H264 codec example

HelloCone example using H264 encoding.

This demo requires an NVIDIA GPU Kepler or higher and CUDA Toolkit 9.2.

This example shows you how to enable H264 encoding in a RemoteViz application. It displays a gray cone.

Run the demo:

1. Go to "OIVHOME/examples/bin/OIVARCH/RemoteViz" and run the executable "RemoteVizHelloConeH264RenderingService".

2. Go to "OIVHOME/examples/source/RemoteViz/HelloConeH264/Clients/HTML5" and open the "index.html" file inside a web browser.

Note: In this example, the RemoteViz service uses the localhost IP address ( by default. To run it on a web server, start the demo by passing the service IP address and port as arguments (ex : RemoteVizHelloConeH264RenderingService 8082) and edit the file "index.html" (client side) to modify the IP address and the port.

Note Regarding Google Chrome users: By default, Google Chrome blocks the loading of HTML5 local files using Media Source Extension for security reasons. In this case, the demo has to be launched using a web server.



Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.