Your Open Inventor Development License entitles you to use the SDK to create and execute Open Inventor programs on the licensed machine. You may need an additional Run-Time license agreement with Thermo Fisher Scientific allowing you to redistribute the Open Inventor run-time.

A run-time license is required for Open Inventor and each Open Inventor extension that is used by your application. The steps involved in setting up a run-time license are listed in the Licensing section.

Note that runtime licenses cannot unlock Open Inventor SDK installations. Runtime licenses fail to unlock Open Inventor based applications when :

    • An Open Inventor SDK installer has been used on the system (no more required since OIV 9.1), or
    • One of the Open Inventor SDK directories doc, include (C++ only) or examples can be found on disk, or
    • Application is using OIV debug components

NOTE: If you have a master password agreement, other policies and practices apply relative to the disclosure and distribution of passwords. This information is provided in the materials that you receive with your master password.

The Open Inventor Java run-time located in the jre folder contains several JAR files implementing the Java part of the API and a C++ run-time of the native part. The JAR files are portable across platforms like any other Java component but the C++ run-time is platform dependent. Thus redistributing Open Inventor Java requires to build separate installers for each platform.

The following packages are included in the Open Inventor Java run-time:

    • OpenInventor.jar: Open Inventor java implementing the com.openinventor package
    • com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.jar: MeshViz Data Mapping package
    • com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.extractors.jar: MeshViz Extraction package
    • com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mesh.jar: MeshViz Mesh interfaces package

The jre/lib/ext folder can be copied as is for redistribution.

As you are not allowed to distribute the debug native libraries, only the jre/bin, jre/lib/amd64 and jre/lib/x86_64 folders can be redistributed. The property file located in the properties folder must also be redistributed.

OS dependant files

The Open Inventor run-time system is dependent on the operating system and the compiler version that Open Inventor was compiled with. Some of the required libraries are operating system dependent.

Open Inventor DLLs
The Run-Time License permits you to redistribute these files, which are necessary for an Open Inventor on Windows. Unless otherwise indicated, all of these files must be supplied.

NOTE: You are not allowed to distribute debug DLLs, e.g., InventorD.DLL.

    • Inventor.dll
    • InventorBase.dll
    • InventorGL.dll
    • InventorImage.dll
    • IvTbb.dll: TBB kernel library
    • IvTbbmalloc.dll: TBB malloc library
    • IvTbbmalloc_proxy.dll: TBB malloc proxy library
    • fei_boost_date_time-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_system-mt.dll
    • ScaleViz.dll
    • ScaleVizRemote.dll
    • fei.ImageAccess.dll

Note: the TBB libraries and entry points have been renamed to avoid conflicts with other versions used in customer applications.

Dynamically loaded DLLs
The DLLs prefixed with "IvDL" are dynamically loaded. Following files must be redistributed

    • IvDLBZlib.dll: Compression library (1)
    • IvDLZlib.dll: Compression library (2)
    • IvDLFreeType.dll: FreeType font support (3)
    • IvDLJpeg.dll: JPEG support (import/export) (4)
    • IvDLLm.dll: FLEXnet floating license support
    • IvDLPdf.dll: PDF/U3D support
    • IvDLProj4.dll: Cartographic projection support (5)
    • IvDLOpenAL32.dll: Spatial sound management (6)
    • IvDLALut.dll: Spatial sound management (7)
    • IvDLCSG.dll: CSG library

Note that your application can ask Open Inventor to load alternate versions of these DLLs. For this, you have to use the following environment variables (for matching please refer to the number in brackets in list above):


If you have chosen to use one or more alternate DLLs, be sure to distribute the alternate DLLs that your application needs.

In order for your user to use the Open Inventor DLLs, the directory containing these DLLs must be found in one of the following locations: the application directory, the current directory, the system directory, the Windows directory, %PATH%. The dynamically loaded DLLs are searched for in all the same places, plus %OIV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH%.

Import/Export file format DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application import one of the specific file format listed below. Notice that CATIA, STEP and IGES readers require a separate license.

    • CATIA, IGES, STEP import ++ (specific license)
    • DXF import
    • OpenFlight import
    • STL import/export
    • IvGenericFileReader.dll: Raster images & VolumeViz formats import

Cuda DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses an Open Inventor class that depends on CUDA.

