SoLabelingProcessing Class Reference

ImageViz SoLabelingProcessing engine More...

#include <ImageViz/Engines/ImageSegmentation/Labeling/SoLabelingProcessing.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoLabelingProcessing:
SoImageVizEngine SoEngine SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoLabelingProcessing ()

Public Attributes

SoSFEnum computeMode
SoSFEnum neighborhood3d
SoSFImageDataAdapter inObjectImage
< SoSFImageDataAdapter,
SoImageDataAdapter * > 

Detailed Description

ImageViz SoLabelingProcessing engine

The SoLabelingProcessing engine labels objects of a binary image.

In this engine, the image is scanned from top to bottom and left to right. Each pixel of the same object takes the same value, and each object is assigned to a different value, starting from value 1. The assigned gray level depends on the location of the object in the image. The maximum gray level value gives the total number of objects in the original binary image. The algorithm works in three steps:

A label image may be 16 or 32 bits per pixel. By default it is 2 bytes per pixel, but if the number of labels exceeds 65,535 then the output image is automatically converted to 4 bytes and then can manage more than 2 billion labels.


Library references: label

See related examples:

LabelAnalysis, PoreAnalysis, StandardWorkflow, WorkflowWithRoi

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoLabelingProcessing::SoLabelingProcessing (  ) 


Member Data Documentation

Select the compute Mode (2D or 3D or AUTO) Use enum ComputeMode.

Default is MODE_AUTO

The input binary or label image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary label color image.

In 3D configuration (see computeMode), the neighborhood connectivity defines the connectivity considered for processing adjacent voxels.

Use enum Neighborhood3d. Default is CONNECTIVITY_26.

The output label image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: label image.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.