SoCpuBufferUniform Class Reference

Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for uniform (single value) tile data. More...

#include <LDM/tiles/SoCpuBufferUniform.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoCpuBufferUniform:
SoCpuBufferObject SoBufferPropertiesInterface SoLDMBufferObjectInterface SoBufferObject SoRefCounter SoTypedObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoCpuBufferUniform ()
 SoCpuBufferUniform (const double value, SbDataType valueType)
virtual void map (SoBufferObject *targetBufferObject, AccessMode accessMode, size_t startPosition=0, size_t mappingSize=SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)
virtual void map (SoCpuBufferObject *targetBufferObject, AccessMode accessMode, size_t startPosition=0, size_t mappingSize=SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)
virtual void map (SoGLBufferObject *targetBufferObject, AccessMode accessMode, size_t startPosition=0, size_t mappingSize=SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)
virtual void unmap (SoCpuBufferObject *bufferObject)
virtual void unmap (SoGLBufferObject *bufferObject)
virtual void unmap (SoBufferObject *bufferObject)
virtual void * map (AccessMode accessMode)
virtual void unmap ()
virtual void memset (void *data, size_t dataSize=1, size_t offset=0, size_t count=SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)
virtual void memcpy (SoBufferObject *sourceBufferObject, size_t destOffset, size_t sourceOffset, size_t copySize)
virtual bool setSize (size_t size)
virtual bool getMinMax (double &min, double &max)
virtual double getValue () const
virtual SbDataType getType () const
void setValue (const double &value, const SbDataType &dataType)
virtual size_t getRealSize () const
virtual void setRealSize (const size_t &realSize)

Detailed Description

Large Data Management LDM buffer object optimized for uniform (single value) tile data.

This type of buffer efficiently represents a uniform tile, in other words a tile in which every value is the same. The buffer can be used like any other buffer, but uses very little memory when its contents are not actually being accessed.


SoBufferPropertiesInterface, SoCpuBufferObject

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoCpuBufferUniform::SoCpuBufferUniform (  ) 

Default constructor.

SoCpuBufferUniform::SoCpuBufferUniform ( const double  value,
SbDataType  valueType 


value Initial value of uniform buffer.
valueType Initial value type of uniform buffer.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool SoCpuBufferUniform::getMinMax ( double &  min,
double &  max 
) [virtual]

Get the min and max values in the buffer, if they are known.

Returns false if these values have not been set or computed. Returns true if values are available.

min user variable to store min value
max user variable to store max value

Implements SoBufferPropertiesInterface.

virtual size_t SoCpuBufferUniform::getRealSize (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the real size of the buffer in bytes.

Implements SoBufferPropertiesInterface.

virtual SbDataType SoCpuBufferUniform::getType (  )  const [virtual]

Get the type of the value of the uniform tile.

virtual double SoCpuBufferUniform::getValue (  )  const [virtual]

Get the value of the uniform tile.

virtual void* SoCpuBufferUniform::map ( AccessMode  accessMode  )  [virtual]

Returns a pointer to the memory array used for the storage of the buffer.

Pointer to the memory array used for the storage.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::map ( SoGLBufferObject targetBufferObject,
AccessMode  accessMode,
size_t  startPosition = 0,
size_t  mappingSize = SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL 
) [virtual]

Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.

See the general map method for more information.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::map ( SoCpuBufferObject targetBufferObject,
AccessMode  accessMode,
size_t  startPosition = 0,
size_t  mappingSize = SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL 
) [virtual]

Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.

See the general map method for more information.

Implements SoBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::map ( SoBufferObject targetBufferObject,
AccessMode  accessMode,
size_t  startPosition = 0,
size_t  mappingSize = SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL 
) [virtual]

Map the current buffer object into the specified buffer object.

It is useful in order to use a buffer in multiple contexts (e.g. OpenGL and CUDA).

targetBufferObject The buffer object which will be the mapped version of this buffer.
accessMode The access mode used for the mapping. Support only READ_ONLY mode
startPosition offset in source buffer to map from (default is start of buffer).
mappingSize size from the startPosition, if SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL then the whole buffer is mapped.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::memcpy ( SoBufferObject sourceBufferObject,
size_t  destOffset,
size_t  sourceOffset,
size_t  copySize 
) [virtual]

Memcpy the contents of sourceBufferObject into this buffer object.

Only copying the whole content of a UniformBufferObject to another UniformBufferObject is supported.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::memset ( void *  data,
size_t  dataSize = 1,
size_t  offset = 0,
size_t  count = SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL 
) [virtual]

This function sets the contents of (or a portion of) the buffer object to the specified value.

The dataSize parameter provides a way to do a memset with float, short, byte, etc values.

data A pointer to the value to set in the buffer.
dataSize The size in bytes of the data value. Default is 1 byte.
offset The offset in bytes (where to start setting values). Default is 0.
count The number of values to set. Default is number of bytes in buffer.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::setRealSize ( const size_t &  realSize  )  [virtual]

Set the real size of the buffer object in bytes.

virtual bool SoCpuBufferUniform::setSize ( size_t  size  )  [virtual]

Sets the size in bytes of the buffer object.

Returns false if allocation failed, true otherwise.

size The size in bytes of the raw buffer object.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

void SoCpuBufferUniform::setValue ( const double &  value,
const SbDataType dataType 

Set the value and data type for this uniform buffer.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::unmap (  )  [virtual]

Unmap a mapped buffer.

No error is reported if the buffer was not mapped.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::unmap ( SoBufferObject bufferObject  )  [virtual]

Remove the specified bufferObject from the list of buffers which map the current buffer.

If the access mode supports writing the specified buffer is sync'd with the buffer.

bufferObject Buffer to be unmapped.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::unmap ( SoGLBufferObject bufferObject  )  [virtual]

Unmap the specified GL buffer object
It is defined just to speed up the call when the type of the object is known.

If the access mode supports writing the specified buffer is sync'd with the buffer.

See the general unmap function for more information.

bufferObject Buffer to be unmapped.

Reimplemented from SoCpuBufferObject.

virtual void SoCpuBufferUniform::unmap ( SoCpuBufferObject bufferObject  )  [virtual]

Unmap the specified CPU buffer object
It is defined just to speed up the call when the type of the object is known.

Remove the specified bufferObject from the list of buffers which map the current buffer.

See the general unmap function for more information.

Implements SoBufferObject.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.