    • InventorAlgorithms.dll
    • InventorCuda.dll: Only required if using CUDA optimization module
    • InventorCudaAlgorithms.dll: Only required if using CUDA optimization module

Following files must be redistributed if your application uses an Open Inventor class that depends on OpenCL.

    • InventorAlgorithms.dll
    • InventorCL.dll: Only required if using OpenCL optimization module
    • InventorCLAlgorithms.dll: Only required if using OpenCL optimization module

Win32 DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses Open Inventor on Windows.

    • InventorGui.dll
    • InventorR.dll
    • InventorWin.dll
    • InventorDialogs.dll
    • DialogVizWin.dll: Only required if record feature is activated in viewer(depends on DialogVizWin)

Following files must be redistributed if your application uses Open Inventor with Qt.

    • InventorGui.dll
    • InventorQt.dll
    • DialogVizQt.dll
    • ScaleViz.dll
    • Qt5Core.dll: Only required if using SoQt application
    • Qt5Gui.dll: Only required if using SoQt application
    • Qt5OpenGL.dll: Only required if using SoQt application
    • Qt5PrintSupport.dll: Only required if using SoQt application
    • Qt5Widgets.dll: Only required if using SoQt application
    • platforms/qminimal.dll
    • platforms/qwindowsd.dll

Following files must be redistributed if your application uses Open Inventor with Wx.

    • InventorGui.dll
    • InventorWx.dll: Only required if using SoWx application
    • ScaleViz.dll

Following files must be redistributed if your application uses Open Inventor with Microsoft's MFC.

    • Ivf.dll: Only required if making use of IVF MBCS application
    • IvfU.dll: Only required if making use of IVF UNICODE application Depends on WIN DLLs

DialogViz DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the Open Inventor DialogViz extension.

    • DialogVizWin.dll: Depends on Win
    • DialogVizQt.dll: Depends on Qt5

IvTune DLLs
Only required if you want access to IvTune from your application. IvTune requires the DLL (shared library) for FxViz, MeshViz XLM, ScaleViz, SolidViz, TerrainViz, and VolumeViz, as well as InvQt, InvGui and the Qt DLL for the version of Qt that was used to build IvTune. If you plan to allow IvTune to be launched from your application, then you must redistribute all of these files, even if they are not otherwise required by your application.

    • IvTune.dll
    • HardCopy.dll
    • IvTuneExtenderAPI.dll
    • IvtDefaults.dll
    • IvtTools.dll: Only required if using Open Inventor extension for  IvTune
    • IvtToolsLDM.dll: Only required if using VolumeViz/LDM extension for IvTune

About Qt DLLS
Some installations of Open Inventor include the DLL or library for Qt (Digia- Open Inventor is a licensed commercial Qt developer and this DLL is included to allow certain demonstration or example programs to run and is used by the ivTune program. This does not give you any rights (that you do not already have) to redistribute Qt.

VolumeViz Required DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the VolumeViz extension.

    • VolumeViz.dll
    • LDM.dll

MeshViz XLM Required DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the MeshViz XLM extension.

    • MeshVizDataMapping.dll
    • MeshVizExtractor.dll
    • MeshVizImpl.dll
    • IvTbb.dll

RemoteViz Required DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the RemoteViz extension.

    • RemoteVizServices.dll
    • RemoteVizClient.dll
    • fei_avcodec.dll
    • fei_avfilter.dll
    • fei_avformat.dll
    • fei_avutil.dll
    • fei_remoteViz_ffmpeg_codec.dll
    • fei_remoteViz_jpeg_codec.dll
    • fei_remoteViz_nvidia_video_codec.dll
    • fei_remoteViz_png_codec.dll
    • fei_swresample.dll
    • fei_swscale.dll
    • fei_boost_chrono-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_thread-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_random-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_signals-mt.dll

ImageViz Required DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the ImageViz extension (32 or 64 bits version depending on the used architecture):

