SoEngineList Class Reference

Maintains a list of pointers to engines. More...

#include <Inventor/lists/SoEngineList.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoEngineList:
SoBaseList SbPList

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoEngineList ()
 SoEngineList (int size)
 SoEngineList (const SoEngineList &l)
virtual ~SoEngineList ()
void append (SoEngine *ptr)
SoEngineoperator[] (int i) const
SoEngineListoperator= (const SoEngineList &l)

Detailed Description

Maintains a list of pointers to engines.

This subclass of SoBaseList holds lists of pointers to SoEngines. It updates reference counts to engines in the list whenever adding or removing pointers.



Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoEngineList::SoEngineList (  )  [inline]


SoEngineList::SoEngineList ( int  size  )  [inline]

Constructor that pre-allocates storage for size pointers.

SoEngineList::SoEngineList ( const SoEngineList l  )  [inline]

Constructor that copies the contents of another list.

virtual SoEngineList::~SoEngineList (  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void SoEngineList::append ( SoEngine ptr  )  [inline]

Adds an engine to the end of the list.

SoEngineList& SoEngineList::operator= ( const SoEngineList l  )  [inline]

Copies a list, keeping all reference counts correct.

Reimplemented from SoBaseList.

SoEngine* SoEngineList::operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]

Returns pointer with given index. If requested index does not exists, list is grown to return a valid pointer.

Reimplemented from SoBaseList.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 12 Feb 2024
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.