SoPath Member List

This is the complete list of members for SoPath, including all inherited members.

Variables | Functions | Enumerations | Enumerator | Typedefs

Variablesdefined in
Functionsdefined in
append(int childIndex)SoPath
append(SoNode *childNode)SoPath
append(const SoPath *fromPath)SoPath
containsNode(const SoNode *node) const SoPath
containsNode(const SoType type) const SoPath
containsPath(const SoPath *path) const SoPath
copy(int startFromNodeIndex=0, int numNodes=0) const SoPath
findFork(const SoPath *path) const SoPath
getByName(const SbName &name)SoPath [static]
getByName(const SbName &name, SoPathList &list)SoPath [static]
getClassTypeId()SoPath [static]
getEXTERNPROTO(const SbName &name)SoBase [static]
getHead() const SoPath [inline]
getIndex(int i) const SoPath
getIndexFromTail(int i) const SoPath
getInstanceIndex(int i) const SoPath
getInstanceIndexFromTail(int i) const SoPath
getLength() const SoPath
getName() const SoBase [virtual]
getNode(int i) const SoPath
getNode(const SoType type, int &i) const SoPath
getNodeFromTail(int i) const SoPath
getPROTO(const SbName &name)SoBase [static]
getRefCount() const SoRefCounter [inline]
getTail() const SoPath
getTypeId() const SoPath [virtual]
isOfType(const SoType &type) const SoTypedObject [inline]
isSynchronizable() const SoBase [inline]
lock() const SoRefCounter [inline]
push(int childIndex)SoPath
ref() const SoRefCounter
setHead(SoNode *node)SoPath
setName(const SbName &name)SoBase [virtual]
setSynchronizable(const bool b)SoBase [inline]
SoPath(int approxLength)SoPath
SoPath(SoNode *node)SoPath
touch()SoBase [inline, virtual]
truncate(int start)SoPath
unlock() const SoRefCounter [inline]
unref() const SoRefCounter
unrefNoDelete() const SoRefCounter
Enumerationsdefined in
Enumeratordefined in
Typedefsdefined in

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.