Large Model

Large Model Visualization. More...


class  SoGlobalSimplifyAction
  VSG extension Traverses the scene graph and collects all the triangles in a single list. More...
class  SoReorganizeAction
  VSG extension Reorganizes the scene graph by grouping shapes with common properties, then groups these shapes in a single shape and runs the simplifier on it. More...
class  SoShapeSimplifyAction
  VSG extension Simplify action that replaces shapes within a scene graph with versions that contain fewer triangles. More...
class  SoLevelOfSimplification
  VSG extension Level-of-detail switching node designed for grouping simplified versions of the same shape. More...
class  SoOcclusionCulling
  VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that performs an OpenGL-based occlusion culling test on its list of render objects. More...
class  SoOctreeOrdering
  VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that maintains a transparent octree organization of the shapes below it. More...
class  SoRenderList
  VSG extension Abstract group node that changes traversal from the scene graph to a list of render objects. More...
class  SoValueOrdering
  VSG extension Group node derived from SoRenderList that alters the decimation of shapes below it depending on their rendering value as approximated by their size on the screen. More...
class  SoDecimator
  VSG extension Encapsulates an algorithm for simplifying shapes through mesh decimation. More...
class  SoSimplifier
  VSG extension Abstract base class for objects that encapsulate simplification algorithms. More...

Detailed Description

Large Model Visualization.

Open Inventor and Large Model Visualization (LMV) -- The Solution for Large Model Visualization

In order to visualize graphics quickly, we have to be clever in choosing which primitives we feed to the graphics pipeline. The demand for increasingly complex 3D graphics models is growing faster than graphics workstation hardware can keep up. The only solution left is to find ways to represent models and scenes with fewer graphics primitives, and to send only the needed primitives to the graphics pipeline.

Since Open Inventor 2.4, there have been techniques to enhance large model visualization with view frustum culling and caching mechanisms and levels of detail. Starting with Open Inventor 2.5, we have gone further and added new techniques for visualization of large models and assemblies, as described below.

Geometry Simplification


Simplify Actions

Adaptive Viewing

RenderList Node, ValueOrdering, OctreeOrdering

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.