    • ImageViz.DLL
    • LDM.dll
    • MeshVizExtractor.dll
    • IvTbb.dll
    • fei_proxy_AccessVisilib.dll
    • fei_proxy_Data.dll
    • fei_proxy_ippro51.dll
    • fei_proxy_LgSkeletonPolyg.dll
    • fei_proxy_porosity.dll
    • fei_proxy_Process.dll
    • fei_proxy_Reconstruction.dll
    • fei_proxy_ServiceHandler.dll
    • fei_proxy_VisilogAPI.dll
    • fei_proxy_VisilogIP.dll
    • fei_proxy_VisilogProxy.dll
    • fei_proxy_VlgUtil.dll
    • fei_proxy_vip_jero.dll
    • fei_proxy_vip_magn.dll
    • fei_proxy_vip_nabu.dll
    • fei_boost_chrono-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_thread-mt.dll
    • fei_boost_filesystem-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_chrono-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_context-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_date_time-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_filesystem-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_iostreams-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_program_options-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_regex-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_system-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_boost_thread-mt.dll
    • fei_proxy_tbb.dll

HardCopy Required DLLS
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the HardCopy extension:

    • HardCopy.dll
    • HardCopyWin.dll
    • hpdf.dll
    • IFXCore.dll
    • Plugins\IFXExporting.dll
    • Plugins\IFXScheduling.dll

ScaleViz Required DLL
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses ScaleViz in a multipipe quadroplex context.

    • ScaleVizWin.dll: Only required if application makes use of Cluster Mode
    • ScaleVizQt.dll: Only required if SoQt application makes use of Cluster Mode
    • ClusterCom-base.dll: Only required if application makes use of Cluster Mode
    • ClusterCom-local.dll: Only required if application makes use of Cluster Mode
    • ClusterCom-mpi.dll: Only required if application makes use of Cluster Mode
    • complex1.6.dll: NVidia Complex library

MeshViz Required DLL
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the (classic) MeshViz extension.

    • MeshViz.dll
    • MeshVizWin.dll

Legacy extensions Required DLLs
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses DirectViz or other legacy extension:

    • DirectViz.dll
    • DirectVizShaders.dll
    • DirectVizQt.dll
    • DirectVizWin.dll
    • OpenRTClient.exe: OpenRT client
    • libmmd.dll: Intel Compiler 11 library
    • libOpenRT.dll: OpenRTRT kernel library
    • libRTX.dll: OpenRTRT shaders library
    • pthreadVCE2.dll (32 bits ): Threading library (32 bits)
    • pthreadVC.dll (64 bits ): Threading library (64 bits)
    • FXViz.dll: Only required if using FXViz application
    • SolidViz.dll: Only required if using SolidViz application
    • TerrainViz.dll: Only required if using TerrainViz application
    • TerrainVizWin.dll: Only required if using TerrainViz application

Other Required DLLs
The following Microsoft files are required by Open Inventor 9.9 depending on which version of Visual C++ you are using:

    • Visual Studio 2017We recommend to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable. (vcredist_xXX.exe available in the directory arch-Windows-xXX-msvc14-Release\bin)
      • MSVCP140.dll: Always required
      • VCRUNTIME140.dll: Always required
      • VCOMP140.dll: Always required
      • CONCRT140.dll: Always required
    • Visual Studio 2015We recommend to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Update 14.0.23026 Redistributable. (vcredist_xXX.exe available in the directory arch-Windows-xXX-msvc14-Release\bin)
      • MSVCP140.dll: Always required
      • VCRUNTIME140.dll: Always required
      • VCOMP140.dll: Always required
      • CONCRT140.dll: Always required
    • Visual Studio 2013:  We recommend to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Update 1 Redistributable. (vcredist_xXX.exe available in the directory arch-Windows-xXX-msvc12-Release\bin)
      • MSVCR120.dll: Always required
      • MSVCP120.dll: Always required
      • VCOMP120.dll: Always required
      • MFC120.dll: Only required if IVF application
    • Visual Studio 2012: We recommend to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Redistributable. (vcredist_xXX.exe available in the directory arch-Windows-xXX-msvc11-Release\bin)
      • MSVCR110.dll: Always required
      • MSVCP110.dll: Always required
      • VCOMP110.dll: Always required
      • MFC110.dll: Only required if IVF application

If you are distributing your application on non-English (US) based versions of Microsoft Windows, you may need to distribute MSVCIRT.dll as well.

