CIvfRenderArea Class Reference
[Ivf Classes]

Ivf wrapper for an SoWinRenderArea. More...

#include <Ivf/Viewers/IvfRenderArea.h>

Inheritance diagram for CIvfRenderArea:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CIvfRenderArea ()
void IvfSpinText (LPCTSTR pText)

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~CIvfRenderArea ()

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Ivf wrapper for an SoWinRenderArea.

This class provides Open Inventor rendering and message handling inside a Windows window. There is a routine to specify the scene to render. The scene is automatically rendered whenever anything under it changes (a data sensor is attached to the root of the scene), unless explicitly told not to do so (manual redraws). Users can also set Open Inventor rendering attributes such as the transparency type, antialiasing on or off, etc. This class employs an SoSceneManager to manage rendering and message handling.

Windows messages that occur in the render area can be handled by the application, by the viewer (if this is really a viewer), or by the nodes in the scene graph. When a message occurs, it is first passed to the application message callback function registered with the method SoWinRenderArea::setEventCallback(). If this function does not exist or returns FALSE, the message is either used directly by the viewer or translated to an SoEvent for further scene graph processing. If the viewer does not handle the message, and an overlay scene graph exists, the SoEvent is sent to that scene graph by way of an SoHandleEventAction. If no node in the overlay scene graph handles the message (i.e., calls SoHandleEventAction::setHandled()), the SoEvent is passed to the normal scene graph in the same manner.

See the SoWinRenderArea description for additional information.

Note: Although the class name is CIvfRenderArea, the header file name is IvfRenderArea.h.




Deprecated since Open Inventor 9500
The whole Ivf viewer API is no longer supported. Examples of custom viewers can be found in section MFC examples user interface of the Reference Manual.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CIvfRenderArea::CIvfRenderArea (  ) 
virtual CIvfRenderArea::~CIvfRenderArea (  )  [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

CIvfRenderArea::IVF_COMPONENT_BASE (  ) 

This macro declares the minimum number of methods necessary to create a class derived from CIvfComponent.

void CIvfRenderArea::IvfSpinText ( LPCTSTR  pText  ) 

create a spinning text logo

Member Data Documentation

Pointer to the camera.

Pointer to the light.

Pointer to the render area.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.