
The element classes are used internally for storing information in Open Inventor's traversal state list. More...


class  SoAccumulatedElement
 Abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set. More...
class  SoAmbientColorElement
 Stores ambient color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement
  VSG extension Stores the current character orientation flag of an SoAnnoText3Property node. More...
class  SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement
  VSG extension Stores the current font size hint of an SoAnnoText3Property node. More...
class  SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement
  VSG extension Stores the current render print type of an SoAnnoText3Property node. More...
class  SoBBoxModelMatrixElement
 Stores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction. More...
class  SoBBoxTypeElement
  VSG extension Stores the current BBox type. More...
class  SoBevelPropertyElement
  VSG extension Stores various beveling attributes. More...
class  SoBumpMappingPropertyElement
  VSG extension Stores bump mapping properties. More...
class  SoCacheElement
 Stores the most recently opened cache. More...
class  SoClipPlaneElement
 Stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes. More...
class  SoColorMapElement
  VSG extension Stores the current color map. More...
class  SoComplexityElement
 Stores the current shape complexity. More...
class  SoComplexityTypeElement
 Stores the current complexity type. More...
class  SoCoordinateElement
 Stores the current coordinates. More...
class  SoCreaseAngleElement
 Stores the current crease angle. More...
class  SoDecimationPercentageElement
  VSG extension Stores the current shape decimation percentage. More...
class  SoDecimationTypeElement
  VSG extension Stores the current decimation type. More...
class  SoDepthBufferElement
  VSG extension Stores the current depth buffer parameters. More...
class  SoDepthOffsetElement
  VSG extension Manage SoDepthOffset nodes accumulation in state. More...
class  SoDrawBufferElement
  VSG extension Stores the current draw buffer parameters. More...
class  SoDrawStyleElement
 Stores the current draw style. More...
class  SoEdgeFlagElement
  VSG extension Stores the edge flag values. More...
class  SoElement
 Abstract base class for all state elements. More...
class  SoEmissiveColorElement
 Stores emissive color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoEnvironmentElement
  VSG extension Stores the current environment. More...
class  SoFloatElement
 Element's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value. More...
class  SoFocalDistanceElement
 Stores the current focal distance of the camera. More...
class  SoFontNameElement
 Stores the current font name. More...
class  SoFontRenderStyleElement
  VSG extension Stores the current font render style. More...
class  SoFontSizeElement
 Stores the current font size. More...
class  SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement
  VSG extension Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state. More...
class  SoGeoOriginElement
  VSG extension Stores the current geoOrigin More...
class  SoGeoRenderElement
  VSG extension Stores the current render projection More...
class  SoGLClipPlaneElement
 Adds a clipping plane to the set currently in GL. More...
class  SoGLColorIndexElement
 Stores color index of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoGLColorMapElement
  VSG extension Stores color map attributes. More...
class  SoGLCoordinateElement
 Stores the current coordinates. More...
class  SoGLDepthBufferElement
  VSG extension Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters. More...
class  SoGLDrawBufferElement
  VSG extension Stores the current OpenGL depth buffer parameters. More...
class  SoGLDrawStyleElement
 Changes the current draw style in GL. More...
class  SoGLEnvironmentElement
  VSG extension Stores the current environment in GL. More...
class  SoGLExtTextureImageElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture image in GL. More...
class  SoGLFullSceneAntialiasingElement
  VSG extension Stores full-scene antialiasing properties. More...
class  SoGLLazyElement
 Manages the GL state for the SoLazyElement. More...
class  SoGLLightIdElement
 Stores the id of the current light. More...
class  SoGLLinePatternElement
 Stores the current line pattern in GL. More...
class  SoGLLineWidthElement
 Stores the current line width in GL. More...
class  SoGLModelMatrixElement
 Stores the current model matrix in GL. More...
class  SoGLNormalElement
 Stores the current surface normals. More...
class  SoGLPatternElement
  VSG extension Stores the current pattern in GL. More...
class  SoGLPointSizeElement
 Stores the current point size in GL. More...
class  SoGLPolygonOffsetElement
