VolumeViz/vvizGetData_frag.h File Reference

This file contains method to redifing when using the GET_DATA_FUNCTION slot. More...

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#define VVizDefaultData   VVIZ_DATATYPE(0.0)


VVIZ_DATATYPE VVizGetData (in VVizDataSetId dataset, in vec3 dataCoord)
VVIZ_DATATYPE VVizGetRawData (in VVizDataSetId dataset, in vec3 dataCoord)

Detailed Description

This file contains method to redifing when using the GET_DATA_FUNCTION slot.

Definition in file vvizGetData_frag.h.

Define Documentation

#define VVizDefaultData   VVIZ_DATATYPE(0.0)

Default voxel value returned by VolumeViz shaders when no data is available.

Function Documentation

VVIZ_DATATYPE VVizGetData ( in VVizDataSetId  dataset,
in vec3  dataCoord 

SoVolumeShader::GET_DATA_FUNCTION function.

Applications can replace this method to customize the SoVolumeShader::GET_DATA_FUNCTION shader stage.

NOTE: On the GPU, voxel values are always returned as a normalized value in the range 0..1. If the actual voxel value is needed, the shader function must compute that value using the current data range (see SoDataRange). The application must explicitly pass the current data range to the shader function as a uniform parameter.

dataset The dataset to read
dataCoord Uniform data coordinates in volume space.
voxel data value.
VVIZ_DATATYPE VVizGetRawData ( in VVizDataSetId  dataset,
in vec3  dataCoord 

Default SoVolumeShader::GET_DATA_FUNCTION function.

Method to access dataset, that can be used by VVizGetData custom implementation. It may apply different interpolation (linear, cubix, trilinear, multi-sample12) depending on SoVolumeRenderingQuality and SoVolumeRender nodes setup.

NOTE: On the GPU, voxel values are always returned as a normalized value in the range 0..1. If the actual voxel value is needed, the shader function must compute that value using the current data range (see SoDataRange). The application must explicitly pass the current data range to the shader function as a uniform parameter.

dataset The dataset to read
dataCoord uniform data coordinates in volume space.
voxel data value

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.