PbGrid2D Class Reference

MeshViz Defines an abstract grid surface mesh. More...

#include <MeshViz/3Ddata/PbGrid2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for PbGrid2D:
PbMesh2D PbMesh PbBase PbCartesianGrid2D PbPolarGrid2D PbRegularCartesianGrid2D PbParalCartesianGrid2D

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PbGrid2D (SbBool is_data_duplicate=TRUE)
 PbGrid2D (const PbGrid2D &mesh)
 ~PbGrid2D ()
PbGrid2Doperator= (const PbGrid2D &mesh)
void setGeometry (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y)
void setGeometry (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, const float *z)
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y) const
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y, const float *&z) const
virtual SbVec3f getNodeCoord (int nod_index) const =0
virtual SbVec3f getNodeCoord (int i, int j) const =0
void getDim (int &num_x, int &num_y) const
virtual void getNodeOwnerCellsInd (int nod_index, PbArrayOfInt &owner_cells) const
virtual void getAdjacentCellsIndByNode (int cell_index, PbArrayOfInt &adjacent_cells) const
virtual void getAdjacentCellsIndByFacet (int cell_index, PbArrayOfInt &adjacent_cells) const
void getNodeIndices (int nod_index, int &i, int &j) const
void getCellIndices (int cell_index, int &i, int &j) const

Detailed Description

MeshViz Defines an abstract grid surface mesh.

This class defines a mesh of which topology is a regular grid made of num_x * num_y nodes. Each node with index (i, j) in the mesh (except for points along the mesh border) is connected to four points with indices (i+1,j), (i,j+1), (i-1,j), (i,j-1).

The values on the mesh nodes are defined by the PbMesh::addValuesSet() method, where val argument is an array of num_x * num_y floats.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PbGrid2D::PbGrid2D ( SbBool  is_data_duplicate = TRUE  )  [inline]


See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.

PbGrid2D::PbGrid2D ( const PbGrid2D mesh  ) 

Copy constructor.

PbGrid2D::~PbGrid2D (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual void PbGrid2D::getAdjacentCellsIndByFacet ( int  cell_index,
PbArrayOfInt adjacent_cells 
) const [virtual]

Gets the list of index of cells that are adjacent (by an edge) to cell_index.

Two cells are adjacent by an edge is they own at least one mesh's edge in common

Reimplemented from PbMesh.

virtual void PbGrid2D::getAdjacentCellsIndByNode ( int  cell_index,
PbArrayOfInt adjacent_cells 
) const [virtual]

Gets the list of index of cells that are adjacent (by a node) to cell_index.

Two cells are adjacent by a node is they own at least one mesh's node in common.

Reimplemented from PbMesh.

void PbGrid2D::getCellIndices ( int  cell_index,
int &  i,
int &  j 
) const [inline]

Calculates indices i,j that verify cell_index = i*(num_y-1) + j.

void PbGrid2D::getDim ( int &  num_x,
int &  num_y 
) const [inline]

Gets the dimensions num_x, num_y of the grid.

void PbGrid2D::getGeometry ( int &  num_x,
int &  num_y,
const float *&  x,
const float *&  y,
const float *&  z 
) const

Gets the mesh 3D geometry.

Reimplemented in PbCartesianGrid2D.

void PbGrid2D::getGeometry ( int &  num_x,
int &  num_y,
const float *&  x,
const float *&  y 
) const

Gets the mesh 2D geometry.

Reimplemented in PbCartesianGrid2D.

virtual SbVec3f PbGrid2D::getNodeCoord ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [pure virtual]

Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its i,j indices on the grid.

Implemented in PbCartesianGrid2D, PbParalCartesianGrid2D, PbPolarGrid2D, and PbRegularCartesianGrid2D.

virtual SbVec3f PbGrid2D::getNodeCoord ( int  nod_index  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its index.

Implements PbMesh.

Implemented in PbCartesianGrid2D, PbParalCartesianGrid2D, PbPolarGrid2D, and PbRegularCartesianGrid2D.

void PbGrid2D::getNodeIndices ( int  nod_index,
int &  i,
int &  j 
) const [inline]

Calculates indices i,j that verify nod_index = i*num_y + j.

virtual void PbGrid2D::getNodeOwnerCellsInd ( int  nod_index,
PbArrayOfInt owner_cells 
) const [virtual]

Gets the list of index of cells that own the node "nod_index".

Implements PbMesh.

PbGrid2D& PbGrid2D::operator= ( const PbGrid2D mesh  ) 

Assignment operator.

Reimplemented from PbMesh2D.

Reimplemented in PbCartesianGrid2D, PbParalCartesianGrid2D, PbPolarGrid2D, and PbRegularCartesianGrid2D.

void PbGrid2D::setGeometry ( int  num_x,
int  num_y,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const float *  z 

Defines a 3D surface mesh geometry.

The size of the x array depends on the derived class that calls this method. It is either num_x or num_x * num_y. Idem for y array. The size of z array is always num_x * num_y.

void PbGrid2D::setGeometry ( int  num_x,
int  num_y,
const float *  x,
const float *  y 

Defines a 2D surface mesh geometry.

The size of the x array depends on the derived class that calls this method. It is either num_x or num_x * num_y. Idem for y array.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.