SoLabelAnalysisResult Class Reference

ImageViz class to handle label analysis. More...

#include <ImageViz/Nodes/Analysis/SoLabelAnalysisResult.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoLabelAnalysisResult:
SoAnalysisResult SoFieldContainer SoBase SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId () const
 SoLabelAnalysisResult ()
int getNumMeasure () const
SbString getMeasureName (int measureIndex) const
int getMeasureIndex (const SbString &measureName) const
int getNumMeasureComponent (int measureIndex) const
size_t getNumLabels () const
size_t getNumImageAnalysis () const
size_t getNumLabels (int sequenceIndex) const
SoDataMeasure::ResultFormat getMeasureFormat (int measureIndex) const
SoDataMeasure::UnitDimension getMeasureUnitDimension (int measureIndex) const
SbString getValueAsString (int labelIndex, int measureIndex, int measureComponent) const
int64_t getValueAsInteger (int labelIndex, int measureIndex, int measureComponent) const
uint64_t getValueAsUInt (int labelIndex, int measureIndex, int measureComponent) const
double getValueAsDouble (int labelIndex, int measureIndex, int measureComponent) const

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()

Detailed Description

ImageViz class to handle label analysis.


SoDataMeasureCustom, SoDataMeasurePredefined, SoAnalysisResult, SoImageAnalysisResult

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoLabelAnalysisResult::SoLabelAnalysisResult (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

static SoType SoLabelAnalysisResult::getClassTypeId (  )  [static]

Returns the type identifier for this class.

Reimplemented from SoAnalysisResult.

SoDataMeasure::ResultFormat SoLabelAnalysisResult::getMeasureFormat ( int  measureIndex  )  const

Returns the measure format of the given resulting measure index.

int SoLabelAnalysisResult::getMeasureIndex ( const SbString measureName  )  const

Returns the index of the measure named measureName.

-1 is returned if the given measure is not in the analysis.

SbString SoLabelAnalysisResult::getMeasureName ( int  measureIndex  )  const

Returns the ith measure name.

measureIndex is in the range 0..getNumMeasure().

SoDataMeasure::UnitDimension SoLabelAnalysisResult::getMeasureUnitDimension ( int  measureIndex  )  const

Returns the measure unit dimension of the given resulting measure index.

size_t SoLabelAnalysisResult::getNumImageAnalysis (  )  const

Returns the number of image that where analysed.

size_t SoLabelAnalysisResult::getNumLabels ( int  sequenceIndex  )  const

Returns the number of different labels in the label analysis result for the given image index.

size_t SoLabelAnalysisResult::getNumLabels (  )  const

Returns the total number of different labels in the label analysis result.

this is the sum of the label count in each image analysed.

int SoLabelAnalysisResult::getNumMeasure (  )  const

Returns the number of measures results.

int SoLabelAnalysisResult::getNumMeasureComponent ( int  measureIndex  )  const

Returns the number of components values for the given measure index.

virtual SoType SoLabelAnalysisResult::getTypeId (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.

Reimplemented from SoAnalysisResult.

double SoLabelAnalysisResult::getValueAsDouble ( int  labelIndex,
int  measureIndex,
int  measureComponent 
) const

Returns the result as a floating value for the given measure and measure's component.

int64_t SoLabelAnalysisResult::getValueAsInteger ( int  labelIndex,
int  measureIndex,
int  measureComponent 
) const

Returns the result as an integer value for the given measure and measure's component.

SbString SoLabelAnalysisResult::getValueAsString ( int  labelIndex,
int  measureIndex,
int  measureComponent 
) const

Returns the result as a string value for the given measure and measure's component.

uint64_t SoLabelAnalysisResult::getValueAsUInt ( int  labelIndex,
int  measureIndex,
int  measureComponent 
) const

Returns the result as an unsigned integer value for the given measure and measure's component.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.