SoMenuPushButtonLauncher Class Reference

VSG extension Menu pushButtonLauncher node. More...

#include <DialogViz/dialog/SoMenuPushButtonLauncher.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoMenuPushButtonLauncher:
SoMenuPushButton SoMenuItem SoDialogViz SoDragger SoInteractionKit SoBaseKit SoNode SoGetView SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoMenuPushButtonLauncher ()
SoDialogVizsearchForAuditorId (SbString id)
virtual void addChild (SoTopLevelDialog *child)
virtual void insertChild (SoTopLevelDialog *child, int newChildIndex)
virtual SoNodegetChild (int index) const
virtual int getNumChildren () const
virtual int findChild (const SoTopLevelDialog *child) const
virtual void removeChild (int index)
virtual void removeChild (SoTopLevelDialog *child)
virtual void removeAllChildren ()
virtual void replaceChild (int index, SoTopLevelDialog *newChild)
virtual void replaceChild (SoTopLevelDialog *oldChild, SoTopLevelDialog *newChild)

Detailed Description

VSG extension Menu pushButtonLauncher node.

This node defines a push button item for a dialog menu with a special built-in behavior: The user can use this node to launch top level dialog window(s), without defining any specific callback to do it. You can add, insert and remove top level dialogs (SoTopLevelDialog) by using addChild(), insertChild() and removeChild() methods.




SoMenuCheckBoxLauncher, SoMenuPushButton

See related examples:

ShowAll, Simple, SetSkin, Simple3DMenu

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::SoMenuPushButtonLauncher (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::addChild ( SoTopLevelDialog child  )  [virtual]

Adds a child as last one in group.

virtual int SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::findChild ( const SoTopLevelDialog child  )  const [virtual]

Finds index of given child within group.

Returns -1 if not found.

virtual SoNode* SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::getChild ( int  index  )  const [virtual]

Returns pointer to child node with the given index.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

virtual int SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::getNumChildren (  )  const [virtual]

Returns number of children.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::insertChild ( SoTopLevelDialog child,
int  newChildIndex 
) [virtual]

Adds a child so that it becomes the one with the given index.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::removeAllChildren (  )  [virtual]

Removes all children from group.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::removeChild ( SoTopLevelDialog child  )  [virtual]

Removes first instance of given child from group.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::removeChild ( int  index  )  [virtual]

Removes child with given index from group.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::replaceChild ( SoTopLevelDialog oldChild,
SoTopLevelDialog newChild 
) [virtual]

Replaces first instance of given child with new child.

virtual void SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::replaceChild ( int  index,
SoTopLevelDialog newChild 
) [virtual]

Replaces child with given index with new child.

SoDialogViz* SoMenuPushButtonLauncher::searchForAuditorId ( SbString  id  ) 

Retrieves the DialogViz object from the specified auditorID field in an SoMenuPushButtonLauncher structure.

NULL is returned if auditorID string is not found.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.