SoWxExaminerViewer Class Reference

VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data. More...

#include <Inventor/Wx/viewers/SoWxExaminerViewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoWxExaminerViewer:
SoWxFullViewer SoWxViewer SoWxRenderArea SoStereoViewer SoWxGLWidget SoWxComponent

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ViewingMode {
enum  ConstrainedViewingMode {

Public Member Functions

 SoWxExaminerViewer (wxWindow *parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent=TRUE, SoWxFullViewer::BuildFlag flag=SoWxFullViewer::BUILD_ALL, SoWxViewer::Type type=SoWxViewer::BROWSER)
 ~SoWxExaminerViewer ()
void setViewingMode (ViewingMode viewingMode)
ViewingMode getViewingMode () const
void setConstrainedViewingMode (ConstrainedViewingMode mode)
ConstrainedViewingMode getConstrainedViewingMode () const
void setFeedbackVisibility (SbBool onOrOff)
SbBool isFeedbackVisible () const
void setFeedbackSize (int newSize)
int getFeedbackSize () const
void setAnimationEnabled (SbBool onOrOff)
SbBool isAnimationEnabled ()
void stopAnimating ()
SbBool isAnimating ()
virtual void viewAll ()
virtual void resetToHomePosition ()
virtual void setCamera (SoCamera *cam)
virtual void setViewing (SbBool onOrOff)
virtual void setCursorEnabled (SbBool onOrOff)
virtual void setSeekMode (SbBool onOrOff)
virtual void activateSpinning (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void activatePanning (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void activateDolly (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void activateRoll (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void rollCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void spinCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator)
virtual void spinConstrainedCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator, int axisIndex)
virtual void dollyCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void reverseDollyCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
virtual void panCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator)

Detailed Description

VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data.

The Examiner viewer component allows you to rotate the view around a point of interest using a virtual trackball. The viewer uses the camera focalDistance field to figure out the point of rotation, which is usually set to be at the center of the scene. In addition to allowing you to rotate the camera around the point of interest, this viewer also allows you to translate the camera in the viewer plane, as well as dolly (move forward and backward) to get closer to or further away from the point of interest. The viewer seek capability can be used to position the camera towards a selected object or point.

The center of rotation for the ExaminerViewer, called the focalPoint, is defined as a point that is focalDistance from the camera position, along the viewVector, where the viewVector is (indirectly) defined by the camera orientation. You can compute the focalPoint for the current camera settings like this:

       SoCamera* camera = viewer->getCamera();
       SbMatrix mx;                         // Note constructor does not accept SbRotation
       mx = camera->orientation.getValue(); // Assignment converts SbRotation to SbMatrix
       SbVec3f viewVec(-mx[2][0], -mx[2][1], -mx[2][2]);
       SbVec3f camPos  = camera->position.getValue();
       float   focDist = camera->focalDistance.getValue();
       SbVec3f focalPt = camPos + (focDist * viewVec);

To better understand the above code, remember that we can convert an SbRotation to an SbMatrix and, since orientation is a pure rotation matrix, we can consider the first three columns of this matrix to be the orthogonal X, Y and Z vectors defining the rotated coordinate system. Therefore the view vector is the inversion of the Z axis vector; and finally because this vector is already normalized, an offset of "dist" along this vector is simply "dist * vector". Of course if you have a focalPoint in mind, you can work backward to compute camera position or focalDistance depending on which parameters you want to keep constant.



SoWxFullViewer, SoWxViewer, SoWxComponent, SoWxRenderArea, SoWxPlaneViewer

Member Enumeration Documentation

Constrained viewing mode.


No axis constraints.


Constrains camera rotation around X axis.


Constrains camera rotation around Y axis.


Constrains camera rotation around Z axis.

Viewing mode.


Rotate the camera around the point of interest.


Same as VIEWING_MODE_SPIN but add also constrained camera rotation.

It modifies the viewer usage described previously as follow:

  • Ctrl + Left Mouse : Rotation around the Z axis
  • Shift + Left Mouse or : Rotation around the X or the Y axis.