NOTE: You should always test your product distribution on a system that has Windows (and *only* Windows) installed. If software other than Windows (e.g., Microsoft Office) has been installed on the test system, there may be DLLs present on the system that would not otherwise be present. You could be misled into thinking that your distribution supplies all the necessary DLLs when in fact it doesn't.

You can use the "depends" tool to determine what DLLs are required to run your appliation. A GUI version of this tool is included with Visual Studio, and a command-line version can be found on the internet.

The Open Inventor .NETrun-time located in the assemblies folder contains several assemblies implementing the .NET part of the API and a C++ run-time of the native part. The following packages are included in the Open Inventor .NET run-time:

  • OIV.DirectViz: DirectViz assembly
  • OIV.FxViz: FxViz assembly
  • OIV.HardCopy: HardCopy assembly
  • OIV.ImageViz: ImageViz assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.Algorithms: Open Inventor Algorithms assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.Base: Open Inventor Base assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.Cuda: Open Inventor Cuda assembly
  • OIV.Inventor: Open Inventor kernel assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.GL: Open Inventor GL assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD: CAD file format readers
  • OIV.Inventor.IO.STL: STL file format reader
  • OIV.Inventor.OpenCL: Inventor OpenCL assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.SbLinear & OIV.Inventor.SbLinear.compat: Open Inventor SbLinear assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents: Viewer components assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.wpf: Viewer components for WPF assembly
  • SoWin viewer assembly
  • OIV.Inventor.wpf & OIV.InventorToWpf: WPF specific assembly
  • OIV.IvTune: IvTune assembly
  • OIV.LDM: LDM assembly
  • OIV.Medical: Open Inventor Medical utility assembly
  • OIV.MeshViz: MeshViz assembly
  • OIV.MeshVizXLM.Extractors: MeshVizXLM extractors assembly
  • OIV.MeshVizXLM.Mapping: MeshVizXLM mapping assembly
  • OIV.MeshVizXLM.Mesh: MeshVizXLM meshassembly
  • OIV.RemoteViz: RemoteViz assembly
  • OIV.RemoteViz.Client: RemoteViz Client assembly
  • OIV.ScaleViz.dll: ScaleViz assembly
  • OIV.SolidViz.dll: SolidViz assembly
  • OIV.VolumeViz: VolumeViz assembly

The assemblies folder contains Debug and Release subfolder. They can be copied as is for redistribution if needed.

The Open Inventor run-time system is dependent on the compiler version and the operating system the Open Inventor release was compiled with. Some of required system libraries are operating system dependent.

Open Inventor Libraries
The Runtime License permits you to redistribute these files, which are necessary for an Open Inventor Linux platform runtime distribution:

    • libInventor.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorGui.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorBase.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorImage.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorGL.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorXt.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorAlgorithms.dylib: version 9.9
    • libInventorDialogs.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if record feature is activated in viewer)
    • libInventorCuda.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using CUDA optimization module)
    • libInventorCudaAlgorithms.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using CUDA optimization module)
    • libInventorCL.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using OpenCL optimization module)
    • libInventorCLAlgorithms.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using OpenCL optimization module)
    • libScaleViz.dylib: version 9.9
    • libScaleVizRemote.dylib: version 9.9
    • libDirectViz.dylib: version 9.9
    • libDialogVizXt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required on Linux platform)
    • libDialogVizQt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DialogViz application)
    • libDirectVizQt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DialogViz application using Qt 5.x)
    • libDirectVizShaders.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DirectViz application, see below for more information)
    • libDirectVizXt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DirectViz application)
    • libScaleVizXt.dylib: version 9.9  (Only required if DirectViz application)
    • libScaleVizQt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DirectViz application)
    • libClusterCom-base.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DirectViz application)
    • libClusterCom-local.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if DirectViz application)
    • libHardCopy.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if HardCopy application)
    • libHardCopyXt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if HardCopy application)
    • libFXViz.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if FXViz application)
    • libInventorWx.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if SoWx application)
    • libInventorQt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if SoQt application using Qt 5.x)
    • libSolidViz.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if SolidViz application)
    • libTerrainViz.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if TerrainViz application)
    • libTerrainVizXt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if TerrainViz application)
    • libVolumeViz.dylib: version 9.9(Only required if VolumeViz application)
    • libLDM.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if VolumeViz/LDM application)
    • libMeshViz.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if MeshViz application)
    • libMeshVizXt.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if MeshViz application)
    • libMeshVizDataMapping.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if MeshViz XLM application)
    • libMeshVizExtractor.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if MeshViz XLM application)
    • libMeshVizImpl.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if MeshViz XLM application)

