MxHexahedron20CellExtract Class Reference

MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes. More...

#include <MeshVizXLM/extractors/MxHexahedron20CellExtract.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static MbVec3d getIsoParametricCoord (const MiGeometryI &meshGeometry, const MiVolumeCell *hexahedronCell, const MbVec3d &point)
static MbVec3d getIsoParametricCoord (size_t nodeIndex)
static void getWeight (const MiGeometryI &meshGeometry, const MiVolumeCell *hexahedronCell, const MbVec3d &point, std::vector< double > &weights)
static void getWeight (const MbVec3d &ipcoord, std::vector< double > &weights)
static void getDerivs (const MbVec3d &ipcoord, std::vector< double > &derivs)
static bool isPointInsideCell (const MiGeometryI &meshGeometry, const MiVolumeCell *hexahedronCell, const MbVec3d &point, std::vector< double > &weights)
static size_t getNodesIndexOfFacet (size_t facet, std::vector< size_t > &facetNodes)
static size_t getSubTriangleNodesIndex (size_t face, std::vector< size_t > &triangleNodeIds)
static size_t getSubTetrahedronNodesIndex (std::vector< size_t > &tetrahedronNodeIds)

Detailed Description

MeshViz Utility class for quadratic hexahedron cells with 20 nodes.

Utility class that provides a static implementation of MiVolumeCell's methods for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes. This class is provided to make it easier to create a class that implements the MiVolumeCell interface for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

The following image shows the node numbering and the face numbering used by this class. The weight (see getWeight()), parametric coordinates (see getIsoParametricCoord()), and the decomposition into sub tetrahedrons (see getSubTetrahedronNodesIndex()) are defined according to this node numbering. The face decomposition (see getSubTriangleNodesIndex()) is defined according to this node and face numbering.


Nodes and faces numbering

Member Function Documentation

static void MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getDerivs ( const MbVec3d ipcoord,
std::vector< double > &  derivs 
) [static]

Gets the value of the derivatives of the shape functions (aka weights) at the point given by its iso parametric coordinates.

[in] ipcoord The iso parametric coordinates of the input point. The reference space for the iso parametric coordinates is assumed to be [0-1]. Thus any point inside the cell has iso parametric coordinates in the interval [0-1].
[out] derivs This method computes the 60 derivs values [0-59]. It assumes the derivs vector array has been already allocated. Its size must be set to 60 (at least) before calling this method, using for instance derivs.resize(60)
static MbVec3d MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getIsoParametricCoord ( size_t  nodeIndex  )  [static]

Returns the iso parametric coordinate of one of the 20 nodes of a quadratic hexahedron.

This static method helps to implement the method MiCell::getIsoParametricCoord().

[in] nodeIndex Must be defined in the range [0-19]
static MbVec3d MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getIsoParametricCoord ( const MiGeometryI meshGeometry,
const MiVolumeCell hexahedronCell,
const MbVec3d point 
) [static]

Computes the iso parametric coordinates of the given point in the given cell with the given geometry.

As computing the iso parametric coordinates of a point needs the coordinates of the cell's nodes, the given hexahedronCell is assumed to contain 20 nodes.

Each node coordinate of the given cell is retrieved in the following way:
for each i in the range [0-19].
[in] meshGeometry The geometry of the mesh.
[in] hexahedronCell The input cell.
[in] point The input point given in the same space coordinate as meshGeometry.
static size_t MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getNodesIndexOfFacet ( size_t  facet,
std::vector< size_t > &  facetNodes 
) [inline, static]

Gets the array of "linear" node indices belonging to a given facet.

[in] facet The index of the facet (where 0 <= facet < 6).
[out] facetNodes The array of "linear" local node indices of the facet. ( 0 <= facetNodes[i] < 20 for each i ).
The number of nodes added.
static size_t MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getSubTetrahedronNodesIndex ( std::vector< size_t > &  tetrahedronNodeIds  )  [inline, static]

Gets a decomposition in sub-tetrahedra of a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

This static method helps to implement the method MiVolumeCell::getSubTetrahedronNodesIndex() for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

[out] tetrahedronNodeIds Sub tetrahedra node ids (where: 0 <= tetrahedronNodeIds[i] < 20 for each i). this method assign the 88 node ids tetrahedronNodeIds[0-87]
22 (number of sub-tetrahedra in a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes)
static size_t MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getSubTriangleNodesIndex ( size_t  face,
std::vector< size_t > &  triangleNodeIds 
) [inline, static]

Gets a triangulation of the given facet of a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

This static method helps to implement the method MiVolumeCell::getSubTriangleNodesIndex() for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

[in] face Number of the face. (where: 0 <= face < 6 ).
[out] triangleNodeIds Sub triangle node ids (where: 0 <= triangleNodeIds[i] < 20 for each i).
The number of sub triangles in the facet of the cell.
static void MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getWeight ( const MbVec3d ipcoord,
std::vector< double > &  weights 
) [static]

Gets the weights of a point defined by its iso parametric coordinates.

This static method helps to implement the method MiCell::getWeight(ipcoord,weights) for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

[in] ipcoord The iso parametric coordinates of the input point. The reference space for the iso parametric coordinates is assumed to be [0-1]. Thus any point inside the cell has iso parametric coordinates in the interval [0-1].
[out] weights This method computes the 20 weight values [0-19]. It assumes the weights vector array has been already allocated. Its size must be set to 20 (at least) before calling this method, using for instance weights.resize(20)
static void MxHexahedron20CellExtract::getWeight ( const MiGeometryI meshGeometry,
const MiVolumeCell hexahedronCell,
const MbVec3d point,
std::vector< double > &  weights 
) [inline, static]

Gets the weights in the given cell of the given point.

This static method helps to implement the method MiCell::getWeight(meshGeometry,point,weights) for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes. As computing the weights of a point needs the coordinates of the cell's nodes, the given hexahedronCell is assumed to contain 20 nodes.

Each node coordinate of the given cell is retrieved in the following way:
for each i in the range [0-19].
[in] meshGeometry The geometry of the mesh.
[in] hexahedronCell The input cell.
[in] point The input point given in the same space coordinate as meshGeometry.
[out] weights This method computes the 20 weight values [0-19]. It assumes the weights vector array has been already allocated. Its size must be set to 20 (at least) before calling this method, using for instance weights.resize(20)
static bool MxHexahedron20CellExtract::isPointInsideCell ( const MiGeometryI meshGeometry,
const MiVolumeCell hexahedronCell,
const MbVec3d point,
std::vector< double > &  weights 
) [inline, static]

Checks if a point is inside or outside a quadratic hexahedron cell of 20 nodes.

This static method helps to implement the method MiCell::isPointInsideCell(meshGeometry,point,weights) for a quadratic hexahedron of 20 nodes.

[in] meshGeometry The geometry of the mesh.
[in] hexahedronCell The input cell.
[in] point The input point given in the same space coordinate as meshGeometry.
[out] weights This method computes the 20 weights values [0-19] if the point is inside the cell. It assumes the weights vector array has been already allocated. Its size must be set to 20 (at least) before calling this method, using for instance the weights.resize(20)
true if the point is inside the cell.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.