SoError Class Reference

Error handling base class. More...

#include <Inventor/errors/SoError.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoError:
SoTypedObject SoDebugError SoErrorStack SoGLError SoMemoryError SoReadError

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const SbStringgetDebugString () const
virtual SoType getTypeId () const
virtual ~SoError ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void setHandlerCallback (SoErrorCB *cb, void *data)
static SoErrorCBgetHandlerCallback ()
static void * getHandlerData ()
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
static SoPRINTF void post (const char *formatString...)

Detailed Description

Error handling base class.

SoError is the base class for all error classes, which provide error handling for applications. There are two facets to errors: posting and handling. An error is posted when some bad condition occurs. Posting is done primarily by the Open Inventor library itself, but extenders can post their own errors. Posting an error creates an instance of the appropriate error class (or subclass) and then passes it to the active error handler. The default handler just prints an appropriate message to stderr. Applications can override this behavior by supplying a different handler (by specifying a callback ). Some implementations of the Open Inventor window system specific layer provide alternate ways to display an error message, for example SoConsole.

Each subclass of SoError supports the setHandlerCallback() method, which is used to set the callback to handle errors. The callback for a specific error class is always used in preference to that of any base classes when handling errors. The error instance passed to a callback is deleted immediately after the callback is called; an application that wishes to save information from the instance has to copy it out first.

Each error class contains a run-time class type id (SoType) that can be used to determine the type of an instance. The base class defines a character string that represents a detailed error message that is printed by the default handler. All handlers are called by the SoError::handleError() method. When debugging, you can set a breakpoint on this method to stop right before an error is handled.


SoDebugError, SoMemoryError, SoReadError, SoGLError

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual SoError::~SoError (  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

static SoType SoError::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns type identifier for SoError class.

Reimplemented from SoTypedObject.

Reimplemented in SoDebugError, SoErrorStack, SoGLError, SoMemoryError, and SoReadError.

const SbString& SoError::getDebugString (  )  const [inline]

Returns debug string containing full error information from instance.

static SoErrorCB* SoError::getHandlerCallback (  )  [static]

Returns handler callback for SoError class.

Reimplemented in SoDebugError, SoErrorStack, SoGLError, SoMemoryError, and SoReadError.

static void* SoError::getHandlerData (  )  [static]

Returns handler data for SoError class.

Reimplemented in SoDebugError, SoErrorStack, SoGLError, SoMemoryError, and SoReadError.

virtual SoType SoError::getTypeId (  )  const [virtual]

Returns type identifier for error instance.

Implements SoTypedObject.

Reimplemented in SoDebugError, SoErrorStack, SoGLError, SoMemoryError, and SoReadError.

static SoPRINTF void SoError::post ( const char *  formatString...  )  [static]

Posts an error.

The debugString will be created from the given arguments, which are in printf() format

Reimplemented in SoMemoryError.

static void SoError::setHandlerCallback ( SoErrorCB cb,
void *  data 
) [static]

Sets handler callback for SoError class.

Reimplemented in SoDebugError, SoErrorStack, SoGLError, SoMemoryError, and SoReadError.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
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