SoDualSceneCollider Class Reference

VSG extension Class to check for collisions between two scenes. More...

#include <Inventor/collision/SoDualSceneCollider.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SoDualSceneCollider ()
virtual ~SoDualSceneCollider ()
void setMovingScene (SoPath *object, int max_triangles_per_leaf=0)
void setStaticScene (SoPath *scene, int max_triangles_per_leaf=0)
void activate (SoTransform *transform)
virtual SbBool checkCollision () const
virtual SbBool searchNextIntersection () const
void setMinEdgeLength (double minEdgeLength)
double getMinEdgeLength () const
void enableMultiThread (bool enable)
bool isMultiThreadEnabled () const

Protected Member Functions

const SoPathgetCollidingStaticPath () const
const SoPathgetCollidingMovingPath () const
void getCollidingStaticTriangle (SbVec3f &v0, SbVec3f &v1, SbVec3f &v2) const
void getCollidingMovingTriangle (SbVec3f &v0, SbVec3f &v1, SbVec3f &v2) const
void getCommonPoints (SbVec3f &p0, SbVec3f &p1) const
virtual SbBool isSensitiveStaticObject (const SoPath *object_path) const
virtual SbBool isSensitiveMovingObject (const SoPath *object_path) const
virtual void staticTriangleListBuilt (int num_triangles) const
virtual void staticLeafBuilt (int num_triangles) const
virtual void movingTriangleListBuilt (int num_triangles) const
virtual void movingLeafBuilt (int num_triangles) const

Detailed Description

VSG extension Class to check for collisions between two scenes.

The SoDualSceneCollider class manages collisions, i.e., it checks the intersection of one scene with a second scene. Both scenes are tessellated into a list of triangles by using an SoCallbackAction and its addTriangleCallback method. An intersection occurs when a triangle of the first scene intersects a triangle of the second scene. For each pair of intersecting triangles some response methods are called. These response methods can be overridden, for instance,

The SoDualSceneCollider references a static scene and a moving scene (with two SoPaths) and a transformation (with an SoTransform). The user scene graph must be organized such that the transformation will affect the moving scene during traversal. The static scene is specified by the method setStaticScene and the moving scene by the method setMovingScene.

The SoDualSceneCollider references a scene by storing its triangle list (see SoCallbackAction) and by building a database as a tree. This database spatially organizes the list of triangles in order to optimize the number of triangle intersection tests. Note that the SoDualSceneCollider does not monitor the scene graph. Any modifications to the Open Inventor nodes in the static scene or the moving scene are not reflected in the internal tree database unless setMovingScene or setStaticScene are called again by the application.

However SoDualSceneCollider watches for any modification to the given transformation. Each time the transformation changes, an intersection test is done between the two scenes by automatically calling checkCollision(). This method searches for pairs of intersecting triangles in an optimal way. For each pair of intersecting triangles found, the Boolean method searchNextIntersection() is called. By default this method returns FALSE, but in most cases, it will be overridden. If it returns FALSE, the process of searching intersecting triangles is stopped and checkCollision() returns TRUE. If searchNextIntersection returns TRUE, the process continues to search other pairs of intersecting triangles. If searchNextIntersection always returns TRUE, all pairs of intersecting triangles will be found. If the two scenes do not collide, searchNextIntersection is never called and checkCollision returns FALSE. When searchNextIntersection is overridden, some methods can be called to get information about the current pair of intersecting triangles: getCollidingStaticPath(), getCollidingStaticTriangle(), getCollidingMovingPath(), getCollidingMovingTriangle(), and getCommonPoints().

In the static or moving scene, each internal node of the tree contains a bounding box while the leaf nodes contain triangles of the tessellation. The maximum number of triangles per leaf (max_triangles_per_leaf) is given as the second argument of the method setMovingScene and setStaticScene. Note how max_triangles_per_leaf affects the computation:

A compromise must be chosen between the initial time to build the tree (setMovingScene/setStaticScene) and the time to check the collisions.

Depending on the total number of triangles and the value of max_triangles_per_leaf, the execution of setMovingScene/setStaticScene can take several seconds. The methods staticTriangleListBuilt/movingTriangleListBuilt and staticLeafBuilt/movingLeafBuilt have been defined and can be overridden to implement, for instance, a progress bar. However, note that the methods staticLeafBuilt/movingLeafBuilt are not called in linear time.

Collision checking will be faster using multiple threads. See the enableMultiThread() method.

See related examples:

CollisionViewer, Dart, Intersections, ObjectMoving, DemoCollider, CountingIntersection

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoDualSceneCollider::SoDualSceneCollider (  ) 

Default constructor.

virtual SoDualSceneCollider::~SoDualSceneCollider (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void SoDualSceneCollider::activate ( SoTransform transform  ) 

Specifies the transformation that will be watched.

When the transformation changes, collision detection computations are started. transform is the transformation node to watch. If NULL, the collision are not checked.

virtual SbBool SoDualSceneCollider::checkCollision (  )  const [virtual]

Checks if the current moving scene collides with the static scene.

This method is automatically called when the transform node given to activate() is updated (or touched). Returns TRUE if the two scenes collide, FALSE otherwise.

void SoDualSceneCollider::enableMultiThread ( bool  enable  ) 

Use multiple threads to compute intersections.

