SoCudaApi Class Reference
[CUDA device]

VSG extension CUDA access API More...

#include <Inventor/cuda/SoCudaApi.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, SoCudaBufferObject *pointer)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setBlockShape (SoCudaHandle *handle, int x, int y, int z)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setSharedMemorySize (SoCudaHandle *handle, int size)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, const void *pointer)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, char value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, unsigned char value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, short value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, unsigned short value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, long value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, unsigned long value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, int value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, unsigned int value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, float value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError setParameter (SoCudaHandle *handle, double value)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError resetParameters (SoCudaHandle *handle)
static SoCuda::SoCudaError launch (SoCudaHandle *handle, int gridWidth, int gridHeight)

Detailed Description

VSG extension CUDA access API

The SoCudaApi class provides functions to perform specific Cuda operations.

NOTE: This class does not exist in Open Inventor 10.0 and later.

Most of the functions setup SoCudaHandle parameters, like the function arguments, block size, etc... Those parameters are used when the CUDA function is called.




SoCuda, SoCudaContext, SoCudaDevice, SoCudaBufferObject

See related examples:

HelloCUDA, SimpleCUDAKernel, TextureConvolution, ComputeSlice, CudaMarchingCubes

Member Function Documentation

static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::launch ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
int  gridWidth,
int  gridHeight 
) [static]

Launch the specified kernel function.

handle The handle of the function to launch.
gridWidth The grid width.
gridHeight The grid height.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::resetParameters ( SoCudaHandle *  handle  )  [static]

This function resets the internal list of parameters for the specific list.

This function should be called before each launch in order to reset the parameters, then the setParameter* function can be called to update the parameters.

handle The function CUDA handle.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setBlockShape ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) [static]

This function specifies the thread blocks shape.

See SoCudaDevice to know the max block size for a specific device.

handle The Cuda handle of the function to set the block size for.
x X dimension of the the thread blocks.
y Y dimension of the the thread blocks.
z Z dimension of the the thread blocks.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
double  value 
) [static]

This function adds a double parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
float  value 
) [static]

This function adds a float parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
unsigned int  value 
) [static]

This function adds an unsigned integer parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
int  value 
) [static]

This function adds an integer parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
unsigned long  value 
) [static]

This function adds an unsigned integer parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
long  value 
) [static]

This function adds a long parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
unsigned short  value 
) [static]

This function adds an unsigned short parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
short  value 
) [static]

This function adds a short parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
unsigned char  value 
) [static]

This function adds an unsigned char parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
char  value 
) [static]

This function adds a char parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
value The value to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
const void *  pointer 
) [static]

This function adds a pointer parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
pointer The pointer to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setParameter ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
SoCudaBufferObject pointer 
) [static]

This function adds a SoCudaBufferObject parameter to the list of parameters sent to the kernel by launch function.

handle The function CUDA handle.
pointer The pointer to add to the parameters stack.
Operation result error code.
static SoCuda::SoCudaError SoCudaApi::setSharedMemorySize ( SoCudaHandle *  handle,
int  size 
) [static]

This function sets the size of the shared memory allocated for each thread block when the kernel is launched.

See SoCudaDevice to know the max size for a specific device.

handle The Cuda handle of the function for which we setup the block size.
size The size in bytes.
Operation result error code.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.