PbTetrahedronCell Class Reference

MeshViz Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh. More...

#include <MeshViz/3Ddata/PbTetrahedronCell.h>

Inheritance diagram for PbTetrahedronCell:
PbCell PbBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PbTetrahedronCell (const PbMesh *owner_mesh)
 PbTetrahedronCell (const PbTetrahedronCell &cell)
 ~PbTetrahedronCell ()
PbTetrahedronCelloperator= (const PbTetrahedronCell &cell)
virtual float getLongestEdgeLength () const
virtual float getVolume () const
virtual float getArea () const
virtual void getNodesIndexOfEdge (int edge, PbArrayOfInt &nodes_index) const
virtual void getNodesIndexOfFacet (int facet, PbArrayOfInt &nodes_index) const
virtual void getNodesLocalIndexOfEdge (int edge, PbArrayOfInt &nodes_index) const
virtual void getNodesLocalIndexOfFacet (int facet, PbArrayOfInt &nodes_index) const
virtual int locatePoint (const SbVec3f &coord, float tolerance, SbVec3f &pcoord) const
virtual void getWeight (const SbVec3f &pcoord, float *weight) const

Detailed Description

MeshViz Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh.

A tetrahedron cell has 4 facets, 6 edges and 4 nodes. Each facet is a triangle. The 3 first indices defines a facet oriented towards the interior of the cell.

Facets, nodes and edges are numbered as following :

             / | \
            /  |  \        facet 0 = 012  edge 0 = 01
           /   |   \       facet 1 = 023  edge 1 = 12
          /    |    \      facet 2 = 031  edge 2 = 20
         /     |     \     facet 3 = 132  edge 3 = 03
      0 x------|------x 1                 edge 4 = 13
         \     |     /                    edge 5 = 23
          \    |    /
           \   |   /
            \  |  /
             \ | /

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PbTetrahedronCell::PbTetrahedronCell ( const PbMesh owner_mesh  ) 

Constructor of a default simple cell.

PbTetrahedronCell::PbTetrahedronCell ( const PbTetrahedronCell cell  ) 

Copy constructor.

PbTetrahedronCell::~PbTetrahedronCell (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual float PbTetrahedronCell::getArea (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns always 0.

Implements PbCell.

virtual float PbTetrahedronCell::getLongestEdgeLength (  )  const [virtual]

Gets the length of the longest edge of the cell.

Implements PbCell.

virtual void PbTetrahedronCell::getNodesIndexOfEdge ( int  edge,
PbArrayOfInt nodes_index 
) const [virtual]

Gets the array of 2 index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

(edge must be >=0 and < 6)

Implements PbCell.

virtual void PbTetrahedronCell::getNodesIndexOfFacet ( int  facet,
PbArrayOfInt nodes_index 
) const [virtual]

Gets the array of index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

(facet must be >=0 and < 4)

Implements PbCell.

virtual void PbTetrahedronCell::getNodesLocalIndexOfEdge ( int  edge,
PbArrayOfInt nodes_index 
) const [virtual]

Gets the array of 2 nodes index that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

edge must be >=0 and < 6. Each index in nodes_index is >=0 and < 4.

Implements PbCell.

virtual void PbTetrahedronCell::getNodesLocalIndexOfFacet ( int  facet,
PbArrayOfInt nodes_index 
) const [virtual]

Gets the array of node index that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

facet must be >=0 and < 4. Each index is >=0 and < 4.

Implements PbCell.

virtual float PbTetrahedronCell::getVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Gets the volume of the cell.

Implements PbCell.

virtual void PbTetrahedronCell::getWeight ( const SbVec3f pcoord,
float *  weight 
) const [virtual]

Gets the 4 weights of a point defined by its parametric coordinates.

Implements PbCell.

virtual int PbTetrahedronCell::locatePoint ( const SbVec3f coord,
float  tolerance,
SbVec3f pcoord 
) const [virtual]

Returns 1 if the point is inside the cell, 0 otherwise.

Gets also the parametric coordinate of the point .

Implements PbCell.

PbTetrahedronCell& PbTetrahedronCell::operator= ( const PbTetrahedronCell cell  ) 

Assignment operator.

Reimplemented from PbCell.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.