadlightHint ( BOOL  bOn  ) 

Add a headlight hint and set the contents to the value passed.

virtual void CIvfDocument::IvfUpdateTitle ( void   )  [virtual]
LPTSTR CIvfDocument::MakeFullUrlPath ( LPTSTR  out_url,
LPCTSTR  in_url 
) [protected]
BOOL CIvfDocument::MakeScratchName ( LPTSTR  new_path,
LPTSTR  filename 
) [protected]
static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::NavInfoCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]
virtual void CIvfDocument::OnFileViewInfo ( void   )  [virtual]

This processes the OnFileViewInfo (forwarded from the application).

void CIvfDocument::OnProcessPendingInline ( WPARAM  ,
) [protected]

called to process the WMIVF_PROCPENDINGINLINE message

void CIvfDocument::OpenLocalAsyncDoc ( CIvfAsyncFile *   )  [protected]

called when the async file is local (or resolved)

void CIvfDocument::PostInlineLocation ( SoNode ,
void *   
) [protected]
void CIvfDocument::ProcessPendingTexture2 ( CInlineItem *  ,
) [protected]
void CIvfDocument::SetBaseUrlPath ( LPCTSTR  b_path  ) 
virtual void CIvfDocument::setCameraType ( SoType  type  )  [virtual]

Sets the camera type that will be created if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).

By default an SoPerspectiveCamera will be created if no cameras are found.

Note: The set method will only take effect the next time a scene graph is loaded (and if no cameras are found).

static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::VRMLInlineCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]
static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::WorldInfoCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]
static SoCallbackAction::Response CIvfDocument::WWWInlineCB ( void *  userData,
SoCallbackAction action,
const SoNode node 
) [static, protected]

Member Data Documentation

BOOL CIvfDocument::anyLightsSet [static, protected]
BOOL CIvfDocument::autoClipOffHintSet [static, protected]
BOOL CIvfDocument::IVOpenError [protected]
TCHAR* CIvfDocument::lcl_scratch_filename[MAX_SCRATCH_FILES] [protected]
TCHAR CIvfDocument::m_BasePath[IVF_MAX_URL_NAME_LENGTH] [protected]
BOOL CIvfDocument::m_bDocInfoSet [protected]

Indicates if there is/are SoVRMLTouchSensor(s) in the scene graph.

char CIvfDocument::m_fileHeader[256] [protected]

type of file to output.

default is IVF_FILETYPE_IV

index to the active camera

flag that enables URL display mechanism

flag that enables url fetching

flag that enables the viewpoint menu

Scene graph stat values.

These are public for anyone to get to.

TCHAR CIvfDocument::m_OriginalPath[IVF_MAX_URL_NAME_LENGTH] [protected]

a list of paths to all of the SoWWWAnchor nodes in the scene graph.

CAsyncFileQueue* CIvfDocument::m_pAsyncQueue [protected]

saved background color & headlight node

These contain info about any contained camera switches.

pointer to a list of the cameras removed from the scene graph.

pointer to the parent of each camera in m_pCamList.

Used to restore the cameras.

Do NOT expect this to hang around.

This is used as very very temporary storage internally to save the default camera group between IvfRestoreCameras and IvfRemoveCameras. allows us to keep the definition for restoral even though it isn't being stored with the scene graph (!Embedded condition)

pointer to info nodes used as place holders in the scene graph to mark the location we removed the cameras from.

CInlineQueue* CIvfDocument::m_pInlineQueue [protected]

pointer to the root of the scene graph

saved viewport window size and parent

TCHAR CIvfDocument::m_StaticPath[IVF_MAX_URL_NAME_LENGTH] [static]
TCHAR CIvfDocument::m_urlName[IVF_MAX_URL_NAME_LENGTH] [protected]

buffer used by IvfLoc2Callback to keep track of the the most recent URL name.

member version

BOOL CIvfDocument::titleHintSet [static, protected]
BOOL CIvfDocument::viewerSpeedHintSet [static, protected]

probably never need more than one, but this will provide for future capability, if needed

Following is for hints support

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.