SoQtComponent Class Reference

VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components. More...

#include <Inventor/Qt/SoQtComponent.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoQtComponent:
SoQtColorEditor SoQtDirectionalLightEditor SoQtGLWidget SoQtMaterialEditor SoStereoDialog SoQtRenderArea SoQtViewer SoQtFullViewer SoQtConstrainedViewer SoQtExaminerViewer SoQtPlaneViewer SoQtFlyViewer SoQtWalkViewer

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void show ()
virtual void hide ()
SbBool isVisible ()
virtual QWidget * getWidget () const
SbBool isTopLevelShell () const
QWidget * getShellWidget () const
QWidget * getParentWidget () const
void setSize (const SbVec2s &size)
SbVec2s getSize ()
virtual SbBool setFullScreen (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isFullScreen (void) const
void setFullScreenEnable (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isFullScreenEnable (void) const
SbGlContextHelper::Display getDisplay ()
void setTitle (const char *newTitle)
void setTitle (const SbString &newTitle)
void setTitle (const QString &newTitle)
const QString getTitle () const
void setIconTitle (const QString &newIconTitle)
const QString getIconTitle () const
SbString getWidgetName () const
SbString getClassName () const
void setWindowCloseCallback (SoQtComponentCB *func, void *data=NULL)

Static Public Member Functions

static SoQtComponentgetComponent (QWidget *widget)

Public Attributes

SbString helpFileName

Detailed Description

VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components.

Abstract base class from which all Open Inventor Qt components are derived. This class provides a basic C++ protocol for building and displaying Qt components. Components are used to encapsulate some function or task into a reusable package in the form of a Qt widget handle that can be used in any Open Inventor Qt program. See the Example section on how to build and use SoQtComponents.



SoQt, SoQtRenderArea, SoQtViewer

Member Function Documentation

SbString SoQtComponent::getClassName (  )  const [inline]

Returns the class name.

The class name is predefined by each component.

static SoQtComponent* SoQtComponent::getComponent ( QWidget *  widget  )  [static]

Returns the SoQtComponent for this widget handle.

If the widget handle does not match that of any Open Inventor component, then NULL is returned.

SbGlContextHelper::Display SoQtComponent::getDisplay ( void   )  [inline]

On UNIX, returns the X display associated with this components widget.

const QString SoQtComponent::getIconTitle (  )  const [inline]

Included for portability only.

QWidget* SoQtComponent::getParentWidget (  )  const [inline]

Returns the parent widget handle.

QWidget* SoQtComponent::getShellWidget (  )  const [inline]

Returns the topLevelShell widget handle (NULL if the topLevelShell hasn't been created by this component).

SbVec2s SoQtComponent::getSize (  ) 

Convenience routine on the widget handle.

Reimplemented in SoQtViewer.

const QString SoQtComponent::getTitle (  )  const [inline]

Gets window title.

virtual QWidget* SoQtComponent::getWidget ( void   )  const [inline, virtual]

This returns the base widget handle for this component.

SbString SoQtComponent::getWidgetName (  )  const [inline]

Returns the widget handle name.

The widget handle name is passed to the build method.

virtual void SoQtComponent::hide (  )  [virtual]

This hides the component.

Reimplemented in SoQtColorEditor, SoQtDirectionalLightEditor, SoQtGLWidget, SoQtMaterialEditor, and SoQtFullViewer.

SbBool SoQtComponent::isFullScreen ( void   )  const

Queries if the viewer is in fullscreen mode.

SbBool SoQtComponent::isFullScreenEnable ( void   )  const

Queries if it is possible to put the viewer in fullscreen mode.

SbBool SoQtComponent::isTopLevelShell (  )  const [inline]

Returns TRUE if this component is a top level shell component (has its own window).

Subclasses may use this to decide if they are allowed to resize themselves.

SbBool SoQtComponent::isVisible (  ) 

Returns TRUE if this component is mapped onto the screen.

For a component to be visible, its widget and the shell containing this widget must be mapped (which is FALSE when the component is iconified).

virtual SbBool SoQtComponent::setFullScreen ( const SbBool  enable  )  [virtual]

Switches the viewer into (or out of) fullscreen mode.

This works fine on Windows, but has certain problems under the X Window System. For details, see the Qt documentation for QWidget::showFullScreen.

void SoQtComponent::setFullScreenEnable ( const SbBool  enable  ) 

Enables/disables fullscreen mode.

If fullscreen mode is disabled, it is not possible to activate fullscreen mode with the right mouse button popup menu.

void SoQtComponent::setIconTitle ( const QString &  newIconTitle  ) 

Included for portability only.

void SoQtComponent::setSize ( const SbVec2s size  ) 

Convenience routine on the widget handle.

void SoQtComponent::setTitle ( const QString &  newTitle  ) 

Sets window title.

The window title can be set for topLevelShell components or components which are directly under a shell window handle (i.e. components which have their own window).

void SoQtComponent::setTitle ( const SbString newTitle  ) 

Sets window title.

The window title can be set for topLevelShell components or components which are directly under a shell window handle (i.e. components which have their own window).

void SoQtComponent::setTitle ( const char *  newTitle  ) 

Sets window title.

The window title can be set for topLevelShell components or components which are directly under a shell window handle (i.e. components which have their own window).

void SoQtComponent::setWindowCloseCallback ( SoQtComponentCB func,
void *  data = NULL 
) [inline]

Sets which callback to call when the user closes this component (double click in the upper left corner) - by default hide() is called on this component, unless a callback is set to something other than NULL.

A pointer to this class will be passed as the callback data.

Note: this callback is supplied because the user may wish to delete this component when it is closed.

virtual void SoQtComponent::show (  )  [virtual]

This shows the component.

Reimplemented in SoQtColorEditor, SoQtDirectionalLightEditor, SoQtGLWidget, and SoQtMaterialEditor.

Member Data Documentation

Name of help file to open when the viewer Help button is pressed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.