SoUltimateErosionProcessing Class Reference
[Geodesic Transformations]

ImageViz SoUltimateErosionProcessing engine More...

#include <ImageViz/Engines/MathematicalMorphology/GeodesicTransformations/SoUltimateErosionProcessing.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoUltimateErosionProcessing:
SoImageVizEngine SoEngine SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoUltimateErosionProcessing ()

Public Attributes

SoSFEnum computeMode
SoSFEnum neighborhood3d
SoSFImageDataAdapter inBinaryImage
< SoSFImageDataAdapter,
SoImageDataAdapter * > 

Detailed Description

ImageViz SoUltimateErosionProcessing engine

The SoUltimateErosionProcessing engine computes the SoUltimateErosionProcessing eroded set.

For an introduction, see section Morphology.

This engine computes the SoUltimateErosionProcessing eroded set of the input image. Ultimate erosion consists of successive erosion of the image until all objects disappear ($X_i$ images below). Then each erosion step is reconstructed into the previous erosion step ($Y_i$ image below). The difference between the eroded image $X_i$ and the reconstructed image $Y_i$ is the centroid of objects which disappeared at the erosion step number $i$.

This engine enables counting the number of convex particles, even if some of them are touching each other, as long as the pseudo-centre of each particle is outside of other particles.


SoUltimateErosionProcessing on a basic example


SoBorderKillProcessing, SoReconstructionFromMarkersProcessing.


Library references: ultimate

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoUltimateErosionProcessing::SoUltimateErosionProcessing (  ) 


Member Data Documentation

Select the compute Mode (2D or 3D or AUTO) Use enum ComputeMode.

Default is MODE_AUTO

The input binary image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary color image.

In 3D configuration (see computeMode), the neighborhood connectivity defines the connectivity considered for processing adjacent voxels.

Use enum Neighborhood3d. Default is CONNECTIVITY_26.

The output binary image.

Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary image.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.