HelloCone example using H264 encoding.
This demo requires an NVIDIA GPU Kepler or higher and CUDA Toolkit 9.2.
This example shows you how to enable H264 encoding in a RemoteViz application. It displays a gray cone.
Run the demo:
1. Go to "OIVHOME/examples/bin/OIVARCH/RemoteViz" and run the executable "RemoteVizHelloConeH264RenderingService".
2. Go to "OIVHOME/examples/source/RemoteViz/HelloConeH264/Clients/HTML5" and open the "index.html" file inside a web browser.
Note: In this example, the RemoteViz service uses the localhost IP address ( by default. To run it on a web server, start the demo by passing the service IP address and port as arguments (ex : RemoteVizHelloConeH264RenderingService 8082) and edit the file "index.html" (client side) to modify the IP address and the port.
Note Regarding Google Chrome users: By default, Google Chrome blocks the loading of HTML5 local files using Media Source Extension for security reasons. In this case, the demo has to be launched using a web server.