PbLinearDataMapping Class Reference

MeshViz Class to define linear data mapping. More...

#include <MeshViz/graph/PbLinearDataMapping.h>

Inheritance diagram for PbLinearDataMapping:
PbDataMapping PbBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PbLinearDataMapping ()
 PbLinearDataMapping (const PbLinearDataMapping &linearDataMap)
PbLinearDataMappingoperator= (const PbLinearDataMapping &linearDataMap)
void setValues (float v1, const SbColor &c1, float v2, const SbColor &c2)
void setValues (float v1, const SbColor &c1, float t1, float v2, const SbColor &c2, float t2)
void setValues (float v1, const PbHLSColor c1, float v2, const PbHLSColor c2)
void setValues (float v1, const PbHLSColor c1, float t1, float v2, const PbHLSColor c2, float t2)
void getValues (float &v1, SbColor &c1, float &v2, SbColor &c2) const
void getValues (float &v1, SbColor &c1, float &t1, float &v2, SbColor &c2, float &t2) const
void getValues (float &v1, PbHLSColor c1, float &v2, PbHLSColor c2) const
void getValues (float &v1, PbHLSColor c1, float &t1, float &v2, PbHLSColor c2, float &t2) const

Detailed Description

MeshViz Class to define linear data mapping.

This class is used to define linear data mapping. This object defines a linear association between colors, transparencies and floating-point values. In other words, this association is defined by 2 functions F(c,v) and F(c,t):

         F(c,v)(V) = C (with c being a color and v being a value).
         F(t,v)(V) = T (with t being a transparency and v being a value).

F(c,v) and F(t,v) are linear, so only two values (v1 and v2), two associated transparencies(t1,t2) and two associated colors (c1 and c2) define these functions. For a given value vi, its color ci is determined by linear interpolation between (v1,c1) and (v2,c2). Idem for the transparencies. By default v1=0, v2=0, c1=(0,0,0) (black), c2=(1,1,1) (white), t1=t2=0.0 (opaque).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PbLinearDataMapping::PbLinearDataMapping (  ) 

Default constructor.

PbLinearDataMapping::PbLinearDataMapping ( const PbLinearDataMapping linearDataMap  ) 

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void PbLinearDataMapping::getValues ( float &  v1,
PbHLSColor  c1,
float &  t1,
float &  v2,
PbHLSColor  c2,
float &  t2 
) const

Gets the current values v1,v2, the associated transparecny t1,t2, and the associated HLS colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::getValues ( float &  v1,
PbHLSColor  c1,
float &  v2,
PbHLSColor  c2 
) const

Gets the current values v1,v2 and the associated HLS colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::getValues ( float &  v1,
SbColor c1,
float &  t1,
float &  v2,
SbColor c2,
float &  t2 
) const

Gets the current values v1,v2, the associated transparecny t1,t2, and the associated RGB colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::getValues ( float &  v1,
SbColor c1,
float &  v2,
SbColor c2 
) const

Gets the current values v1,v2 and the associated RGB colors c1, c2.

PbLinearDataMapping& PbLinearDataMapping::operator= ( const PbLinearDataMapping linearDataMap  ) 

Assignment operator.

Reimplemented from PbDataMapping.

void PbLinearDataMapping::setValues ( float  v1,
const PbHLSColor  c1,
float  t1,
float  v2,
const PbHLSColor  c2,
float  t2 

Sets values v1,v2, the associated transparecny t1,t2, and the associated HLS colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::setValues ( float  v1,
const PbHLSColor  c1,
float  v2,
const PbHLSColor  c2 

Sets values v1,v2 and the associated HLS colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::setValues ( float  v1,
const SbColor c1,
float  t1,
float  v2,
const SbColor c2,
float  t2 

Sets values v1,v2, the associated transparecny t1,t2, and the associated RGB colors c1, c2.

void PbLinearDataMapping::setValues ( float  v1,
const SbColor c1,
float  v2,
const SbColor c2 

Sets values v1,v2 and the associated RGB colors c1, c2.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.