SbPipe Class Reference

ScaleViz Stores the graphics info and resources for a MultiPipe window More...

#include <Inventor/MP/Xt/SbPipe.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  mpView {

Public Member Functions

 SbPipe ()
 ~SbPipe ()
void setViewportValues (SbVec4f)
SbVec4f getViewportValues (void)
DisplaygetDisplay (void)
void setDisplay (Display *)
char * getDisplayName (void)
void setDisplayName (char *)
void setWall (SbVec3f ll, SbVec3f lr, SbVec3f ul)
void getWall (SbVec3f &ll, SbVec3f &lr, SbVec3f &ul)
SbBool isWallSet (void)
SoWidget getWidget (void)
SoWidget getShell (void)
Window getWindow (void)
SoWidget getFormWidget (void)
SoWidget getPopupWidget (void)
void setPopupWidget (SoWidget)
SbGlContextHelper::GLContext getContext (void)
void setContext (SbGlContextHelper::GLContext)
XVisualInfo * getVisual (void)
void setId (int)
int getId (void)
void setView (mpView)
mpView getView (void)
void setSize (SbVec2s)
SbVec2s getSize (void)
void setPosition (SbVec2s)
SbVec2s getPosition (void)
void setEdgeBlendingValues (float right, float left, float top, float bottom)
void getEdgeBlendingValues (float &right, float &left, float &top, float &bottom)


SoDEPRECATED SoWidget getOverlayWidget (void)
SoDEPRECATED Window getOverlayWindow (void)
getOverlayContext (void)
SoDEPRECATED void setOverlayContext (SbGlContextHelper::GLContext)

Detailed Description

ScaleViz Stores the graphics info and resources for a MultiPipe window

NOTE: This class does not exist in Open Inventor 10.0 and later.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION SbPipe is the class that stores the graphics information and resources for a MultiPipe window. SbPipe objects are created and initialized by SbConfig when the MultiPipe configuration file is read. There is one SbPipe object per screen (e.g., SoFlatScreen) defined in the configuration file. Two SbPipe objects can create and display two MultiPipe windows on the same physical graphics pipe, depending on the hardware.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Multipipe view.












Top right.


Top left.


Bottom right.


Bottom left.




Stereo right.


Stereo left.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SbPipe::SbPipe (  ) 


SbPipe::~SbPipe (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

SbGlContextHelper::GLContext SbPipe::getContext ( void   ) 

Returns the OpenGL context.

Display* SbPipe::getDisplay ( void   ) 

Returns the display connection.

char* SbPipe::getDisplayName ( void   ) 

Returns a string containing the name of the display.

void SbPipe::getEdgeBlendingValues ( float &  right,
float &  left,
float &  top,
float &  bottom 

Returns values for edge blending.

The values are percentages of the virtual viewport (i.e., the viewport that contains the MultiPipe windows).

SoWidget SbPipe::getFormWidget ( void   ) 

Returns the form widget managing the drawing area widget.

int SbPipe::getId ( void   ) 

Returns the SbPipe id.

SoDEPRECATED SbGlContextHelper::GLContext SbPipe::getOverlayContext ( void   ) 

Returns the OpenGL context for overlays.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
Overlay feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.
SoDEPRECATED SoWidget SbPipe::getOverlayWidget ( void   ) 

Returns the widget containing the overlay graphics (drawing area widget).


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
Overlay feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.
SoDEPRECATED Window SbPipe::getOverlayWindow ( void   ) 

Returns the window ID of the overlay drawing area widget.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
Overlay feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.
SoWidget SbPipe::getPopupWidget ( void   ) 

Returns the popupWidget.

SbVec2s SbPipe::getPosition ( void   ) 

Returns the position of the MultiPipe window in pixels.

SoWidget SbPipe::getShell ( void   ) 

Returns the shell widget.

SbVec2s SbPipe::getSize ( void   ) 

Returns the size of the MultiPipe window in pixels.

mpView SbPipe::getView ( void   ) 

Returns the SbPipe view, (i.e., portion of the scene to render).

SbVec4f SbPipe::getViewportValues ( void   ) 

Returns viewport values to describe the part of the scene to be rendered into the MultiPipe window.

XVisualInfo* SbPipe::getVisual ( void   ) 

Returns the visual info structure.

void SbPipe::getWall ( SbVec3f ll,
SbVec3f lr,
SbVec3f ul 

Returns the wall coordinates.

SoWidget SbPipe::getWidget ( void   ) 

Returns the widget containing the graphics (drawing area widget).

Window SbPipe::getWindow ( void   ) 

Returns the window ID of the drawing area widget.

SbBool SbPipe::isWallSet ( void   ) 

Returns TRUE if the wall coordinates have been set.

void SbPipe::setContext ( SbGlContextHelper::GLContext   ) 

Sets the OpenGL context.

void SbPipe::setDisplay ( Display  ) 

Sets the display connection.

void SbPipe::setDisplayName ( char *   ) 

Sets the name of the display.

void SbPipe::setEdgeBlendingValues ( float  right,
float  left,
float  top,
float  bottom 

Sets values for edge blending.

The values are percentages of the virtual viewport (i.e., the viewport that contains the MultiPipe windows).

void SbPipe::setId ( int   ) 

Sets the SbPipe id.

SoDEPRECATED void SbPipe::setOverlayContext ( SbGlContextHelper::GLContext   ) 

Sets the OpenGL context for overlays.


Deprecated since Open Inventor 9610
Overlay feature is legacy, and no longer makes sense with current hardware.
void SbPipe::setPopupWidget ( SoWidget   ) 

Sets the popupWidget.

void SbPipe::setPosition ( SbVec2s   ) 

Sets the position of the MultiPipe window in pixels.

The default value is (0,0)

void SbPipe::setSize ( SbVec2s   ) 

Sets the size of the MultiPipe window in pixels.

SbConfig, by default, sets the size of the MultiPipe Window to the size of the X Display.

void SbPipe::setView ( mpView   ) 

Sets the SbPipe view, (i.e., portion of the scene to render).

void SbPipe::setViewportValues ( SbVec4f   ) 

Sets viewport values to describe the part of the scene to be rendered into the MultiPipe window.

void SbPipe::setWall ( SbVec3f  ll,
SbVec3f  lr,
SbVec3f  ul 

Sets the wall coordinates.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.