This is faster when testing for collision against a large number of triangles. The computation will use the maximum number of threads supported on the processor.

IMPORTANT: When multithreaded computation is enabled, the searchNextIntersection(), is not necessarily called from the main thread. Therefore the code in searchNextIntersection() (and any methods called from it) must be thread-safe. As an example, GUI update calls outside the main thread are often not allowed.

Default is FALSE.

Since Open Inventor 9.6

const SoPath* SoDualSceneCollider::getCollidingMovingPath (  )  const [protected]

Returns the path in the moving scene of the current colliding shape.

This method could be called, for instance, by an overridden version of searchNextIntersection().

void SoDualSceneCollider::getCollidingMovingTriangle ( SbVec3f v0,
SbVec3f v1,
SbVec3f v2 
) const [protected]

Returns the coordinates of the current colliding triangle in the moving scene.

This method could be called, for instance, by an overridden version of searchNextIntersection().

const SoPath* SoDualSceneCollider::getCollidingStaticPath (  )  const [protected]

Returns the path in the static scene of the current colliding shape.

This method could be called, for instance, by an overridden version of searchNextIntersection().

void SoDualSceneCollider::getCollidingStaticTriangle ( SbVec3f v0,
SbVec3f v1,
SbVec3f v2 
) const [protected]

Returns the coordinates of the current colliding triangle in the static scene.

This method could be called, for instance, by an overridden version of searchNextIntersection().

void SoDualSceneCollider::getCommonPoints ( SbVec3f p0,
SbVec3f p1 
) const [protected]

Returns the coordinates of the two common points of the current pair of intersecting triangles.

This method could be called, for instance, by an overridden version of searchNextIntersection().

double SoDualSceneCollider::getMinEdgeLength (  )  const

Returns the minimum length of a triangle edge.

See also:
bool SoDualSceneCollider::isMultiThreadEnabled (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if multithreaded computation is enabled. Since Open Inventor 9.6

SbBool SoDualSceneCollider::isSensitiveMovingObject ( const SoPath object_path  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Tells if an object of the moving scene is sensitive to collision detection or not.

This method is called by setMovingScene() for each node found during the traversal. If it returns FALSE, the node is not inserted in the moving scene. By default it returns always TRUE and can be overridden by the application.

SbBool SoDualSceneCollider::isSensitiveStaticObject ( const SoPath object_path  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Tells if an object of the static scene is sensitive to collision detection or not.

This method is called by setStaticScene() for each node found during the traversal. If it returns FALSE, the node is not inserted in the static scene. By default it returns always TRUE and can be overridden by the application.

void SoDualSceneCollider::movingLeafBuilt ( int  num_triangles  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Method called by setMovingScene() when a new leaf is stored in the moving tree.

By default this method does nothing. But when it is overridden in a subclass, an application can use it, for instance, to modify the state of a progress bar. num_triangles is the number of triangles stored in the leaf. See movingTriangleListBuilt.

void SoDualSceneCollider::movingTriangleListBuilt ( int  num_triangles  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Method called by setMovingScene() when the list of triangles in the moving scene is built.

By default this method does nothing. But when it is overridden in a subclass, an application can use it, for instance, to start a progress bar. num_triangles is the total number of triangles found in the moving scene. See movingLeafBuilt.

virtual SbBool SoDualSceneCollider::searchNextIntersection (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Method called by checkCollision() for each pair of intersecting triangles found.

The method returns FALSE by default and may be overridden.

void SoDualSceneCollider::setMinEdgeLength ( double  minEdgeLength  ) 

Specifies the minimum length of a triangle edge.

Any triangle having an edge smaller than this minimum is not registered in the static and moving scene. This minimum length prevents the collider from having floating point precision errors which could lead to invalid detection of intersections.

minEdgeLength if < 0, no edges are checked and all triangles of the scene are registered. Default value is 1E-8.
void SoDualSceneCollider::setMovingScene ( SoPath object,
int  max_triangles_per_leaf = 0 

Specifies the scene that will be moved or transformed.

max_triangles_per_leaf is the maximum number of triangles stored in each leaf of the internal tree database representing the moving scene. If max_triangles_per_leaf is 0, a default maximum number is computed based on the total number of triangles in the moving scene.

void SoDualSceneCollider::setStaticScene ( SoPath scene,
int  max_triangles_per_leaf = 0 

Specifies the scene the moving scene is interacting with.

max_triangles_per_leaf is the maximum number of triangles stored in each leaf of the internal tree database representing the static scene If max_triangles_per_leaf is 0, a default maximum number is computed based on the total number of triangles in the static scene.

void SoDualSceneCollider::staticLeafBuilt ( int  num_triangles  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Method called by setStaticScene() when a new leaf is stored in the static tree.

By default this method does nothing. But when it is overridden in a subclass, an application can use it, for instance, to modify the state of a progress bar. num_triangles is the number of triangles stored in the leaf. See staticTriangleListBuilt.

void SoDualSceneCollider::staticTriangleListBuilt ( int  num_triangles  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Method called by setStaticScene() when the list of triangles in the static scene is built.

By default this method does nothing. But when it is overridden in a subclass, an application can use it, for instance, to start a progress bar. num_triangles is the total number of triangles found in the static scene. See staticLeafBuilt.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.