ImageViz Required Libraries
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the ImageViz extension:

    • libImageViz.dylib
    • libLDM.dylib
    • libMeshVizExtractor.dylib
    • libIvTbb.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_ImageAccess.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_AccessVisilib.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_Data.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_ippro51.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_LgSkeletonPolyg.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_porosity.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_Process.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_Reconstruction.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_ServiceHandler.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_VisilogAPI.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_VisilogIP.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_VisilogProxy.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_VlgUtil.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_vip_magn.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_vip_jero.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_vip_nabu.dylib
    • libfei_boost_chrono-mt.dylib
    • libfei_boost_thread-mt.dylib
    • libfei_boost_filesystem-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_chrono-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_context-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_date_time-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_filesystem-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_iostreams-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_program_options-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_regex-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_system-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_boost_thread-mt.dylib
    • libfei_proxy_tbb.dylib

IvTune Libraries
Only required if you want access to IvTune from your application. IvTune requires the shared library for FxViz, MeshViz XLM, ScaleViz, SolidViz, TerrainViz, and VolumeViz, as well as libInventorQt, libInventorGui and the Qt shared library for the version of Qt that was used to build IvTune. If you plan to allow IvTune to be launched from your application, then you must redistribute all of these files, even if they are not otherwise required by your application.

    • libIvTune.dylib: version 9.9
    • libIvTuneExtenderAPI.dylib: version 9.9
    • libIvtDefault.dylib: version 9.9
    • libqwt.dylib.5.2.0: version 9.9
    • libIvtTools.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using Open Inventor extension for  IvTune)
    • libIvtToolsLDM.dylib: version 9.9 (Only required if using VolumeViz/LDM extension for IvTune)

Import file format Libraries
Following files must be redistributed if your application imports one of the specific file formats listed below. Notice that CATIA, STEP and IGES readers require a separate license.

    • libIvAcisReader.dylib: CATIA, IGES, STEP import
    • libIvDxfReader.dylib: DXF import
    • libIvFltReader.dylib: OpenFlight import
    • libIvStlReader.dylib: STL import
    • libIvGenericFileReader.dylib: Raster images & VolumeViz formats import

Dynamically loaded Libraries
The libraries prefixed with "IvDL" are dynamically loaded. Following files must be redistributed. 

    • libIvDLBZlib.dylib: Compression library (1)
    • libIvDLFreetype.dylib: FreeType support (2)
    • libIvDLJpeg.dylib: JPEG support (import/export) (3)
    • libIvDLLm.dylib: FLEXnet floating license support
    • libIvDLPdf.dylib: PDF 3D support
    • libIvDLProj4.dylib: Cartographic projection support (4)
    • libIvDLZlib.dylib: Compression library (5)
    • libIvDLCSG.dylib: CSG library

These files are normally installed in the /lib directory. Unless otherwise indicated, all of these files must be supplied. Your application can tell Open Inventor to load alternate libraries using the following environment variables:


If you have chosen to use one or more alternate libraries, be sure to distribute the alternate libraries that your application needs.

Note that in order for your user to use the Inventor libraries, they need to be in a directory whose path is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The dynamically loaded libraries are searched for in the following locations: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $OIV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Qt Libraries
Some installations of Open Inventor include libraries for Qt (Nokia - FEI is a licensed commercial Qt developer and this lib is included to allow certain demonstration or example programs to run and is used by the ivTune program. This does not give you any rights (that you do not already have) to redistribute Qt.

Following files must be redistributed if your application uses Qt features:

    • libQt5Core.dylib
    • libQt5Gui.dylib
    • libQt5OpenGL.dylib
    • libQt5Widgets.dylib
    • libQt5PrintSupport.dylib
    • libQt5Xml.dylib
    • libQt5X11Extras.dylib
    • platforms/libqlinuxfb.dylib
    • platforms/libqminimal.dylib
    • platforms/libqoffscreen.dylib
    • platforms/libqxcb.dylib
    • xcbglintegrations/libqxcb-glx_integration.dylib

Boost libraries
Please find below the files you have to redistribute depending on the modules used by your application.