If the mouse movement is globally from the left to the right (resp. from up to down) the Y axis (resp. X axis) is chosen.


Translate the camera in the viewer plane.


Dolly/Zoom (move forward and backward) to get closer to or further away from the point of interest.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoWxExaminerViewer::SoWxExaminerViewer ( wxWindow *  parent = NULL,
const char *  name = NULL,
SbBool  buildInsideParent = TRUE,
SoWxFullViewer::BuildFlag  flag = SoWxFullViewer::BUILD_ALL,
SoWxViewer::Type  type = SoWxViewer::BROWSER 

Constructor which specifies the viewer type.

Please refer to SoWxViewer for a description of the viewer types.

SoWxExaminerViewer::~SoWxExaminerViewer (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::activateDolly ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Sets the start locator for dolly camera animation.

This method should be called fisrt, before to start a dolly camera animation.

newLocator The start mouse position in pixels. The coordinates must be defined with x in the range [0,window width] and y in the range [0,window height] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
Since Open Inventor 9.2.1

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::activatePanning ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Sets the start locator for pan camera animation.

This method should be called fisrt, before to start a pan camera animation.

newLocator The start mouse position in pixels. The coordinates must be defined with x in the range [0,window width] and y in the range [0,window height] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
Since Open Inventor 9.2.1

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::activateRoll ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Sets the start locator for roll camera animation.

This method should be called fisrt, before to start a roll camera animation.

newLocator The start mouse position in pixels. The coordinates must be defined with x in the range [0,window width] and y in the range [0,window height] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
Since Open Inventor 9.2.1

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::activateSpinning ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Sets the start locator for spin camera animation.

This method should be called fisrt, before to start a spin camera animation.

newLocator The start mouse position in pixels. The coordinates must be defined with x in the range [0,window width] and y in the range [0,window height] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
Since Open Inventor 9.2.1

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::dollyCamera ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Move the camera on the z axis based on cursor motion.

This corresponds to pressing left and middle mouse buttons, pressing control + shift + left mouse button or using the mouse wheel.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in pixels with x in the range [0,window width-1] and y in the range [0,window height-1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
ConstrainedViewingMode SoWxExaminerViewer::getConstrainedViewingMode (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current constrained viewing mode.

int SoWxExaminerViewer::getFeedbackSize (  )  const [inline]

Returns the point of rotation feedback size in pixels.

ViewingMode SoWxExaminerViewer::getViewingMode (  )  const [inline]

Gets the current viewing mode.

SbBool SoWxExaminerViewer::isAnimating (  )  [inline]

Queries if the viewer is currently animating.

SbBool SoWxExaminerViewer::isAnimationEnabled (  )  [inline]

Returns whether spin animation is enabled.

SbBool SoWxExaminerViewer::isFeedbackVisible (  )  const [inline]

Returns the rotation feedback flag.

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::panCamera ( const SbVec2f newLocator  )  [virtual]

Pans the camera based on cursor motion.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in normalized device coordinates with x and y in the range [0,1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::resetToHomePosition (  )  [virtual]

Restores the camera values.

Reimplemented from SoWxViewer.

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::reverseDollyCamera ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Same as dollyCamera but reversed.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in pixels with x in the range [0,window width-1] and y in the range [0,window height-1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::rollCamera ( const SbVec2s newLocator  )  [virtual]

Roll the camera based on cursor motion.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in pixels with x in the range [0,window width-1] and y in the range [0,window height-1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
void SoWxExaminerViewer::setAnimationEnabled ( SbBool  onOrOff  ) 

Enables/disables the spin animation feature of the viewer (enabled by default).

The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_VIEWER_ANIMATION (0 = OFF, 1 = ON).

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::setCamera ( SoCamera cam  )  [virtual]

Sets the edited camera.

Setting the camera is only needed if the first camera found in the scene when setting the scene graph isn't the one the user really wants to edit.

