SoEvent Class Reference

Base class for all events. More...

#include <Inventor/events/SoEvent.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoEvent:
SoTypedObject SoButtonEvent SoGestureEvent SoLocation2Event SoMotion3Event SoMouseWheelEvent SoTouchEvent SoTrackerEvent SoControllerButtonEvent SoKeyboardEvent SoMouseButtonEvent SoSpaceballButtonEvent SoDoubleTapGestureEvent SoLongTapGestureEvent SoRotateGestureEvent SoScaleGestureEvent

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoEvent ()
virtual ~SoEvent ()
virtual SoType getTypeId () const
void setTime (SbTime t)
SbTime getTime () const
void setPosition (const SbVec2s &p)
void setPosition (const SbVec2f &p)
const SbVec2sgetPosition () const
const SbVec2fgetPositionFloat () const
const SbVec2sgetPosition (const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const
const SbVec2fgetPositionFloat (const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const
const SbVec2fgetNormalizedPosition (const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const
void setShiftDown (SbBool isDown)
void setCtrlDown (SbBool isDown)
void setAltDown (SbBool isDown)
void setButton1Down (SbBool isDown)
SbBool wasShiftDown () const
SbBool wasCtrlDown () const
SbBool wasAltDown () const
SbBool wasButton1Down () const
virtual const SbTrackerInfogetTrackerInfo () const
SbTrackerInfogetTrackerInfo ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()

Detailed Description

Base class for all events.

SoEvent is the base class for events in the Open Inventor event model. An event typically represents a user action, such as a mouse button being pressed or a keyboard key being released. SoEvent contains general information found in all Open Inventor events, including the time the event occurred, the position of the locater when the event occurred, and the state of the modifier keys when the event occurred.

The virtual method SoEvent::getTrackerInfo() can be used to determine if an event object has associated 3D tracker information. Traditional 2D events like SoMouseButtonEvent and SoLocation2Event return NULL. 3D events like SoTrackerEvent and SoControllerButtonEvent return their associated tracker information (SbTrackerInfo).

Add an SoEventCallback node to the scene graph to handle Open Inventor events.

Events are delivered to the scene graph using an SoHandleEventAction.

The Open Inventor viewer classes automatically convert system events to Open Inventor event objects and send those event objects to the scene graph using an instance of SoSceneManager. SoSceneManager automatically creates and applies an SoHandleEventAction.

Similarly, the RemoteViz RenderArea class converts events coming from the RemoteViz client to Open Inventor event objects and sends those events to the scene graph using an instance of SoSceneManager.

Applications may create synthetic events and send them to the scene graph. Get the SoSceneManager object from the render area and call processEvent().


SoButtonEvent, SoControllerButtonEvent, SoKeyboardEvent, SoLocation2Event, SoMotion3Event, SoMouseButtonEvent, SoSpaceballButtonEvent, SoTrackerEvent, SoHandleEventAction, SoEventCallback, SoSelection, SoInteraction, SoWinDevice, SoWinRenderArea, SoTouchEvent, SoGestureEvent

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoEvent::SoEvent (  ) 


virtual SoEvent::~SoEvent (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

static SoType SoEvent::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]
const SbVec2f& SoEvent::getNormalizedPosition ( const SbViewportRegion vpRgn  )  const

Gets the normalized location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the specified viewport region.

The returned value will lie between 0.0 and 1.0.

Position should be set for all events, but that may not be possible for some events in some display environments. If position was not available, the method returns 0,0.

const SbVec2s& SoEvent::getPosition ( const SbViewportRegion vpRgn  )  const

Gets the viewport pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the origin of the specified viewport region, as integer values.

Position should be set for all events, but that may not be possible for some events in some display environments. If position was not available, the method returns the viewport origin.

const SbVec2s& SoEvent::getPosition (  )  const [inline]

Returns the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred as integer values.

The position is relative to the lower left corner of the window in which the event occurred.

Position should be set for all events, but that may not be possible for some events in some display environments. If position was not available, the method returns 0,0.

const SbVec2f& SoEvent::getPositionFloat ( const SbViewportRegion vpRgn  )  const

Gets the viewport pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the origin of the specified viewport region, as float values.

Position should be set for all events, but that may not be possible for some events in some display environments. If position was not available, the method returns the viewport origin.

const SbVec2f& SoEvent::getPositionFloat (  )  const [inline]

Returns the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred as float values.

The position is relative to the lower left corner of the window in which the event occurred.

Position should be set for all events, but that may not be possible for some events in some display environments. If position was not available, the method returns 0,0.

SbTime SoEvent::getTime (  )  const [inline]

Gets the time at which the event occurred.

SbTrackerInfo * SoEvent::getTrackerInfo (  )  [inline]

Gets whether an event object has associated tracker information.

virtual const SbTrackerInfo* SoEvent::getTrackerInfo (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Gets whether an event object has associated tracker information.

Reimplemented in SoControllerButtonEvent, and SoTrackerEvent.

virtual SoType SoEvent::getTypeId (  )  const [virtual]
void SoEvent::setAltDown ( SbBool  isDown  )  [inline]

Sets whether the ALT key was down when the event occurred.

void SoEvent::setButton1Down ( SbBool  isDown  )  [inline]

Sets whether mouse Button 1 was down when the event occurred.

void SoEvent::setCtrlDown ( SbBool  isDown  )  [inline]

Sets whether the CTRL key was down when the event occurred.

void SoEvent::setPosition ( const SbVec2f p  )  [inline]

Float version of setPosition(const SbVec2s &p).

It can be used when a desktop is magnified on a wall of screens using ScaleViz with a tracker device calibrated for this wall.

Reimplemented in SoTouchEvent.

void SoEvent::setPosition ( const SbVec2s p  )  [inline]

Sets the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred.

The position is relative to the lower left corner of the window in which the event occurred.

Reimplemented in SoTouchEvent.

void SoEvent::setShiftDown ( SbBool  isDown  )  [inline]

Sets whether the shift key was down when the event occurred.

void SoEvent::setTime ( SbTime  t  )  [inline]

Sets the time at which the event occurred.

Reimplemented in SoTouchEvent.

SbBool SoEvent::wasAltDown (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the ALT key was down when the event occurred.

SbBool SoEvent::wasButton1Down (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if mouse button 1 was down when the event occurred.

SbBool SoEvent::wasCtrlDown (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the CTRL key was down when the event occurred.

SbBool SoEvent::wasShiftDown (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the shift key was down when the event occurred.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.