MyVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk - Template file for 3D grid of hexahedrons implementation.
Header file including all required classes to define a 3D grid of hexahedrons with its associated scalar and vector sets.
Intended to help implement simple mesh. Just fill up the empty methods of the following classes (search for @ADD YOUR CODE HERE):
MyTopologyIjk : volume topology template.
MyGeometryHexahedronIjk : geometry template.
MyScalarSetIjk : scalar set template.
MyVectorSetIjk : vector set template.
Hint: some should inherit both from MeshViz interfaces and the user's application data classes.
- Note:
- Nonmandatory methods are marked as optional.
For advanced implementations, refer to the See Also Section.
MeshVizXLM/mesh/templates/MyVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk .h
MiVolumeMeshVertexHexahedronIjk, MiTopologyIjk, MiGeometryHexahedronIjk, MiDataSetIjk