PbArrayOfInt Class Reference

DTEXT Dynamic array of int . More...

#include <MeshViz/misc/PbArrayOfInt.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PbArrayOfInt ()
 PbArrayOfInt (int init_size, int extend=10)
 PbArrayOfInt (const PbArrayOfInt &other_array)
 ~PbArrayOfInt ()
const int * get () const
int get (int index) const
int find (int val) const
void set (int index, int val)
int add (int val)
int add (int num_val, const int *val)
PbArrayOfIntoperator= (const PbArrayOfInt &other_array)
void operator+= (const PbArrayOfInt &other_array)
void operator+= (int val)
int & operator[] (int index)
const int & operator[] (int index) const
void setCapacity (int capacity, int extend)
void squeeze ()
int getCapacity () const
int getNum () const
void increasingSort ()
void decreasingSort ()
void empty ()


MESHVIZ_API friend int operator== (const PbArrayOfInt &array_1, const PbArrayOfInt &array_2)
MESHVIZ_API friend int operator!= (const PbArrayOfInt &array_1, const PbArrayOfInt &array_2)

Detailed Description

DTEXT Dynamic array of int .

ingroup MeshMisc DESCRIPTION It provides methods and operators for insertion and retrieval of int values. It automatically resizes itself when necessary.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PbArrayOfInt::PbArrayOfInt (  )  [inline]
PbArrayOfInt::PbArrayOfInt ( int  init_size,
int  extend = 10 

When the array resizes itself, the extension is a multiple of extend.

PbArrayOfInt::PbArrayOfInt ( const PbArrayOfInt other_array  ) 
PbArrayOfInt::~PbArrayOfInt (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

int PbArrayOfInt::add ( int  num_val,
const int *  val 

Inserts a list of int values at the end of the array.

Returns the location of the last one inserted.

int PbArrayOfInt::add ( int  val  )  [inline]

Inserts int value at the end of the array.

Returns its location in the array.

void PbArrayOfInt::decreasingSort (  ) 

Sorts array by decreasing order.

void PbArrayOfInt::empty (  )  [inline]

After empty, the array appears like no int value has been previously inserted.

int PbArrayOfInt::find ( int  val  )  const [inline]

Finds the first index in the array of a given int value (-1 if not found).

int PbArrayOfInt::get ( int  index  )  const [inline]

Gets the int value at a particular index.

const int * PbArrayOfInt::get (  )  const [inline]

Gets the adress of the internal array.

int PbArrayOfInt::getCapacity (  )  const [inline]

Gets the allocated size of the array.

int PbArrayOfInt::getNum (  )  const [inline]

Gets the number of values in the array.

void PbArrayOfInt::increasingSort (  ) 

Sorts array by increasing order.

void PbArrayOfInt::operator+= ( int  val  )  [inline]

Adds val at the end of the array.

void PbArrayOfInt::operator+= ( const PbArrayOfInt other_array  ) 

Appends other_array to the end of the array.

PbArrayOfInt& PbArrayOfInt::operator= ( const PbArrayOfInt other_array  ) 

Copy from other_array.

const int & PbArrayOfInt::operator[] ( int  index  )  const [inline]
int & PbArrayOfInt::operator[] ( int  index  )  [inline]
void PbArrayOfInt::set ( int  index,
int  val 
) [inline]

Inserts int value at a specified position in the array.

void PbArrayOfInt::setCapacity ( int  capacity,
int  extend 

set the capacity and allocate this capacity if necessary

void PbArrayOfInt::squeeze (  ) 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

MESHVIZ_API friend int operator!= ( const PbArrayOfInt array_1,
const PbArrayOfInt array_2 
) [friend]

Inequality comparison operator.

MESHVIZ_API friend int operator== ( const PbArrayOfInt array_1,
const PbArrayOfInt array_2 
) [friend]

Equality comparison operator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.