SoGLExtTextureImageElement Class Reference

VSG extension Stores the current texture image in GL. More...

#include <Inventor/elements/SoGLExtTextureImageElement.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoGLExtTextureImageElement:
SoReplacedElement SoElement SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()
static int getClassStackIndex ()
static SoGLDisplayListset (SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbVec2i32 &s, int nc, unsigned char *&bytes, GLint GLInternalFormat, GLenum compressedFormat, unsigned char *&palette, float texQuality, int wrapS, int wrapT, int model, const SbColor &blendColor, float maxAnisotropy, SbBool enableBorder, const SbVec4f &borderColor, SbBool enableCompressedTexture, SbBool isCompressed, int numCompressedMipmaps, SoGLDisplayList *list)
static void setFilter (SoState *state, SoNode *node, int _minFilter, int _magFilter)


set (SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbVec2s &s, int nc, unsigned char *&bytes, GLint GLInternalFormat, GLenum compressedFormat, unsigned char *&palette, float texQuality, int wrapS, int wrapT, int model, const SbColor &blendColor, float maxAnisotropy, SbBool enableBorder, const SbVec4f &borderColor, SbBool enableCompressedTexture, SbBool isCompressed, int numCompressedMipmaps, SoGLDisplayList *list)

Detailed Description

VSG extension Stores the current texture image in GL.

This element stores the current texture image in GL. Overrides the virtual methods on SoTextureImageElement to send the image to GL when necessary.

NOTE: This class does not exist in Open Inventor 10.0 and later.

Note that this class relies on SoTextureImageElement to store the image in the instance.




Deprecated since Open Inventor 9620
SoGLExtTextureImageElement is no longer supported. See section of the Reference Manual.

Member Function Documentation

static int SoGLExtTextureImageElement::getClassStackIndex (  )  [static]

Returns the stack id for this element.

Reimplemented from SoReplacedElement.

static SoType SoGLExtTextureImageElement::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns the type identifier for this class.

Reimplemented from SoReplacedElement.

virtual void SoGLExtTextureImageElement::pop ( SoState state,
const SoElement prevTopElement 
) [virtual]

Overrides pop() method so side effects can occur in GL.

static SoDEPRECATED SoGLDisplayList* SoGLExtTextureImageElement::set ( SoState state,
SoNode node,
const SbVec2s s,
int  nc,
unsigned char *&  bytes,
GLint  GLInternalFormat,
GLenum  compressedFormat,
unsigned char *&  palette,
float  texQuality,
int  wrapS,
int  wrapT,
int  model,
const SbColor blendColor,
float  maxAnisotropy,
SbBool  enableBorder,
const SbVec4f borderColor,
SbBool  enableCompressedTexture,
SbBool  isCompressed,
int  numCompressedMipmaps,
SoGLDisplayList list 
) [static]

Sets the current image, wrap modes, and model.

This will try to build or use a GL display list, if it can; the display list ID is returned (-1 if there is none), and should be saved and passed in the next time the element is set. The node calling this routine is responsible for calling glDeleteLists to free up the display list at the right time.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9400
Specify the size with a SbVec2i32 instead.
static SoGLDisplayList* SoGLExtTextureImageElement::set ( SoState state,
SoNode node,
const SbVec2i32 s,
int  nc,
unsigned char *&  bytes,
GLint  GLInternalFormat,
GLenum  compressedFormat,
unsigned char *&  palette,
float  texQuality,
int  wrapS,
int  wrapT,
int  model,
const SbColor blendColor,
float  maxAnisotropy,
SbBool  enableBorder,
const SbVec4f borderColor,
SbBool  enableCompressedTexture,
SbBool  isCompressed,
int  numCompressedMipmaps,
SoGLDisplayList list 
) [static]

Sets the current image, wrap modes, and model.

This will try to build or use a GL display list, if it can; the display list ID is returned (-1 if there is none), and should be saved and passed in the next time the element is set. The node calling this routine is responsible for calling glDeleteLists to free up the display list at the right time.

static void SoGLExtTextureImageElement::setFilter ( SoState state,
SoNode node,
int  _minFilter,
int  _magFilter 
) [static]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.