SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d Class Reference

ImageViz SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d engine provides texture indicators based on the co-occurrence matrix computation. More...

#include <ImageViz/Engines/ImageAnalysis/Statistics/SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d:
SoImageVizEngine SoEngine SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.


class  SbCoocurrrenceDetail
 Results details of cooccurrence global measure. More...

Public Member Functions

 SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d ()

Public Attributes

SoSFImageDataAdapter inImage
SoSFImageDataAdapter inMaskImage
SoSFInt32 offsetX
SoSFInt32 offsetY
< SbCoocurrrenceDetail

Detailed Description

ImageViz SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d engine provides texture indicators based on the co-occurrence matrix computation.

The SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d engine provides some information concerning the texture thanks to the computation of a co-occurrence matrix. This command allow s to classify, given a direction $(dx,dy)$, pairs of pixels by their gray level. The co-occurrence matrix components are given by :


Where $I(x,y)$ is the image graylevel for $(x,y)$ coordinates.
This formulation means that for a given pair $(i,j)$, $M(i,j)$ contains the number of pixels verifying $I(x,y)=i$ and $I(x+dx,y+dy)=j$.

This matrix is made symmetric and normalized such as :

\[\forall(i,j),M(i,j)=M(j,i) ~\mbox{and} \sum_{i,j=1}^{N}M(i,j)=1\]

These operations allow to be independent to the image size and to hold properties on a direction and its symmetric. Thirteen indicators are computed from this matrix :

In addition this engine returns one more information in the result object which is the number of image pixels used for computation.



Library references: cooccurrence

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d::SoCooccurrenceQuantification2d (  ) 


Member Data Documentation

The input image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale binary label color image.

The binary image for the mask or empty (command looks for only inside).

This parameter is optional. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary color image.

The X Offset.

Default value is 1.

The Y Offset.

Default value is 0.

The output measure result.

Default value is NULL.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.