SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element Class Reference

VSG extension Stores the current gltexture coordinates. More...

#include <Inventor/elements/SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element:
SoTextureCoordinate3Element SoReplacedTextureElement SoElement SoTypedObject

List of all members.


struct  SoTexGenData

Public Member Functions

virtual CoordType getType (int unit=0) const
void send (int index, int unit=0) const
virtual void push (SoState *state)
virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()
static int getClassStackIndex ()
static void setTexGen (SoState *state, SoNode *node, SoTexCoordTexgenCB *texGenFunc, void *texGenData=NULL, SoTextureCoordinate3FunctionCB *func=NULL, void *funcData=NULL)
static const
getInstance (SoState *state)

Detailed Description

VSG extension Stores the current gltexture coordinates.

This element stores the current gltexture coordinates. The TextureCoordinateFunction nodes that use the GL texgen function to generate texture coordinates must register a callback that makes the appropriate GL calls with the element so pop() can reset the GL state back to what it should be. The TextureCoordinateFunction nodes that can't use the GL texgen function must register a NULL callback, in which case the element will disable the GL's automatic texture coordinate generation.

NOTE: This class does not exist in Open Inventor 10.0 and later.




Deprecated since Open Inventor 9620
SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element is no longer supported, use equivalent SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

Member Function Documentation

static int SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::getClassStackIndex (  )  [static]

Returns the stack id for this element.

Reimplemented from SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

static SoType SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns the type identifier for this class.

Reimplemented from SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

static const SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element* SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::getInstance ( SoState state  )  [static]

Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.

The send routines are called on an instance because it is more efficient than calling a static method that looks up the element in the state for every coordinate.

Reimplemented from SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

virtual CoordType SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::getType ( int  unit = 0  )  const [virtual]

Returns code indicating what has been set in state/element.

Reimplemented from SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

virtual void SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::pop ( SoState state,
const SoElement prevTopElement 
) [virtual]

Override pop() method to maintain GL state.

virtual void SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::push ( SoState state  )  [virtual]

Override push() method to set up new instance.

Reimplemented from SoTextureCoordinate3Element.

void SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::send ( int  index,
int  unit = 0 
) const

Send routine for EXPLICIT case.

static void SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element::setTexGen ( SoState state,
SoNode node,
SoTexCoordTexgenCB texGenFunc,
void *  texGenData = NULL,
SoTextureCoordinate3FunctionCB func = NULL,
void *  funcData = NULL 
) [static]

TextureCoordinateFunction nodes that use texgen must define and register a callback that makes the appropriate GL calls.

TextureCoordinateFunction nodes that don't use texgen must register a NULL callback to turn off texgen. The texGen arguments point to a function that will issue GL TexGen calls; the func arguments must point to a static function that will return the results of the texgen function (needed because some nodes render by using their generatePrimitives method).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.