  VSG extension Stores the current polygon offset in GL. More...
class  SoGLProjectionMatrixElement
 Stores the current projection matrix in GL. More...
class  SoGLRenderPassElement
 Stores the current rendering pass. More...
class  SoGLShaderProgramElement
  VSG extension Stores the current shader program. More...
class  SoGLShadowStyleElement
  VSG extension Stores the current shadow style. More...
class  SoGLShapeHintsElement
 Stores current shape hints and sends commands to GL based on them. More...
class  SoGLTexture3EnabledElement
  VSG extension Enables/disables 3D textures. More...
class  SoGLTextureCombinerElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture combiner attributes. More...
class  SoGLTextureCoordinate3Element
  VSG extension Stores the current gltexture coordinates. More...
class  SoGLTextureCoordinateElement
 Stores the current gltexture coordinates. More...
class  SoGLTextureCubeMapEnabledElement
  VSG extension Enables/disables textureCubeMap. More...
class  SoGLTextureEnabledElement
 Enables/disables textures. More...
class  SoGLTextureImage3Element
  VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture image in GL. More...
class  SoGLTextureImageElement
 Stores the current texture image in GL. More...
class  SoGLTextureMatrixElement
 Stores the current texture matrix in GL. More...
class  SoGLTextureUnitElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture unit in GL. More...
class  SoGLTransparencyTypeElement
  VSG extension Stores the current transparency type in GL. More...
class  SoGLUniformShaderParameterElement
  VSG extension Stores uniform shader parameter values. More...
class  SoGLUpdateAreaElement
 Stores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering. More...
class  SoGLViewingMatrixElement
 Stores the current viewing matrix in GL. More...
class  SoGLViewportRegionElement
 Stores the current viewport region in GL. More...
class  SoInt32Element
 Stores a single int32_t, int, or enum value. More...
class  SoInt32ListElement
 Stores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values. More...
class  SoInteractionElement
  VSG extension Stores the current interaction state. More...
class  SoInteractiveComplexityElement
  VSG extension Stores the current interactive complexity. More...
class  SoInteractiveSwitchElement
 Stores the current interactive switch index. More...
class  SoLazyElement
 Manages several properties that need to be lazily tracked for OpenGL. More...
class  SoLightAttenuationElement
 Stores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment. More...
class  SoLightElement
  VSG extension Stores information on lights. More...
class  SoLightModelElement
 Stores the current lighting model (superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoLinePatternElement
 Stores the current line stipple pattern. More...
class  SoLineWidthElement
 Stores the current line width. More...
class  SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
 Stores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction. More...
class  SoLogicalViewportElement
  VSG extension Stores the logical viewport region. More...
class  SoMaterialBindingElement
 Stores the current material binding. More...
class  SoModelMatrixElement
 Stores the current model matrix. More...
class  SoModifyLogicalViewportElement
  VSG extension Stores a logical viewport region subset. More...
class  SoModifyViewVolumeElement
  VSG extension Stores a view volume subset. More...
class  SoMultipleInstanceElement
 Stores current MultiInstance info. More...
class  SoMultiSwitchElement
 Stores the current multi-switch indices. More...
class  SoNeighborToleranceElement
  VSG extension Stores the current neighbor tolerance factor. More...
class  SoNormalBindingElement
 Stores current normal binding. More...
class  SoNormalElement
 Allows read-only access to the top element in the state. More...
class  SoNurbsPropertyElement
  VSG extension Stores current NURBS properties. More...
class  SoOverrideElement
 Stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden. More...
class  SoPatternElement
  VSG extension Stores current pattern value. More...
class  SoPickMethodElement
 Stores the current pick method. More...
class  SoPickRayElement
 Stores the current ray to use for picking. More...
class  SoPickStyleElement
 Stores the current pick style. More...
class  SoPointSizeElement
 Stores the current point size. More...
class  SoPolygonOffsetElement
  VSG extension Stores current polygon offset state. More...
class  SoProfileCoordinateElement
 Stores the current profile coordinates. More...
class  SoProfileElement
 Stores 2D profiles for NURBS and 3D text. More...
class  SoProjectionMatrixElement
 Stores the current projection matrix. More...
class  SoRenderObjectListElement
  VSG extension Stores the recent render object list. More...
class  SoReplacedElement
 Abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set. More...
class  SoReplacedTextureElement
  VSG extension Abstract base class for each texture state element. More...
class  SoShaderProgramElement
  VSG extension Stores the current shader program. More...
class  SoShapeHintsElement
 Stores the current shape hints. More...
class  SoShapeStyleElement
 Stores some information used by shapes. More...
class  SoShininessElement
 Stores shininess of current material (mostly superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoSpecularColorElement
 Stores specular color of current material (superseded by SoLazyElement). More...
class  SoStereoElement
  VSG extension Stores the current stereo attributes. More...
class  SoSwitchElement
 Stores the current switch index. More...
class  SoTextAliasingFactorElement
  VSG extension Stores the current textured text anti-aliasing factor. More...
class  SoTextAlignmentHElement
  VSG extension Stores the current horizontal text alignment. More...
class  SoTextAlignmentVElement
  VSG extension Stores the current vertical text alignment. More...
class  SoTextBackFrameLineWidthElement
  VSG extension Stores the current text backFrame line width. More...
class  SoTextKerningElement
  VSG extension Stores the current kerning value. More...
class  SoTextMarginElement
  VSG extension Stores the current text margin. More...
class  SoTextOrientationElement
  VSG extension Stores the current text orientation attributes. More...
class  SoTextOutlineEnabledElement
  VSG extension Stores the current 3D text outline flag. More...
class  SoTextStyleColorsElement
  VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range. More...
class  SoTextStyleElement
  VSG extension Stores the current text effect settings. More...
class  SoTextTextureQualityRangeElement
  VSG extension Stores the current textured text quality range. More...
class  SoTexture3EnabledElement
  VSG extension Enables/disables 3D textures. More...
class  SoTextureCombinerElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture combiner parameters. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinate3Element
  VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture coordinates. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement
 Stores the current 3D texture coordinates. More...
class  SoTextureCoordinateElement
 Stores the current texture coordinates. More...
class  SoTextureCubeMapEnabledElement
  VSG extension Enables/disables textureCubeMap. More...
class  SoTextureEnabledElement
 Enables/disables textures. More...
class  SoTextureImage3Element
  VSG extension Stores the current 3D texture image. More...
class  SoTextureImageElement
 Stores the current texture image. More...
class  SoTextureImageElementBase
 Stores the current texture image. More...
class  SoTextureMatrixElement
 Stores the current texture matrix. More...
class  SoTextureNameElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture name. More...
class  SoTextureQualityElement
 Stores the current texture quality. More...
class  SoTextureOverrideElement
 Stores the current texture override. More...
class  SoTextureSendingEnabledElement
  VSG extension Stores the information that indicates if texture calls must be sent. More...
class  SoTextureTransformElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture transform. More...
class  SoTextureUnitElement
  VSG extension Stores the current texture unit identifier. More...
class  SoTransparencyTypeElement
  VSG extension Stores the current transparency type. More...
class  SoUniformShaderParameterElement
  VSG extension Stores the current uniform shader parameter. More...
class  SoUnitsElement
 Stores the current units type. More...
class  SoVertexFlagElement
  VSG extension Stores the current vertex flag. More...
class  SoVertexShaderParameterElement
  VSG extension Stores SoVertexShaderParameter nodes encountered during traversal. More...
class  SoViewingMatrixElement
 Stores the current viewing matrix. More...
class  SoViewportRegionElement
 Stores the current viewport region. More...
class  SoViewVolumeElement
 Stores the current view volume. More...
class  SoWindowElement
 Stores the current window attributes. More...
class  SoDataSetIdElement
 Stores the current dataset id. More...
class  SoVolumeTransformElement
 Stores the current volume transform(s). More...


The DirectViz API is no longer

Detailed Description

The element classes are used internally for storing information in Open Inventor's traversal state list.

They are of potential interest only to programmers who are extending Open Inventor. For further information on this topic, see "The Inventor Toolmaker".

Variable Documentation

The DirectViz API is no longer supported SoMaterialElement

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.