SoVectorizeGDIAction Class Reference

HardCopy Vectorize a scene graph to MS-Windows GDI formats. More...

#include <HardCopy/SoVectorizeGDIAction.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoVectorizeGDIAction:
SoVectorizeAction SoAction SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId () const
 SoVectorizeGDIAction ()
virtual ~SoVectorizeGDIAction ()
SoGDIVectorOutputgetGDIVectorOutput () const
SbBool hasPrinter ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()


SoDEPRECATED SoGDIVectorOutputgetOutput () const

Detailed Description

HardCopy Vectorize a scene graph to MS-Windows GDI formats.

[Windows only] This class is not implemented on UNIX systems.

This class is used for vectorizing scene graphs to GDI format outputs. It contains an SoGDIVectorOutput instance which writes by default to the standard output (printer). Methods on the SoGDIVectorOutput can be called to specify the output type and its attributes (such as the EMF file name).

NOTE: If margin values are not valid for the targeted printer driver, it will be automatically reset to a correct one by the driver without prompting the user that the resulting output may not be exactly what he expected.

Printer Control:
By default this class controls the printer (making the StartDoc, StartPage, etc Windows system calls) and defines the logical to device coordinate system mapping. In some cases the application, or application framework (e.g. MFC) may wish to control the printer directly. This is possible by setting the preference variable OIV_HCGDI_APPCONTROL to a non-zero value, using either a config file or the SoPreferences class. When this variable is non-zero, the application is responsible for calling StartDoc, StartPage, EndPage and EndDoc to manage the printer. There are two modes, depending on the value of OIV_HCGDI_APPCONTROL:

NOTE: When OIV_HCGDI_APPCONTROL is set, the methods that take parameters in physical units (e.g. millimeters) actually expect the values in current device units. For example, in this mode most applications call the GDI method SetMapMode() with HI_METRIC, meaning that device units are now .01 millimeter (provides better resolution for detailed drawings). As a result methods like setDrawingDimensions() and setNominalWidth must now be called with HI_METRIC units. For 1 mm, pass the value 100.

Polygon edge width:
GDI uses a "brush" to draw the interior of a polygon and a "pen" to draw the edges of the polygon. By default the action uses a minimum width line for the polygon edges, but it is possible to specify the edge width by setting the environment variable OIV_HCGDI_EDGE_WIDTH (see SoPreferences). Zero means minimum width. Values > 0 are a scale factor applied to the "nominalWidth" (see SoVectorizeAction::setNominalWidth) similar to the line width set with SoDrawStyle::lineWidth. This value is fetched in the constructor so it must be set before creating an SoVectorizeGDIAction.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoVectorizeGDIAction::SoVectorizeGDIAction (  ) 


virtual SoVectorizeGDIAction::~SoVectorizeGDIAction (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

static SoType SoVectorizeGDIAction::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns the type identifier for this class.

Reimplemented from SoVectorizeAction.

SoGDIVectorOutput* SoVectorizeGDIAction::getGDIVectorOutput (  )  const

Returns the SoGDIVectorOutput instance in action.

SoDEPRECATED SoGDIVectorOutput* SoVectorizeGDIAction::getOutput (  )  const
virtual SoType SoVectorizeGDIAction::getTypeId (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.

Reimplemented from SoVectorizeAction.

SbBool SoVectorizeGDIAction::hasPrinter (  )  [inline]

Returns TRUE if the printer is set.

Initial value is FALSE.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.