SoLDMGeometry Class Reference

Large Data Management VVizGeometry More...

#include <LDM/SoLDMGeometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoLDMGeometry:

List of all members.


struct  GeometryInfos

Public Member Functions

 SoLDMGeometry ()
virtual ~SoLDMGeometry ()
void beginCollectingGeometry (SoState *state=NULL)
void addGeometry (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
void endCollectingGeometry (SoState *state=NULL)
bool isTileInROI (SoROI *, const SbBox3i32 &, SoLDMTileVisitor::NodeStatus &, SbBool)
int getGeometry (SbPList &geomList)
void assignTilePriority ()


class SoLDMGeometryToUpdate
class SoLDMGeometryUpdated

Detailed Description

Large Data Management VVizGeometry

This class is only needed for advanced users who intend to extend or replace internal LDM algorithms.

NOTE: This class does not exist in Open Inventor 10.0 and later.

The SoLDMGeometry node is in charge of collecting the geometry relevant to the data set being rendered. This geometry collection is used by the SoLDMTileVisitor to evaluate the importance of tiles. Any modification of the geometry collection (geometry is added or removed) results in a new collection done during a render traversal before anything is evaluated and rendered. Once the geometry is collected, SoLDMGeometry notifies SoLDMNodeFrontManager that the texture node front needs reevaluation. Each piece of geometry can have a weight associated with it. The user can then focus on highlighting the part of the data set that is the most interesting for him. The weight can be used by the SoLDMTileVisitor to assign the tiles weight.


SoLDMNodeFrontManager SoLDMTileVisitor


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9700
LDM Geometry is no longer used.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoLDMGeometry::SoLDMGeometry (  ) 


virtual SoLDMGeometry::~SoLDMGeometry (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void SoLDMGeometry::addGeometry ( SoAction action,
SoNode node 

Add geometry.

The action is passed to access state and geometry information.

void SoLDMGeometry::assignTilePriority (  ) 

Based on geometry state, sets the tileID threshold under which tile weights should be reset in memory before a topology evaluation.

void SoLDMGeometry::beginCollectingGeometry ( SoState state = NULL  ) 

Indicates geometry collection is going to begin.

void SoLDMGeometry::endCollectingGeometry ( SoState state = NULL  ) 

Indicates geometry collection is achieved.

int SoLDMGeometry::getGeometry ( SbPList geomList  ) 

Returns the exhaustive list of geometries.

bool SoLDMGeometry::isTileInROI ( SoROI ,
const SbBox3i32 ,
SoLDMTileVisitor::NodeStatus ,

Returns TRUE if the tile box is inside the geometry ROI.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SoLDMGeometryToUpdate [friend]
friend class SoLDMGeometryUpdated [friend]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.