Volume Mesh

MeshViz This example shows how to do MeshViz XLM rendering, including isosurfaces, using a regular volume mesh and a VolumeViz LDM data set as the scalar data set.

As a result it also shows how to implement a custom scalar data source using the MiScalardSetIjk interface and data that is stored in a completely different format (VolumeViz LDM tiled data).

VolumeViz is an effective, and very efficient, way to render a regular or rectilinear scalar data set using slices and/or direct volume rendering. However for some data sets, particularly medical and NDT, it is important to be able to use isosurfaces and other mesh rendering techniques. VolumeViz can render an isosurface using GPU shader programs and interactively change the iso-value. But this isosurface capability has limitations. It is not possible, for example to: extract the isosurface as geometry, to color the surface with another data set, etc. Since Open Inventor 7.2 release with MeshViz XLM this problem for C++ applications is solved.

With previous versions of MeshViz it was not possible to use a VolumeViz volume as a data set without making a complete copy of the data and converting to "float" data type. This was impractical because of the time required and/or the memory required. Now with MeshViz XLM we are able to access almost any data source without copying the data.




MoMesh, MoMeshViz, MoScalarSetIjk, MbVolumeMeshRegular, MoMeshIsosurface, MoMeshPlaneSlice, MoMeshLogicalSlice, MoMeshInterpolatedLogicalSlice, MoPredefinedColorMapping


Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.