Reimplemented from SoWxFullViewer.

void SoWxExaminerViewer::setConstrainedViewingMode ( ConstrainedViewingMode  mode  ) 

Sets the constrained viewing mode.

This method is useful to associate a key combination with a constrained mode. Notes:

  • There is no need to set the viewing mode to VIEWING_MODE_SPIN_CONSTRAINED to apply a constraint.
  • When the constrained mode is set to NONE, the automatic constraints apply if VIEWING_MODE_SPIN_CONSTRAINED is set.
  • This setting is a "one shot". It only applies to the next mouse button down event.
virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::setCursorEnabled ( SbBool  onOrOff  )  [virtual]

Sets whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window.

When disabled, the cursor is not defined by the viewer and will not change as the mode of the viewer changes. When re-enabled, the viewer will reset it to the appropriate icon.

Disabling the cursor enables the application to set the cursor directly on the viewer window or on any parent widget of the viewer. This can be used when setting a busy cursor on the application shell.

Reimplemented from SoWxViewer.

void SoWxExaminerViewer::setFeedbackSize ( int  newSize  ) 

Sets the point of rotation feedback size in pixels (default 20 pix).

void SoWxExaminerViewer::setFeedbackVisibility ( SbBool  onOrOff  ) 

Shows/hides the point of rotation feedback, which only appears while in viewing mode (default is off).

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::setSeekMode ( SbBool  onOrOff  )  [virtual]

Set the viewer into/out of seek mode (default OFF).

Actual seeking will not happen until the viewer decides to, for example, on a mouse click.

Note: Setting the viewer out of seek mode while the camera is being animated will stop the animation at the current location.

Reimplemented from SoWxViewer.

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::setViewing ( SbBool  onOrOff  )  [virtual]

Sets whether the viewer is turned on or off.

When turned on, events are consumed by the viewer. When viewing is off, events are processed by the viewer's render area. This means events will be sent down to the scene graph for processing (i.e. picking can occur). Note that if the application has registered an event callback, it will be invoked on every message, whether viewing is turned on or not. However, the return value of this callback (which specifies whether the callback handled the event or not) is ignored when viewing is on. That is, the viewer will process the event even if the callback already did. This is to ensure that the viewing paradigm is not broken (default viewing is on).

Reimplemented from SoWxFullViewer.

void SoWxExaminerViewer::setViewingMode ( ViewingMode  viewingMode  ) 

Sets the viewing mode.

This method specifies what is the viewing behavior when the left mouse is pressed. The default value is SPIN_VIEWING_MODE.

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::spinCamera ( const SbVec2f newLocator  )  [virtual]

Spin the camera based on cursor motion.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in normalized device coordinates with x and y in the range [0,1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::spinConstrainedCamera ( const SbVec2f newLocator,
int  axisIndex 
) [virtual]

Spin the constrained camera based on cursor motion.

newLocator The new cursor position. The coordinates are in normalized device coordinates with x and y in the range [0,1] with min y at the bottom and min x on the left.
axisIndex the axis index:

  • X = 0
  • Y = 1
  • Z = 2
void SoWxExaminerViewer::stopAnimating (  ) 

Stops animation, if it is occurring.

virtual void SoWxExaminerViewer::viewAll (  )  [virtual]

Changes the camera position to view the entire scene (the camera zoom or orientation isn't changed).

The viewer applies an SoGetBoundingBoxAction to the scene graph to get the bounding box of the entire scene. The bounding box will only include shapes that are actually traversed. For example the bounding box will not include shapes under an SoSwitch with whichChild set to SO_SWITCH_NONE. The action does not consider the visibility of shapes that are traversed. In other words the bounding box will include shapes that are invisible (SoDrawStyle), shapes that are clipped (SoClipPlane), etc. Use an SoBBox node to exclude shapes from the bounding box computation. Bounding boxes are automatically cached at SoSeparator nodes, so getting the bounding box is very fast when the scene graph has not been changed.

See all SoCamera::viewAll(). This method allows the application to adjust the camera based on a specific sub-graph or path in the scene graph.

Reimplemented from SoWxViewer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.