SoCADInputReader Class Reference
[Inventor CAD file format support]

VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a CAD file. More...

#include <Inventor/io/CAD/SoCADInputReader.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoCADInputReader:
SoInputReader SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoCADInputReader ()
virtual ~SoCADInputReader ()
virtual bool canConvert (SoInput *)
virtual SoSeparatorconvert (SoInput *)

Detailed Description

VSG extension Class for importing a scene graph from a CAD file.

This class can import data from a number of CAD file formats to an Open Inventor scenegraph.

Note that for each format, if the required license are available reading a file into Open Inventor is just like reading in an Open Inventor format file. Open Inventor will open the file and automatically detect its format and use this class to do the import.

List of supported formats:

File extensions File Format
.catpart, .catproduct CATIA V5. See CATIAV5_DETAILS.
.iges, .igs IGES reader. See IGES_DETAILS.
.xmt, .x_t, .x_b ParaSolid. see PARASOLID_DETAILS.
.par, .asm, .psm, .pwd SolidEdge. see SOLIDEDGE_DETAILS
.sldprt, .sldasm SolidWorks. see SOLIDWORKS_DETAILS
.prt Unigraphics. see UNIGRAPHICS_DETAILS
.step, .stp, .stp.Z STEP. see STEP_DETAILS
.dwg Autocad Dwg. see DWG_DETAILS.
.asm, .prt, .xar, .xpr PROECREO. see PROECREO_DETAILS.
.vda VDA.

Important Notes:

Part names will be imported, but since the names are assigned directly to nodes, the Open Inventor node name limitations will be enforced automatically (see SoBase::setName()). For example ' ' (blank or space) characters are replaced with '_' (underscore) characters and a leading '#' (hash or pound sign) character will be replaced with "_" (underscore).

CATIA V5 Input details:

CATIA V6 Input details:

DWG Input details:

IGES Input details:

JT Input details:

PARASOLID Input details:

ProE/Creo Parametric Input details:

SolidEdge Input details:

SolidWorks Input details:

STEP Input details:

Unigraphics Input details:


SoInput, SoInputParameters, SoCADFileFormat, SoCADInputReaderParameters

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoCADInputReader::SoCADInputReader (  ) 


virtual SoCADInputReader::~SoCADInputReader (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool SoCADInputReader::canConvert ( SoInput  )  [virtual]

Returns true if the specified input source can be converted by this plugin. Note that the input source (SoInput object) may be a file or a buffer (memory). This method should return false if the input source is a buffer and the reader does not support reading from a buffer. SoInput::getCurFile() returns NULL if the input source is a buffer.

Implements SoInputReader.

virtual SoSeparator* SoCADInputReader::convert ( SoInput  )  [virtual]

Returns the specified input source in the form of an Open Inventor scene graph. Note that the input source (SoInput object) may be a file or a buffer (memory). This method should return NULL if the input source is a buffer and the reader does not support reading from a buffer. SoInput::getCurFile() returns NULL if the input source is a buffer.

Implements SoInputReader.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.