IvtShell Class Reference

VSG extension Class to register Extension GUI in IvTune More...

#include <IvTune/IvTuneExtender/IvtShell.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void registerDock (QDockWidget *dock, Qt::DockWidgetArea area)=0
virtual void unregisterDock (QDockWidget *dock)=0
virtual std::vector< QMenu * > getContextualMenus (const SoType &type)=0
virtual void registerContextualMenu (const SoType &type, bool strict, QMenu *newMenu)=0
virtual void registerMenu (QMenu *newMenu)=0
virtual void registerViewMenu (IvtExtension *extension, SbBool visibilityOnActivate=true)=0
virtual void unregisterContextualMenu (QMenu *menu)=0
virtual void unregisterMenu (QMenu *menu)=0
virtual void unregisterViewMenu (IvtExtension *extension)=0
virtual void registerPreferencePanel (IvtExtension *extension, QWidget *panel, const char *slotInitialized, const char *slotAccept)=0
virtual void unregisterPreferencePanel (IvtExtension *extension)=0
virtual void clearStatusBarMessage ()=0
virtual void regiterStatusBarWidget (QWidget *widget, SbBool isPermanent=false, int stretch=0)=0
virtual void showStatusBarMessage (const SbString &newMessage, int timeout=2000)=0
virtual void unregiterStatusBarWidget (QWidget *widget)=0
virtual void registerToolBar (QToolBar *tb, Qt::ToolBarArea area=Qt::TopToolBarArea)=0
virtual void unregisterToolBar (QToolBar *tb)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static IvtShellgetInstance ()

Detailed Description

VSG extension Class to register Extension GUI in IvTune

This class provides methods to access the different GUI elements of IvTune. Thus it is possible to modify or extend them.

Since Open Inventor 9.0



See related examples:

MyFirstExtensionExamples, MySecondExtensionExamples, DirectionalLightEditor, ProcessingMenu, ShaderEditor, TraversalMenu, ViewingToolbar, AlphaCurveEditor, SFLDMResourceParameters

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IvtShell::clearStatusBarMessage (  )  [pure virtual]

Clear the message in the status bar.

virtual std::vector<QMenu*> IvtShell::getContextualMenus ( const SoType type  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the list of menus that are registered with the provided type and its derived types.

type the type of node/field associated with the menus.
static IvtShell* IvtShell::getInstance (  )  [static]

Returns an instance of this class.

virtual void IvtShell::registerContextualMenu ( const SoType type,
bool  strict,
QMenu *  newMenu 
) [pure virtual]

Register the menu and add it before the help menu of IvTune.

newMenu the contextual menu to register.
type the type of node/field associated with the menus.
strict indicates if it is for the exact type or any derived type.
virtual void IvtShell::registerDock ( QDockWidget *  dock,
Qt::DockWidgetArea  area 
) [pure virtual]

Register the provided dock widget and sets it to the designated area.

dock the dock widget to register.
area the area where the dock widget should be placed.
virtual void IvtShell::registerMenu ( QMenu *  newMenu  )  [pure virtual]

Register the menu and add it before the help menu of IvTune.

newMenu the menu to register.
virtual void IvtShell::registerPreferencePanel ( IvtExtension extension,
QWidget *  panel,
const char *  slotInitialized,
const char *  slotAccept 
) [pure virtual]

Register the extension with the specified panel and add an entry to the preferences menu.

extension the extension to register.
panel the panel where the extension will be registered.
slotInitialized a qt slot called when the prefenrence panel is initialized to be showed to the user.
slotAccept a qt slot called when new prefenrences are accepted by the user.
virtual void IvtShell::registerToolBar ( QToolBar *  tb,
Qt::ToolBarArea  area = Qt::TopToolBarArea 
) [pure virtual]

Register the provided dock widget and set it in the designated area.

tb the tool bar to register.
area the area where the dock widget should be placed.
virtual void IvtShell::registerViewMenu ( IvtExtension extension,
SbBool  visibilityOnActivate = true 
) [pure virtual]

Register an extension in the view menu of IvTune.

extension the extension to register.
visibilityOnActivate indicates whether the extension is visible when activated or not.
virtual void IvtShell::regiterStatusBarWidget ( QWidget *  widget,
SbBool  isPermanent = false,
int  stretch = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Register a widget in the status bar of IvTune.

widget the widget to register.
isPermanent indicates whether the widget may be obscured by messages. A permanent widget is located at the far right of status bar. Otherwise the widget is located at the far left of the first permanent widget.
stretch is the factor used to compute a suitable size for the given widget. By default, this factor is set to 0 which indicates giving the widget a minimum of space.
virtual void IvtShell::showStatusBarMessage ( const SbString newMessage,
int  timeout = 2000 
) [pure virtual]

Show a messsage in the Status bar.

newMessage the message to display in the status bar.
timeout the specified number of milliseconds to display the message in the status bar.

Note: A timeout of 0 means the message remains displayed until clearStatusBarMessage() is called.

virtual void IvtShell::unregisterContextualMenu ( QMenu *  menu  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister the context menu given as parameter.

It will be unregistered for strict and derived types.

menu the contextual menu to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregisterDock ( QDockWidget *  dock  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister the provided dock widget.

dock the dock widget to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregisterMenu ( QMenu *  menu  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister the specified menu.

menu the menu to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregisterPreferencePanel ( IvtExtension extension  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister the extension from the the panel and remove the associated entry in the preferences menu.

extension the extension to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregisterToolBar ( QToolBar *  tb  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister a tool bar from the main window.

tb the tool bar to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregisterViewMenu ( IvtExtension extension  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister the extension from the view menu.

extension the extension to unregister.
virtual void IvtShell::unregiterStatusBarWidget ( QWidget *  widget  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister a widget from the status bar.

widget the widget to unregister.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.