MiMeshViz Class Reference
[MeshViz XLM]

MeshViz Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module. More...

#include <MeshVizXLM/MiMeshViz.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void init (int numThreads=0)
static void finish ()
static const char * getProductName ()
static const char * getVersion ()
static bool isInitialized ()

Detailed Description

MeshViz Class to initialize the MeshViz Mesh Extraction module.

This class is used to initialize and finish the Mesh Extraction module. The init() method must be called before using any other Mesh Extraction classes.

This class is provided for stand-alone use of Mesh Extraction (separate from Open Inventor). If using MeshViz Data Mapping, it is not necessary to explicitly initalize Mesh Extraction because this is done automatically by the MoMeshViz class.



Member Function Documentation

static void MiMeshViz::finish (  )  [static]

Finishes all classes of MeshViz extraction.

This function should be called after all Mesh Extraction objects have been destroyed, to ensure that any static memory allocations are freed.

static const char* MiMeshViz::getProductName (  )  [static]

Returns a character string identifying the name of the extension.

static const char* MiMeshViz::getVersion (  )  [static]

Returns a character string identifying the version of extension.

static void MiMeshViz::init ( int  numThreads = 0  )  [static]

Initializes all Mesh Extraction classes.

This function must be called before any other Mesh Extraction class may be constructed or used.

numThreads is the number of threads allocated to the extractors with multi-threading enabled (see for instance MiSkinExtractUnstructured::getNewInstance(mesh,parallel) Default value is 0 which allocates the maximum number of threads available. Negative values allocate the maximum number of threads available decreased by the given number. For instance, value -2 allocates the maximum number of threads available minus 2.
static bool MiMeshViz::isInitialized (  )  [static]

Returns true if MeshViz XLM is initialized.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.