00001 /*======================================================================= 00002 * Copyright 1991-1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc. 00003 * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 00004 * 00005 * UNPUBLISHED -- Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United 00006 * States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not 00007 * imply publication or disclosure. 00008 * 00009 * U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: 00010 * Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions 00011 * as set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights 00012 * in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or 00013 * in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or the DOD or NASA FAR 00014 * Supplement. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 00015 * 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. 00016 * 00017 * THE CONTENT OF THIS WORK CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY 00018 * INFORMATION OF SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. ANY DUPLICATION, MODIFICATION, 00019 * DISTRIBUTION, OR DISCLOSURE IN ANY FORM, IN WHOLE, OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY 00020 * PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SILICON 00021 * GRAPHICS, INC. 00022 **=======================================================================*/ 00023 /*======================================================================= 00024 ** Author : Paul S. Strauss (MMM yyyy) 00025 **=======================================================================*/ 00026 /*======================================================================= 00027 *** THE CONTENT OF THIS WORK IS PROPRIETARY TO FEI S.A.S, (FEI S.A.S.), *** 00028 *** AND IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER A LICENSE AGREEMENT. *** 00029 *** *** 00030 *** REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OTHER THAN AS *** 00031 *** SPECIFIED IN THE LICENSE ARE NOT TO BE UNDERTAKEN EXCEPT WITH PRIOR *** 00032 *** WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF FEI S.A.S. *** 00033 *** *** 00034 *** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND *** 00035 *** USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CONTENT OF THIS *** 00036 *** WORK OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN *** 00037 *** SUBPARAGRAPH (C)(1) OF THE COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE RESTRICTED RIGHT *** 00038 *** CLAUSE AT FAR 52.227-19 OR SUBPARAGRAPH (C)(1)(II) OF THE RIGHTS IN *** 00039 *** TECHNICAL DATA AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLAUSE AT DFARS 52.227-7013. *** 00040 *** *** 00041 *** COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2020 BY FEI S.A.S, *** 00042 *** BORDEAUX, FRANCE *** 00043 *** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED *** 00044 **=======================================================================*/ 00045 /*======================================================================= 00046 ** Modified by : VSG (MMM YYYY) 00047 **=======================================================================*/ 00064 #ifndef _SO_MF_ULONG_ 00065 #define _SO_MF_ULONG_ 00066 00067 #ifndef IV_STRICT 00068 #include <Inventor/fields/SoMFUInt32.h> 00069 00070 typedef SoMFUInt32 SoMFULong; 00071 00072 #else 00073 00074 Error. SoMFULong invalid with -DIV_STRICT. See <Inventor/fields/SoMFULong.h> 00075 ------ 00076 Inventor now provides So*Int32 types in place of So*Long types to simplify 00077 porting to other architectures and operating systems. 00078 00079 You should use SoMFUInt32 in place of SoMFULong and also change longs in your 00080 code to the appropriate sized typedef from <SbTypes.h>. The perl script 00081 /usr/sbin/longToInt32 can assist you making this transition. Note that not 00082 all longs should be changed as some are determined by other system include 00083 files. 00084 _____________________________________________________________________________ 00085 00086 #endif /* IV_STRICT */ 00087 00088 #endif /* _SO_MF_ULONG_ */ 00089 00090