MeWGeometryI Class Reference

MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured mesh geometry. More...

#include <MeshVizXLM/extrmesh/geometry/MeWGeometryI.h>

Inheritance diagram for MeWGeometryI:
MeXGeometryI MiGeometryI MeXGeometryExplicit MiGeometry MeXGeometry MiGeometry

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void addInterpolatedCoord (const MbVec3d &coord, const MbVec3d &pcoord)=0
virtual void addInputCoord (const MbVec3d &coord, size_t nodeId)=0
virtual void addCellCenter (const MiCell *cell, const MiGeometryI &geometry)=0
virtual void addFacetCenter (const MiVolumeCell *cell, size_t facetId, const MiGeometryI &geometry)=0

Detailed Description

MeshViz Abstract interface to write unstructured mesh geometry.

This interface is used by the existing tessellator instances (see MiTessellator) to write into the geometry of the tessellated line, surface and volume meshes. It is designed to allow the application to implement its own tessellator class.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void MeWGeometryI::addCellCenter ( const MiCell cell,
const MiGeometryI geometry 
) [pure virtual]

Add the center of a given cell.

[in] cell Given cell.
[in] geometry Geometry to used for center computation
virtual void MeWGeometryI::addFacetCenter ( const MiVolumeCell cell,
size_t  facetId,
const MiGeometryI geometry 
) [pure virtual]

Add the center of a facet in the given volume cell.

[in] cell Given volume cell.
[in] facetId Facet id in the given cell.
[in] geometry Geometry used for coordinate computation
virtual void MeWGeometryI::addInputCoord ( const MbVec3d coord,
size_t  nodeId 
) [pure virtual]

Add an input node associated with its index in the input geometry.

[in] coord Node coordinate.
[in] nodeId Node id in the input mesh.
virtual void MeWGeometryI::addInterpolatedCoord ( const MbVec3d coord,
const MbVec3d pcoord 
) [pure virtual]

Add a new interpolated node computed by the tessellator and its associated parametric coordinate to the tessellated geometry.

[in] coord Node coordinate.
[in] pcoord Parametric coordinate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
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