    • libfei_boost_date_time-mt.dylib:  Open Inventor / RemoteViz / ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_system-mt.dylib: Open Inventor / RemoteViz / ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_chrono-mt.dylib: RemoteViz / ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_thread-mt.dylib:  RemoteViz / ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_filesystem-mt.dylib: ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_iostreams-mt.dylib: ImageViz
    • libfei_boost_regex-mt.dylib: ImageViz

RemoteViz Required Librairies
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses the RemoteViz extension.

    • libRemoteVizServices.dylib
    • libRemoteVizClient.dylib
    • libfei_avcodec.dylib
    • libfei_avfilter.dylib
    • libfei_avformat.dylib
    • libfei_avutil.dylib
    • libfei_remoteViz_ffmpeg_codec.dylib
    • libfei_remoteViz_jpeg_codec.dylib
    • libfei_remoteViz_nvidia_video_codec.dylib
    • libfei_remoteViz_png_codec.dylib
    • libfei_swresample.dylib
    • libfei_swscale.dylib
    • libfei_boost_chrono-mt.dylib
    • libfei_boost_thread-mt.dylib
    • libfei_boost_random-mt.dylib
    • libfei_boost_signals-mt.dylib

TBB Required Libraries
Following files must be redistributed if your application uses MeshViz XLM:

    • libIvTbb.dylib: tbb kernel library
    • libIvTbbmalloc.dylib: tbb malloc library

ScaleViz Files
If your application is a cluster-enabled application, you must distribute following files:

    • The Open Inventor Render Unit (OIRU). Its file name is oiru.exe on Windows and oiru on UNIX and OS X.
    • The ScaleViz daemon/service program named scalevizd.exe on Windows and scalevizd on UNIX and OS X.
    • For each ScaleViz communication layer you want to provide, you should distribute the corresponding
      - launch-.bat (windows) or (UNIX/OS X)
      - ClusterCom-.DLL (windows) or (UNIX/OS X) communication library file.
      Important note: If the communication layer library has other dependencies like MPI, do not forget to distribute them too (mpiexec, libmpi ...)

You will also need to distribute a selection of configuration files and appropriate instructions so that the user can select the one that is appropriate for his/her cluster configuration.

Note that whether your application is cluster-enabled or not, you will need to distribute the ScaleViz shared library as indicated previously.

WARNING: IvTune Access to Scene Graph
By default, a user can launch IvTune from any Open Inventor viewer with a shortcut keyboards buttons (SHIFT+F12 by default). IvTune allows the user to view the scene graph contents and even modify them. To protect your application's scene graph, we recommend disabling this feature when redistributing your application. The most secure method is to disable IvTune access programmatically, either by calling


or by calling


Open Inventor Font Files
If your application uses the Open Inventor stroke fonts (/data/fonts), you may distribute the font files used by your application. Open Inventor looks for stroke font files in the directory specified by environment variable OIV_STROKE_FONT_PATH.

Dragger Geometry Files
If your application uses draggers that you have customized by supplying modified dragger geometry files, you will need to supply these modified dragger geometry files to your customers. Open Inventor looks for dragger geometry files in the directory specified by environment variable SO_DRAGGER_DIR.

It is NOT necessary to distribute the standard dragger geometry files because the default dragger geometry is already compiled into the Open Inventor libraires. You may also choose to compile custom dragger geometry into your application.

Material Palette Files
If you anticipate that your customer will use the Material Palette (which is part of the standard Material Editor), you may wish to distribute the materials used by the Material Palette:


On Windows, Open Inventor searches for the materials in the directory specified by the following system registry item:

      Shared Resources

On UNIX, Open Inventor searches for the materials in the following locations:

    • /usr/share/data/material
    • the path specified by environment variable OIV_MATERIALS_PATH

Help File
The standard Open Inventor viewers have a "?" button on the right side used for accessing a help file. If you want to use this button to provide useful information to your end users, you will need to create a help file containing information specific to your application, and then tell the Inventor viewer to display your help file when the "?" button is pressed. See SoWinComponent or SoQtComponent for details. Be sure to include your custom help file when distributing your application.