MoMeshCellShape Class Reference

MeshViz Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh More...

#include <MeshVizXLM/mapping/nodes/MoMeshCellShape.h>

Inheritance diagram for MoMeshCellShape:
MoMeshSurfaceRepresentation MoMeshRepresentation MoMeshBaseRepresentation MoActionNode SoNode SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.


class  CellFilter
class  DisplayName

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId () const
 MoMeshCellShape ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()

Public Attributes

SoSFBool inclusiveList
SoMFInt32 cellIndices
SoSFFloat factor
SoSFBool showCellName
SoSFBool showNodeName
SoSFFloat offset
SoSFBool relativeOffset


class MdLineCellExtract

const MiCellExtractUnstructuredgetUnstructuredExtractor ()
getUnstructuredIjkExtractor ()
const MiCellExtractIjkgetIjkExtractor ()
const MiCellExtractIjgetIjExtractor ()


getRegularExtractor ()
getSurfaceRegularExtractor ()

Detailed Description

MeshViz Rendering node that displays a set of cells of a mesh

This node renders an unstructured surface mesh defined by a set of cells in the original mesh. The set of cells to be rendered is specified by a list of cell indices. The size of the rendered cells can be scaled up or down using the scaleFactor field and annotation of the cell and node names can optionally be displayed.

The cells can be colored using a scalar set defined in the colorScalarSetId inherited field. This is an index into the list of scalar sets existing in the traversal state (see the MoScalarSetxxx nodes). To disable coloring set this field to -1.



MiCellExtractUnstructured, MiCellExtractUnstructuredIjk, MiCellExtractIjk, MiCellExtractIj

See related examples:

TessellatedPolyhedralMesh, CellShape, CellShapeConnectedFromSkin, TutorialPicking2, TutorialPicking3, TutorialPicking4, TutorialPicking5, TutorialPicking6, TutorialPicking7, TutorialPicking8, TutorialPicking9

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MoMeshCellShape::MoMeshCellShape (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

static SoType MoMeshCellShape::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns the type identifier for this class.

Reimplemented from MoMeshSurfaceRepresentation.

const MiCellExtractIj* MoMeshCellShape::getIjExtractor (  ) 

Get extractor for reuse outside this node.

The returned pointer may be null if a mesh has not been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph. Use the method corresponding to the type of mesh stored in the scene graph.
const MiCellExtractIjk* MoMeshCellShape::getIjkExtractor (  ) 

Get extractor for reuse outside this node.

The returned pointer may be null if a mesh has not been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph. Use the method corresponding to the type of mesh stored in the scene graph.
SoDEPRECATED const MiCellExtractIjk* MoMeshCellShape::getRegularExtractor (  ) 
SoDEPRECATED const MiCellExtractIj* MoMeshCellShape::getSurfaceRegularExtractor (  ) 
virtual SoType MoMeshCellShape::getTypeId (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.

Reimplemented from MoMeshSurfaceRepresentation.

const MiCellExtractUnstructured* MoMeshCellShape::getUnstructuredExtractor (  ) 

Get extractor for reuse outside this node.

The returned pointer may be null if a mesh has not been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph. Use the method corresponding to the type of mesh stored in the scene graph.
const MiCellExtractUnstructuredIjk* MoMeshCellShape::getUnstructuredIjkExtractor (  ) 

Get extractor for reuse outside this node.

The returned pointer may be null if a mesh has not been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph. Use the method corresponding to the type of mesh stored in the scene graph.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MdLineCellExtract [friend]

Member Data Documentation

Field representing the list of cells given by their index in the mesh.

If the mesh is unstructured, each value of cellIndices represents one cell.
If the mesh is a structured surface mesh, each cell is defined by a pair of indices (cellIndices(i),cellIndices(i+1)).
If the mesh is a structured volume mesh, each cell is defined by three indices (cellIndices(i),cellIndices(i+1),cellIndices(i+2)).
So, depending on the type of mesh, one, two or three indices are necessary to define each cell.

If the index list is empty, no cells are displayed when inclusiveList is set to TRUE and all cells otherwise. Default is empty.

Field representing the factor to resize extracted cells.

A factor lower than one will shrink cells, whereas a factor greater than one will expand cells.
Default is 1.0, which will not resize cells.

When set to TRUE, the cellIndices field will represent the list of cells to display and the list of cells to exclude otherwise.

Default is TRUE.

Field representing the distance to shift the display of node names away from the node coordinates.

A negative offset will display node names inside the cell, whereas a positive offset will display them outside the cell.

The offset is relative to the cell's size if the relativeOffset field is set to TRUE. Otherwise it represents an absolute distance. Default is 0.1, which will slightly shift node names outside the cell.

When set to TRUE, the distance between the node and the name to display is relative to the size of the cell

For unstructured meshes, the offset field is then multiplied by the getRelativeSize() method from the cell interface. A default implementation of getRelativeSize() returns 1 which will leave the offset as an absolute distance. getRelativeSize() needs to be overloaded to activate this feature for unstructured mesh (see class MiCell). Default is FALSE.

When set to TRUE, the cell name is displayed near the cell.

Default is FALSE.
The cell name is retrieved from the getCellName() method from the topology interface.
The default implementation returns the cell identifier.

When set to TRUE, the node names are displayed near the cell.

Default is FALSE.
The node names are retrieved from the getNodeName() method from the topology interface.
The default implementation returns the node identifier.

For structured meshes, this field is not used since nodes are computed implicitly.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.