

class  SoCenterballDragger
 Striped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoDirectionalLightDragger
 Directional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoDragger
 Base class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events. More...
class  SoDragPointDragger
 Object you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoEllipsoidDragger
 Ellipsoid you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoHandleBoxDragger
 Box you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoJackDragger
 Jack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoPointLightDragger
 Sun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoRotateCylindricalDragger
 Object you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoRotateDiscDragger
 Object you can rotate like a knob by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoRotateSphericalDragger
 Object you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoScale1Dragger
 Object you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoScale2Dragger
 Object you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoScale2UniformDragger
 Object you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoScaleUniformDragger
 Object you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoSpotLightDragger
 Spotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam. More...
class  SoTabBoxDragger
 Cubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTabPlaneDragger
 Object you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTrackballDragger
 Striped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTransformBoxDragger
 Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTransformerDragger
 Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTranslate1Dragger
 Object you can translate along a line by dragging with the mouse. More...
class  SoTranslate2Dragger
 Object you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse. More...

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.