SoGLTextureImage3Element Member List

This is the complete list of members for SoGLTextureImage3Element, including all inherited members.

Variables | Functions | Enumerations | Enumerator | Typedefs

Variablesdefined in
Functionsdefined in
containsTransparency(SoState *state, int unit=0)SoTextureImage3Element [static]
get(SoState *state, SbVec3s &size, int &numComponents, int &wrapS, int &wrapT, int &wrapR, int &model, SbColor &blendColor, int unit=0)SoTextureImage3Element [static]
getClassStackIndex()SoGLTextureImage3Element [static]
getClassTypeId()SoGLTextureImage3Element [static]
getDefault(SbVec3s &s, int &nc)SoTextureImage3Element [static]
getTypeId() const SoElement [inline, virtual]
isOfType(const SoType &type) const SoTypedObject [inline]
pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)SoGLTextureImage3Element [virtual]
SoTextureImage3Element::pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)SoElement [virtual]
print(FILE *fp) const SoTextureImageElementBase [virtual]
push(SoState *state)SoGLTextureImage3Element [virtual]
set(SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbVec3s &s, int nc, const unsigned char *bytes, SoBufferObject *bufferObject, GLint GLInternalFormat, float texQuality, int wrapS, int wrapT, int wrapR, int model, const SbColor &blendColor, float _maxAnisotropy, SbBool _enableBorder, const SbVec4f &_borderColor, SoGLDisplayList *list, SbBool enableCompressedTexture)SoGLTextureImage3Element [static]
set(SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbVec3s &subSize, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, const unsigned char *bytes, int texname)SoGLTextureImage3Element [static]
SoTextureImage3Element::set(SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbVec3s &size, int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, SoBufferObject *bufferObject, GLint GLInternalFormat, int wrapS, int wrapT, int wrapR, int model, const SbColor &blendColor, float maxAnisotropy, SbBool enableBorder, const SbVec4f &borderColor)SoTextureImage3Element [static]
setFilter(SoState *state, SoNode *node, int _minFilter, int _magFilter)SoGLTextureImage3Element [static]
Enumerationsdefined in
Target enum nameSoTextureImageElementBase
Enumeratordefined in
TEXTURE2D enum valueSoTextureImageElementBase
TEXTURECUBEMAP enum valueSoTextureImageElementBase
Typedefsdefined in

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 22 Jan 2025
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.